Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 28: traveling)


Except for going north from Huainan, the terrain is getting flatter.

Due to the war in the north, along the way, we met many refugees who went south to avoid the chaos. They brought their families with them, and some had ox carts.

A Yuan was also a homeless person, and he couldn't bear to see this. She gave out all her embarrassing food, and when it was time to eat, she could only look at me eagerly.

I shared some of my embarrassing food with her and said, "There are so many refugees, do you think you are taking Taicang with you?"

A Yuan lowered his head and wiped his eyes: "But I can't stand it, madam, the old man has lost his wife, and he still has two children..."

I knew she was thinking about the past, and worried about Li Shang and his son who went to Jiangnan, so I patted her on the shoulder comfortingly.

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While talking, Wei Tan came over.

"What's wrong?" He glanced at A Yuan with red eyes.

A Yuan was already in awe of Wei Tan. Hearing this, he quickly wiped his eyes, bowed his head and stood aside.

"Nothing." I said, "Do you want to get in the car and drive?"

"Take a break." Wei Tan said.

I nodded, looked at him standing in front of me, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Wei Tan half-closed his eyes in the sunlight: "Can't you come if you have nothing to do?"

I:"… "

Wei Tan sat down on a piece of dead wood beside me, his eyes met. To be honest, I don't really like eye contact with him. His face was already a bit sun-tanned, with thick eyebrows and deep eyes, and his eyes were full of vigor, but it was always hard to figure out what he wanted to do, which made me feel that things were completely out of my control.

I look away first.

"The sergeant said that you distributed the food to the refugees?" Wei Tan said.

A Yuan flinched.

"Well," said I, "I see them poor."

I thought Wei Tan would talk about me like I said about A Yuan just now, but he didn't mention a word, he just asked me: "Is there enough food?"

"Enough." I said, and after a while, I changed the subject, "Is Tan Xi fighting hard?"

"As long as there is any war, there is no danger." Wei Tan said, "When Tan Xi is over, the imperial court will issue an order to calm the people and garrison the fields, and there will be no refugees at that time."

Let's talk about it after defeating Tan Xi first. I said in my heart. On the face, but nodded with a smile: "That's very good."

Wei Tan looked at me with half-closed eyes.

The feeling of someone prying into my mind came back again, I pretended to see a bird flying overhead, and turned my head away.

The weather has been fine for many days, and the road is straight when entering Henan. Four days later, the group arrived in Yingchuan.

Along the way, I found that Wei Tan didn't seem to be in a hurry. If he can go to the county for a while, he will definitely not stay in the village to save time-consuming entertainment. And every time he went to a county or county, Wei Tan would also talk with the local officials in detail, about all kinds of political affairs, with a modest attitude;

Yingchuan is a large county with outstanding people and many famous families. It is precisely because of this that this place is so powerful that it raises troops and builds high walls. Even after experiencing troubled times, Yingchuan is not as desolate as other places.

The prefect of Yingchuan, surnamed Fan and named Yue, had been in office since the time of the first emperor.

This person seems to me to be very good at judging the situation. Earlier, when He Kui was in chaos, the whole world joined forces to challenge rebellion, but Fan Yue kept silent. Later, Tan Xi fought with Dong Kuang, and Fan Yue apparently voted for Dong Kuang, asking for money and food, but with Wei Xi, who was eyeing behind Dong Kuang's back.

Later, Dong Kuang's three sons competed for careers, and Wei Xuan raised the level ィ ィ ィ ィ ジ リ ディ ス ス ス ス ス な な Wu to Meng Chunlian 2 Huan 嗌 踔 渔 渔 渔 鸔 阵 to recruit the father and servant to succeed Lan Lao Tong

With such a relationship, Wei Tan will not be treated badly when he comes to Yingchuan.

Just after entering the city, Fan Yue led hundreds of Yingchuan elders to greet him at the city gate. It was the first time I saw such a formation after I came out, and I couldn't help but sat in the car and looked at A Yuan in blank dismay.

Wei Tan was very calm. I heard him talking to Fan Yue sentence by sentence, calmly.

After some greetings, Fan Yue brought the group to his mansion. He specially vacated the back garden of his home and arranged for Wei Tan to rest for the night.

I had been sitting in the car before, and when I got out of the car, Fan Yue was obviously taken aback when she saw me.

"My lady is here, she is so radiant, I have never seen her before." Fan Yue came forward to salute.

"My wife has a foot disease, and it is difficult for me to walk, so there is no need to be more polite." Wei Tan said.

Fan Yue smiled, and turned to ask others if the food in the house was ready, and the others replied that it was already prepared. Fan Yue cupped his hands and invited Wei Tan and me to rest in the house. Wei Tan returned the gift without refusing, and asked A Yuan to help me, and they entered the house together.

Yingchuan is indeed Yingchuan, the back garden of Fan Yue's family is bigger than Pei Qian's entire residence in Huaiyang. The house is spacious, with flowers and trees in full bloom, decorated with pavilions and winding water, it can be seen that Fan Yue is a particular person.

After washing and changing, Fan Yue held a banquet in the hall. The food is very delicious, and I even saw some Chang'an snacks that I haven't tasted for several years.

Fan Yue is very talkative, with the eloquence of a wealthy family. Except for Yingchuan, he chatted with Wei Tan for a lot of things, and it was very enjoyable. Between the words, he mentioned that he used to go to court with my father and met my two elder brothers.

"Mr. Fu and the two sons are the pillars of the world, but it's a pity that the good wood is easy to break." He looked regretful and distressed.

I've heard it so much that I'm used to it.

