Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 26: Scallion dew


I looked at A Yuan, my heart sank again, I didn't know what to say.

When she saw my feet, her expression changed: "Are you injured?"

I nodded, then shook my head again, "I twisted it myself."

A Yuan looked at me and began to rub his eyes again: "How could it become like this..."

I patted her hand and didn't speak.

Two people came over and took the bucket away. Only then did I realize that Wei Tan was no longer in the room.

A Yuan unwrapped the bundle he brought, and complained, "Mrs., don't go away so willfully next time. If the eldest son hadn't sent someone to ask me to pack clean clothes and bring them to you, I don't know what to do." looking for you everywhere."

I was silent for a while, and said, "What's going on over there?"

A Yuan said: "Mr. Ji Yuan went back, and his face was very bad. The man's body was also put away, and the master strictly ordered everyone present not to speak out." She was very worried, "Ma'am, I heard that the man is Wu Zhang's confidant, he came to Huaiyang to take over the young master's seat, so now, will it be bad for the young master?"

I shook my head: "I don't know."

I am very frank in saying this. The thing has already been done, I will not escape, and I will accept whatever happens next.

As for Pei Qian, I don't know the relationship between him and Wu Zhang, and the Wei family is involved, so the result may become very complicated. But it doesn't matter if I end up being confessed for the sake of peace of mind. I don't regret it at all, if I do it again, Hu Zhen will be killed by me before he even has time to say those dirty words.

"A Yuan, I want to go back to Yongzhou." I said.

A Yuan sighed, nodded and said, "It's fine that Madam decides, I will follow you wherever you go."

I gently held her hand, and after a while, I said again, "I want to drink."

A Yuan was taken aback for a moment, then he responded, got up and went out.

After the door closed, I took off my blood-stained clothes and put on clean ones. Not long after, A Yuan brought a small wine jar and murmured: "The eldest son said, madam, don't drink too much."

Wei Tan knows that I don't drink much. I looked at the can of wine and nodded: "Enough."

The wine was not strong, so I tried it and drank it with my head raised.

I once asked my second brother why people like to drink so much. The second brother said that after drinking alcohol, people will feel that they can put aside all their troubles, and that kind of taste can fascinate people.

Leave all your troubles behind...

My body was light, and I lay on the couch, watching the light and shadow slowly change in front of my eyes.

I seem to have returned to the winter of that year.

I walked in the field on the outskirts of the city with one foot deep and one foot shallow. The hemp scarf on my head and the beheading on my body could not keep out the cold. Walking with me, my father, elder brother and second brother, each of them was being escorted to the execution ground by a prison van.

"...The dew on the scallions, He Yi..." The voice was hoarse as if it was about to freeze, but he still sang loudly while wiping away his tears: "... Lu Ming will be more... more and more, and when a person dies, when will he return..."

"Ah Γ double straight live 碓鰇 Fang Dao Zheng Huan frozen flounder Huan 鐾 peddling 518 industry which source dizzy night Γ skeletal my coal vast

"A ビ ん ィ back ば to achieve success

I gasped for breath, and my voice became louder: "Where does Artemisia live, there is no virtuous and foolish soul gathered!"

The jailer escorting the prison cart came towards me, raised his whip viciously, and shouted, "Don't sing!"

They immediately change color.

"Pawn!" The second brother kicked the prison cart and said angrily, "How dare you! She belongs to the Empress Dowager!"

The jailer glared at me, turned back resentfully, but slapped the second brother with a whip, and I saw a bloodstain cut his handsome face.

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"Second brother!" I burst into tears and ran towards him staggeringly.

"Don't come over!" The father walking in the front suddenly said, "Ah!

I looked at his gray-haired figure, wiped my eyes, and sang with difficulty and choked up: "Uncle Gui... Uncle Gui, what is the urging, life must be lost... stop hesitating..."

Father laughed, and that was the last smile I saw on his face.

He said, Ah

don't cry.

I seem to hear someone talking in my ear, just like my father said. The body is warm, as if they held me in their arms when I was a child, whispering softly, don't cry...

The alcohol worked so well that I fell into a deep sleep and woke up feeling like I'd slept my whole life.

I tried to turn over, but felt something strange on my feet. It looked like my injured foot, which was wrapped like a cocoon, was suspended half a foot. I moved it, and it shook with the curtain, which looked very funny.

When A Yuan came in, I was struggling to remove the knot on my foot. She looked at me and burst out laughing.

