Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 44: Open darts


Walking through the city gate of Yongdu again, three full months have passed since the last time.

When the carriage stopped in front of the mansion, Wei Xian's wife Zhu Shi, Wei Ping's wife Zhou Shi, and Wei Gang's wife Mao Shi all came out of the house, and when they saw me, they were full of smiles.

The Zhou family was born in Hexi, and his mother's family was a small noble family in the county. It is said that her father died young, and Zhou has been in charge of the family with her mother since she was a child, and even dealt with tenant farmers. Perhaps it is for this reason that Mrs. Zhou sometimes speaks boldly, with a bit of vulgarity of a small family in the countryside. But she knows how to please, is diligent in housekeeping, and sometimes makes fun of her, which is very popular with the elders.

Just after seeing the ceremony, she came forward first, took my hand, looked at Wei Tan again, and said with a smile: "The eldest cousin is back. I'll wait until I hear that the eldest cousin went to Huainan to pick up his cousin, really. I'm so envious."

Wei Xian's wife Zhu Shi and Wei Gang's wife Mao Shi were quieter, standing behind Zhou Shi and looking at us, covering their sleeves and laughing.

I was embarrassed, and hurriedly said: "The three sisters-in-law don't know. At that time, Liang Chong attacked Huaiyang, and my husband went there for the war. It happened that my concubine and my fourth uncle were together, so I took it back by the way."

Wei Tan didn't explain it with me, but looked at Mrs. Zhou, and the corners of his lips curled up: "My brother-in-law, if you were feeding Pai セ chimney with Ah σhuang quail ィ ㄈ Mi back then!

Zhou blushed, and said angrily: "The elder cousin is talking nonsense again, and the concubine is talking about the sister-in-law."

Everyone laughed for a while, and after meeting each other, they went to the house.

Mrs. Guo is in the hall, and Wei is by her side. Seeing us entering, Wei came over to salute, and Mrs. Wu was sitting on the couch, also showing a smile.

After seeing each other, Mrs. Guo asked Wei An to come forward, looked at him, and sighed: "You left home without saying a word, but you know that the family almost searched Yongzhou to find you? If it wasn't for the elder sister-in-law to send a letter , the old woman almost wants to send someone to report to the prime minister. Your father and brother are away at war, so you can rest assured at home. If you make a mistake, how will the old woman explain to the prime minister? In the future, you will be in hell, and you will have no face to see your biological mother... " She said, her voice trembling, she lowered her head and wiped away her tears.

Wei An blushed, and looked up at Wei Tan.

Wei Tan gave him a wink, and Wei An stepped forward and bowed to Mrs. Guo: "My son is self-willed, and he is really unworthy. This matter will never happen again, and I beg mother to forgive me." After finishing speaking, he paused, and added, "An Willing to be punished."

The apology was brief and not eloquent. But from Wei An's mouth, there is already a bit of sincerity.

Mrs. Guo looked at him, then lowered her head and wiped her eyes, holding back her tears.

"What punishment?" She sighed, "If the beating continues, it's not the mother's heart that hurts."

Mrs. Zhou watched from the side, and persuaded her: "Madam was worried about the fourth uncle a few days ago, and she was always restless. Now that the fourth uncle has returned safely, the madam still says what are these sad things doing. The elder cousin, the elder sister-in-law and the fourth uncle went all the way. The wind and the dust have not yet had a drink or a meal."

Mrs. Guo looked at Wei Tan and me, and her expression softened a little: "I was negligent. You have worked hard all the way, but you listen to my old woman complaining."

Wei Tan smiled: "Where is the mother?"

Mrs. Guo looked at me again, and said: "Young Madam, I don't want to change things during this trip. I heard about it in Yongdu, and I am very worried."

I replied: "My aunt is worried, and my son and wife are deeply ashamed. This trip is thanks to the guards of the soldiers, and I met my husband to pick me up later. Although it is dangerous, it will be safe in the end."

