Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 4: Goodbye


It is a matter of hidden thoughts for a bride to meet her uncle. Before entering the city, I had already dressed up in the posthouse.

My aunt, Empress Dowager Liu, was really kind to me. Before she passed away, she personally gave me a dowry, and all the jewelry was from the palace. I don't have nobilities or bright beads all over my head, that would be too eye-catching. You can't be too sharp or too plain, and you have to show your family background in a low-key manner.

I chose a set of tortoiseshell grate hairpins with exquisitely carved flowers and phoenixes, which are extraordinary at a glance. The clothes on his body also took some consideration. Although the color of Shu brocade from a few years ago is not eye-catching, it is a rare material in this troubled world.

Wei Tan and I had a wedding on the journey, and now we are in the prime minister's mansion, and it's the first time for the elder sister-in-law here to see the bride.

The hall was full of people, men, women, old and young. It seems that except for the men who went to the expedition, all the members of the Wei family who stayed in Yongdu have arrived. As soon as I entered the door, all kinds of eyes gathered on me from all directions, there seemed to be such a moment of silence, and I could hear a needle drop.

I straightened my back, showed the most dignified demeanor, lowered my eyes, and stepped forward slowly.

"Ma'am, my young lady, Mrs. Fu, pay my respects." Mrs. Zhang, who was guiding her, bowed upwards.

"Young Madam, come forward." A voice said slowly.

I raised my eyes slightly, and saw a woman sitting upright in the first place, thinking that it was probably Mrs. Guo, the mistress of the Wei family.

I have a rough idea of Wei's family situation. Wei Tan's mother, Mrs. Wu, is Wei Wei's brain, cough, jellyfish, beauty, rebellion, chisel, ox, female, male, dream, ship, rock, scorpion, Yun, Ai, group, instant, remnant, shun, sang, distant, book, fade, pretty, ant, heart, tomb, rare

There was an embroidered mat in front of me, I folded my hands in front of me, and bowed down to the woman: "My son-in-law Fu, I pay my respects to Gu."

Mrs. Guo's voice was smiling: "Young Madam is exhausted from the long journey, get up quickly."

Mrs. Zhang came over to help me up, no surprise, I met Mrs. Guo's scrutinizing gaze.

She was neither old nor young, and looked to be in her prime. It can be seen that she attaches great importance to today's meeting, and the deep clothes on her body are starched without a trace of creases. Her jet-black hair was combed in a heavy bun, but there were not many accessories. Her facial features and well-drawn long eyebrows made it difficult to see her expression clearly.

"I heard that the east side has been raining frequently recently. I wonder if the road is going well?" Mrs. Guo took my hand and asked in a harmonious voice.

I smiled and said: "Thank you Gu for your concern, there are no bumps on the road."

Mrs. Guo nodded, smiling kindly. After exchanging pleasantries, she led me to greet the members of the Wei clan in the hall one by one.

The Wei family was born in Hexi, considered a noble family, but not a wealthy family. Wei burp travels with a salary to visit Nao Jiasi shell from regret trace Huai even father buck ambiguity

Beside Mrs. Guo stood a man and a woman of similar age, dressed in brocade robes, with delicate features, like a pair of boys in a painting. Called by Mrs. Guo, they greeted me.

The boy's name is Wei An, he is fifteen years old, he and Wei Tan share the same mother, both were born to Mrs. Guo. The girl's name is Wei, she is fourteen this year, and she was born to Mrs. Guo. Wei An called me "Sister-in-Law" lightly, and looked away after a glance; Wei An kept looking at me, full of curiosity.

In addition to Wei, Mrs. Guo also gave birth to a second son, Wei Zhao. On the way, I heard from Mrs. Zhang that Wei Zhao also played with Wei Wei, and the two were still alive. Swaddled baby.

"The elder brother is away on the expedition, and the elder sister-in-law is like an elder brother. You should remember your filial piety and don't disobey it." After seeing the ceremony, Mrs. Guo said seriously to her children.

"Respect." Wei An and Wei saluted.

Wei Tan's house is on the east side. It is a quite spacious courtyard with two entrances, the front hall and the back bedroom. When I moved in, I saw lush vegetation in the courtyard, but the furnishings in the room were very simple. The bed, table, and other furniture are one piece of each type. The bedding on the couch and the dressing table in the inner room are still new.

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According to the maidservant, it has not been many years since the emperor made Yongdu his capital, and Wei Tan has been away all year round, so he has not lived in this house many times.

But I have a sense of déjà vu, it seems that no matter where this person is, his things are so simple, and there will never be more.

I don't have many cages, just a few. However, Mrs. Guo has added a lot of things to this house, adding them together, the servants are busy coming in and out, while I am busy arranging things, almost turning around.

My new little sister-in-law Wei is not afraid of strangers at all, seeing the freshness here, she refuses to leave. She looked around the room, as if it was interesting to see me sweating profusely.

"Chang's sister-in-law is so pretty, she's even prettier than the other noble girls from Chang'an in Yongdu." She lay on a brand new desk and looked at me.

I smiled and said, "Your lady from Chang'an? Who does my sister know?"

Wei twisted his fingers: "It's too many, Xinfang, Ruhui, and Yuzhu, all of them are officials from Chang'an. Well, so is sister Xu."

"Sister Xu?"

"It's the queen," Wei Dao, "her real name is Xu O, the daughter of Xu Shaofu."

I remembered, this person I definitely know.

Xu Yu, born in the Xu family in Fenyang, came to Chang'an with his father Xu Jing, who was a Beijing official, when he was young. It is said that Xu Jing and Wei are both rich and well-behaved

Although Xu O and I know each other, we are not familiar with each other. Firstly, there is a gap in our age, and secondly, when girls play together, there will always be cliques, and she is from another circle. However, she was extremely refined in her looks, and never offended, which gave her a very good reputation.

