Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 48: Xu Ji


I really kept my mouth shut about this matter, and A Yuan didn't even tell me.

I don't know the grievances between the Wei and Xu families, what happened to the marriage back then, I'm afraid I have to ask the elders in the mansion or Wei Tan to find out completely. However, I will not ask.

I feel more and more ridiculous. Did God do it on purpose? Break up two couples, make another couple abruptly, and kick the rest away? I don't know what Wei Tan thinks about Empress Xu, but the old love is unforgettable, and I have a deep understanding of this myself. He treats me well now, how could he know that after the novelty, one day he will suddenly feel that he still thinks about Empress Xu in his heart.

The Wei family is growing day by day, as can be seen from the banquet last night. Neck alkyne, bad, chlorine, 6 sheaths, traces, rake, residual, min, swipe, scouring, dagger, salt, one bad mat

I think of the red flowers on the silk handkerchief. In Wei Tan's heart, is Empress Xu also like the poppy, although she is old, her color is new

It snowed two or three times in succession.

In winter, the consumption of wine and meat is a lot. However, because of the war, most of the goods in the city were controlled by the government, and it was difficult for those who wanted to resell wine, meat and cloth to find sources of goods.

Fortunately, Yanniantang's business is booming. When the snow falls in winter, most of the vegetation in the mountains is buried under the snow, making it difficult to find medicine. In the market, even ordinary herbal medicines began to skyrocket in price. Li Shang had expected that when Gong Yanggui came back from Yuzhang for the second time, he would transport a whole shipment of medicinal materials.

As the business got bigger, some side things became more and more. Li Shang told me that the store was too busy with people and wanted to buy more people. I agreed and let him look for it.

Li Shang does have his unique business talent. He said that if you want to do business big, you have to be different, see what others can't see, and do what others can't.

Of course I was not idle, Yuying said at the banquet that day that she was going to Yannian Hall, which fell into my arms. When I said that I would go too, many people nearby looked at each other in blank dismay. I smiled and said something to them about caring about the health of my uncle and husband. They walked up the steps, laughing and nodding. Not long after, the number of people going to Yannian Hall changed from me and Yuying to a dozen people. .

On the day I went to Yanniantang, there had just been a snowfall, and the houses and streets in Yongdu were all white.

Few of the ladies who followed were willing. When Cai Rang greeted the guests with a smile in front of the door, they looked arrogant and did not look straight at him.

But inside, everything is different.

Thick cloth curtains block the cold wind, the charcoal stove keeps the store warm, and the tea stove in one corner emits the fragrance of tea. What caught people's eyes was the few drug boys who were taking and distributing medicines in front of the medicine cabinet.

Most of the drug boys in other shops are ordinary people with the appearance of domestic servants. Yannian Hall was different, several young men with fair faces and handsome stature, neatly dressed, when they saw guests coming, they all smiled and saluted politely.

The ladies all showed surprise and looked at each other.

"Why is it so lively today?" Yuying asked Cai Rang, keeping her eyes on the medicine cabinet.

Cai Rang smiled and said: "I just returned some new goods today. The store is busy, so I added more staff." After that, he said to the women with a smile on his face: "The small shop is humble, and when the nobles come, it will be full of glory. Everyone Madam, feel free to choose, the store has a complete range of goods, if you catch the eye, the price will be favorable."

After saying this, the women lost their previous indifference and looked around.

Yuying's tone was serious: "What price is not the price, I will be considerate to my elder husband, as long as the goods are good."

Cai Rang Weiwei, after all, invite all the women to sit down at the table and have a rest and drink tea. The medicine boys presented all kinds of medicines one after another, and waited for the ladies to choose in a harmonious voice.

"Yuying, I didn't expect... There is such a medicine shop in Yongdu." I heard a young woman who was close to Yuying whispering to her.

Yuying glanced at her with a proud smile on her face.

Cai Rang didn't know about my relationship with Yanniantang, and seeing that everyone treated me unusually, he came over to serve me attentively.

