Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 45: old stuff


The autumn wind is getting colder, Wei Tan sits in Yongdu, Liang Chong in the south is busy competing for territory with Du Rong in Bashu, Wu Kun is the new successor, and everything is peaceful. At the same time, good news from the north continued to come in. At the beginning of October, Yongdu had received the exact news that Tan Xi's second son, Tan Yao, was protected by Wei Wei.

This news was like a spring of warmth, which melted the stagnant atmosphere in Yongduli because of the fear of the war situation, and Madam Guo's expression of unwillingness to eat was gradually replaced by a smile.

And at this time, a pharmacy called "Yanniantang" was passed on among the nobles in Yongdu.

The owner of Yannian Hall is a southerner named Cai Rang, with a loyal face.

This pharmacy is different from other places. Most of the other pharmacies only have some common herbal medicines, most of which are accompanied by a doctor; on the contrary, Yanniantang does not have a doctor, but the medicinal materials are hard to find elsewhere. The doctors in Yongdu were the first to know about this place. Later, Zongzheng Liang Ke got a high-quality Ganoderma lucidum in Yanniantang, and he was very impressed, and the reputation of Yanniantang spread.

Previously when the imperial court fought with Tan Xi, people in Yongdu were in a state of panic. They were worried that if the situation was unfavorable and the war resumed, they would be displaced again. The city is depressed, and the rich are cautious and dare not spend their wealth lightly. But now it's very different, wei qian さ south 4 bin lu qian qi bad lazy sloppy sloppy sluggish ja marsh sloppy slack slack

The army has not yet returned, there is a curfew in the city, and there is no banquet. When the nobles and rich people have time to think about health preservation in autumn and winter, the business of Yanniantang begins to flourish.

This Yanniantang is a pharmacy funded by me and managed by Li Shang.

The storefront was chosen by Li Shang, it is not big, but it is located at the intersection of the street. That shop owner, Cai Rang, was also bought by Li Shang in the marketplace. Cai Rang was originally from the south. He fled to Yongdu because of the military chaos, but he lost all his money and had nowhere to go. He was in business before, and he has a smooth eloquence, which is what Li Shang likes.

I chose the time to open the store, and it was also my idea to give the Ganoderma lucidum to Liang Ke. In the past, the nobles in Chang'an liked to keep in good health, and Liang Ke was the best among them. The prescriptions in his collection are said to be full of a cabinet. Of course, in terms of health preservation, there are people who are more famous than Liang Ke, but Liang Ke also has a son who manages money and taxes in Jingzhao Mansion. So, when I decided to give away Ganoderma lucidum, even though my heart was very painful, I still felt it was worth it.

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A Yuan told me the progress of the pharmacy every day, and I listened carefully and excitedly at the same time.

Li Shang has carefully considered the price of each medicinal material. It doesn’t matter whether the quality is higher or lower than what is available elsewhere; some medicinal materials used to treat diseases are not available elsewhere, and he only adds some interest to the cost; The most expensive ones are those expensive tonics. When I saw that the hemp was sold for 500 yuan in a day or two, I was speechless.

"They bought it back to make soup. It's so expensive, can it be sold?" A Yuan was also very skeptical.

But to our surprise, in Yanniantang, apart from the medicinal materials that are urgently needed for TCM diseases in the city, the best sellers are these expensive and boring things in my opinion.

When the first snow was about to fall, Li Shang had already discussed with Gong Yanggui, and went to Yuzhang to buy goods for winter storage.

Ruochan is very busy, after returning to Yongdu, I only saw her once.

In the front hall of Danxia Temple, nuns are chanting sutras, and Ruochan and I are drinking tea in the back hall. The weather was cold, she wore a beautiful fox fur on her body, her black hair was half down, she held tea with lowered eyebrows, lazy and charming.

"I heard that the Eldest Young Master went to Huainan to pick you up in person." She filled the teapot with water and looked at me with a faint smile.

"Exactly." I said.

Ruochan said: "How is Huainan? Are there any relatives?"

I shook my head: "There have been wars over there for many years, and the town where the old house is located is no longer inhabited." After a pause, I added: "But the ancestral hall is still there, and there are memorial tablets. Mr. Gongyang asked me to bring a pot for my second brother. Jongsu."

Although this is easy to say, it still touches sadness in the end.

Ruochan's complexion was a little gloomy, she didn't speak, but after a while, she touched my hand.

She took a sip of tea, paused for a moment, and said, "Master Ji Yuan is in Yangzhou, do you know?"

I didn't expect her to mention this suddenly, and I was taken aback.

"Oh?" I said calmly.

"That's what I heard," Ruochan said, "Wu Kun succeeded to the throne and appointed Mr. Ji Yuan as the chief history last month, and the news has spread." After finishing speaking, she looked at me, "Don't you know that you are in the Wei residence? "

"I don't know." I said. This is the truth, I am a virtuous and virtuous eldest son's wife in the Wei Mansion every day, no matter whether the servants or Mrs. Guo and the Zhou family, it is impossible to say anything about Wu Kun; even if A Yuan knows something, he has the experience in Huainan , and would not mention Pei Qian in front of me. As for Wei Tan, it was even more impossible. I don't know what he thinks about the past with Pei Qian, but I won't be so stupid as to ask Pei Qian in front of him.

I noticed that her face was a little pale, as if she hadn't slept well, so I changed the topic: "How many banquets are here?"

"Is there any banquet?" Ruochan said, "I'm such a trick house, the small family can't afford it, the prime minister hasn't returned, and the officials and nobles don't have fun. I've been very free recently, so I've been looking for a few newcomers. Day □□.” As she spoke, she had a deep meaning, “The bustling in Yongdu today is not from Mingli, Ah Γ舨蛋デ砘u郏慊美都惊打研笕笕世两亲尰尰失!

