Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 29: Journey (below)


I changed my clothes, washed and lay down on the couch, and closed my eyes along with the alcohol.

But for some reason, my brain seemed to be filled with inexplicable things, and I felt dizzy and couldn't fall asleep. In the blur, I heard the door knocking and a man whispering, like Wei Tan...

Wei Tan!

I opened my eyes at once.

Wei Tan was not far away, pouring a glass of water from a teapot. Seeing me sitting up, he was stunned for a moment: "Are you still asleep?"

I looked at him for a while and asked, "Why are you back?"

"Huh?" Wei Tan took a sip of tea and looked at me.

"What do you mean?" He put down his teacup and walked to the bed, unhurriedly, "I can't come back?"

I was at a loss for words, knowing that what I said was really out of my head.

Seeing that I didn't speak, Wei Tan said, "Sleep, we have to hurry tomorrow." After finishing speaking, he turned around and wanted to leave.

My heart moved, and I said: "Wait."

Wei Tan turned around.

I looked at him for a moment, and bit my lips: "I have something to tell you."

The flame was quietly burning on the oil lamp on the desk, and Wei Tan and I sat opposite each other.

The teacup in front of them was filled with freshly poured tea, Wei Tan picked up the teacup and took a sip, I didn't move, I was thinking of words.

After coming back from the banquet, I always felt stuffy in my chest.

I always don't like to be influenced by emotions, but this time, I don't quite understand where this anger comes from. Did A Yuan mean concubine? I closed my eyes on the couch and thought about it just now, and I finally got the answer.

It's not that he takes concubines or not, it's that old man Fan Yue is too arrogant. In front of my face, he let a housewife seduce her husband, no matter how generous a woman is, she would be annoyed. There is another level, my current situation, whether it is for stability or wealth, I have to stay in Yongdu; no matter where I look at it, the best thing is to continue to be the eldest son's wife.

If I want to continue to be the eldest son's wife, I can't be divorced, especially at this time of beauty, I must hurry up.

"Don't you have something to say to me?" Wei Tan put down the teacup.

"En." I nodded slightly and looked at him, "My husband once said that marriage between you and me is a matter of expediency."

Wei Tan's eyes froze, and he looked at me without distinguishing between emotions and anger: "Yes."

I went all out: "The prime minister allowed me to marry into Jun's family because of Fu's reputation, right?"

Wei Tan twirled the teacup lightly with his fingers: "Madam is right if she thinks so."

This is an admission, I calmly smiled: "I don't know if the prime minister is satisfied now?"

"It all depends on Madam. Now that the scholars are attached, the new dynasty is secure."

I took a deep breath secretly: "So, I'll go back to Yongdu, okay?"

Wei Tan frowned.

"Listen to me!" I was afraid that I didn't speak clearly enough, so I misled him, and hurriedly said, "I think that you and I are married anyway, and now we're coming out of Huaiyang together, so I'll go away, you It is even more troublesome to explain to the family. If you and I don’t continue this husband and wife, I have always been dedicated to housework, you know; I will not interfere with your outside affairs as before, how about it?”

Wei Tan looked at me with such a compelling gaze that I hardly dared to look directly at him.

"That sentence just now, say it again." After a while, he said.

I was stunned and thought for a while: "I will not interfere in your affairs outside as before..."

He interrupted: "The previous sentence."

"I've always done my best with the housework..."

"Go ahead."

"If you and I don't want to continue this couple..." I felt my voice getting weaker and weaker.

Wei Tan looked at me, but smiled with the corners of his mouth curled up.

"Continue to be a husband and wife?" He picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea.

"Hmm." My heart was hanging higher and higher.

Wei Tan put down his teacup, his eyes were as deep as the bottom of a pond, and he said slowly: "I haven't heard you calling your husband just now. Call me again?"

Surprised, I opened my mouth subconsciously, but the two words stuck in my throat.

There seemed to be something slightly retracted in those eyes.

I quickly said: "Husband..."

"I'm going to take a bath." Wei Tan said lightly, got up from the couch, and walked out the door.

I blame myself for not being up to date, isn't it just the word "husband", if I called it out smoothly just now, what I said should be done. It's good now, Wei Tan let me stay here, it's already considered that I don't care about the past, but I don't even give him the face of calling him "husband". After thinking about it, I thought about it again, and I felt that things should not be seen this way. What am I worried about? I am a dignified married woman. The reputation of the family is there, full of confidence, even if he conceives a wife, the Wei family will bear the infamy of being unyielding, I have already given face by saying that just now...

After much deliberation, there is one thing that really grinds people. Did Wei Tan agree

I lay on the couch, tossing and turning again.

There was the sound of the door being pushed open.

"Eldest Prince..." That was A Yuan's voice.

"Tonight I will sleep with my wife, you go to the next room." This was Wei Tan's voice.

I opened my eyes in a jerk.

bed together

Wei Tan had already walked in, wearing unlined clothing, and there was still moisture in his hair.

"You..." When I saw him coming, I was a little dazed.

"Lie down a bit," Wei Tan picked up the pillow, "You take up the space for both of us, how can I sleep?"

"You," I stammered, "why do you want to sleep with me?"

Wei Tan sat down, supported the couch with one hand, and turned to look at me: "Since we are husband and wife, we should sleep together. Right? Ma'am."

When the word "Ma'am" came out of his mouth, his voice was very low. Looking at that face, I felt that there was something hidden in the pupils of the eyes, shining and charming.

I wanted to refute, but I couldn't.

My heart was beating "thump-thump", and I was both happy and worried.

I am happy that Wei Tan agreed, but I am worried that this bastard will sleep with me.

