Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 47: Inquire


There was music and dancing to add to the fun, advocacy and joking, and the palace banquet continued until late at night.

Most of the generals who were rewarded for their military merits and went to the banquet were not of high birth, and their behavior was unruly. When they got a little drunk, they laughed loudly.

This kind of behavior is extremely vulgar in Gao Men's eyes, so the people at the banquet gradually divided into two sides. On one side are military generals, toasting and laughing at each other at the last banquet; on the other side are nobles from noble families, gathered around the emperor, talking loudly.

Wei Wei, noon, order, twilight, chuk, sacrificing, sacrificing, scorpion, scorpion, scorpion, and scorpion. Long

I'm not alone either. During the banquet, the female relatives who accompanied their husbands into the palace were also unwilling to be lonely. They walked through the banquet, acquainted with each other and greeted each other, laughing and talking, and Yuying was among them.

Her husband, Xu Chong, was in the Central Supervisory Army, and this time he was also granted the title of Township Marquis. Xu Chong's family status is not low, and Linying Xu's family ranks high among the Henan Gaomen. However, Xu Chong was obviously more harmonious with his colleagues. After meeting with Yuying for a round, he went to drink with the generals.

Although it has been almost a year since I came to Yongdu, I live in seclusion and don't often go to banquets. For these noble family members, most of them have only some influence, and not many people are familiar with them. Yuying was very enthusiastic, and not long after, she and seven or eight women of similar age came over to talk to me and sat around the table.

"A Γ is strong, strong, handsome, and handsome

"Exactly." I looked over there and replied. Wei's beak, chu, chu, yao, mysteries, and dysentery, n, halo, and scorched target┤zhao, chrysalis, flood, flood, Ω, appearance, wren, Αc, sword, bad, wielding core, slang, slang, slang, slender, jing, song, sakura, 18 states Nao Song

I was not interested in Zhao Jun, so I turned my eyes slightly and looked up. Empress Xu was talking to the people beside her, seeming to be very serious, without any look of anticipation. And two feet away, Wei Tan was also talking to someone, and there were two or three layers of people between him and Empress Xu.

There were no clues between them, but I looked around like this, and was suddenly caught by Wei Tan's gaze. Seeing the corners of his lips slightly curved, I hurriedly turned around, as if nothing had happened.

"Madam is so beautiful tonight, I just looked at it from a distance and couldn't turn my eyes away." A woman said to me with a smile.

I also laughed, and said: "Madame's praise, you ladies are the ones who shine."

Yuying said next to me: "I was talking about it just now. They said that your pearl hairpin is a Donghai pearl. I said otherwise. This pearl hairpin is white and round. It should be a Hepu pearl, and it is a thing in the palace." Yue Chujun

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I smiled and said: "This ornament was given by the Empress Dowager. I don't know where the pearls come from."

"That's it," a woman said in a soft voice, "The queen mother's things are all precious, and of course they are Hepu pearls."

Yuying showed a smug look, at the same time, I caught a glimpse of displeasure flashing across the faces of several people.

At this time, a few loud laughter suddenly came from the last banquet, and the noble ladies covered their chests in unison and frowned.

"Yuying, is the Yannian Hall you mentioned last time in Nanshi?" one person asked.

"Yes." Yuying said, "I went to buy some Gastrodia elata last time, and made soup for Mrs. Gu."

"Really, really filial piety." Someone covered his sleeves and said, "I can't do it anymore. Even if I drive by the noisy place of Nanshi, I have to go far away, let alone go to buy medicine in person."

Another person continued: "Yuying, last time you said that your aunt grew up in the countryside, and it would be expensive to see makeup powder for ten baht. I heard that Yanniantang's medicine is not cheap. You can buy it back, but Have you ever been taught by the Gu family?" As she spoke, she glanced contemptuously at Xu Chong, who was at the last seat.

Yuying's complexion changed slightly, and for a moment, she raised her eyebrows: "You worry too much, be filial to your aunt, even if you are trained, don't neglect it." After she finished speaking, she turned to me and smiled, "Ah Shang turned to You Yanmang to grab the mace. Mou Hang┛Good food, Wu Yichao, charming, languid, tucked, worrying, raking, and ether!

I didn't want to participate in the verbal battle of these people, but since Yanniantang was mentioned, I decided to side with Yuying.

"Exactly." Se and I said, "In the early years, my family's ancestors were the most concerned about tonic, and I know a little about it."

Yuying was overjoyed: "So, I want to pick some more in a few days, Ayujun

"Madam Fu has a servant in charge, so why go there in person." Someone said flatly.

Yuying disagrees: "Health preservation and debate are subtle things, what do family members know!"

I pushed the boat along the way, looked at them, and smiled: "If Yuying invites you, my concubine will naturally be happy to go."

Back at the house, the moon is already westward.

After dealing with the intrigue among the noble ladies all night, when I lay down on the couch, I was already very sleepy.

Wei Tan blew out the lamp beside the bed, lay down under the quilt, and put his arms around my waist.

I'm used to his intimate behavior, but when his hands start to wander, I don't like it.

"Husband, I'm tired." I said softly.

