Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 34: cart


There is no need to rush to Luoyang, and my feet are not fully healed, so I stop and go on the road, just like going out to play.

Wei An originally wanted to stay in Wei'an. Kuang ∮ robin starling eunuch fly free to poke the coal cistanche pretty tiller

Of course, I am not a person who is good at being bored, so in the carriage, I thought about many things.

Leaving from Weiying this time, I am no longer as anxious as I was when I got married from Laiyang half a year ago. Wei Tan and Wei Wei's milk caries dreams are suppressed and prisoned, and the scorpion is stolen.

I have been worried about Li Shang and the others, wondering if going to Jiangnan will go smoothly. When I left Yongdu to worship my ancestors, I planned to return within a month and wait for news from Li Shang. But now it’s too late, it’s been more than half a month since I left Huaiyang, even if Li Shang and the others return to Yongdu, they still don’t know where I went. I made up my mind that when I went to Luoyang, I would send a letter back to Yongdu. I only thought it was a letter from A Yuan's family and sent it to Li Shang's residence. It states where we are now, and if Li Shang has returned to Yongdu, he will definitely reply; if he does not reply, it means he has not returned from Jiangnan.

Going out, taking a car or something is actually fun, but the pain is sleeping at night. The war in the Henan area has just ended, and five or six out of ten ordinary villages have been deserted. If you can't make it to the city at night, it would be a good thing to find some dilapidated houses to rest.

As the sun was setting, we came across a village at dusk, and the nearest city was dozens of miles away, so we stopped for a rest.

There were only two or three families in the village, all of whom were poor villagers. When they saw soldiers and horses approaching, they all hid in their houses in horror and shut the door tightly.

Fortunately, the sergeant who led the team was well-informed, and ran to a family's house with a pleasant face, said something, and handed some rice, and the family opened the door carefully. The Sergeant Cao asked the sergeants to repair the houses of the villagers before dark. In a team of 200 people, Wei An and I lived in the houses, and the others slept outside. When the villagers saw that Sergeant Qiu had committed no crime and was still helping with the work, they were all relieved and overjoyed.

The soldiers found a stove in the ruins to make a fire for cooking, but when they were eating, they found that Wei An was missing. After a lot of searching, I found it in a family's house. He was repairing the beard bed of a lame old man.

"Why does the fourth son do carpenter's work?" A Yuan whispered.

I smiled, nodded to the old man, and said, "Fourth Uncle, it's time for dinner."

Wei An wiped the sweat from his forehead: "I'm not hungry, my eldest sister-in-law will eat first."

I looked at the lame old man next to him. He was already a little uncomfortable when he saw many of us, and it was even more embarrassing at this time.

"My lord," he cupped his hands to Wei An, "Let's eat first, the old man's bed can be used."

Wei An shook his head: "I'm not hungry."

I'm not in a hurry, in Wei An's eyes, nothing compares to the work at hand. I asked the sergeants to go back first, leaving two or three people holding torches in place and continuing to beat Wei An.

On the way back, Wei An was a little embarrassed.

"Sister-in-law, are you hungry?" He asked in a low voice.

"Not too hungry." I said.

Wei An was silent.

"Why did Uncle Fourth fix that bed?" I said, "It's not a machine, I just leave it to the sergeants in the future."

Wei An lowered his head and muttered: "No."

I looked sideways: "What isn't it?"

Wei An looked at me: "Sister-in-law, I was looking for wood, but the old man is really pitiful, and I have a hammer." After that, he stopped and said, "My grandfather was also lame before, he Treat your brother and me well."

grandfather? I froze for a moment, remembering. The grandfather he mentioned should be Wei Qian, from Zengguan to Taiwei, who died at the age of sixty.

"Does Fourth Uncle miss Grandpa?" My heart softened.

"Yes." Wei An said, "Grandfather can dance swords and tell stories."

I smiled: "What story did he tell you?"

"There are too many." Wei An said, "It's all about the seven kingdoms fighting for supremacy in the past."

It is worthy of being covered by Wei Yan and Shang Changmu

"That's right." My father also liked to tell me stories about the Seven Kingdoms back then, so he was very interested, "I don't know who the Fourth Uncle likes among the Seven Kingdoms? Four Gentlemen? Bai Qi? Oh, you should like Mozi more..."

