Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 24: drinker


A great battle came and went like the wind, and Huaiyang soldiers and horses were unscathed, which was unexpected.

The beaming soldiers surrounded Wei An, put their arms on shoulders, and carried him off the city wall. The people in the city were even more joyful. Yang Ke took the lead, raising his arms and cheering, "Young Master is mighty!" Wei An was always not good at talking and laughing, and was blushed by this scene.

"Madam..." A Yuan ran over and grabbed my hand, crying and laughing, "Madam Cai has been up there just now, so you are worried about me."

I caressed her hand comfortingly and said with a smile, "Don't worry, your father said that I am a blessed person and I will be safe."

There were some mixed voices not far away, and when I looked, Pei Qian was leading his sergeant over.

"General Pei." Yang Ke stepped forward to salute him. Seeing this, the soldiers stopped laughing and put Wei An down.

Pei Qian and Yang Ke returned the salute, looked at Wei An, smiled and said, "Thanks to my son's arrow, Huaiyang turned danger into safety."

Wei An looked at him, and a smile appeared on his usually cold face: "My elder sister-in-law agreed, so I used that arrow. If you want to thank her, please thank my elder sister-in-law."

Both Pei Qian and I were taken aback for a moment.

He looked at me with a bit of embarrassment on his face, but immediately covered it with a smile.

"My lord is too modest." He said gently, after finishing speaking, he turned and said to his follower, "Pass down the order and bring out all the wine and meat. Today we will celebrate the achievements of all the brothers."

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As soon as this remark came out, everyone was overjoyed and burst into laughter again.

Wei An looked a little worried.

"I'll go back to the house to rest." He said to me, turned and walked away without looking at Pei Qian.

"Fourth Uncle..." I wanted to tell him to wait for me to go with me, but Wei An's pace was fast, and he disappeared when he turned the street.

"This boy has a bit of a temper." Pei Qian's voice sounded beside me.

I looked at him, maybe it was because he had just won the victory, the original paleness on his face was replaced by a radiant look, quite heroic.

"He has this temperament, he treats everyone the same." I smiled.

Pei Qian smiled noncommittally.

After the victory, you have to celebrate your achievements, and you have to compete with Wei Zin for the award.

I was worried about his health, so I changed my visit from once a day to twice a day, and sometimes if I stayed longer, I would spend the whole day with him.

Of course, when someone comes to see me, I will take the initiative to hide behind the hall. In such a situation, it is impossible to say that it is not ambiguous. Sometimes I even think that if someone from the Wei family suddenly came to catch the rape, no one would believe what I said.

But Pei Qian and I are both very natural. I did it to take care of Pei Qian. I feel that it is not clear now anyway. It will not be too late to talk about everything until Pei Qian recovers. Pei Qian looks like he can't wait for it. He is in a good mood and recovers quickly.

Due to the impromptu battle, the day of sending Wei An back to Yongdu was delayed a bit, but everything was calm, and this matter was brought up again.

Pei Qian asked me how I thought about it.

I opened my mouth, still feeling unable to answer.

"A Γ burst into the sky, Bi Jue flattered Ao lottery, Yi Yi, barren glycoside, Huan Huan, and Zi Chlor!

I remained silent for a while, and said, "Do your parents know about me?"

Pei Qian was taken aback, and smiled: "Are you afraid they won't allow it?"


"A Γ into the nose, the nose, the cape, the bottom of the head∥ the remote halo, it is advisable to pull out the armpits and change it to dare to cut off the material.ソㄚYuan Na Zhaoyong fades away lottery Ye Shu!

His arms are stronger than before, but his smell has never changed. I closed my eyes without pushing them away or speaking.

Everything is still the same as before

The news that Liang Heng was shot to death by Wei An quickly spread. I heard that Liang Chong cried bitterly and vowed to wash Huaiyang with blood and hang Wei An's head on the city wall.

When these words were released, everyone was nervous for a while, and Yang Ke even doubled the number of sergeants guarding outside the courtyard, lest some powerful secret operation suddenly come and take Wei An's life. But after waiting for several days, nothing happened. Xi Zuo sent back news that Liang Chong's funeral had not yet been finished, and he wanted to bury Liang Heng first.

"Old man." A Yuan put away the clothes to be dried in the yard, looked at the sunny blue sky above his head, and said, "It's a fine sunny day, it's good to go out to the market and eat sunflower seeds. Why do you swear to kill me?" What battle."

I was looking at a piece of wood that Wei An placed in the yard two days ago, and I couldn't help smiling when I heard this. That's right, what's the point of fighting? There's no good in making people angry. But this kind of question is too heavy and too complicated to think about, I am too lazy to think about it, it is more interesting to look at Wei An's gadgets.

"Where did the fourth son go?" After a while, I asked.

"I don't know." A Yuan said, as if thinking of something, said, "I just came back from outside, and I heard that a group of people came in from outside the city."