Mrs. Guo nodded and sighed: "It's very good, thanks to the blessings of the gods. Since the young lady is back, I should go to the temple to give my thanks."

I saluted, "Your respect."

Mrs. Guo ordered her family to present the meal. When she was seated, she asked Wei Tan about Wei You

Wei Tan briefly talked about the battle with Tan Xi, and said to Mrs. Guo: "I received the battle report in Shangzhou five days ago. Tan Xi's four sons, now only the second son, Tan Yao, is guarding Liaodong. Father is in Youzhou to organize the army. I want to cut down the rest of the Tan family before winter."

Mrs. Wu nodded, while the other women talked endlessly.

"My concubine heard that Liaodong is an extremely cold place, and the water there freezes before winter begins." Mao said mixed feelings.

Zhou said: "It's already September. If it goes well, the army will be able to lead the army soon."

"God bless." Zhu said a prayer.

After eating, Wei Tan and I took leave and went back to the yard.

There is a servant who cleans it every day, and I haven’t seen it for three months. The place is still tidy, but a foot-high bamboo fence has been added under the veranda and corner.

"Planting flowers?" Wei Tan also saw it, and raised his eyebrows.

"Exactly." I smiled, "It was sent from the palace."

Wei Tan went to the wall and looked at the flowers in the bamboo fence. It is autumn now, there are no flowers, only green leaves and stems.

"Poppy poppies?" Wei Tan looked at me for a moment and asked me.

"Exactly." I said, "Husband recognizes it?"

Wei Tan didn't answer right away, but after a while, he turned around and said, "My mother planted it before."

I nod.

"Go inside." Wei Tan said, walking towards the house.

Back at home, I started to serve my husband every day and handle housework as before.

Mrs. Guo still treats me the same as before, and the family affairs are the same as before. Except for accountants and other matters of power, other chores are all given to me. I know the truth of it, she never shirks what she assigns. Although I went out for a trip and came back, I couldn't help but feel boring about these things in the house. But I know that this is an obligation, and I still do my best.

Wei Tan became very busy when he returned to Yongdu. He either entered the court or went out to make inspections every day. If he was at home, someone would come to the door from time to time. Compared with being outside, he spends less time with me, and only sees people when it is late at night.

However, this does not prevent him from doing things. If he is too tired, he will go to sleep after being gentle with me for a while; if he is not tired, things like "turning off the lights" will be inevitable.

Although sometimes it is sore and painful to be tossed by him, but I found that I have slowly known some fun.

For example, those hands, when they walk on my body, I enjoy it very much. When they wander in some sensitive places, I will put my hands on them and don't let them go. Another example is that big bug-like monster. When I couldn't bear to bite Wei Tan's arm, and when I was overwhelmed by that wonderful excitement, I began to understand the ambiguous look on Zhou's and the others' faces. smile.

When things in the house settled down, I watched the day and reported to Mrs. Guo, saying that I would go to the temple to reward the gods.

Mrs. Guo naturally agreed, and when I told Wei Tan, he thought about it and said, "Do you want to go together for my husband?"

I was startled in my heart, and smiled: "Isn't my husband going to Xiliu Camp?"

Wei Tan also smiled: "I almost forgot. If so, I will bother my wife to worship for me."

I breathed a sigh of relief and said softly, "Of order."

Li Shang's house is not far from the temple and palace where I am going.

After the worship, I drove directly to his house.

Gong Yanggui was not there, I only saw Li Shang and Li Huan and his son. After three months of not seeing each other, Li Shang's face turned dark, and he seemed to have lost a little weight. However, he was in good spirits and looked healthier than ever.

Before I could ask him how he was, Li Shang said nervously: "A Yuan said in the letter that Madam was in danger in Huainan?"

I gave A Yuan a reproachful look, and she flinched.

"It's not in distress," I smiled, "Fortunately, someone came to rescue me, and it was a false alarm."