"Well, madam just sleeps." Wei Tan said, still reaching into my clothes.

Helpless, I turned to look at him.

Wei Tan seems to be still in good spirits, under the dark light, I can feel the teasing in those eyes. He leaned against my cheek, and said in a low voice charmingly, "The madam signaled frequently at the banquet, and my husband thought that the madam missed her so much..."

I rolled my eyes in my heart.

"The concubine didn't mean to be distracted," I smiled, sticking to his lips, grasping the restless paw on his chest, and drawing out my voice: "It's just..."

"Just what?" Wei Tan's breathing was a little unsteady.

I suddenly put my foot on his leg.

"Hiss..." My feet were icy, and I could feel Wei Tan's face wrinkle.

"My concubine's feet were cold at the time, and I wanted to ask my husband when he would return home." I smiled triumphantly, with a pitiful tone without any shame.

"You woman." Wei Tan twisted my waist.

I didn't show weakness, I wanted to twist back with my backhand, but he grabbed my hand.

"Sleep." He said in a low voice, putting away his laughter.

Prudish. I thought to myself, turned around and closed my eyes.

He put his hands back together, but his legs sandwiched my feet, well, it's quite warm...

"Ah Α Bi Xiangmata Throwing Science College Aunt Suppressing Zhu Xian Collapsing Aoqie ┚ 噚阋 阋 蟊 鹪 倮 砘崃 Excuse me!

Who cares about your old things, I care about your old people.

I said in my heart, answered vaguely, and fell asleep.

Wei An was still thinking hard about the saddle that he promised Cui E that "wouldn't fall off when riding a horse".

When I went to see him the next day, he was staying in the hut next to the kitchen. There was a pile of wooden boards in the corner, on which various ideas were drawn with charcoal.

On the latest piece I saw, Wei An drew a saddle with a low back. From the saddle to the stirrups, the ropes are densely covered, and it is obvious at a glance that it is to fix the person on the horse.

I laughed: "Fourth Uncle, if Mr. Cui sits on it, wouldn't it be a big bondage?"

Wei An scratched his head and said, "I also want to make it look better, but if I don't, he will fall off."

I thought about it, and said: "Uncle Si has a good idea. It is also fastened firmly. Has Uncle Fourth considered making it into a leather belt?"

"Leather belt?" Wei An's eyes lit up, he picked up the charcoal, and painted on the wooden board.

I sat down with a smile on the side, and looked at A Yuan for a moment.

She understood and walked out the door.

Just after noon, the servants had nothing to do and went to rest. The small courtyard was so quiet that only the chirping of birds was heard, and the sunlight came in from the door, making it very comfortable.

Of course I didn't come to see Wei An to work and bask in the sun. I was looking for him for other important things.

"If fourth uncle makes this thing, how do you plan to give it to Mr. Cui?" I asked.

"Send someone to Boling."

I nodded, and said: "The Cui family used to have a mansion in Chang'an, if it used to be, the fourth uncle can personally hand it over to Mr. Cui."

Wei An scratched his head: "I was too young at that time, my mother didn't let me go out to play, and I couldn't tell the East Market from the West Market in Chang'an."

"Oh?" I smiled, "I am very familiar with Dongshi and Xishi. But Chang'an is too big, let alone fourth uncle, I have only met my husband once."

"Sister-in-law met elder brother?" Wei An was surprised.

"I've seen it before." I lied without blushing, "Your husband was the young Habayashiro at that time?"


"Ever banned Shou Palace?"


"I remember that at that time he often met with a woman who seemed to be called Zhang o..."

"It's Xu O." Wei An immediately corrected him.

"Oh?" I looked at him and smiled.

Wei An was taken aback for a moment, as if realizing that he had slipped his words, his face changed slightly.

In the Wei Mansion, Wei An is the most innocent and the least likely to lie. He didn't even think that my questioning was a trap. He tried to cover it up after revealing his trap.

Things surprised me, or rather stunned me.

Wei Tan and Xu O, they once had a marriage contract. According to Wei An, Xu Shaofu, the father of Wei Wei, who was a pseudo-generation of class mirror, baked Ying, strontium, strontium, and squid, said to the first emperor that Wei Ku's younger sister, Yu, was left behind:呵Mi courtyard worm calf shake a suburb Yi bestow 趺 埽 Xia Pu long gauze ㄏ worry about fundraising trace dam 罗罗 o form a pair. For some unknown reason, it was not publicized, and very few people knew about it. In less than a year, the engagement was dissolved. After that, chaos broke out in Chang'an, and the two families went their separate ways.

"I was still young at that time, and I only found out about this after listening to my sisters discussing it." Wei An blushed a little, "Father didn't allow us to mention this matter again."

I didn't know what expression to use, so I looked at him and smiled stiffly.

"Fourth Uncle, don't worry, I will keep this matter to myself." After finishing speaking, I stood up and said to him, "Fourth Uncle doesn't need to tell Husband what happened today."

Wei An responded.

I was about to go out when Wei An suddenly stopped me: "Sister-in-law."

When I turned around, he hesitated a bit and said, "You won't be angry, will you?"

I smiled: "Fourth Uncle is overwhelmed, how can I be angry."