Unexpectedly, she became a queen.

"Does sister-in-law know her?" Wei asked.

I nodded: "I know."

Wei's lips were half opened, as if he wanted to say something, but he took it back. After a while, she suddenly smiled and said mysteriously, "Sister-in-law, do you know where my mother will take you tomorrow?"

"I don't know. Where?"

She leaned into my ear: "Tomorrow, she will take you to meet the emperor."

Mrs. Wei seemed very impatient to show everyone that I was a son-in-law. On the night I met with the members of the Wei family, Mrs. Guo sent Mrs. Zhang to inform me, telling me to make preparations and go to see the emperor the next morning.

To be honest, even though I knew that Wei Aixiang was a little surprised when I heard the news from Wei Aixiang and Huang Baoshaozhen.

When I was in Chang'an, meeting the emperor was never a trivial matter. Like the first emperor, he was actually a diligent emperor who devoted himself to handling government affairs every day, and sometimes he didn't have time to drink and meet beauties. The so-called audience must be a very important matter, which can make the emperor stop everything at hand and bother to look at your face or listen to your words. I still remember how many people came to my father and asked him to make it easier for him to see the emperor.

But today's Wei family can handle this matter as easily as entering his own backyard. I deeply understand that the so-called Son of Heaven is already one moment and another moment.

The four corners of the lacquered carts hang incense, and they rattle across the streets of Yongdu. The sergeant yelled to clear the way, and pedestrians avoided.

As the palace approached, I looked out from inside the car. The car curtain made of thin bamboo cuts the outside scenery into thin strips, and when put together, it is an old palace wall with mottled gray tiles. Regardless of the houses or the land occupied, the palaces of Yongdu are far from comparable to the tall houses and mansions of Chang'an, but those magnificent scenery have been burned to the ground by He Kui, and the emperor can only obey Wei Wei. muscle

The guards guarding the gate of the palace were very respectful to the family members who came from the prime minister's mansion, and without being stopped, the chariots and horses drove straight into the palace.

After getting off the car, a servant came and led Mrs. Guo and me into the hall in front of the inner palace.

The emperor sat in the hall in ordinary clothes, and the high crown on his head made his young face even thinner. Sitting next to him was a woman in a beautiful dress, that was his queen Xu, named o.

"Greetings to Your Majesty and the Empress." Mrs. Guo led me and kowtowed to the emperor.

"Ma'am, excuse me." Only the emperor said, his voice was clear and familiar. I looked up, and his eyes were right here, and there was a slight curve on the lips.

I looked at that face and touched the past years, and my heart suddenly felt [.

If it is said that Empress Xu and I are just acquainted, then the relationship between the Son of Heaven and me can be regarded as half a friend.

Emperor Mingchen, when he was twelve years old, his mother, Empress Gao, passed away, and he has been adopted by the Empress Dowager.

We are only two or three years apart in age. Because the queen mother is my aunt and grandmother, I often go to the palace to visit, and even become acquainted with Prince Chen.

Back then, I wasn’t naughty, but I ate very well, and I liked to take advantage of it. Prince Chen's diet has always been fine, I covet it, and often brazenly take his little bits for myself.

Prince Chen didn't mind, he even asked me what I like to eat, and asked the dining room to deliver it when I came to play.

This happy eating relationship lasted until the death of Empress Dowager Liu. At that time, Prince Chen was alone and weak, lost the protection of the queen mother, and could not even eat snacks.

Not long after, the first emperor married me to Laiyang. I still remember that when he left, Prince Chen was still wearing mourning for Empress Dowager Liu, with red eyes.

Our former playmates, seeing each other again in such a situation after a few years, we never expected.

After the ceremony, Empress Xu looked at me with a smile on her lips, but said nothing.

After all, the emperor is the emperor, and his face has always been calm. When he was seated, he said to Mrs. Guo in a harmonious voice: "The prime minister is running the country, and the four sides are seeking rebellion. I am very worried. The day before yesterday, I heard that the eldest son married a wife, but I didn't congratulate him."

Mrs. Guo smiled, and saluted at the table: "If you marry a woman as an adult, you should be obedient. How dare you be congratulated by your Majesty."

Having said that, it's all polite. Mrs. Guo brought me here for an audience, originally to ask for a gift from the emperor. After exchanging pleasantries, the emperor ordered his servants to fetch a lacquer box, opened it, and saw that there were some pearls, jade and silk in it, and the top one was a small box of exquisite agarwood, and inside it was a jade-inlaid gold walking shaker.

"This is the gift of my birth mother, Empress Ling Huigao. The young madam was very happy with her back then, so I congratulate you with this gift," said the Son of Heaven.

When Mrs. Guo saw it, her face was full of smiles, and she thanked her repeatedly. The emperor used the relics of the former empress to reward the bride of his ministers. The value was second, but the face was full.

My eyes fell on that step, and I froze for a moment.

Gold threads are piled up to make branches, and gold flakes are crushed to make flowers and leaves, which are scattered around the clusters of white jade carvings, and they are inserted in the hair and walk like trembling branches, which is beyond words. I saw Empress Gao wearing it back then, and I loved it so much that I kept begging my mother to find a craftsman to make one for me.

At that time, my mother laughed at me for being ignorant. Others can't have the same thing as the queen's things.

I remember that I also said to Prince Chen at that time, wondering if it was a coincidence that he gave me this thing now.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the reward." I followed Mrs. Guo and thanked the emperor.

The emperor smiled.

Empress Xu looked at me beside him with quiet eyes.