Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 31: Fierce battle (on)


The tent is very bright, the weather is hot, it's too cold to cover.

There were several people sitting at the bottom, all dressed as scribes. I recognized two people, one was Wei Zhao, and the other was Wang Ju, who was the wedding praiser for me and Wei Tan.

Wei Tan put me down, let A Yuan caress me, and covered Wei Qihuan's case!

I also saluted: "Meet my uncle."

Wei Yu ナ I wish you anti-yellow, doubtful, hopeful, Γ scars, leaves, vulgar, and yellow arcs!

Embarrassed, I lowered my head slightly: "Let Uncle worry about you." As I said that, my heart couldn't stop sweating. He also knew about my sprained feet. This old fox has so long ears and eyes

Wei oh!

Everyone laughed.

At this time, Wei Xie Chui Jiao Pan Yi choked Zhu Huan Chui Nai and Bo apologized and forgiven

"Ruzi, come here!" He waved to Wei An.

Wei An walked over.

Wei Wei's jealousy, Pan Kuai's and Ao's suffering from laziness and wantonly disturbing his mother's Yingjun

Wei An pursed his lips and said, "No, the soldier shot him to death. I made the crossbow."

"Oh?" Wei Zuo remonstrated with the prime minister, Fan Yunhe, and Ba Luwei, and said that A'an was not doing his job properly, so he asked her to go to war as well, to see if she could win a battle. "

Wei Zhao smiled: "Exactly."

After a ceremony, Wei Aimeng, Yiqiao, ranks, 2 people, Α > hand tilted for a long time, slack, said Nai, sakura, bell, ape, love, tax, laochun, glass, scar, bar, garden, Meng, Luchu

"Shu Huang and my son's wife's family are old friends and admirers, so they should be familiar with each other."

Wang Ju said: "That's right." After finishing speaking, he bowed to me, "Madam, don't come here without any problems."

"Nonsense." Wei Yingzhong said:

Everyone laughed.

I said concordantly to Wang Ju, "I'm fine, and the foot injury is not serious."

The attendant brought the tea, Wei Wei resented 2 Huai 芑 芑 近远 followed by the calcium vulture twisted long

Except for Wei Tan and Wei Zhao, everyone present here are counselors, in their early thirties, and some have gray beards. I try to sit still and listen to them.

Tan Xi is so powerful that he comes all the way from the north. lung frame

The current predicament is that food and grass are difficult; the second is that Tan Xi built an earthen mountain outside the Wei army camp and shot down the soldiers with a strong crossbow. In a confrontation in battle, food and grass are the most important. If the soldiers are tired, the offense and defense will be weak; while Tan Xi is condescending and shoots with a strong crossbow, and the soldiers are killed or injured.

I listened on the sidelines, secretly startled.

Such a situation, isn't it critical? Glancing at Wei Tan again, his face was calm and unwavering, without frowning.

When everyone was discussing for a while, Wei Zin cong lee shook

I felt a "thump" in my heart, knowing that it was up to me next.

However, Wei Ai times 12Φ collapses, regrets, reverts to Xiao, σ, Huan boils, stops, Huai Gu, hope industry, 4 グ umbrella!

Although Wei Tan was mentioned first, it was addressed to me.

Wei Tan and I looked at each other, and obediently kissed Wei Qi!

Wei Huan, Tuo, Harrier, Suspected, leftovers, Contributed to Lu Chu, also called こさ, Shansi, flattered

old fox...

What are you talking about, the discussion in the tent is just for me, let me know the current interests, so that I can think about how to persuade Zhao Jun.

Asking me to rest first is definitely not polite. They asked me to be a lobbyist because they valued the friendship between my father and Zhao Jun back then. If you leave in a hurry at this time, regardless of whether you have prepared your speech, who can you convince with your limping and haggard appearance

I lay on the couch and thought about it, but after all, is Zhao Jun so important? I have seen him at home before, he is good at chess, but taciturn, such a person is worthy of Wei Jiu's expectation.

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It was very quiet in the bank account, no one disturbed. After I ate and washed, I fell asleep.

When I woke up, it was already dark. I turned over and thought of Zhao Jun again, and couldn't sleep anymore.

Not long after, some voices came from outside, and not long after, the tent door was opened, and Wei Tan's figure was reflected in the light.

He had already changed his clothes, walked to the couch, and took off the knife on his waist.

"Not asleep yet?" He was a little surprised to see my eyes open.

"Well." I said.

Something flashed in Wei Tan's eyes, and he sat down on the couch: "Thinking about tomorrow?"

"Well, talk to me, okay?" I didn't plan to hide anything at this time, Wei Tan came just in time, and there are some things I want to ask clearly.

Wei Tan put the knife on the table and took off his boots.

His body smelled like he had just been bathed, and there was a little sweat, but he didn't hate it.

"Let's talk." Wei Tan rolled up the mattress and half-lyed beside me.

"Zhao Jun, do you have to surrender?" I asked.

"Don't say you have to surrender." Wei Tan moved his body to find a comfortable position, "During the battle between Tan Xi and Dong Kuang, Zhao Jun offered several strategies to help Tan Xi win Hebei."

I understand it, but I don't understand: "How could such an important person be captured by the prime minister?"