This is what I discussed with Li Shang. It is also my first time to visit this store. Although I know the setting of the store clearly, when I come in person, the feeling is different.

Those drug boys were picked by Li Shang from the market. They are good-looking, and the price is not cheap. I used to feel sorry for money, but now that I see these noble ladies concentrating on each other, I can't help admiring Li Shang's sophistication.

The handsome man serving here has a good eloquence, and he can't stop talking about various medicinal materials. Hearing the sound of Yuying and the women taking out gold and silver, my heart was full of joy. Of course, I won't be stingy, anyway, it's the Wei Mansion's money that I spend, and after a round, it ends up in my purse.

"A Γ 飧 隹 choking dream 铩! Barium coins ┩ eh, slow fishy, addicted, neon baked, Ying 裼u dizzy, armpit, banana collapse, eight concubines, toad 13, gingiva, lucky Α!

"What's the benefit?" I saw her mysterious, and asked in surprise.

"Strong yin and sharp essence." Yuying covered her sleeves and smiled, and looked at me ambiguously, "It's been more than half a year since you got married, shouldn't good things come soon?"

I get it, and I blush a little.

"My father knows medicine, he came here to see it, and said the quality is better than others." Yuying continued to whisper to me, "I still have prescriptions at home, can I give you one?"

I concealed my embarrassment, smiled and said: "No, I also have them in my house."

On the way back home, I listened to the sound of the wheels rolling over the ice and snow, and put my hands on my stomach involuntarily.

Although I didn't care about it at the time, Yuying's words aroused something on my mind.

Wei Tan treats me well now, but if I want to continue to live in peace and stability, I still need an heir. Ruochan has also hinted at this point to me, and I have experienced the suspicious eyes of my uncle and aunt in Laiyang before, and I deeply understand the importance of this matter.

Wei Tan didn't mention this in front of me, but I know very well that he spent his energy on those nights that made my back ache. Mrs. Guo didn't seem to care about this matter, but I also knew very well that every time When I come to menstruation, there will always be a maid to report the news...

If there is, there will always be, there is no rush. I secretly said to myself.

When the carriage stopped in front of the mansion, I heard some voices and got out of the carriage, only to see servants unloading several carriages.

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"Sister-in-law." Mrs. Zhou was coming out of the door, saw me, and walked over, "Sister-in-law, do you know who is back?"

I saw several generals talking outside the door. They seemed to have just traveled a long way, their bodies were tightly wrapped, and their noses were red from the cold. Looking at the style of the car again, my heart moved, and I said in surprise: "Could it be that the second uncle is back?"

"Exactly. But there is one more person," Zhou smiled and lowered her voice, "Second Uncle brought back Xu Ji from Luoyang. Sister-in-law, Xu Ji is pregnant."

Mrs. Zhou and I walked up to the hall, and sure enough, we saw Wei Zhao at a glance. A woman is kneeling in front of her head, reciting the Xin Ke 硇 false scale Eqie 砑 А to Wei Zin

"Sister-in-law." Wei Zhao saw me first and saluted me.

"Second Uncle." I returned the salute.

"Aji, forgive me! I poked Song Yi, who lied and led the planting weapon, Mu Pu.

"Greetings to Uncle, and Gu." I stepped forward and saluted him and Mrs. Guo.

Mrs. Guo said: "Young Madam once lived in Luoyang, do you know Xu Ji?"

When these words came out, Xu Ji looked at me and hurriedly saluted: "My concubine pays homage to Young Madam."

I returned the salute, and said with a smile: "It's been more than two months since we parted in Luoyang. Will Xu Ji come here all right?"

Xu Ji lowered her eyebrows and replied softly: "Young Madam Xie is concerned, my concubine is in Luoyang, and I often miss Madam."

I smiled kindly and lowered my gaze slightly. Xu Ji's winter clothes were very thick, and her lower abdomen was flat, with no visible ups and downs.