"The deceased is gone, Fan Gong is grateful, and the ancestors also know." I smiled with emotion, and in a blink of an eye, I saw Wei Tan looking at me, with a half-smile.

Fan Yue nodded with relief. Then, the topic changed, and when it came to the current war, Fan Yue even found out that Wei An had shot Liang Heng to death in Huaiyang.

"I've heard for a long time that the fourth son is very intelligent and talented, and his reputation in Huaiyang has spread far and wide." He said with a pleasant smile.

Wei An was suddenly praised, feeling a little uncomfortable, and glanced at Wei Tan.

"Fan Gong is too famous." He nodded and said lightly.

After the meal was full, Fan Yue ordered someone to fill the wine again, raised his glass to Wei Tan with a smile, and said, "People in Yingchuan pay attention to health preservation the most, and they drink only after the meal is 80% full. The green plum wine brewed by Yue's family can relieve fatigue and relieve summer heat. , offer a cup to Young Master, let’s chat to welcome the wind.”

Wei Tan also smiled, raised his glass to each other, and drank it down in one gulp.

At this time, Fan Yue said to the outside: "Why don't you have music and dancing to cheer you up?"

Hearing a gentle female voice outside, several family members came in with candles to add a little to the lamps in the hall. Hearing footsteps coming one after another again, musicians and performers filed to the hall.

"The skill of house performers is not as good as that of Chang'an, there are only some orchestral singing and dancing, for the young master and his wife to watch." Fan Yue said.

"Fan Gong is polite." Wei Tan said.

After the geisha was seated, a kabuki came to the hall with her eyebrows curved and eyes bright, and her lips painted with fat. When the music started, she tapped the rhythm slowly and opened her lips to sing.

Her voice is gentle and long, and even a person like me who has seen countless banquets since I was a child will admit that it is a rare good voice. She sang a famous Huainan song, chanting the wind and eulogizing things, with tender feelings.

I glanced at Wei Tan, who was holding a wine glass in his hand, taking a sip from time to time.

It was just a kabuki, I thought she was going to leave the stage, but she just stepped aside. The music started again, at this time, there was a sound of pearls and jade jingling, and the fragrant wind was blowing away. I looked towards the door, and my heart suddenly moved, what a beauty.

The woman's hair was layered in a high bun, and she was wearing a long-sleeved dance dress. The skirt was like a lotus leaf, with colorful vultures, and between movements and movements, she was like a fairy falling into the world. The kabuki continued to sing, and the woman danced with the song, lowering her eyebrows and raising her eyes, very shy. Yingying's eyes were all sent to Wei Tan's case.

I looked at the graceful figure and delicate lips, with a smile on my face, and took a sip of the wine.

Full of wine and food, the shadows of candles are red, and no matter the servants, servants, or household craftsmen in the hall, all of them are young and beautiful.

Fan Yue really treats me like a dead person.

"Ma'am, what does Fan Yue mean?" Back in the room, A Yuan was a little annoyed.

"What do you mean?" I sat on the couch, poured myself a cup of tea, and drank it. Fan Yue's green plum wine is nothing to those men, but it is quite strong to me. I just drank two or three cups just now, and I already felt a bit over the top. Seeing this, Wei Tan asked A Yuan to send me back.

"Those house tricks!" A Yuan said, "Everyone is staring at the eldest son, like a hen in heat..."

"Keep your voice down." I gave A Yuan an annoyed look and motioned outside.

Unconvinced, A Yuan went to close the door, and looked at me again: "Madam, what if the eldest son takes a concubine?"

what to do

What else can I do? My nurse once told me that there are two things in the world that cannot be stopped, one is the rain from the sky, and the other is the marriage of a woman. The mother heard it from the side, but said, wrong, there is one more thing, men can't stop them from taking concubines.

I didn't understand it at the time, but as I read more, I gradually understood it. Food and sex, men who don't want to hug his beautiful wife Meiji? Taking a concubine is extremely common in their eyes. Take my father as an example. In addition to my mother, there are three concubines in the family. This is already frugal in Chang'an. Pei Qian's father gave him an eighth concubine when he was ten years old.

I once grabbed Pei Qian by the collar and said, if you dare to take a concubine, I will divorce you.

Pei Qian smiled wryly and said, "Don't dare, all I like are shrews, you are enough in the family..."

The smell of alcohol that had just been suppressed by the tea rose again. Now that I can't get along with Pei Qian, to others, I can't say with confidence that concubines are not allowed, right? Especially Wei Tan, what am I willing to do with him? Maybe when I arrive in Luoyang, I will be conceived by him first.

"Ma'am..." Seeing that I didn't answer, A Yuan stamped her feet complainingly.

"What should I do? Just take it, don't be a fool for the beauty who came to your door." I poured another cup of tea and said as I poured it.

"Aren't you annoyed?" A Yuan looked at me suspiciously.

"What annoyance? What annoyance?" I was quite impatient and glared at her.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Yuan asked.

"Sister-in-law." It was Wei An's voice.

A Yuan opened the door and Wei An came in. Wei Tan didn't allow him to drink just now, but he looked at me with a pale face.

"Fourth Uncle, what's the matter?" I asked.

"Brother asked me to come and talk to elder sister-in-law. He has something to discuss with the sheriff and will come back later." Wei An said.

"That's it." I smiled, like a mirror in my heart. If there is something to discuss, it is to discuss the matter of sending a beauty, right? As for coming back later... I took a look at the large and stable couch in the room. If the negotiation goes well, he won't come back to sleep tonight.

Oh no, he never slept with me.

Now it's justified.