"People and horses?" I thought for a while, "Is it from Wu Zhang's side?"

"That's not clear to me."

I nodded and looked at the sky, it was almost time for dinner, it was time to visit Pei Qian.

The house I live in is not far from Pei Qian's government office, and the streets outside are also full of sergeants. It was very quiet in the afternoon, and when I walked to the door, I could even hear people chatting outside.

"... Hearing my brother's accent, isn't he from the Central Plains?"

"Hehe, my little brother is from southern Hokkien."

"South Fujian is far away, is it big over there?"

"Big! Let's just say that the Jinjiang city where my younger brother came from is the fingernail on the palm in southern Fujian."

"Jinjiang? I've never heard of it. Is it fun over there?"

"It doesn't matter if it's fun or not, but there are some local products that are quite famous."

"Oh? What local product?"

"Old smoke!" the man said happily, "When people mention Jinjiang, they all say old smoke..."

Seeing me, the sergeants stopped talking and saluted me.

I nodded and walked over.

In fact, I was very afraid that Wei An would suddenly appear in front. These days, whenever I go to see Pei Qian, he visibly throws a face at me. I even feel that he is becoming more and more like Uncle Qi, and I have to make a detour so that I don't feel like I have done something wrong.

Walking into Pei Qian's mansion through the back door, no one was seen along the way.

And when I came to the hall, I suddenly heard some voices.

I remembered what A Yuan said about a group of people coming from outside the city, and I thought that Pei Qian might be meeting guests, and was about to leave when a voice came to my ears, a little low, but it made my heart skip a beat.

I turned back, leaned closer to the pane and looked in.

The people in the room are not very clear, but they are recognizable-Pei Qian sitting in front of the desk; the person sitting at the bottom, with a straight figure, is Wei Tan.

When I walked out of the government office, I still felt a little dazed.

Coincidentally, he met Wei An head-on.

"Sister-in-law!" He walked towards me quickly, without hiding his joy, "Brother is here, have you seen it?"

I didn't know what expression to make, so I looked at him and asked, "When did he come?"

"Just half an hour ago." Wei An said, "I originally wanted to take my brother to see my elder sister-in-law, but my brother said he wanted to see General Pei first."

I nodded: "So."

I didn't wait for Wei Tan to come out with Wei An. Why did he come to pick up Wei An? This is understandable, but the important thing is that I am here, and he sent me to meet Pei Qian. That being the case, should we, the couple in name, meet or not meet

What is he thinking? I was a little annoyed.

However, maybe he thought the same as me, Wei Tan did not appear in my yard until nightfall. I had dinner with A Yuan, she obviously already knew about Wei Tan's arrival, she always looked at me, hesitated to speak.

"Ma'am..." Finally, she put the bowl down.

"Don't ask." I sighed.

A Yuan muttered, and picked up the bowl again.

After dinner, I heard that another group of troops entered the city, sent by Wu Zhang. I don't know who is leading the army, and I don't know the people on Wu Zhang's side either.

"Ma'am, did you hear the voice from the government office?" A Yuan walked into the room dissatisfied, and said to me, "The man sent by Wu Zhang clamored for some tricks, and asked Mr. Ji Yuan to accompany him." He drinks."

"Oh?" I frowned. Regarding Pei Qian's body, the doctor said that he can't drink alcohol yet, which made me a little worried. "Has he been drinking?" I asked.

A Yuan shook his head.

I looked at the sky, the moon was not in the sky yet. There are so many people outside now, and I don't know where Wei Tan is, it's impossible for me to go out.

As the night darkened, Wei An never came back. When I was about to fall asleep, I put on my clothes and went to the vestibule.

The previous noise was gone. After several wars in Huaiyang, there are not many wealthy households left, let alone music. Without Jiyue, people who are only looking for fun will not be able to make trouble for long.

There was a lantern hanging in front of the gate. I went there and looked around. A sergeant dozed off leaning against the wall with a spear in his arms, nodding his head.

With Wei Tan around, I just worry about what Wei An is doing. I laughed at myself.

Just as he was about to turn around, he suddenly heard a loud shout behind him.

"Hey! That woman!"

I looked, but saw a few steps away, a drunken person holding a wine bottle, pointed at me, and murmured: "Who said there is no music in Huaiyang, isn't this a woman?"

"Gongtai Gongtai!" The person beside him hurriedly said, "This is not Jiyue, this is Madam..."

"What madam!" The man waved his hand, "Go and get me to drink with me!"

I frowned and walked away. But before I could close the door, the door was suddenly knocked open. The next moment, my arm was suddenly grabbed, and an unpleasant smell of alcohol rushed over.

"Want to leave?" The man smiled wretchedly, "Accompany me first before leaving!"

"Gongtai! Don't do it!" The others quickly persuaded, and called the sergeant to pull it away.

I struggled hard, but when I saw the face clearly by the light of the lantern, my heart felt as if it had been beaten violently, and my whole body froze.