Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 25: kill


I used to be sad and angry, and I used the most vicious words to curse those who destroyed the Fu family. But I never knew how powerful these things exploded after five years of pressure in my heart.

I broke free and slammed the man hard into the wall. When the man raised his head in surprise, my nails had already scratched five eye-catching bloodstains on his face.

He spit, staggered, his drunken face was full of sternness: "You..."

"Hu Zhen," I walked under the lantern, and said coldly, "Open your dog eyes and see who I am."

Hu Zhen stared at me for a long time, his face gradually sank, with some disbelief: "You, you are Fu Γ Jun

Hu Zhen, son of Hu Xun, Empress Bian's cousin.

After Empress Bian gained power, Hu Xun became a court officer. As far as I know, his father was finally brought down by Luo Zhi on charges, and Hu Xun played a big part in it.

Hu Xun brought people to do the ransacking of Fu's house. After my father and elder brothers were kidnapped, Hu Zhen raped my eldest sister-in-law Du Shi when she saw how beautiful she was. Afterwards, the eldest sister-in-law threw herself into the well with hatred, and my mother couldn't bear it when she saw Fu's humiliation, so she hanged herself in the cell and died.

All in all, when Hu Zhen appeared in front of me, his anger surged up like dry sticks.

"Ma'am! This..." Congren turned pale with shock, and was about to support Hu Zhen, but was thrown away by him.

"Hehe...hehehe!" Hu Zhen looked at me, and after a while, he laughed louder and louder.

"I don't know who it is, so it's you." He wiped the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, with a strange expression, "I heard that you were lonely in Laiyang, so I hooked up with Wei Wei's mother's seal. Robbery

Before Hu Zhen finished speaking, suddenly the wind of his fist swept over him, his bones muffled, and he rolled to the ground screaming.

Pei Qian didn't know when he came, and stood in front of Hu Zhen with a livid face: "If you talk nonsense, I will break your leg!"

Hu Zhen wriggled on the ground for a while, "Ouch, Ouch", and sat up supportively.

"I'm talking nonsense?" Half of his face was swollen and shiny, and he spat at Pei Qian with saliva mixed with blood and broken teeth, "Pei Qian! The queen is gone, and you dare to beat me! Your father came to the door at that time I beg my father to let your Pei family go, and said that if he is willing to do it, he will give my father whatever he wants! Hehe! Now that people are leaving tea, you will vent your anger for your old love! And you!" Hu Zhen turned to me, smiling "I remember your eldest sister-in-law's surname is Du? Hehe, she screamed loudly at that time, it was really delicious! Don't think you dare to provoke me because you have the Wei family as your backer, I..."

A dagger pierced his throat, and the muffled sound of flesh piercing cut off his words.

Hu Zhen's mouth was half opened, and his eyes were staring at me, as round as copper bells.

Anger and hostility dyed my eyes red like blood.

Panting for breath, I pulled out the dagger and watched him fall convulsively, blood spurting from the knife edge, and my hands were already stained.

"A Α despises the worm

When I turned around, his face was not very clear under the dim lantern, but the complexity and hesitation in it couldn't escape my eyes.

"Is what he said true?" I asked.

"No!" Pei Qian said anxiously, "Although my father was afraid at the time, he never participated in framing Mrs. Fu!"

"He went to beg Hu Xun, if Hu Xun asked him to frame him, he would do it, right?!"

Pei Qian looked at me, his face tensed, but he didn't speak.

It was very quiet all around.

I waited for him to speak, my heart pounded against my chest, and the blood in my body slowly turned cold.

"Ah ΓBami changed the veil and secretly got together to take care of the shore!

A lump of sourness stuck in his chest like a fire, causing bursts of pain.

"But for me, it's not over yet." I whispered. After finishing speaking, he glanced at the empty scabbard on his waist, put the knife in front of him, got up and walked away.

"Ah Γ burst into the sky

Raising his eyes, Pei Qian's gaze was like a deep well, covered with a film of water, blurred from heartache or despair.

I tried hard to free that hand.

"Don't follow." I whispered, and walked slowly towards the door.

The moon showed a curved face in the sky, and the ground was blurred. I could see my own shadow moving, like a walking corpse.

Sergeants were patrolling the street, and there were only a few figures. But that's none of my business.

what am i doing Where am I going

When I asked this question in my heart, I didn't know how to answer it.

I just want to keep going, keep going, and get away from those nightmarish things just now.

"... Madame?" A person walked up to me, who looked like a sergeant, "Where is Madam?"

I ignored him and just kept going.

The street was quiet, and I heard the wife of an unknown family teasing the children, singing: "Moonlight shines on the heaven..."

"...Moonlight, reading man, riding a white horse, crossing the lotus pond." A long time ago, the wet nurse sang to me softly with a sunflower fan, "Outside the lotus pond, grow leeks, leek flowers, and get married!"

Mother said: "What country slang songs, use them to sing randomly."

The nurse laughed and said, "This is not singing indiscriminately. Our lady and Pei Lang are a match made in heaven."

My mother also smiled and looked at me with pride in her eyes...

I choked up and wanted to cry, but there were no tears. There are many dark shadows in front of it, it is the city wall, and candles are burning below.

