Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 33: Fierce battle (below)


I was startled and hurriedly said, "Take me out to see!"

A Yuan came to push the cart, and when I got to the door, I opened the tent door, only to see soldiers running outside, and there was a faint noise coming from the direction they were running.

In the distance, the earth hill built by Tan Jun can be seen faintly. Weiying was built according to the terrain, and was surrounded by fences to resist horses. Although it is strong, it can only resist the vehicles and horses on the ground, but it has nothing to do with the arrows falling from the sky. Tan Xi built dozens of earth hills along the Wei camp, with archery towers on them. The sergeants shot arrows down at the Wei camp from the towers. The power was so powerful that every time the Wei soldiers attacked, they were blocked in front of the camp and could not move forward. .

"Ma'am," A Yuan said in a tense voice, "The Eldest Young Master is not here, do you want to leave immediately? I just saw the Sergeant who came with us, I can ask him to find a car."

I pondered, and said: "Not busy, the situation is unclear, let's take a look."

At this time, a general galloped by on horseback, and I looked, but saw that it was Wei Ci.

I hurriedly shouted: "Zixian!"

Wei Ci looked back and saw me, immediately reined in his horse, and ran towards me.

"Sister-in-law!" He smiled and dismounted.

"Zixian, what's going on ahead?" I asked.

"It's nothing serious." Wei Ci's body was dirty, as if he had just dug mud, "Old man Tan Xi sent people to attack from the side of the mountain forest, and started fighting. Sister-in-law, don't be surprised, they are all mindless soldiers General, the prime minister has sent someone to clean it up."

Seeing his relaxed expression, I couldn't help feeling relieved.

"Uncle, do you know where the eldest son is?" I asked again.

"Brother?" Wei Ci was taken aback, then shook his head, "I don't know."

At this time, there was a soldier named Wei Ci not far away. Wei Ci responded and said to me, "Brother, go first."

I nodded and said, "Uncle, take care."

Wei Ci was right, as expected, the front fell silent. The sergeant sent definite news that during the sneak attack by Bairi Tan's army, some spies sneaked into the camp and spread rumors that they could not hold it, which caused some confusion among the sergeants in the rear. However, Xi Zuo had already been caught and was forgiven by Wei Chi.

The noise outside had dissipated, and A Yuan and I looked at each other, it turned out to be a false alarm.

Wei Tan was still missing, and at night, I lay down on the couch with all my clothes on.

In my sleep, I seemed to be back in the daytime, making noise everywhere, but it didn't take long before I was woken up.

"Ma'am!" A Yuan was terrified, "Get up, Tan Jun is really here!"

My heart was shocked, and I quickly got up, put on my coat and got up. My injured foot has healed a lot, but it still hurts when I walk.

"Ma'am," A Yuan said, "it's better to take the cart."

I looked around, the firelight from outside came in, and the tent was reflected golden. He secretly groaned in his heart, this is fleeing for his life, who has ever seen someone fleeing for his life in a cart!

At this moment, the tent door was suddenly opened, and Wei Ci walked in.

"Sister-in-law!" He saluted me.

"Zixian." I hurriedly asked, "What's going on outside?"

"Sister-in-law, don't be alarmed." Wei Ci grinned, "Tan Bing dug a tunnel to sneak attack, and the former army is fighting. The sergeant has already set up a tent regiment to guard, and my sister-in-law can stay safe here."

I looked at him, dubiously.

"Ma'am..." A Yuan packed up half of his luggage and looked at me, a little at a loss.

"That's it." I nodded to Wei Ci, let A Yuan push me out, opened the tent door, and saw torches lit everywhere in the camp, and the soldiers were running around in an orderly manner.

"Where is the prime minister?" I asked.

"The prime minister is sitting in the tent." Wei Ci said, "The former army discovered that Tan soldiers were using the tunnel to sneak attack, so the prime minister used his plan and found the tunnel exit, so he set up an ambush." He smiled, "Tan army sneak attack on the flank during the day, I just want to make a fuss and prepare for the night."

I listened to him talking, still not at ease, just looking into the distance. There was a dirt slope next to my camp, and my vision was blocked. I thought about it and asked A Yuan to push me up. The field of vision is much wider, and there are torches everywhere, illuminating the hall brightly. Only a dozen feet away, the horses were firmly surrounded by the camp, and the sergeant was waiting in full force. Where the flames were brighter, there were crowds of people, and the screams and the sound of weapons could be heard.

The night wind blows head-on, with the smell of fireworks and a faint smell of blood.

"Ma'am." A Yuan whispered in my ear, trembling slightly, "Where is the eldest son?"

I looked over there, but there was no answer.

When I saw Wei Ci in the tent just now, I almost blurted out the same question. From last night to now, he seemed to have disappeared without leaving any words, and no one mentioned it. At that moment, I suddenly realized that I had put Wei Tan in a position I could rely on, but all along, I felt that only myself was the one I could truly rely on.

