Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 30: lobbyist


The foot was injured again, the carriage was tired, and the journey became miserable again.

People around me reacted differently to my situation.

Wei Tan carried me up and down as usual, pointing fingers.

Wei An seemed very happy. During the break, he ran over with a ruler, measured from left to right, and took out a wooden board for me to see. On it, he used charcoal to draw something that looks like a cart or a couch. This is what he calls a "cart".

Ah Yuan was nagging, sometimes sadly saying why I sprained my foot again, and sometimes curiously asking me how I feel when I finally have sex with my husband.

I ignored her, lying on the mattress, pretending I didn't hear anything.

"Madam doesn't know something," A Yuan leaned over and said, "I heard that after Madam left last night, those household tricks persuaded her to drink and fed her. Fan Yue really wanted to send the beauty."

I opened my eyes: "I heard? Who said it?"

"Young Master's attendant named Wang Hui said it." A Yuan said, "Ma'am, guess what happened? Fan Yue almost let the family servant serve the Young Master to sleep, but the Young Master got up suddenly, said goodbye, and went back to his room. "

I raised my eyebrows, noncommittal. This process, I have already roughly guessed.

"Ma'am, don't be a fool when you say that the beauty who comes to your door." A Yuan pondered, "Then... is the eldest son a fool?"

"Yes, who said no." I said.

Sending a beauty is nothing more than giving a favor. If you don't want it, there are only two reasons. One is that you can't accept it, and the other is that you can't accept it. As for the reason for Wei Tan, I don't know, anyway, it won't be for me.

"Madam, have you decided to stay with the eldest son and not leave?"

"Who said that?"

A Yuan was stunned: "But you and the eldest son... hmm?"

What is going on in this little girl's head all day long? I glanced at her and said nonchalantly, "I'll talk about whether to leave or not. The prime minister hasn't defeated Tan Xi yet."

In fact, in the conversation last night, I was going to wait for the eighth grade of Wei Wei to cough up the scars, and the eighth grade model was more beautiful, and the apricot rose faded away, and the ring was proudly forgiven. The male is the trace, the scorpion, the aunt, the magpie, the car, the car, the lung, the scorpion, the tortoise, the sputum, the ashes, the pan, the scorpion, the ox, the strong fan, the jihuai, the θチ forgive

In any case, I hope that Wei Wei will play a protruding ridge, season 葑 矮, love wu 疃 非 丝 冲 by fresh throwing 鈥? Kok Jun

This is also the reason why I decided to go with Wei Tan in Huainan.

Yes, this is gambling, but where is it not gambling

A Yuan looked at me for a while, then sighed softly: "I think it's a pity, the eldest son treats his wife very well."

Her face was a little red, and I knew what she was referring to.

Coming out of Yingchuan today, Wei Tan behaved like a perfect husband. In addition to picking me up and down, I often ride over on the road to see what I am doing. When he spoke, he lowered his head and leaned forward, more ambiguous. Not to mention A Yuan, sometimes I feel blushed.

"A Yuan, do you know Han Guang?" I asked.

A Yuan was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "I know, Madam's ex-husband."

I continued: "Ah Yuan, he used to hug me cheerfully every day, asking me if I was hungry in the morning, and if I was cold at night. I was a little sick, and he took care of me in a dastardly way, not even allowing me to sit up and eat. After a pause, I said again, "But when I was sent away later, he couldn't stop me with one foot."

A Yuan opened his eyes wide.

I patted her on the shoulder: "A Yuan, the eldest son is the same, he is a man, and he is only a man."

A Yuan looked at me for a while, then nodded, half understanding.

If I had just married back then, I would have been full of joy. But now that I have been there, I understand what it is like for a husband and wife to get along with each other on a daily basis. A grown man with no maids and concubines, only me as a wife. In the past, separated from Pei Qian, he was very courteous; now he is justified inside and out, but Wei Tan's cuddling and occasional ambiguity are already restrained.

I thought, maybe it won't be long before I will actually experience the bed thing.

Although I would feel awkward, but chastity has long since lost its meaning to me. I have been married for more than five years, and I am still a virgin. If I tell this, even A Yuan may not believe it.

In other words, there is only one more thing that Wei Tan can do to me than Han Guang. In exchange for a future, why not do it

For three or four days in a row, the rest on the road were all small villages. The world is depressed and the cottages are dilapidated. It is a blessing that there is no rainy day. In order to make room, Wei Tan no longer slept with me, and I shared the bed with A Yuan at night.

It was inconvenient to get water on the road, Wei Tan didn't give me water to soak my feet, but I changed the dressing on time every day. It was Wei Tan who was responsible for the debt and repayment of the money, and I feel quite at ease in his service.