It is I who say to continue being a couple, I cannot drive him out. I stared at him defensively, pulled up the quilt, and didn't care that Xia Ye would be hot and sweaty, wrapped it around my body, and lay down.

Wei Tan ignored me and blew out the lamp beside the couch. I only heard the sound of the wooden planks on the couch, and I could feel a huge and heavy thing lying beside me.

"What are you doing sleeping in here? Come out." In the darkness, Wei Tan's voice was very close.

"No, uh... hot." I said.

"Cover the quilt when it's hot? Take it off."

"Ah...you just lift it up, what are you doing here?"

"Husbands and wives should be like this. What do you call a couple who sleep like a Cowherd and a Weaver Girl?"

"Your body is also attached..."

"My arms aren't long enough, and I can't hold you if my body doesn't fit in."

"Who wants you to hug... ah, you have stubble on your face..."

"Don't move!" Wei Tan suddenly said in a low voice.

I stopped suddenly and stopped struggling.

I could feel the hard resistance in the heels of my legs.

Wei Tan was very close, my cheeks became hot next to his sniffing ears. "Ah, Bina, and Yi are fierce, and they are so powerful, so naive, and purple, and they are obsessed with the emperor, and they are blocked, and they are ranked: they suffer from the evil, and they go out to suppress the neon.

"Don't come here! Pervert!"

"Hiss! Don't kick...you woman!"


That last cry was from me, very loud, because my ankle sprained again.

Old man Fan Yue is not kind, and his couch is also not kind. Good couch, what kind of carved fence should I add? There was still a large gap in the fence. When I was panicking and hiding from Wei Tan, my right foot caught the fence. Wei Tan pulled it, and only heard a "click", one of the fence broke, and my foot was injured again.

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp.org

Wei Tan woke up Congren in the middle of the night to boil water to get medicine, and then started rubbing my injured foot again.

"Ah..." I was in so much pain that my tears were about to fall.

"Patience." Wei Tan said, "It's quite strong, why don't you sprain the other one too?"

"Who told you to hug me!" I glared at him, "It's not your trick, how could I stretch my feet to those places... ah!"

Wei Tan put my feet into the warm water, curled the corners of his lips and said in a low voice, "Keep your voice low, lest people hear you?"

Only then did I realize that the followers were all on the sidelines, and the words just now fell into their ears, with ambiguous smiles on their faces.

Embarrassed, I stopped making a sound, just wanted to put footprints on the secretly smiling face in front of me.

After the treatment, my right foot was wrapped into a silkworm cocoon, which was hung on the curtain by Wei Tan.

Lying down again, Wei Tan still hugged me, but he stopped making trouble. At the beginning, I was still apprehensive, thinking that this hooligan would take advantage of others' danger the most. But he didn't move, he just put his arms around me, and after a while, I heard even and deep breathing.

couple? I remembered that in Laiyang before, Han Guang slept with me like this every day.

Will it be like this in the future

… one thing. I mentioned my request just now, but Wei Tan didn't mention his...

Forget it, it's best not to mention it.

I was thinking wildly, and gradually fell into sleep...

The next morning, when I woke up, Wei Tan was already dressed and standing in front of the bed.

"Are you awake?" His voice was low and hoarse, "Put on your clothes and go on the road in half an hour."

I responded, trying to hug the quilt and sit up, but I couldn't do it. The curtains rattled with my injured foot, and I just couldn't sit up.

Wei Tan's low laughter came from beside him, he came over and sat down by the couch.

"Help?" He looked at me.

"Yes." I nodded.

"Two words are missing."

I:"… "

Looking at his eyes, I thought for a while before I remembered which two words were missing.

"Husband... well, husband." I said a little stiffly.

Wei Tan curled his lips, turned to the injured foot, and untied the knot on it.

I watched him move, and couldn't help but think in my heart if I said something wrong last night, why did this person insist on a title

Wei Tan put down my injured foot, grabbed my shoulder again, and pulled me to sit up.

The quilt slipped off my body, revealing my unlined shirt.

Wei Tan's eyes suddenly stopped at my neck.

I was startled and looked along. I saw the belt loosen at some point, and the collar was pulled open low, revealing a white undulation... I blushed immediately, and hurriedly covered the collar tightly.

"Put on your clothes, tidy up and go on the road." Wei Tan smiled, but his face was serious.

"A Yuan!" He let me go and shouted out of the house.

"Yes." The door opened, and A Yuan poked half of his head in cautiously.

"Serve Madam to change clothes." Wei Tan ordered, got up and walked away.

After washing up and eating something, Wei Tan came in and asked me if I was packed.

When I spoke, he picked me up and walked out the door.

Fan Yue led the whole family in the hall, seeing Wei Tan coming out, and seeing me in his arms, her expression froze slightly.

I don't know why, but I was relieved, and I never felt that being hugged like this in front of everyone is a proud thing.

"Thank you Fan Gong for your hospitality. I'll leave after we've bothered you for a long time." Wei Tan said to Fan Yue.

Fan Yue smiled: "The poor house is rough and the hospitality is not good. Don't think it's strange." There are also good doctors, and it is also a great kindness to leave the wounded to heal."

"Thank you, Mr. Fan, it's just a minor injury, it will heal in a few days." I smiled, my voice was soft and unapologetic, "I'm sorry for the inconvenience in walking, so I can't salute."

Fan Yue said: "Madam said too much, how dare this old man accept the gift."

The chariots and horses were already lined up, after some greetings, Fan Yue led the crowd to the door again.

When they were saluting, I caught a glimpse of the maiko from last night standing behind Fan Yue's wife, with lowered eyebrows, almond eyes looking forward, and a charming complexion.

Oh, what a pity.

With my head held high, I followed Wei Tan's arm and got into the carriage.