Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 35: aunt


The old house in Luoyang is Wei Bingyu Ti Ba Gata Barium Raising Art Sheath Covering Beak An Huai Yi Yi Huan I t Hao Huan 5 Bixian

As for that Xu Ji, as far as I know, Wei Zhao has been following Wei Bohe since the establishment of Yongzhou as his capital.

My feet are fine, but I can't walk freely. After arriving in Luoyang, I have been staying in the house, taking care of my feet before walking around.

Wei An was restless. He kept remembering my cart, and when he settled down, he searched for wood.

"Fourth son, are you still pushing a cart?" A Yuan held the wooden board that Wei An drew, looked at it for a while, and looked at the horizontal circles on it, "Why doesn't it seem different?"

"It's different." Wei An said, "The original one was too short. I made it taller and added teeth to the wheels. If the cart needs to stop on a dirt slope, the wheels can be braked so that it won't mess up. Walk."

"The fourth son is really smart." A Yuan praised.

Wei An scratched his head: "In fact, I still want to change the bed into a two-story board. You can sit on the upper layer, dig a hole in the lower layer, and connect the excrement bucket to the bottom, so that the elder sister-in-law doesn't have to drag her injured foot to go to the toilet. gone."

A Yuan: "..."

"Fourth Young Master is so kind." Her smile became shy and strange, she looked at me, and said, "But Madam is not disabled, these daily things are not hindered."

"Really?" Wei An frowned, a little disappointed.

"It's okay." I said, "Fourth Uncle has a great idea, let's make it first. Even if I don't need it for a while, it might be safe to put it at home. Do you think so?"

Wei An showed his expression and nodded.

I smile.

Listening to Wei An's words just now, my heart brightened. There are all kinds of people who have injured their legs and feet in the world, and the degrees are different. Then the stroller can also have different styles, such as the one I used before, if it is just inconvenient to walk, it is enough. And Wei An said that he can go to the toilet, how many people who can't take care of themselves are looking forward to it

I squinted my eyes, and there seemed to be tinkling sounds in my ears. Oh, that's copper coins colliding in a cloth bag...

The effect of the rest was very good. After two days, my injured foot has fully recovered and I can walk without hindrance.

When I walked out of the veranda by myself, I only felt that the sky and the earth were clear and the sun was shining everywhere.

The house I live in is Wei Tan’s former residence, and the things in the house are all things he used when he was a teenager. When I opened a box, I found a few old sweatshirts, slingshots, wooden swords and other playthings. I took it out to have a look. These things were well preserved. The boxes were stuffed with camphor incense to prevent insects. One of the slingshots had a crooked "Tan" character engraved on the back.

If it is written a little crookedly, it can be regarded as illiterate. I looked at it for a while, and came to a conclusion in my heart.

Wei Tan's house was tired, and I expressed my willingness to visit the old house to Wei An. He scratched his head, put down what he was doing, and drew me a map of the old house. The directions and dimensions of the courtyards are marked in the picture, who lived there before, and after finishing the drawing, Wei An threw it to me, and then continued to bury his head in his cart.

So I took the map and looked around with Yuan. Of course, this kind of house is nothing to see, but since I live in it, at least I need to know what kind of place it is. Walking around, everything is very ordinary, but in the back garden, a piece of peonies are in full bloom in the sun, and the color is bright.

But what attracted me was a woman among the peonies. She has a slender figure, wearing a straw hat to shade the sun. Although she is wearing ordinary clothes, it can be seen that she is definitely not a servant.

Seemingly hearing the movement, the woman raised her head, and the edge of the hat was lowered, revealing a beautiful face.

She looked a little surprised, but immediately put down the things in her hands, took off the straw hat and walked towards me.

"Concubine Xu, I pay my respects to Madam." She bowed gracefully.

I understood the word "Xu Shi", so I knew that my guess was right.

"So it's Xu Ji." I smiled and nodded back, "I've heard Ji Fang's name for a long time, and I don't want to see you today."

Xu Ji looked modest and said: "I usually live in Luoyang, so I have never met my wife."

After chatting for a while, I saw that she spoke elegantly, and I thought she was not the daughter of a small family.