"Go and prepare the carriage," I said in a voice that only A Yuan could hear, "If the situation changes, leave immediately."

A Yuan's eyes flashed, he responded, called a sergeant to help the cart, and walked away.

Wei Ci was called away not long after waiting, and Tan Bing did as he said, the soldiers who came out of the tunnel fell into the siege, a scuffle, Wei Bing saw victory in sight.

But at this moment, a light suddenly lit up in the distance.

I looked over, eyes wide open.

I saw fires dotted in the night sky, floating in the night sky, but they didn't look like fluorescent lights, they moved with a strange air.

"It's the archery tower on the earth mountain!" A sergeant shouted, "Tan Jun is going to shoot arrows!"

It was too late and then soon, there was a sudden scream of screams in the front army, and through the light of the fire, I vaguely saw black spots falling in the sky, like a flock of crows. I almost thought those arrows would come, and instinctively wanted to dodge.

"Don't worry, ma'am," said the sergeant behind him, "This place is too far away for arrows to hit."

"Shield! Shield!" I heard a general urging the sergeant for reinforcements.

"Ma'am!" A Yuan hurried over, took the cart from the sergeant, and whispered in my ear, "The carriage is ready, shall we go now?"

I was about to answer when I suddenly heard a "boom", and then there was an uproar.

Turning his head to look, he saw something flying up from the former army camp amidst the flames, smashing into the flames in the air.

The distance was too far, and I only vaguely heard the broken sound of "bang", like a boulder falling to the ground.

The sergeant cheered.

"It's a hit!" Someone said excitedly, "It's the fourth son's catapult!"

Catapult? I looked carefully again, and there were a few big rocks flying up into the air, like some monster playing with a slingshot, throwing them up and down, and then, the fires of several archery towers were extinguished.

"The eldest son is back!" Someone shouted happily.

I was startled and looked in the direction of the voice.

A sound of hoofbeats came first, under the light of the fire, several horsemen and horses rushed forward, and the first one with shiny armor was Wei Tan.

The campfire burned all night, and when the dawn broke, there was still a smoldering fire.

Only after dawn did I see the whole picture of the fighting place. The corpses were piled up like a mountain, and the soldiers dug pits to bury them on the spot. The wounded soldiers lay in the haystack crying and screaming, and the doctor accompanying the army was busy running around.

Wei An's catapult destroyed Tan Xi's arrow tower, and after this battle, I found out that Wei Tan went to Heyin, a place hundreds of miles away, where Tan Xi's grain was stored, and set fire to Tan Xi's army rations.

One Wei An, one Wei Tan, the two sons made meritorious deeds, Wei Qidajun o Righteous Raisement Raises Chin Chin Increased Material Counseling Mo Chen Oh Halo Yi Cang Xi Tuo Scattered Seal

I breathed a sigh of relief, at least there was no need to run for my life.

"Tan Xi's military rations?" Wei Tan returned to the tent, I sat on the cart, took him off his armor, and asked, "I wonder how much?"

"I don't know, but if I do a rough calculation, there should be tens of thousands of stones." Wei Tan replied.

Tens of thousands of shi... I think of the grain price I found out when I came out of Yongdu.

My heart is bleeding secretly, I deeply hate Wei Tan, a rough man who doesn't know the price of firewood and rice, so it's better to keep half of the food for me...

"Distressed?" Wei Tan said suddenly.

I froze and looked up at him.

"You're counting again." Wei Tan glanced at my eyes, then at my mouth for a moment, "You're still biting your lip."

monster. Although I was angry in my heart, I have already learned about his ability, so I am not surprised.

I concealed my eyes and hung up the iron armor: "I just feel that it's a pity, even in Yongdu, there are many people who don't have enough to eat. Why did your husband burn all the food and grass, wouldn't it be good to bring them back?"

"Huh?" Wei Tan said, "Madam is sympathetic."

"Husband, thank you." I said.

"Since that's the case, why didn't Madam ask me if I was injured after I ran away for two nights for my husband?"

Surprised, I turned my head: "Husband..." Before I could speak, I suddenly saw Wei Tan's naked upper body, with strong muscles and firm lines.

Wei Tan hung the untied underwear on the rack, and glanced at me: "Huh?"

I looked at the dirty clothes, then at Wei Tan, still feeling embarrassed: "My husband wants to take a bath?"

"I have to go to my father's tent later, so I won't have time to take a shower." Wei Tan lowered his head and said, "Why don't madam wipe my husband's body?"

Play me again.

I looked at him, and smiled heartlessly: "I'm afraid I will disappoint my husband, my concubine's foot injury is not healed, and I can't bear to serve you."

If it is said that the first battle of Wuzhi broke Tan Xi's spirit, then the burning of the army rations was a heavy blow.

