Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 22: Huaiyang (middle)


The wind is blowing in the ears, and the summer insects are humming.

I was waiting for Pei Qian to speak, but he just looked at me. After a long while, he smiled helplessly: "I was wondering how to start, but you brought it up instead."

Feeling touched by something, I stared at him.

"Sit and listen or stand and listen? This is not a short story." Pei Qian patted the stone steps beside him, and after a while, he took off his coat and spread it on the stone steps.

I frowned: "No need for your clothes mat..."

Pei Qian squinted, and suddenly swallowed back the words on my lips.

When I sat down on the steps covered with coats, I was not without depression. After so many years, how could I still be so habitually blocked by his eyes.

"Today I went after you specially." Pei Qian said without detour, "Meng Jing wrote last month, saying that you would come to Huainan. I don't know when you will come, but I have been waiting for you. I have something to go at the beginning of the month." After arriving in Yangzhou, I only found out that you were on the way a few days ago, so I hurried back." He breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes glowed warmly, "Fortunately, there was no delay."

He didn't deny that he knew Wei Tan, but when he told the whole story, I couldn't describe my feeling in surprise.

Pei Qian has practiced sword since childhood. Although he is famous for his literary talents, he has always been interested in martial arts.

I know this, but I don't know that Pei Qian also signed up when the late emperor promoted the young Habayashiro among the officials' children.

He not only kept this from me, but also from his family. On the day of the teaching field competition, he specially drew thick eyebrows and put on a fake beard on his face so that people could not recognize him.

In the first few rounds of the competition, Pei Qian went very well, but in the last round to pass, he lost.

The one who defeated him was Wei Tan.

The battle was fierce. Although Pei Qian was defeated, he got acquainted with Wei Tan. Although the two didn't meet much, they admired each other and often competed in swordsmanship.

Later, when the world was in turmoil, Wei Tan followed his father to fight, while Pei Qian's ancestral home was Yangzhou, and his family escaped the chaos and returned to their hometown.

When the two met again, it was already after Wei Tan established his capital in Yongzhou. Out of consideration of the situation, Wei Tan has always been on good terms with Wu Zhang. Once, Pei Qian was ordered to go to Yongzhou to meet Wei Bo and his wife.

Wei Tan readily agreed. Later, he really did it. The method he used was to marry me.

"He has always wanted to find a time to send you out, but he has been away on an expedition, and I have been delaying due to business, so I have to temporarily keep you in Yongdu. It was not until the beginning of summer that Meng Jing wrote to discuss with me, and then the matter was finalized " Pei Qian looked at my expression and said, "Ah, I'm worried about three times, and my eyes are bright!

I sat motionless on the steps and did not speak.

Many things came back to mind.

"...If Madam wants to stay, she is still a wife of the Wei family; if staying is boring, she can leave. Everything depends on Madam's wishes..." What he said to me that night is still in my ears.

The way Wei Tan treats me indifferently, the nights he spends with me...

It's useless for me to think that I have a good background, and it's useless for me to worry about husband and wife affairs every day. In fact, everything is just their arrangement. It's not that my "husband" is unfeminine, nor is he guarding himself like a jade for old love, but that in his eyes, I have nothing to do with the word "wife".

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I also thought of the soldiers under him. If I don't go back, Wei Tan just asks them to bring back an unrecognizable corpse and say that I died at the hands of the bandits. I will have nothing to do with the Wei family from now on...

"Understood." After a long silence, I whispered. After finishing speaking, he looked at Pei Qian, "Now that I'm out, what do you want?"

Pei Qian took a deep breath, looked at me, deep and earnest, "Ah, I'm a sister, donkey, Jun,

His words were very soft, just like the tone he whispered in my ear when he hugged me a long time ago.

But like a stone falling on a frozen lake, it can't stir up any ripples.

"Start?" I smiled sadly, "Where do you start? The day you marry a wife or the day I marry Laiyang?"

Pei Qian's face became tense all of a sudden: "Ah

"It was you who said you would grow old with me, and you said you would wait for me, but where were you when your father came to call off the engagement?" My voice trembled, "Where were you when I went to find you crying? You didn't even When you came to see me, you refused to explain a single word to me. I think you are going crazy. In order to meet you, I even went to the street to see you marrying a wife..." During the words, my throat was sore, and the tears had already blurred She rolled her eyes, "Now my family is destroyed and at the mercy of others, you say to start over... Pei Qian, should I be grateful to Dade?"