"Is Ji enjoying the flowers in the garden?" I asked Xu Ji.

Xu Ji replied: "It's not for viewing the flowers, but for pruning the branches and leaves."

"Oh?" I looked at those peonies and smiled, "Is Ji good at gardening?"

Xu Ji also smiled, and said: "When it comes to gardening, my concubine only has a superficial understanding. These peonies were planted by Cheng himself for quite a long time. Whenever they bloom, the mansion will hold a banquet to enjoy the flowers. Now that the prime minister has gone to Yongdu, I am afraid that this flower will fail. It's a pity, I will take care of it myself."

"I see." I nodded and praised, "Ji Guo is a meticulous person."

Xu Ji lowered her eyebrows and said humbly, "Madam, I appreciate it."

"Is this Xu Ji very leisurely in Luoyang?" Back in the room, A Yuan poured a cup of tea and brought it in front of me, muttering, "The concubine of the second son is also a person of status in this mansion, why bother with her?" The gardener grabs the work?"

I looked at her and smiled: "A Yuan, if you were left alone in Luoyang, you wouldn't see your uncle or aunt a few times a year, would you find something to do?"

A Yuan felt reasonable and nodded.

I blew on the teacup and took a sip of tea.

In fact, it’s not just about finding new things to do, there’s another level. She spoke to the prime minister and shut the mouth to the prime minister. This Xu Ji knew very well who she wanted to curry favor with.

I haven't been able to move around freely for a long time, and now I finally came to a safe and lively place. After staying in the house for a few days, I decided to go out.

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In fact, going out is very simple. There are no uncles or husbands in this house, so my status is the highest, and it is not easy for my family to stop me. So, I asked the steward where there is an effective temple in the city, and told him that I was going to pray for the safety of my uncle and husband.

The steward hesitated for a moment, but finally did not object. Mrs. Guo likes to worship the gods, and this trick has never worked well.

The chariots, horses and guards were on call, and after preparing the offerings, I drove to the east of the city in a carriage.

Luoyang used to be the eastern capital. Although the temples and palaces here are not as good as those in Chang'an, they are still very large and the incense is strong. In contrast, although Yongdu has the word "du" in its name, the temples and palaces there are simply too shabby to be put on the table.

I handed over the offerings to Miao Zhu, asked him to set up a case, and then prayed in a formal manner, and asked A Yuan to donate incense to the temple palace.

After worshiping, I walked out of the main hall and was thinking about where to go, when suddenly a voice came from beside me: "Nv Jun... Fu Nv Jun?"

I turned my head in surprise, and saw an old woman with a basket in her hand, looking at me with incredible eyes.

"You..." I thought her face was familiar, but I couldn't remember it.

"Nv Jun!" The old woman looked at me and came forward excitedly, "Nv Jun, the old woman is Mrs. Qiao's nurse, do you recognize her?"

I recall. She is my third aunt's wet nurse, and she always accompanied my third aunt when she went to Chang'an several times in the past.

"Aunt Lu." I said softly.

Aunt Lv nodded, looked at me, already weeping uncontrollably.

My mother has an elder brother and two younger sisters, and she is the second in the family.

I learned about my mother's brothers and sisters from Ms. Lu's mouth.

Fu's family was punished, my uncle Qiao Yu lost his official position as Sili captain, and the husband's family of my two aunts cut off contact with their parents for fear of being implicated. At that time, my maternal grandfather was no longer around, but fortunately he left behind the ancestral property. Although my uncle was not an official, he was still a high school in Luoyang. But within three years, the situation changed suddenly, and the chaos in Chang'an spread to Luoyang. My uncle and his family fled to Chenzhou. After settling down, my uncle defected to Dong Kuang, who ruled Henan at that time. He was of noble birth, full of economics, and knew how to use a sword. Dong Kuang admired him very much. It's a pity that Dong Kuang was mediocre in warfare. His uncle was ambushed on the way to conquer Huazhou, shot in the chest by an arrow, and died.