"Lord Longyang."

I:"… "

Looking around, neither A Yuan nor the guarding sergeants showed any surprise on their faces. I understand that they still don't know who Longyang Jun is.

"Fourth Uncle," I felt my smile twitch, and said in a low voice, "Why do you like Longyang Jun?"

Wei An looked at me and said, "Isn't Mr. Longyang not good? His swordsmanship is excellent, he has martial arts and strategy."

I said, "Many people are also armed and strategic."

Wei An scratched his head: "But Mr. Longyang's name sounds nice, I only remember him."

I:"… "

After some thought, after dinner, I said to Wei An: "Since the fourth uncle is sorry for the handicapped old man, why don't you add two wheels and make that bed into a cart?"

Wei An said, "I think so too, but I can't find wood to make wheels here."

I thought about it, and said: "I can give this cart to my husband, what does fourth uncle think?"

Wei An was taken aback for a moment, thought about it, and looked at my feet: "But sister-in-law still has a foot injury."

"The foot injury is about to heal." I said, "I will arrive in Luoyang tomorrow, and I don't have to walk up and down on the way. And if it still feels inconvenient in Luoyang, fourth uncle can make me a new one."

Wei An showed a thoughtful look on his face, and after a moment, he nodded in agreement.

"Ma'am." A Yuan looked at Wei An's figure going out, and asked me suspiciously, "It's so good, why did you give the cart away?"

I smiled and said, "Ah Yuan, do you think there are so many people with limited mobility in today's world?"

A Yuan thought for a while, and said: "The war has been chaotic for many years, not to mention the people, there are too many soldiers who have been disabled due to fighting."

I nodded and said, "So, if you can sell the cart, that's a big deal."

"Sell carts?" A Yuan was surprised: "But only the fourth son knows how to do it, let alone whether he is willing or not, is it appropriate for the fourth son to get involved in business?"

This is also where my fear lies, I smiled: "There will always be a way. And this matter is still an idea, and it is not certain whether it will happen or not."

My mother is from Luoyang, but I have never been to Luoyang.

In the past, my mother often talked to me about where the scenery in Luoyang was the most beautiful, what temples and palaces, where the most lively places, and where the well water was said to make people beautiful after drinking. When I listened to what she said, I thought it was the best place besides Chang'an.

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Of course, Chang'an has been turned into ruins, and Luoyang will not be spared.

The carriage passed the drawbridge over the moat and rumbled through the city gate. I looked out from the car window, and the spacious streets and neat houses are all examples of famous cities. However, it can be seen that many houses have not been repaired for a long time, the magnificent palace has no roof, and the high walls are full of scorched black marks.

"Ma'am." A Yuan followed me to look out the window, and said suddenly, "I wonder if the two concubines and Duke Qiao are still in Luoyang?"

All I know is that I have two aunts and one uncle in Luoyang, both of whom are of noble families, and I met them only in Chang'an.

Later, something happened to Mrs. Fu, and I never saw them again. For me, these relatives are just like the former splendor, like a cloud of smoke blown away by a strong wind, they have long since disappeared.

Luckily the mother didn't have to know this.

I comforted myself and put down the bamboo curtain.

Although it was destroyed, there are many people in Luoyang. The carriage stopped and went all the way, and there was an endless stream of pedestrians. When I passed by the west, I saw a huge market, bustling and bustling.

Wei's old house is in the north of the city, surrounded by big houses. The carriage stopped in front of the house, and the stewards and servants were already waiting at the steps.

I took a closer look at those people, and they were all dressed as family members.

As early as when I was in Yongdu, I heard that Wei Zhao had a concubine living in Luoyang, surnamed Xu. Now it seems that she did not come out to greet him. Thinking about it in my heart, it is also appropriate, this Xu Ji is not the main wife, and the owner of this house is not me, if she comes out to greet her, if I don't know her name, it will only increase the embarrassment.

"Greetings, madam," the steward bowed to me and said in a respectful voice, "Madame has come from a long way. Meals, soup and baths are all ready. Please come in, madam."