"No!" Pei Qian kept drinking, he looked at me, his red eyes were full of pain, "Ah Ye Qianhui shook his head quietly.

"Do you want to say that there are difficulties!" I gritted my teeth to block his outstretched hand, stood up with tears, and stared at his pale face, "You and I have already finished."

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My body was trembling faintly, I leaned against the door leaf, choked up and panted deeply, tears poured uncontrollably.

"...Young Master!" At this moment, a panicked voice suddenly came from outside, "Someone help! Hurry up and get the doctor!"

Doctor? I froze for a moment, and when there was a sound of chaotic footsteps, I hurriedly opened the door.

On the steps just now, Pei Qian was being picked up by someone, his eyes were closed tightly, his limbs were hanging down weakly, and he was unconscious.

The room was full of medicine.

After the doctor checked Pei Qian's pulse on the couch, he turned his head.

"Langzhong, how is your son?" Uncle Qi came over and asked him.

"It's all right, the wound has been sewn up and the medicine has been applied." The doctor put away the utensils and put them in his cloth bag. Forget it, he frowned and looked at Uncle Qi, and complained, "I said earlier that the old injury has not healed, and riding a horse should not be frequent. Have you ever listened to it? Next time, I dare not cure it!"

Uncle Qi agreed repeatedly, thanked him a few more times, and sent the worried doctor out the door.

I watched them from the sidelines, my tears had already dried up, and my face was sullen.

Uncle Qi walked to the couch, looked at Pei Qian who was still sleeping, and then looked at me after a while, sighed a long time, and shook his head: "What a sin."

I bow my head.

Uncle Qi is an old servant of the Pei family. He has served three generations of Pei's masters and is deeply trusted. After Pei Qian was born, he was in charge of Pei Qian's daily life and was one of Pei Qian's closest people.

Both Pei Qian and I grew up under the watchful eye of Uncle Qi. For us, he is a strict and benevolent elder. Sometimes Pei Qian and I have troubles, and we will go to Uncle Qi for comment. In Pei Mansion, the person I am most familiar with is Pei Qian, but the second person I am most familiar with is not his parents, but Uncle Qi.

"He..." my voice was low, "how could he be hurt?"

"Half a year ago, my son was shot in the ribs by an arrow." Uncle Qi poured a cup of tea, put it in front of me, and said, "The injury was quite serious. Fortunately, the treatment was timely and I was able to save my life."

I stared blankly at Pei Qian who was on the couch.

From the countryside to Huaiyang in the daytime, he rode a horse in the dust, who would have thought that he was just recovering from a serious injury. Thinking about what he said before when I was in Yongzhou, he "delayed because of something", is that an injury

"My lady..." Uncle Qi looked at me, his eyes suddenly turned red.

"Don't blame the young master." He raised his sleeve and wiped his eyes, and said, "I know that the lady is suffering, but the lady and the young master are also suffering. The lady knew the situation at that time, and there were more than two hundred people in the Pei family. Man, the lord is also helpless. When the lord decided to divorce, the young master refused no matter what. The lord was so cruel that he ordered someone to tie him up and went to the mansion in person. Afterwards, the young master wanted to find you, and it was the young master who put him under house arrest. The young master doesn't eat or drink, and after a few days, he loses all his energy, and finally he opened his mouth when his wife wanted to bump into a pillar in front of him to die."

"The lady doesn't know how depressed the young master has been these years. He has never smiled. He is young, and there are scars between his brows. Even when he was newly married, the young master and the bride worshiped, but turned around and fell asleep. The study room made the in-laws almost turn against each other. When the chaos broke out in Chang'an, the young master and his family fled to the south of the Yangtze River, and the new wife passed away... "

"Gone?" I heard these two words and raised my head.

Uncle Qi nodded, said with an "ah", and said, "The new lady is weak, and the journey from Chang'an to Yangzhou was long, so she had a sudden illness and went there."

I looked at him, eyes widening.

Uncle Qi's voice was low: "My lord, my lord often persuades the young master to remarry, but the young master refuses to say anything. He has been single all these years, just to wait for the young master to come back."