Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 51: white wolf


The emperor and the nobles live in high dignity, of course, it is impossible to go deep into the mountains and forests like hunters. The so-called hunting is to set up paddocks in the wild, and the soldiers will drive wild animals into the field. The emperor and nobles only need to stand gracefully behind the guardrail and shoot arrows at the panicked beasts.

Of course, those who come from the army look down on this kind of hunting. When those weak nobles drew their bows, I heard a burst of low boos. Looking back, it was a group of sergeants not far away, led by Cheng Mao.

Cheng Mao also saw me. The people sitting here are all noble family members. It is not easy for him to come to pay respects, so he just bowed in place.

"Is that the eldest cousin's lieutenant general? I remember it's called Cheng Mao." Zhou said beside him.

"Exactly." I replied, "After I married my husband, it was General Cheng who escorted me to Yongdu."

Mrs. Zhou nodded and said with a smile, "Big cousin treats my sister-in-law very well. I heard that my cousin sent two hundred soldiers to send my sister-in-law to Yongdu."

I also smiled and didn't answer.

Although I watched the excitement on the field, I was careless. My mind has been sorting out the things that happened in the morning without stopping for a moment.

Actually, I'm very glad that Wei Ci interrupted just now, otherwise I really don't know how to deal with Wei Tan.

He dragged me back from the woods, and as soon as he sat down, he talked endlessly about him and Empress Xu. In the end, he also told me that the sky is long and there is no need to cover up.

I don't care how true or false the matter between Wei Tan and Empress Xu is. He told me a lot, just to tell me his attitude towards Empress Xu. What I care about is what will happen to him in the future. Xu Hou wanted to see him again, would he still go to see him? He said to Empress Xu that this was the "last time" in the woods, but I'm afraid even he himself wasn't sure whether he would really be so cruel that he would not see you next time Xu said something about it.

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Uncle Qi once said to me, "youthful love". I smiled wryly from the bottom of my heart, as my main wife, I had a deep understanding of my husband's state of mind when we met in private. Is it because I also have a Pei Qian who I never really let go of

The only good thing about this matter is that Wei Tan took the initiative to explain it to me. This shows that although these days are cold, he is still willing to continue to be a husband and wife with me.

As for the frankness he said, I don't want to. I was also very moved when I heard it.

For this marriage, we may have shown the greatest sincerity, but the word frank is not fair to us. Just like father and mother, even if they raise their eyebrows together, there are many things that mother will not say in front of father. I am very confused, what kind of couple is Wei Tan thinking about

After two rounds of shooting, the sergeants dragged away the dead and wounded beasts in the paddock, the drums started again, and a new round was about to begin.

"Who is that man?" Mao pointed to a few people in the paddock who were about to set up arrows and shoot. "I have never seen that green robed and armored man. How can he stand with several royal family members?"

I also looked, and saw that the man was more than seven feet long, and he was indeed very handsome.

"That's Liang Ren." The Zhou family said, "I heard that he was Emperor Wen's sixth son, King Hejian, who was appointed prime minister when he conquered Tan Xi. The emperor called him 'Uncle Emperor' according to his seniority."

"The King of Hejian during Emperor Wen's time?" Mao said with a smile, "That was two or three hundred years ago. The emperor is so far away from this uncle."

"Don't underestimate him." Zhou said, "I heard that his family is poor, and a few acres of Susukida are not enough to support his family, so he learned how to weave mats from others, and wandered around in the market. The Yellow Turban Army was in chaos, and he gathered the village party to kill the bandits and defend the city. He was promoted to the county magistrate; after the He Kui rebellion, he defected to Dong Kuang, Dong Kuang was defeated, and then to Lukang in Liaodong. Tan Jun retreated to the north, Tan Xi's fourth son Tan Yao went to Liaodong, Liang Ren instigated Lu Kang to kill Tan Yao, the prime minister named him Jiaozhou shepherd."

"So, this person has been voting here and there." Mrs. Mao was speechless, and after she finished speaking, she looked at Mrs. Zhou with an ambiguous expression, "Uncle Tang is also kind to you, and he has said a lot."

Zhou blushed, but she couldn't hide her pride: "How much he can say, I'm not easy to ask."

When Wei Tan and Wei Zhao entered the field, the sergeants obviously let out excited sounds. I looked and saw that Wei Tan was standing right in front of him. He tried the bowstring, and suddenly, he looked this way.

From a distance, his eyes seemed to stay here for a while, and after a while, he turned his head away.

"Huh? Who is the eldest cousin looking at?" Zhou covered his sleeves, looking at me with a smile on the corner of his eyes.

"I don't know." Mao sang along with her, and chuckled lightly after finishing speaking.

I pretended to be deaf and dumb, but unconsciously looked towards the emperor. He was only three or four zhang away from here, and he saw only a hunting suit and a fur coat. Beside him, Empress Xu stared at the paddock motionlessly, her face seemed to be covered with a lot of powder.

The lower head of the emperor, the head of the empress of Wei Dynasty, the head of Wei Wei, the crotch, the crotch, the ping, and the crispy caravan

The wild beasts were driven into the arena, the commander gave an order, and the arrows swished off the string, all the beasts fell down, and none of them missed their shots.

The applause was loud, and Wei Tan smiled and said something to Wei Zhao and Wei Ci with a relaxed expression.

Both the Son of Heaven and Empress Xu looked expressionless.