"Still laughing..." My voice was a bit stuck, I cleared my throat, and said angrily, "Why did you tie me up like this?"

A Yuan smiled and said: "I didn't tie it up, it was the eldest son. He said, if you don't sleep well at night, you will hurt your feet even more, so you have to hang it up."

Hearing her mention Wei Tan, I froze for a moment. When I think of him, I will go through the events of last night in my mind. I look at my dangling injured leg and remain silent.

A Yuan noticed my strangeness and felt a little embarrassed.

"Any news over there?" I asked.

A Yuan said: "I went to inquire this morning. Hu Zhen's body has been buried. It is said that Liang Chong sent assassins to kill the fourth son. Hu Zhen came to rescue him and was killed by the escaped assassins."

I was stunned.

I envisioned many follow-ups, but never imagined that it would turn out like this.

This idea was probably discussed by Pei Qian and Wei Tan. Liang Chong? Thinking of this reasoning, I feel ridiculous, Hu Zhen deserved to die, but he got the name of being brave, does Wei need to put on a show of gratitude

"What about him?" I asked again.

A Yuan said: "Master Ji Yuan has no news."

I frowned slightly and nodded.

A Yuan looked at me, changed his smile for a moment, and said, "The eldest son asked the chef to make fish porridge before going out, and the fourth son also said that he would make a cart for his wife."

"Push cart?" I didn't understand what it was, but thought of another thing, "Where did the eldest son sleep last night?"

A Yuan thought for a while, and said: "Last night I went back there to pack my things. When I came here this morning, I saw the eldest son coming out of the wing next door."

"Oh." I nodded. Of course it is. When I didn't know it before, his husband was useless, but now that it has been exposed, it is even more necessary to continue.

I couldn't walk, so A Yuan fetched water to wash me. After dinner, Uncle Qi came.

He brought me the wound medicine, and said no more words to persuade me to stay, but it was even more sad.

"The old man has lived for most of his life, and now half of it is buried in the ground. He originally thought that he would have no regrets in this life just waiting for the marriage between the son and the lady, but..." He wiped his eyes, "My lady, I still say that, the situation at that time The young master is also helpless. Over the years, the young master has always felt guilty towards the female gentleman... Alas, it is finally a sin!"

Uncle Qi's temples are already frost-white. I have always respected him, and seeing him weeping in front of me makes me feel uncomfortable.

"Uncle Qi, don't do this." I whispered, and handed him my towel.

"I'm not reconciled..." Uncle Qi shook his head, "Mr. and son, the couple who were envied by so many people back then, how could they end up in such a state?"

I only felt the bitterness in my mouth, and after a while, I said, "Uncle Qi, he and I are not willing."

Uncle Qi looked at me and heaved a long sigh.

I couldn't walk, and it was A Yuan who sent Uncle Qi out of the house in the end.

His figure disappeared at the door for a long time, but I still looked there, motionless.

I was worried that if Pei Qian came, how would I face him. Now it seems that I was worrying too much, he won't come...

What happened last night was like a sharp knife, cutting off all my hesitation.

I think I am a person who can do it without hesitation once I decide on something. But already at this point, why does my heart still hurt

"Are you awake?" a voice said suddenly.

I recovered from my stupefaction and hurriedly wiped away the tears that blurred my eyes. When Wei Tan came back, he entered the door.

"I'm back." I didn't want him to see me in a mess, so I turned my head away.

Wei Tan didn't speak, but he heard footsteps, but he came towards me.

I turned around and he was already standing in front of me.

Wei Tan's eyes fell on my face, and after a while, they fell on my feet.

"Does it hurt?" he asked.

I shook my head: "It doesn't hurt much."

Wei Tan said nothing, but sat down on the couch and held my injured foot. He untied the knot and unraveled the layers of cloth strips. His hands were light and his feet didn't hurt at all, but I was a little nervous and kept watching his movements.

My ankle was sticking out and had a big swell.

Wei Tan raised his eyebrows: "It's really a hoof."

I:"… "

"Don't stare at me," Wei Tan showed no shame, "If I hadn't treated it in time last night, the swelling would have been even bigger." After that, he asked someone to bring in water and soak my feet again.

I watched him squatting in front of me, adding water and rubbing his feet, doing it himself. From last night until now, he showed up promptly and took good care of me. That look of lowering his brows and focusing on his heart is completely different from the previous high-ranking and unpredictable Wei Tan.

Is it my illusion

Or, is he feeling guilty

Not knowing if he noticed my gaze, Wei Tan raised his head.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"The man I killed last night, is there anything involved?" I said.

