Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 40: Lights off


Since my aunt spoke and it was another birthday banquet, of course I was going. But she told me too hastily, and I didn't have time to prepare the gift.

A Yuan said to me privately: "Ma'am, I have inquired about the current family situation of my uncle and wife, and it seems that it is not very good. I asked the person who sent the post, and he said that my uncle and wife have not held a birthday banquet for several years, and this year they suddenly said that they will hold one." of."

I was surprised, thought about it, and nodded. My uncle passed away, and the world was depressed. Like many noble families, the Qiao family's ancestral property was originally based on fields. Since the turmoil, the people have been exiled, and the land has lost its harvest. The aunt's family is maintained by the surplus money left by the uncle, but in troubled times, it is common for family wealth to be lost due to dispersal, so it is not uncommon to make ends meet.

The greatest hope my aunt can place on is probably my cousin Qiao Ke.

I suddenly understood the purpose of her birthday banquet.

To my surprise, when I asked Wei Tanhe if he would go with me, he readily agreed.

"Have you prepared a birthday gift?" He asked.

"No." I said while rummaging through the clothes in the box, "I will go to the city with A Yuan later to pick up some cloth." My aunt is an elder, and it is most pleasing to send cloth and other practical things. I don’t have any cloth merchants I know well in Luoyang who can deliver the goods to my door for selection, and the time is tight. I thought about it and decided that it would be faster to go out and pick it myself.

"There are some cloths at home, which were left when Dong Kuang was killed last year. Madam, do you want to have a look?" Wei Tan asked.

I couldn't help being overjoyed when I heard this, and went to the treasury to have a look.

Dong Kuang is a person who likes to make money, and his items can be exchanged for 17 to 9 by Wei's porcelain. n aunt

When the sun was westward, I followed Wei Tan into the car. He didn't ride a horse, but put on a bamboo crown in a proper manner, top and bottom, and rode a car like me, as if he was going to pay a visit to some great scholar.

"Is it not appropriate to dress?" Seeing me staring at him, Wei Tan asked.

I shook my head and smiled, "Very well."

My aunt's home is also in the north of the city. When the carriages and horses arrived at the gate, I saw lanterns hanging high, and there were already people waiting in front of us.

The chariot and horse stopped, and before Ah Yuan got out of the chariot, Wei Tan came over, held my hand and helped me out of the chariot.

"Niece." The aunt came forward with a smile on her face.

"My aunt has a prosperous life." I wished with a smile, and bowed to her. After finishing speaking, he said to Wei Tan: "My husband, this is my concubine's aunt."

Wei Tan smiled and bowed to his aunt: "Uncle's longevity is longer than Nanshan."

The aunt looked at him, smiled, and said politely: "The old lady has heard of the general's reputation for a long time, and today she comes to my humble house, and she is full of splendor."

Wei Tanqian said: "My uncle is too famous. I am ashamed to meet my uncle today after I married my wife."

The aunt's smile deepened, she let Qiao Ke and Qiao Ti behind her, and said: "Quickly meet Ah Tuo!

The two responded and came forward to greet us.

Qiao Ke is older than me, and I haven't seen him for many years. His face already looks a bit like my uncle's Zhou Zheng, with a beard growing on his chin. He looked at me with a smile, his eyes were a little red, and when he saluted Wei Tan, he behaved generously, neither humble nor overbearing.

Qiao Ti wore a very beautiful dress, a colorful skirt, and her gait was like a lotus. She looked more beautiful than last time. When I bowed my eyebrows to Wei Tan, I saw that the rouge on her cheeks was light, as if she was very shy.

My aunt looked very happy, took my hand, and led us into the house herself.

The hall was brightly lit, and shortly after we were seated, the third aunt and uncle also arrived. I led Wei Tan to meet them, and after saluting, I presented the congratulatory gift to my aunt.

My aunt accepted it with a smile, and after taking her seat again, she said to me with emotion: "Since your uncle passed away, Auntie has no intention of having various parties. Arti is still caring. If she hadn't mentioned this matter today, I would have thought of you in Luoyang. It's been a long time since I got together with your aunt, so I hurriedly set up a banquet." After finishing speaking, she looked at Qiao Ti who was beside her.

Qiao Ti remained silent and lowered her eyes slightly.

"My cousin is virtuous, but my aunt is well-bred." I smiled. Looking at Qiao Ti again, she saw that she was looking elsewhere. Looking around, it was on the opposite side, Wei Tan was talking with Qiao Ke and my third uncle Tao Zhu.

"I heard that the general came back a few days ago?" At this time, the third aunt asked me.

"Exactly." I replied.

The third aunt nodded and praised: "It is said that the prime minister's eldest son has a magnificent appearance, and his reputation is well-deserved."

Wufu? I thought to myself, and smiled: "Third aunt, thank you."

"What's the point of being modest?" My aunt said with a smile, "I think he has outstanding character, and he is a hero in the world."

I smiled without saying a word, and glanced at Qiao Ti from the corner of my eye. She looked away, as if she didn't hear the words here.

After exchanging pleasantries, my aunt ordered the family to present meals.