I didn't say who came to save me, but Li Shang obviously knew it, and looked at me with a lot of meaning.

"That's it," he said with a nod of his head, "Madam is fine, it's a great kindness." After finishing speaking, he asked Li Huan to fetch a few wooden boxes and opened them in front of me.

So far, these wooden boxes are like makeup boxes. When opened, there are compartments inside, stacked on top of each other, filled with medicinal materials.

"So much?" I was surprised and delighted.

Li Shang smiled: "This time I went to Yuzhang, which is close to Lingnan and Jingxiang, and the supply of goods is very wide. I found a drug dealer in Yuzhang in the past, and he promised that no matter what kind of medicinal materials, the quality and price are good."

I pondered, and said: "That's very good. However, Yuzhang is far away from Yongdu, so I don't know if it will be smooth to go here?"

Li Shangdao: "Don't worry, madam. This time I will go by water. Liang Chong fought with the imperial court and Wu Zhang, and was blocked by the navy. Fortunately, Mr. Gongyang took us to hide and was rescued by friends. We had to get out. After that, the journey went smoothly. Yuzhang is now in the hands of Zeng Yao, Wei, Wu, and Liang are facing each other, Yuzhang relies on natural dangers, and is alone safe. But the surrounding roads are blocked, freight transportation is difficult, and medicinal material merchants are also struggling."

I said, "That's exactly what I'm worried about. In charge, the world is in chaos and the situation is uncertain. Although the in charge is going away peacefully, I'm afraid it will be different for a while."

"Madam, don't worry. The people that Mr. Gongyang has met have been on the waterway for more than ten years. Even officers and soldiers can't do anything about it."

Let’s just say that they are all thieves, how can such people be trusted

I politely said: "With such ability, I'm afraid I will ask for more help in the future, and Mr. Gongyang will lose face. Manager, although these medicinal materials are easy to sell, if they are too expensive, those rich and noble people may not be willing to buy them."

Li Shang nodded: "Someone has thought about this matter, so on the way, he also persuaded Mr. Gongyang and others to send darts."

"Dart?" I froze.

"That's right." Li Shang said earnestly, "Young Master Gongyang doesn't want to be an official, and he is away from home, with no food or clothing. Those gangsters have a lot of pride, but they can only do things like looting and looting, and they can't last long." A certain person suggested that they provide bodyguards on the waterway and collect bodyguard fees, which is legal and can support the family, why not do it?" After that, he smiled, "But Madam, don't worry, they promise that if they send bodyguards, I will Waiting for the goods, only 20% of the dart fee will be charged."

I was speechless and took a sip of tea to suppress the surprise in my heart.

Although Gong Yanggui is uninhibited, I always thought that he, like other high school students, disdains business. Unexpectedly, he would accept Li Shang's proposal.

A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp.org

I didn't know the dangers of swords and soldiers before, but this time I went to Huainan and then came back from Luoyang, but I have a deep understanding. I don't like unpredictable things, and I think it's worth letting go of courage to do things with seven or eight percent certainty.

But Li Shang and the others are different. I think they are very interested in thrilling things. Am I too timid

"Madam, don't be surprised," Li Shang said with a smile, "On the way, Mr. Gongyang once said that Madam likes to sell the old things from the house in the market, and Mr. Gongyang met him several times on the street."

What does it mean to have met? Gong Yanggui followed me to sell, desperate to save face.

I shyly said, "The manager knows everything?"

Li Shang shook his head and said with a smile: "Back then, Mrs. Xian once mentioned to XX that many of the old things in the house were missing, and they were suspected to be stolen by family members. At that time, XX was going to investigate, but the lord said that there was no need to investigate, and those old things had all gone. In the belly of a fox."

A Yuan and Li Huan both laughed.

My ears were a little hot, but when I saw Li Shang's smile, I suddenly felt at ease.

This is Li Shang's happiest smile since the reunion. I couldn't help but feel that if his father was alive, Li Shang would not stop him if he was so determined to do something, right