Wei Hiccup Yingwa 12Α

The most solemn moment of winter hunting finally came. The emperor took off his fur coat and took the golden arrow from the hand of Huangmen servant. Drums sounded, and a snow-white wolf was driven into the paddock.

There was a burst of excited discussion among the crowd.

White wolves are extremely rare and have been the emperor's exclusive prey since ancient times. Once upon a time in Chang'an, there was a special wolf cage in the palace to breed white wolves for the emperor to hunt. After Chang'an was destroyed, it was hard to find this beast, and the emperor could only use stags for hunting.

Most of the people present saw the legendary white wolf for the first time, and all raised their heads.

The Son of Heaven drew his bow and set the arrow. I saw him look solemn, but his arms were obviously not strong enough to deal with the special big bow, and his hands were shaking slightly.

Everyone calmed down and watched the emperor aim. In an instant, the string sounded suddenly, the arrow left the string, flew for a while, but landed in the field, the white wolf was still running around safely.

The look of the viewers became subtle, and many people looked at each other tacitly.

The emperor's face was a little embarrassed, but he calmed down quickly, and took the second arrow from the hand of Huangmen servant.

"Your Majesty, this bow does not seem to be very good. Please have a look."

The emperor looked at him, seemed to think for a moment, and said relaxedly, "Thank you, Prime Minister." After that, he handed over the bow.

Wei Duyong said that the gun was thrown far away to die: 鋈感 Yong Huan, the hammer flounder recovered Ъ Qian, the interpretation of Xi Yi's muscular body

"嗖" pierced through the air, and before people could react, the arrow had already left the string. The white wolf's head was pierced through, and he fell on the snow, the bright red blood splattered dazzlingly.

Silence came suddenly, and the expression of the person who was still laughing and talking before was frozen on his face.

"Si She, why don't you report it?"

The frozen Si She's expression changed, and he hurriedly said: "Report to the Prime Minister, I will kill you."

Wei Cao, σ, You, Oyster, Concubine, Love, Milk, Cherry, Ranunculus, I squeezed to reveal Huang Yusi's death!

The Son of Heaven stared at him, his extremely ashamed and angry gaze was undisguised on his pale face, and I could even see his right hand tightly clenched on the hilt of his sword.

My heart suddenly mentioned, and at the moment when I was worried that he would be unable to restrain his rage and draw his sword, I took Wei Xizhong's tomb with one hand.

"Thank you, Prime Minister." Empress Xu said in a gentle voice, and looked at the emperor.

The Son of Heaven looked uncertain, looked at Empress Xu for a moment, and took the bow with his hand.

I seem to feel that many people breathed a sigh of relief, watching the emperor and Wei

Things happened suddenly, and when the two-day winter hunting finally ended, everyone's faces were full of tacit understanding.

When we returned home, the three of us, Mrs. Zhou and Ms. Mao, were laughing and laughing when we came back, and we were all silent.

Mao couldn't help it, looked at us, and said hesitantly, "The prime minister just said that arrow..."

"Hush." Mrs. Zhou said hurriedly, shaking her head at her, and motioned to get out of the car.

Mao was silent.

I looked at the trembling car curtain, without saying a word, and my thoughts went back to that year.

After my father and elder brothers were executed, although I was sheltered by Empress Dowager Liu, I was like a walking corpse, doing nothing but shutting myself in the house every day. Apart from Empress Dowager Liu, the only person who came to see me was Prince Chen.

At that time, everyone in the royal family was a nightmare full of fear and hatred for me. Prince Chen is no exception.

When I saw him, it was like meeting an enemy, and I even grabbed his hand and bit it hard when he handed me pastries. I'm sure it hurt, he was bleeding. But he didn't say a word, and he didn't tell the Queen Mother. The next day, he still brought me rice cakes.

I remember he looked at me at that time, with a calm face that didn't match his age, and said softly: "Do you miss your parents? I also miss my mother. But if you die, you can't even think about it."

I don't know if it was his words that reminded me of my father's instructions before he died, or I realized that he was not my real enemy. Since then, I have never dealt with him again. We are also sympathetic to each other. Without him, I don't know how I would have spent those painful days.

The young and kind prince Chen in my memory overlapped with today's pale emperor, and I sighed heavily from the bottom of my heart.

If one thing is unfair, another thing will be added. If I was at a loss for breaking through Wei Tan and meeting Xu Hou earlier, but on the paddock, I was really scared. I dare not imagine how things would end if the Son of Heaven drew his sword on the spot.

I have to admire Empress Xu, she was very smart in today's matter. It was so tense, she took the initiative to ease it, whether it was at the emperor's place or at Wei Yan's.

and I. On the one hand, I am an old friend who was supported by my father after death, and on the other hand, I am the husband's family who lives under the fence. If there is a day when we will fight against each other, what should I do

Just as he was full of thoughts, suddenly, there was a sound of horseshoes, and not long after, the carriage stopped suddenly.

Mrs. Zhou and Mrs. Mao and I were all turned upside down. We were about to ask what happened when Wei Tan's voice suddenly came: "Is Madam in the car?"

The driver replied: "My lord, my wife is in the car."

I was startled, Zhou and Mao both looked surprised, and for a moment, they looked at each other and smiled.

A corner of the car curtain was lifted, and sure enough, Wei Tan was outside, his face flushed by the north wind, breathing white.

"Why is eldest cousin so impatient, he hasn't returned home yet." Zhou made fun of it ambiguously.

Wei Tan smiled: "It's only a moment of delay." As he spoke, his eyes looked at me, "I want to go to Chang'an immediately, Madam?"