There was wine and meat at the banquet, and after toasting my aunt's birthday, I looked around for a while. There are only a few family members serving from the time of entering the door to the banquet; there are no house performers to play music to accompany the banquet, and it can be seen that there are no more performers in this family; look at the furnishings in the hall, the desk screens are all lacquered A dull old thing. All of this is already clearly showing the difficulties of the master's family.

After the meal, the family brought some snacks, and my aunt asked people to add more drinks to the table.

Qiao Ke sat next to Wei Tan, and on the other side of Wei Tan was the third uncle. Wei Tan seemed to understand this arrangement very well. He talked with Qiao Ke in an easy-going manner, and asked Qiao Ke about his studies and who he studied under, and Qiao Ke answered them one by one. Wei Tan talked with him about recent current events in Luoyang, such as the rebellion of refugees, high prices and so on.

When I heard those words at the end, I felt like I was sweating. Wei Tan asked what they were doing. Although Qiao Ke lived in Luoyang, he was a child of a family behind a high wall. How much did he know about people's livelihood? But to my surprise, Qiao Ke responded calmly. Although the quotations from the classics are a bit pedantic, some insights are unique.

Wei Tan listened to him, although he couldn't see his attitude, but he was very focused. Suddenly, he seemed to notice something and glanced at me.

I turned my head quickly, pretending to be listening intently to the conversation between my third aunt and my aunt.

The third uncle, Tao Zhu, is nearly fifty years old and has a fat body. His family is also a well-known family in Luoyang. He once went to Jiangzhou to watch, and later returned to Luoyang due to illness, and made a long history. Wei beak ダ rough Baozhen alliance widow plate lingering 9 last sword 缃 loop allow shallow na penalty scapula marks bank ang boat linger slang slang tomb sluggish

I don't like this uncle very much. When Mrs. Fu was in trouble, I didn't blame him for not being able to help, but later my uncle was implicated. He was also in Luoyang, but he didn't allow my third aunt to communicate with my mother's house. Everyone has the heart of self-preservation, but cowardice in times of adversity still makes people feel chilling.

He was in high spirits at the banquet, toasted Wei Tan frequently, and gave a set of speeches. It can be seen that he is a person who has been in banquets for a long time. Wei Tan was not inferior either. He drank all the wine offered by his third uncle. Later, it was the third uncle who showed drunk first. He began to tell some low-level jokes, and even laughed and called Wei Tan "my nephew and son-in-law".

My aunt glanced over there with a blank expression on her face, but I could feel the unhappiness in it. Although my aunt wholeheartedly made friends with Wei Tan, she was careful. After Wei Tan met her, she still called Wei Tan "General" without him, but for the sake of caution, she didn't dare to call herself an elder rashly, so as not to arouse Wei Tan's resentment. But now the third uncle's drunken state made the aunt feel quite embarrassed.

Wei Tan showed no signs of embarrassment, and asked his family to support the third uncle. Seeing this, the aunt hurriedly ordered others to get some tea.

It was still the third aunt who was thoughtful, and smiled at the aunt: "It's still the smell of wine in the elder sister-in-law's house. My husband is drunk after drinking. Now that the night is getting dark, we should leave too."

The aunt looked at the third uncle, and then turned to the third aunt, with a friendly expression on her face: "That's fine. It's just that the food and drink are poor, and the third aunt and son-in-law are treated poorly."

The third aunt said: "They are all relatives, what are you talking about?"

The banquet is about to end, and Wei Tan and I will stay soon, so we get up from the table and thank my aunt again.

"Don't blame the general and the niece for the poor hospitality." My aunt pulled me by the hand and said.

"Auntie, what's the matter, today's banquet is very happy." I said politely.

But my aunt sighed and said, "I don't know when we will meet again after today."

"Don't worry, Madam Uncle." Wei Tan said, "My Madam and I have to stay in Luoyang for a few more days. If Madam Madam misses me, we can visit more often."

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp.org

Auntie smiled, "So, I feel relieved." After finishing speaking, she asked Qiao Ke to say goodbye to Qiao Ti.

Although Qiao Ke also drank wine, he was still meticulous in saluting.

Wei Tan looked at him and said with a smile: "The imperial court values filial piety and honesty. Scholars in the world only use their talents. If Bo Gong has ambitions, he can go to Yongdu."

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard this, Qiao Ke bowed again and thanked Wei Tan.

"General." Qiao Ti stepped forward, changed her previous silent attitude, looked at Wei Tan, and smiled brightly, "The general is my cousin's husband, and my concubine is a cousin, can I be called the general's cousin's husband?"

Wei Tan was slightly surprised, then smiled and said: "It should be so."

Qiao Ti smiled shyly, saluted him with full eyes, then looked at me, turned and backed away.

I also smiled, but anger rose in my heart. This cousin, I am most familiar with her gaze. Whenever she takes a fancy to something of mine, she looks like this.

When I got home, the first thing I did was to take a shower.

I have considered the future realistically. As Wei Tan, there will be many more concubines sent by various names than I have seen in the past two months. As I said to Yuan earlier, it is a fool not to accept. Wei Tan is not a fool, so I never expect him not to take concubines.