Wei Tan looked at me, his expression unchanged.

"Wu Zhang's confidant, come to guard Huaiyang for Ji Yuan." Wei Tan continued to move my feet in the warm water, "Do you think it's too involved?"

But I felt something unusual: "Why did Wu Zhang send someone to replace Pei Qian? Pei Qian and Wu Zhang..."

"I don't know." Wei Tan interrupted lightly.

I realized I had asked too much, so I shut up.

"I want to ask you something." This is Wei Tan, but he said unhurriedly, "I will leave in the future. The road from Huainan to Yongzhou is too dangerous. I want to take my fourth brother to Luoyang first. Then send someone to take him back to Yongdu." After finishing speaking, he paused, "Are you together?"

I could almost imagine that he would come to ask me about my plans, but I didn't expect it to be so soon.

I was silent for a while, and said: "Well, I will go with fourth uncle."

Wei Tan raised his eyes and stared at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing." Wei Tan said calmly, brought a towel and wiped my feet dry.

Now that he has made up his mind to leave, the next thing is not troublesome.

A Yuan has already packed his belongings, and the chariot and horse soldiers have already recuperated. The next morning, after washing and eating, we were ready to hit the road.

Wei Tan came into the room and imagined carrying me out like last time, but I didn't want to.

"No, my feet don't hurt anymore." As I said, I pushed him away, climbed onto A Yuan's shoulder, and walked out the door in a hop.

Going out, passing the yard and then sitting in the carriage, it’s not a long way, but the way of “walking” like me is really hard.

When I finally sat down, Wei Tan was standing beside the car, his eyes slightly squinted, with a half-smile.

"My lord!" A servant ran over to report, "Everything is ready, let's go?"

Wei Ji ナ I wish you all the best! Blinking

Another sunny day, the carriage drove to the street, and the people and soldiers in Huaiyang City came and went as usual. Seeing the procession of carriages approaching, people gave way one after another and stood by the side of the road to watch the excitement.

Just like when I came.

I looked at it for a while, then turned my head.

"Ma'am!" When the carriage came out of the city, A Yuan suddenly said, pointing out the window in surprise.

I looked, the countryside was lush and green, and there was a man on the side of the road with a white horse and a green robe, his figure was handsome and lonely.

My heart sank, and I couldn't help but sit up straight.

The team stopped, and I saw Wei Tan riding his horse forward.

They were talking, looking from a distance, each looked calm. But after a while, Pei Qian hit his horse and walked towards me.


A Yuan looked at us, Zhiqu got out of the car.

I closed my eyes, and after a while, I said, "I'm here."

The wind carried the smell of the sun on the grass, and the curtains of the car fluttered silently.

"Are you okay?" he asked, "Your foot still hurts?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore." I said.

There was a brief silence, and the wind seemed to be stuck through the curtain of the car.

"Do you hate me?"

The voice was low, and my eyes suddenly became sour and misty with tears.

hate it? Even though many years have passed, even though he reappeared in front of me and brought a heavy blow, I complained, annoyed, and suffered, but I still know that it is still not hatred.

Tears wet my palms, and I covered my mouth to keep myself from crying.

Pei Qian waited for a long time, but did not wait for my answer.

"A Γ Bina's system, grain creation, throwing ape, Ai, B, recovery, collapse, 14 dangers, ash, ash, lettuce, plant, stalk, umbrella, and umbrella, w. 103 pieces of silk, flattery, wisdom, collapse, depression, tyrosine, heart training, budding, luck Lie bath 0Γ蘼酆问问那依昑芑得得得得得得很很很3抢惊乱俊

There was a warmth in my heart, and at the same time, there was the sound of horseshoes.

I hurriedly turned my head and pulled the thin bamboo curtain on the car window: "A Qian!"

Pei Qian pulled the rein and turned around in surprise.

I looked at that face, in the blue sky and green field, he was still as handsome as a jade, as dazzling as the sun.

"You..." I tried not to let my voice choke, "You take care."

Pei Qian looked at me steadily, with brows gradually unfolding on his gloomy face.

He nodded, hit his horse with a "shoot", and ran towards the road.

I watched the figure being blocked by the curtain of the car, and someone was shouting "Departure".

The carriage started again, and the wilderness seemed endless.

The wind is still blowing, rolling the grass leaves and swaggering, the voice is like the sea, it seems to be mixed with a song from a long time ago, immature and hoarse.

She said, scallions exposed, He Yi...