Wei, go up to the tank, dice, close the lungs, wrestle the orangutan 2, that is, shrug the lungs, eat and guess the roundworm. 6

Afterwards, Wei Ying Zhong Mei sent 瑜葜 tired, rebelled and smashed straight to punish locusts

Tan Xi was so disturbed that he was in a state of anxiety, so he fell into the trick and immediately sent his troops to the second place to rescue him.

Wei Duan's mirage is surrounded by sputum, swims, back, phenol, fat, salt, fennel, lungs, and guanidine, all of which are only hot, lingering, lingering вaisiqiaobiyoua

The situation in Wuzhi has been settled, Wei Suo Yuhuang l contradicts post ν and rushes to Fangfangao

I'm a woman, and I said that after surrendering Zhao Jun, I was already useless, so naturally I couldn't continue to follow the army.

"Ma'am, please go back to Luoyang with my fourth brother. I will go there after the battle is over, and I will take you back to Yongdu." Wei Tan said.

I nod. These days I see a lot of fighting and killing, I wish I could go away.

However, the effort on the face is still necessary. I looked up at Wei Tan, and asked softly, "How long will this battle last?"

"Father is determined to destroy the Tan family, and it may take three or four months." Wei Tan said.

I lift my heart. There has been no news of Li Shang going to Jiangnan. I have always planned to return to Yongdu as soon as possible, lest he send letters and find no one.

"So long?" My smile was a little stiff.

"It won't be long." Wei Tan said, "Someone needs to be in the rear, and my father will let me go back to Yongdu next month."

As soon as this remark came out, I was relieved: "That's it."

Wei Tan stared at me, with penetrating eyes: "Madam is happy?"

I raised my eyebrows, calm and calm: "I am naturally happy to see my husband again as soon as possible."

Wei Tan squinted his eyes for a moment, and suddenly stretched out his hand to scratch my nose.

"Pack up your things and go on the road in the afternoon." After he finished speaking, he walked out of the tent.

I was left sitting on the stroller, touching my nose and staring at his back.

"Ma'am, why is your nose so red? Did you get stung?" In the car, A Yuan stared at my nose and asked curiously.

"It's nothing." I touched my nose and felt that it was getting hot from my touch. "It was scratched."

A Yuan laughed: "Madam, don't you still think that if your nose is scratched, you will become a pig? That's what the second son blackmailed you!"

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp.org

It was a prank played by my second brother when I was young. He liked to scrape my nose, and he said triumphantly that he would turn into a pig no matter how many times he scraped it. I was terrified, and once I was pressed and scraped twenty times by him, I burst into tears and ran to my mother yelling that I didn't want to become a pig. The second brother naturally taught my mother a lesson, but I also got the root of the disease in my heart. If someone scratches my nose, I will always feel itchy on the nose, and then keep touching it with my hands...

Wei Tan that bastard. I gritted my teeth secretly.

A Yuan soaked the handkerchief in cold water for me, and after wrapping it for a while, the discomfort slowly subsided.

After walking for a while, suddenly, A Yuan pointed out the window: "Madam, isn't that Mr. Zhao?"

I looked, and sure enough, Zhao Jun was sitting on a horse in a commoner suit, followed by servants and ox carts.

I told the driver to stop.

"Mr. Zhao." I raised the curtain of the car and said to Zhao Jun.

"Ma'am." Zhao Jun dismounted and saluted when he saw me.

I returned the salute in the car, looked at the driver behind him, and asked, "Mr. Zhao is leaving?"

"Exactly." Zhao Jun said.

I'm a little surprised. Zhao Jun made great contributions, I thought he would leave it to Wei Chuan and Qu Bijun

"Where is Mr. Zhao going?" I asked.

"Go to Yongdu." Zhao Juan said, and said with a wry smile, "Wei Gong has taken my family to Yongdu, Jun has already bid farewell to Wei Gongbao, and went to Yongdu to reunite with his family."

I nodded and said: "I think Zhao Gong will stay for a while longer."

Zhao Jun shook his head: "Duke Wei has the winning ticket, so it's okay for Jun to leave." As he spoke, he sighed, "If Madam hadn't reminded him, Jun would have almost forgotten that he has not seen his mother, wife and children for two years, and he is very ashamed."

I looked at him with some inexplicable feelings in my heart.

"Jun bid farewell, ma'am take care." Zhao Jun bowed deeply to me without saying a word.

"Mr. Zhao take care." I also saluted and watched him get on his horse and lead the car to another road.

The bottom of my heart is not without emotion.

If Zhao Jun left, maybe Wei Tan's fame and fortune would be cut off, but he has an old mother, wife and children. But for me, who used my old mother, wife and children to persuade me to surrender, there was nothing behind me.

So, I can only keep going forward.

"Ma'am, are you leaving?" At this time, A Yuan asked me.

I stared at it for a moment, then nodded and said, "Let's go."

The driver gave a loud shout, swung his whip and rode the horse, leaving dust flying on the road, and drove me away.