However, that doesn't mean I want my cousin to be one of them.

She actually fell in love with Wei Tan? Was it her idea or aunt's? I find it ridiculous. Wei Wei, the emperor, the scorpion, the cherry sheath, the slender robe, the knock on the cow, the different carboxyl, the evil, the evil, the evil, the flogging, and the industry.

Oh no. Since it's a robbery, Qiao Ti's goal should be to drive me away.

drive away? I rest my head on the edge of the tub and look at the beams. In this world, now and in the future, there will probably be many people who want to drive me away, right

When I returned to the room, Wei Tan was not there, and A Yuan said that he had also gone to take a bath.

I sat down in front of the mirror and looked at myself inside. The light was dense, but the woman still had black hair and snow skin, and a pair of bright eyes were dark and expressive. Looking at me, she seemed to be asking, are you panicking

Panic? perhaps. But a pretentious person like me has a characteristic, that is, the more coveted I am, the bolder I will be. If it makes me feel unfavorable, I will develop great courage instead.

That was the case with the five beauties before, but now Qiao Ti is also one.

When Wei Tan came in, I was still sitting in front of the desk combing my hair. He was dressed in unlined clothing and stopped behind. In the mirror, I caught a glimpse of those lingering eyes. Not long after, he came up and hugged me.

When I hurt my foot last time, I was already used to hugging him up and down. Now that I meet him like this again, I am neither surprised nor afraid. I can be held in the air by him and still hold the comb, and continue to comb my hair.

"Madam and I still have other things to do, how about doing it together now?" He pressed his lips against my ear, his voice hoarse.

goat. I cursed in my heart, and looked at him with a smile: "What's the matter with your husband and concubine?"

Wei Tan didn't answer, he just put me on the couch, jumped on me and kissed and touched me. My neck was itchy from his bite, and I giggled. When he was about to undress me, I cupped his face in my hands.

"Husband has not turned off the lights." I said.

"Turn off the lights?" Wei Tan's eyes were full of meaning, and the corners of his lips curled up, "What are you doing to turn it off?" After saying that, he bowed down again.

I held my hand hard: "Why don't you turn off the lights at night?"

"What night." Wei Tan smiled slyly, "Of course the rest of the day should be done during the day." Then, he pulled my hand away, and stretched out his hand to undress.

I didn't agree, I twisted my body and dodged left and right, just to prevent him from succeeding.

Wei Tan was helpless, put his arms on both sides, and stood up: "Madam has seen me naked many times, so why not let me see once?"

Shy and embarrassed, I said, "When did my concubine see my husband naked?!"

"When I was changing clothes." Wei Tan replied confidently, "Isn't Madam always watching?"

I choked on the words, my ears burning.

"That's good." Wei Tan stared at me with deep eyes, thought seriously for a moment, and said in a low voice, "If Ma'am really can't remember to stand up, I will show you for my husband, and then Madam will show me too. It's fair, how?"

It's simply that the hooligans in the market are not as shameless as him. I was so angry that I laughed back: "Husband, if you turn off the lights first, then you and I will be honest, wouldn't it be more fair."

Wei Tan laughed and didn't continue, but hugged me and lay down beside me.

"You really don't want to see it?" He bit my ear.

"No." I replied firmly.

"Am I not good-looking?"

Here it is again, throwing out such an unpredictable question suddenly. It has to be said that my ability to observe words and expressions is not weak. Sometimes, some words seem to be offensive, but Wei Tan will not be angry. For example, at this time, I am not as self-serving as usual, and Wei Tan will also like it if I even show a little temper.

"It's not pretty." I replied without thinking.

"Huh?" Wei Tan turned my face to him: "What's not good about it?"

I looked at him: "The face is black."

Wei Tan: "..."

"Who doesn't face black except those who are fighting?" He frowned,

I stretched out a finger and stroked his eyebrows: "It's too thick here."

Wei Tan disagreed: "Naturally."

I blinked: "I still have eyes, I always like to stare at people."

Wei Tan was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Is this not good-looking?" As he spoke, he lightly stroked my chin with his fingers, staring at my lips, "Are you afraid, ma'am?"

"What does my husband think?" I whispered with a smile, watching his face getting closer.

Wei Tan barely stopped before touching my lips, his scorching breath entwined and blended, his voice was low and confusing: "According to Madam, where can I get my husband's eyes?"

I smiled without saying a word, looking at him. The hand slowly slid down, caressing his chest, following the ups and downs of the muscles and slowly descending, one section, one section...

The rationality in Wei Tan's eyes was slowly burning out, burning hot as if on fire. When my finger touched his lower abdomen, it suddenly tightened, and his lips were blocked.

Limbs intertwined, his kiss was forceful and domineering, my breathing was disturbed and I gasped again and again. When his hand was swimming under my shirt, I grabbed it: "My husband forgot one thing..."

Wei Tan held my hand behind his back and continued without raising his head, with a vague voice: "The lamp will not be turned off."

"It's not about turning off the lights..." I panted and supported his shoulders, and smiled with my lips bent, "What did you want my concubine to see just now, did you forget?"