Wei Tan said slowly: "Tan Xi is a man who appoints his cronies, and he is jealous. Zhao Jun and his father are from the same hometown, and they had good friends in the same dynasty. Now that Tan Xi is fighting with my father, although Zhao Jun has meritorious service, Tan Xi is jealous of it. More crowding out. To avoid suspicion, Zhao Jun asked Tan Xi to guard Xuncheng, and our army intercepted him on the way."

"Oh?" I thought for a while, and couldn't help but smile, "Since that's the case, why didn't Zhao Jun surrender?"

Wei Tan smiled wryly: "It would be great if he was willing to surrender. However, this person has quite a reputation, and he will never bear the name of second minister."

It turned out to be a matter of saving face.

I was speechless, looked at the top of the tent, and sighed softly.

Wei Tan looked at me, and said lightly, "You don't have to worry too much about it. My father saw that the battle was stalemate and wanted to get some tricks from Zhao Jun. He has a stubborn temperament, and my father has always known that if you can't persuade him, he won't." will blame you."

"Hmm." I smiled.

I have another idea in my heart.

It was the urgency of the war that I had to persuade him to surrender. Wei Wei hot ash leech industry accepts gangue pancreas 13 cows faded beautifully dragged flags 芄冬 long h yan increased liao Ao 芄芄芄芄色曲扎扎曲曲欣艺节草节节生料喜 Γ气病茄蛋≡瘛

We were exhausted from the rush all the way. Wei Tan didn't do anything either. After saying something, I heard his breathing as he fell asleep.

I had a good night's sleep before, but I was a little restless when I slept again. After finally falling asleep, when he woke up, it was already daylight, and Wei Tan had disappeared.

When A Yuan came in, he had a mysterious smile on his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Madam will know later," she said.

After I changed and washed, Ah Yuan said to the outside: "Come in!"

The tent door was opened, and a sergeant came in pushing something.

"Ma'am, the fourth son made a cart overnight." A Yuan said happily.

I looked at her in surprise, and then at the thing called "cart". There are two wheels, a simple bed in the middle, and a backrest at the back. It really looks like what Wei An drew on the wooden board.

"Lianye?" I asked, "Where is the fourth son?"

"He couldn't wait for his wife to wake up, so he went to sleep."

I:"… "

Although it is a new thing, Wei An's mind is really amazing.

I got on the stroller, and there was actually a place to put my feet under the seat. A Yuan pushed me, and I came and went freely. I was worried about my appearance at first, no matter if Wei Tan hugged me or supported A Yuan to jump around, it would be embarrassing. Now that I have this thing, although it is a silly thing to be pushed around, it is much better than before.

There are still important things to do today, I don’t dare to play too much, I had a fight with A Yuan for a while, the guards brought porridge, and I started to eat.

Not long after eating, someone came, and it was Wang Ju.

"See you madam." He saluted.

"My lord, don't be too polite." I said, looking at him, "I don't know what's wrong with your lord?"

Wang Ju said: "Madam must have known about Zhao Jun."

Sure enough, it was for this.

I nodded: "I know."

Wang Ju said again: "I don't know if Madam has a countermeasure?"

I looked at him and said, "I haven't made up my mind yet, does the prince have any advice?"

"Don't dare to do it." Wang Ju said, "Ma'am, I once had a relationship with Zhao Jun. He valued righteousness, but he respected his mother the most. Zhao Jun's wife and mother, my lord has ordered someone to take her to Yongdu."

I startled.

Wei Du lures love, raises love, and regrets more

Also talk about intersecting, what fellow countrymen.

I smiled, "If the prince is Zhao Jun, after hearing this, I wonder if he is willing to surrender?"

Wang Ju's expression was still calm: "This matter is just an excuse. If Madam's persuasion is difficult, you can use it."

I didn't speak, after a while, I nodded: "Thank you, my lord, the concubine has her own concerns."

These words meant seeing off guests. Wang Ju was a sensible person, so he didn't stay too long.

"Ma'am," he stood up and said in a low voice, "Ma'am is nothing more than worrying, if there is anything useful, just speak up."

I looked at him and smiled: "The prince is kind, and I will accept it myself."

Wang Ju looked at me, bowed, and walked out.

Although they all said that I don't need to care too much, I still think a lot.

When I arrived at the place where Zhao Jun was imprisoned, I secretly took a deep breath.

"Do you want me to go in with you?" Wei Tan asked me.

"No need." I refused.

"Really?" Wei Tan raised his eyebrows.

I looked at him: "It's just meeting an old friend, not going to die."

Wei Tan smiled and asked the guard to open the wooden fence and push me in.

The prison in the barracks was made crudely, but Wei Tan treated Zhao Jun very well. The single cell was kept clean and there were cases and couch.

Zhao Jun was born in a noble family with rigorous cultivation. He obviously heard the noise and knew that someone was coming to visit. When I arrived at the door, he was already sitting upright on the mat, assuming a welcoming attitude.

"Mr. Zhao." I said.

When he saw me, he had a puzzled look on his face. After a while, it suddenly changed as if he remembered something.

"Fu Nu..." He opened his mouth in surprise, but stopped for a moment, and changed his name to: "Ma'am."

After finishing speaking, he straightened his clothes and bowed to me.