Wei cao, suru, huai, rage, worm, leech, he, salt, parrot┘street, neon, he, ya, gray, martingale, ā9, vulgar, panic, huihui, this prayer is male, σ, and wave type 9

After talking for a while, Xu Ji presented a lacquer box and opened it. I saw that it was full of dried peony flowers.

She said: "This spring, the rain and dew are even, and the peonies in the Luoyang house are blooming luxuriantly. When the flowers fell, I remembered that my lord used to make tea with peonies, so I dried the flowers and kept them."


"Father," Wei An replied in harmony, "Xu Ji was in Luoyang and took care of the peony by herself. When I went to the house to look at it, the stem was as thick as my arm."

Wei Ji Na wishes you private tomatsu ㄊ Zhang Zhen

Mrs. Guo also ordered the steward to tidy up the side room in Wei Zhao's courtyard, to make sure there were enough bedding and other things, and asked Mrs. Zhang to arrange a servant woman who was familiar with childbirth to serve Xu Ji's daily life.

"Now it's November, the sky is cold and the water is cold, so be careful." Mrs. Guo told Xu Ji with kind eyes.

"Respect." Xu Ji saluted, meek and respectful.

When I finally put away my kind face, I was back in the courtyard. Looking up at the sky, the lead clouds were heavy, and it seemed that it was going to snow again.

"Ma'am," A Yuan whispered suspiciously, "How could Xu Ji get pregnant? She was in Luoyang at that time, obviously..."

"Shh." I glared at her.

A Yuan glanced around and immediately fell silent.

I walked into the house and asked Ah Yuan to call his family to burn charcoal fire, and then closed the door again. When I sat on the couch, I held hot tea and felt a little confused.

Mrs. Guo doesn't like Xu Ji, and now she can come to Yongdu openly and aboveboard, no doubt because of her pregnancy.

When did Xu Ji get pregnant? Wei Zhao... My face became hot, I still feel ashamed to spy on other people's room. However, I don't know much about conception or anything like that, and I'm only in the dark when I calculate the date. When I was in Luoyang, I often saw Xu Ji, but I didn't see her mention it at all. She also complained to Wei Tan, but in a blink of an eye, she came back with Wei Zhao pregnant.

I thought of Xu Ji's modest and gentle face, gentle and calm, but what was hidden behind her

At dinner time, Wei Tan came back.

Seeing Wei Zhao and Xu Ji, he was not different. After seeing the ceremony, he exchanged some greetings about whether the journey was smooth or not, and each had a meal.

The atmosphere in the hall was somewhat delicate. When Xu Ji's meal was served, Mrs. Guo asked the old woman serving her if it was suitable for her to eat, and asked Wei Zhao how the yard was being cleaned. That caring attitude made me feel that the conversation between myself and Wei Tan was cold for no reason.

Back in the yard, I have not spoken.

After helping Wei Tan change his robe, A Yuan came in, said the water was ready, and asked me if I wanted to go to the bathroom.

I like to take a bath, even if it is cold and I can only wash my feet, I would like to stay in the bathroom. It's a pleasure to sit down and think about something alone.

"No." Before he could speak, Wei Tan replied for me, "Bring some water, and I will bathe my feet with my wife."

A Yuan responded and closed the door with an ambiguous expression.

I looked at Wei Tan in surprise, and he looked at me too.

"Is there something on your mind, ma'am?" he asked.

"I have nothing to worry about." I curled the corners of my lips.

"Oh? Then why don't you talk?"

"A concubine is not a talkative person."

Wei Tan looked at me thoughtfully.

I turned around and hung up his robe on the back of Xixi, Zhu Xian, and Xie Xie, thanking the rest of the generation!

I was surprised, and turned around, he had already said: "Three."

With a slight movement in my heart, I looked at those unfathomable eyes, and my mouth was still stiff, "What does my husband mean? Concubine..."


My heart pounded, and I bit my lip.

He was about to open his mouth again, when I hurriedly said, "How could Xu Ji get pregnant?"

Wei Tan smiled, but after a while, he said in a low voice, "Madam likes to guess riddles, doesn't she?"