My fourth aunt was the last one, and she married Cai, another noble family in Luoyang. After the palace in Luoyang was burned by He Kui, Cai felt that he could not stay here for a long time, so he moved away with his family. Unexpectedly, the world was in chaos, and there was no law and order everywhere. Cai's family was robbed and killed by bandits on the way south, and no one survived.

My mother has four brothers and sisters, and the only one alive today is my third aunt.

Aunt Lv came to worship the gods in the temple palace with her master's family, so I met my third aunt in the side room where tea was served in the temple palace.

When she saw me, her complexion changed, her eyes turned red, and she hugged me and cried.

"AΑΠ 双门牚糇プ Looking forward to the distant boiling fontanelle, the child, the lie, the frequent hat, the song, the sole, the iridium, the iridium, the flash, the bun, the flash, 2

Everyone around bowed their heads and wept.

Even though I had prepared for it long ago, my clothes were wet with tears, and I was so choked up that I couldn't speak.

Relatives reunited, but there was no joy, only crying all over the room.

After we got to know each other, others persuaded me one after another, and the third aunt hugged me and cried for a while before she calmed down a little.

She took my hand and each talked about things after the separation. She was deeply moved and shed a lot of tears.

"Your uncle heard that you were married to Laiyang, and wanted to go there to meet each other, but your grandmother suddenly had a stroke and was bedridden, so the matter was delayed. Later, Luoyang changed, your uncle went to Chenzhou, and never came back .”

"I wonder if grandma is still alive?" I asked.

The third aunt shook her head: "Before He Kui came to Luoyang, she went. I never told her about your mother. The day before your grandmother died of illness, you always said why your mother never went back to see her..." Speaking of her sadness, she choked up again and lowered her head to wipe away her tears.

I was also very uncomfortable. After a while, I asked: "I remember that my uncle has a son and a daughter. I don't know where?"

The third aunt said: "After your uncle passed away, your aunt took her children and family back to Luoyang, and now they live in the old house."

I nodded, at least my uncle still has descendants, which is a blessing in misfortune.

The third aunt raised her head and asked: "Ah Γ Hongxiang Dou Yichi Song Hexi knocks Chu Jun

I said: "Exactly." Thinking about it, even Zhao Jun who was in Tanying knew about Wei Tan marrying me, let alone his aunt in Luoyang.

"How is your husband treating you?"

I replied: "My husband treats me very well."

The third aunt finally had a look of relief on her face: "If this is the case, it is a great kindness. A Γ gray coal, a scorpion, and a toad! He blinked and secretly broke the saddle ξ emu Zhongtang covered locust パ Ao languid page 鍪The day of the round insurance industry is ┣ burning, so the defect is cut σ, the spring is hopeful, the wall is looped, the marsh, the sword, the sword is covered, the coat is restored, and the plague is taken advantage of.

I am silent. Speaking of which, since I married Wei Tan, I have met all kinds of old relatives and friends. In addition to lamenting Fu's misfortune, what they talked about most was asking me to forgive all kinds of hardships.

I felt sad, but the person crying in front of me was my close relative after all, and I knew her helplessness as another daughter-in-law from the bottom of my heart.

"Aunt..." I held her hand and sighed softly.

After saying goodbye to my third aunt, I was no longer in the mood to wander around, so I boarded the car and returned to the old house.

Day by day, Wei An quickly made a new cart. I looked left and right, and I thought it was very good.

"It's a pity that the eldest sister-in-law is not sitting." Wei An said regretfully.

"It's okay, it's a good thing, you can never have too much." I said. After a while, I asked again, "Fourth Uncle, have you ever thought about how the old man in the deserted village lives alone, even if he has a cart and no one to help him push it, what should he do?"

Wei An said: "His family has a yellow dog. I tried it and it can pull it on flat ground."

I smiled: "What if there is no yellow dog? It would be great if the people on the cart can push it by themselves."

Wei An's eyes lit up.

August is coming to an end soon, and when the autumn wind blows slightly, news comes from the north. Tan Xi died of illness in the army, and the four sons had a rift for succession. Wei Qi Huan fan Xi Ya フ agent tearing shellfish weed ruo street nettle

Li Shang hadn't replied yet, but at this moment, two unexpected people came to visit me—my aunt Ding and her daughter Qiao Ti.