My foot suddenly stepped on the air, and I fell to the ground. Looking down, there was a hole in the ground, and my ankle was sprained. Heartbreaking pain came from my feet, I gasped, tears fell suddenly.

"Ma'am!" Someone ran towards me again, I raised my eyes, a little blurred, it seemed to be Yang Ke.

"What's the matter?" Before he came to the front, a deep voice sounded from behind, and then, the shadow fell.

I froze.

Wei Tan squatted on the ground, held my foot in his hand, and frowned: "A sprain?"

I looked at him, his eyebrows, eyes, nose, ears, everything disgusted me. Wuming became angry, and pushed him regardless of the pain in his foot: "Don't worry about it!"

Wei Tan showed no signs of embarrassment, grabbed my hand and pulled me in front of him.

"Look at the side," he said in a low voice, "Are you going to be stared at like this all the time?"

I looked to the side and stopped moving. The sergeants and patrols under the city gate all surrounded them with curious and enthusiastic eyes.

"I'm going away, so you have to crawl back." Wei Tan said.

I bite my lip.

Wei Tan let go of the hand that was holding my foot.

My forehead jumped, and I quickly grabbed his sleeve.

Wei Tan slightly bent his lips, glanced at me, and hugged me horizontally.

"It's all right! Don't look at it, go back!" He shouted to the sergeants, and then he took me away.

The night wind was still blowing, mixed with the warm breath nearby.

I was held by Wei Tan, motionless. Over his shoulders, the moon hung in the sky, shining brightly.

"What are you thinking?" Wei Tan asked suddenly.

I didn't answer.

Wei Tan didn't ask any more questions, just walked forward, the only sound was the sound of footsteps on the empty street.

"Brother!" When he walked into an alley, Wei An's voice came.

He ran over and was stunned when he saw Wei Tan hugging me.

"What happened to sister-in-law?" he asked.

"I sprained my ankle." Wei Tan said, "Go get someone to fetch a bucket of well water and boil a bucket of warm water."

"Oh..." Wei An nodded, turned around and ran into the alley.

Wei Tan hugged me and also entered the alley. Not long after, a house appeared in front of him.

"My lord." Several servants in the yard saluted one after another. When they saw me, they were stunned in unison, and then saluted again, "Ma'am."

I looked at them and nodded unnaturally.

Wei Tan walked into the room without saying anything.

He put me on the couch very lightly, trying not to touch my injured foot.

When I finally left his arms, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. When I stay with this person, I always feel inexplicably worried.

Cong brought a basin of water in front of me.

"Wash your hands." Wei Tan said.

I just remembered, looked down, the blood on my hand had dried up and turned black, it was ugly.

Recalling the previous scene, I dipped my hands in the water and rubbed them vigorously, as if it was the most disgusting thing in the world. The water was rippling, as if it was being muddy with some color.

The water was changed three times, and when I finally stopped, my hands were already red from rubbing. At this time, a man came in carrying two buckets of water. Wei Tan came over and stretched out his hand to lift my injured foot.

I pushed him away.

Wei Tan tilted his head, raised his eyes to look at me, his eyes were heavy.

I stared at him coldly.

After a moment, he reached out again.

"Don't worry about it!" I pushed him again. But he didn't move like a mountain. I was anxious, so I lifted my other foot and kicked him.

"Sit down!" Wei Tan shouted suddenly.

I took a bluff and stopped in mid-air.

Wei Tan gave me a hard look, continued to squat down, took off my socks, picked up the corner of my skirt, and dipped my feet in the bucket.

The water is lukewarm, and the injured foot soaked in it suddenly slowed down a lot.

"I'll do it myself." I was still stubborn.

Wei Tan didn't answer, just held my foot, and for a while, slowly turned it in the water.

"Speak out when it hurts," he said.

I bit my lip.

Wei Tan glanced at me and slowed down his hand movements.

"Do you think you are pitiful?" Shaoqing said, "Are you all like this? Normally, no one looks down on you, but when you are wronged, you feel sorry for yourself and feel that everyone else has become a villain?"

I couldn't answer, and after a while, I said reluctantly: "What 'you'?"

Wei Tan didn't say a word, he picked up my feet from the water, removed the bucket, and moved another bucket of water beside it.

I wanted to ask him to explain clearly, but when I was distracted, I kicked the wall of the barrel, and I only had time to exclaim "Ah..."

"Don't move around." Wei Tan frowned and dipped my feet in the water. The water was cold, and the sore spot quickly calmed down.

I obediently stopped talking, and watched Wei Tan soak my feet in cold water and then warm water, repeated several times, and finally wiped them dry, applied medicine, and wrapped them up with a cloth strip.

"If you don't want to swell your hooves, don't go down to the ground. If you have something to do, call someone." Wei Tan stood up and said.

I glanced at him, then at the cocoon-wrapped feet, and felt that I should say "thank you" at this time. Before he could speak, the door was suddenly knocked open.

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"Ma'am!" A Yuan ran in, saw me, and rushed towards me with red eyes, "You scared me to death... I heard the sound and ran out, and there was a corpse lying outside, but you disappeared... They said you killed someone …”