I knew what she was referring to, and I was embarrassed.

"Zhongping is going out again recently, do you know where he is going?" Ruochan asked suddenly.

I was surprised. Didn't Gong Yanggui tell Ruochan about his darts

"I don't know." I said, smiling, "Why do you ask me? You don't even know how I know."

"Just ask casually." Ruochan said, "He is very close to Guanshi Li."

"Oh?" I continued to play dumb.

Ruochan looked at me and smiled, "I've been to Guanshi Li's pharmacy, and it's really good. There are so many people buying medicines that the owner is too busy."

"Really." I seemed not interested, and lowered my head to drink tea.

She continued: "Guanshi Li's family fled here to buy goods and open a store. I think they spent a lot of money."

"Yes." I curled the corners of my lips, "Guanshi Li is really amazing."

On the way back home, I looked at the street scene outside and thought about Gongyangguo in my heart.

He has already left home, and it seems that he is not often with Ruochan. But according to what A Yuan said, he often went to Li Shang's house. The darts on the waterway had already opened. After returning to Yongdu from Yuzhang, Li Shang acted as a middleman and introduced a merchant who was eager to sell fur goods to the south to Gongyanggui. That trip went smoothly, and after returning, I took on two more errands in a row.

In my opinion, no matter how much Gong Yanggui enjoys it, this is a bloody life, dangerous and unpredictable. But Gong Yanggui has always been proud. He does not want to be bound by bureaucracy and personnel, and wants to earn a living by his own ability. This path may be the most suitable for him.

If he really didn't tell Ruochan about this matter, he did the right thing.

Back in the house, Mrs. Wu was taking a nap in the room, I didn't bother, I said a few words to her maidservant, and then went back to my yard.

A Yuan came in from the outside, complaining that the weather had become really cold. When I heard this, I remembered one thing. Wei Tan often drills with sergeants. Yesterday, I found that his winter clothes were worn out. The new winter clothes haven't been made yet, so I can only wear the old ones. I heard that he still has some old clothes packed in the suitcase in the side room, so I wanted to dig them out.

I didn't ask the servant to do this, because in that side room, the ten catties of gold promised to me by Wei Tan earlier was still buried.

After we came back, neither Wei Tan nor I mentioned it, as if it was something that had never happened before. But I clearly remember what Wei Tan said, and I will not miss a single word.

He didn't say that if I don't leave, I will take it back, so the gold will naturally belong to me. In the side room, I looked at the northeast corner while flipping through the suitcase. There were some bottles and jars of sundries piled there, which seemed to have been left for a long time, and they were all covered with thick dust. It is also for this reason that I did not move. Wei Tan is a person who has eyes on the back of his head, and he will know if there is a finger mark or something.

I was helpless, sighed in my heart, and continued to look down at my clothes.

Wei Tan doesn't have many clothes, and only half a box of winter clothes is left unused, so it's easy to find. I took it out, and there was a smell of camphor wood boxes. Those clothes are a little old, but they are in good condition. I picked one that was about the same size as him now, and after looking at it, I thought it would fit well under the robe. I took it out and shook it, and suddenly, something fell down.

I was surprised, only to see that it was a piece of silk handkerchief. Under the light, there were already some yellow spots on the surface, and a bright red poppy was embroidered on one corner.

When Wei Tan returned to the house, it was already night. I was mending on the couch when he came in.

"Whose clothes?" Wei Tan saw it at a glance and walked over.

"Husband's." I bit off the end of the thread, pulled the stitches evenly, and said, "The new clothes are not finished yet, and I brought the old clothes from the side room. There is only a hole in the cuff, just mend it, my husband Soon."

"Oh?" Wei Tan showed a smile on his face, and took the winter coat from my hands. After seeing his appearance clearly, I saw his expression seemed to freeze for a moment.

"I don't know if my body fits me well, please try my husband." I smiled.

"No need to try," Wei Tan put the clothes back into my hands, stroked my hair, and kept smiling, "Madam is virtuous, the ones you choose are all good."

I still wanted to talk, but Wei Tan turned his head: "A Yuan, is the water ready?"

A Yuan poked his head in from outside the house: "My lord, the fire is ready."

"I got covered in dirt from practicing today, I'll go wash it off." Wei Tan said, and turned around to leave after finishing speaking.

When he finally returned to the room, I had already changed clothes and sat beside the couch.

When Wei Tan came over, I asked him to sit down in front of the mirror, and took a towel to wipe off the water droplets on his hairline.

"Madam is out today?" he asked.

"Yeah." I said, "I went to Danxia Temple."

"Danxia Temple?" Wei Tan thought for a while and asked, "The one by Yongchi?"

"Exactly, the bhikkhuni there recited the scriptures very well." I replied, but what I was thinking about was the meeting between Wei Tan and Empress Xu at that time. Gently wiping his temples with his hands, he couldn't help but look up at his face, only to see that the lines on the profile face were calm without any fluctuations.

"That's it," Wei Tan said, "Madam loves to listen, so I can bring it as my husband next time."

Who will take you.

"Respect." I said softly, and was about to wipe the back of his neck again, when Wei Tan suddenly held my hand, stretched out his long arms, and I was hugged by him.

The hot air was entangled between my lips, tongue and neck, I gasped slightly, and managed to support his chest away a little bit.

"Husband hasn't changed yet..." I whispered.

He bit my earlobe: "There is no need to change it, anyway, I will take it off later..." As he said, he put me on the couch and reached out to pull my belt. But after a while, he froze for a moment, stopped his hands and raised his head.

My clothes were half unbuttoned, and my belt was undone, revealing another tightly wrapped belt inside.

"Husband, my concubine is having a monthly event, I'm afraid it will be inconvenient tonight." I looked at him shyly, smiling.