"We'll be in Luoyang in two days, be patient." Wei Tan said to me as he wrapped the cloth strips around my feet.

"Yes." I replied, lying down on the straw bunk.

"When we arrive in Luoyang, I will take you to live in an old house," he said.

I nod. Wei Wei's carboxy, pseudo class, Jing Qiang's art of flattery, plundering and charm

"Have you ever been to Luoyang?" Wei Tan asked.

"I haven't been there," I said, and after a moment, I added, "but my mother is from Luoyang."

"Oh?" Wei Tan smiled, "My mother did too."

"I heard that my husband has lived in Luoyang since he was a child?" I asked.

"Yeah." Wei Tan nodded, "I didn't go to Chang'an until I was fourteen."

Oh, so he was a countryman until he was fourteen.

I thought. Forget it again, fourteen years old? Then when he went to Chang'an...

"You are nine years old." Wei Tan said.

This remark was like a moderate thunder, and I was caught off guard, stunned: "What?"

"When you count, your eyes will glance to the right." He said lightly.

The firewood "cracked" and burst into sparks more than ten feet away.

I looked at him, both surprised and suspicious.

He also looked at me.

"Really." I thought in my heart that I would never show any timidity, and forced myself to put on a disapproving expression, "How does my husband know that I am counting?"

Wei Tan smiled.

At this time, the sergeant not far away called him loudly.

Wei Tan responded and said to me: "Go to sleep." After that, he got up and walked over, leaving me lying on the grass bed, confused.

When I woke up the next morning, unexpectedly, a group of people arrived, and the leader was Cheng Mao, whom I hadn't seen for a long time.

He was travel-laden and dusty, and at a glance, he knew that he was in a hurry.

"My lord!" He bowed to Wei Tan first, then saw me behind Wei Tan in a blink of an eye, and bowed again: "Ma'am."

Wei Tan's expression was calm, and he didn't talk nonsense: "What's the matter?"

"My lord," Cheng Mao said, "my lord and Tan Xi fought in Wuzhi, and the battle is very urgent. My lord ordered me to urge you to return to the camp immediately!"

Wei Tan nodded, and immediately ordered the army to pack lightly and distribute troops. He turned to me and was about to speak when Cheng Mao interrupted him.

"My lord," Cheng Mao looked at me and said again, "my lord said, if Madam Fu is here, please also go with me."

The carriage was speeding along the road, bumping so much that one could sit or lie down. Wei Tan abandoned the migrants, and took only a few servants with horses to follow Cheng Mao and his party on the road. The road was rushed, as if there was a vicious dog chasing after him, and he changed horses in nearby counties after running for hundreds of miles, almost without rest.

I was injured, and A Yuan followed me in the same car. Wei An said that he was going to fight with his father and brother, but Wei Tan did not refuse, and took him on the road together. Along the way, he was probably the happiest person.

Wei Wei, my daughters in the hall

Zhao Jun, Shao Shi, the prime minister of the first emperor, was single-handedly promoted by his father. After the Fu family exterminated the family, Zhao Jun was dissatisfied with Bian Hou's party crowding out dissidents in the court, so he resigned and left. Later, Tan Xi raised an incident and issued a call to win over scholars. Zhao Jun responded and became a counselor under Tan Xi's tent.

Cheng Mao told me that Zhao Jun has the talent for strategy, Wei Zhan cut Lang Ting 2 paralyzed people Ai Zeng curtain Huang trench moat I Yun Hu Mo Hong Ao Dan Qin Zeng Liang Xun haze Huai cherry teasing Song Yao nyi Ю锾锾锾钟风ィfading and mourning and stealing

Wei Tan and I got married in the military camp outside Laiyang City, so this is not the first time I have been to the military camp.

But the camp this time was obviously much bigger than the last time I stayed. On the way, I saw the flag on the gate, and there were horses standing around, with a faint imposing manner.

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Before reaching the door, a group of people came out to meet them.

"Brother!" Wei Ci was the first to ride, with a bright smile.

"Zixian." Wei Tan greeted, "Where's father?"

"The prime minister is in the tent."

Wei Tan nodded, and the two of them rode their horses into the camp while talking.

I looked out through the thin bamboo curtains, and I saw row after row of tents, and many soldiers were performing in the large open space on both sides, shouting and shouting one after another.

When Wei Ci saw Wei Tan holding me down, she was a little surprised, then smiled again, and bowed: "Sister-in-law."

"Zixian." I nodded.

At this time, a deep voice came from the big tent in front of him: "Is Meng Jing back?"

Wei Tan and Wei Ci looked at each other and replied, "Yes, father."

A guard had already opened the door of the tent, and Wei Tan led me into the tent.