Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 53: Chang'an (middle)


The sky is a bit cloudy, it seems that there will be no sun. The wide neckline tightly wrapped my neck, but I still felt cold, so I rolled up my sleeves.

Although the house is completely destroyed, I am still familiar with every place on the ground, where is the open space, where is the veranda, and which road leads to the courtyard where someone lives. I went around the front hall and walked inside. On the snow, there was only a row of lonely footprints behind me.

The back garden of my house is very beautiful, every tree and stone are chosen by my grandfather who loves to build. I also like this place. When I was ten years old, I stalked the only small building in the back garden as my boudoir. Since then, the back garden has been my yard.

Different from the fate of the house, the flowers and trees in the back garden are still there, but they are not pruned, and they grow like bushes in the wild. In winter, most of the leaves of the flowers and trees fall, leaving only the bleak branches. The only green thing is a pine tree in the distance, the branches are still in the shape when I left.

Next to it is my small building that has collapsed.

I walked slowly and climbed the stone steps. Burnt wood was scattered all over the place, and rubble and bricks were piled up on the ground. I stared blankly, remembering the last night I stayed here.

It was as cold as it is now. In the middle of the night, my mother woke me up in a hurry and asked me to get dressed.

I was ignorant, watching her face full of nervousness, and kept telling the tidy nurse and maid to take this one away, and take that one away too.

"What's going on?" I asked my mother, realizing something was out of the ordinary.

She looked at me with complicated eyes, and wrapped the fur on my body tightly: "The queen mother just called you into the palace and said that you should stay with her for a few days."

I still wanted to talk, but my eldest brother came in from the outside and said that the carriages and horses were already waiting in front of the door. My mother didn't allow me to say any more, and pulled me out the door.

Only a few lanterns were lit in the mansion. To my surprise, my father, second brother and elder sister-in-law were already waiting there in front of the door.

"Is it ready?" Father asked Mother.

Mother nodded, and asked the family to put the bundles on the carriage one by one, and then let me sit on it.

Everyone had serious expressions on their faces, even the second brother, who loved to joke the most, remained silent.

"A Γ jumping cover, mane, toad chair, whoring business, shepherd's tomb, nose machine, fontanel, v, and worms, chaotic screen, pen, beer, scorpion, scorpion, scorpion, swan oxime, stop rot

I saw the red circles around her eyes, and looked at her father and brothers again, feeling more and more uneasy in my heart.

"Mother, I'm not going to the palace, and I'm not going anywhere." As I said that, I was about to get out of the car.

"Sit down!" My father suddenly came over and held me down, and gave my mother a reproachful look, "What are you talking about?" After finishing speaking, he shouted to the driver, "Go!"

The driver responded with a cry and raised his whip to urge the horse.

I was caught off guard and was led backwards.

"Mom!" I pulled the curtains and shouted to my mother. She stood at the door and looked at me. For a moment, she covered her face with her sleeve...

The water droplets fell on the snow, forming a shallow pit. I stepped on the snow and rubble, one foot deep and one foot shallow. I have lived in this place for many years, although it is beyond recognition, I can still recognize where the couch is placed, where the case is set up, and where is my favorite window sill to lean on in a daze. Under a wooden beam, I saw half of the broken straw mat exposed, and further down, it seemed that something was pressing on it.

I leaned over and opened the straw mat, and a dirty smiling face stood in front of my eyes. I froze for a moment and picked it up.

It is a silk man.

The fabric is faded and stained from years of weathering, but it's still in good condition. The stuffed silk floss is crushed flat, with a big head, slender limbs, and crooked stitches—only I can sew so ugly in this house.

I remembered that this was the first finished product I made when my mother ordered me to study female red. At that time, I felt that I had done a really good job, proudly showing off everywhere, and wanted to name it.

"... Tsk tsk, it really looks like a Γtuxie 5 egg umbrella!

I picked off a piece of mud on the silk figurine's face. It looked at me, eyes sewed with black thread, lips sewed with red thread, really looked like a grinning fool. My nose was sore, I couldn't tell whether it was because of the cold wind or because of memories. Holding the silk figurine, I looked around. This place that used to be home, the familiar people and things have disappeared.

The dead trees and ruins in the garden are blurred in front of my eyes. Going home, going home, is there any home in this world that I can go back to

The north wind was still blowing, and suddenly, my body warmed up, and a large cloak was placed on my shoulders.

I turned around in amazement, and saw a figure close at hand, blurred in my eyes. I was about to wipe away my tears and see clearly, when I heard a long sigh, I was hugged into his arms.

The fabric has a scent that I have gradually become familiar with, and it is warm and melts away the coldness on my face. I wanted to raise my head, but Wei Tan pressed the back of my head to keep me from moving: "Cry if you want to, no one can see here."

Something seemed to touch my heart, and I buried my head in that embrace, no longer struggling...

When I came out, besides my carriage and horses, Wei Tan's horses were also there.

"Where does Madam want to go?" Wei Tan asked me.

I looked at the abandoned house behind me, and shook my head for a moment. Chang'an has lived up to its former appearance, and I am afraid that other places will only be sad.

"Didn't your husband come back in the afternoon? How did you find this place?" I asked him.

"It's nothing serious, I'll come back earlier." Wei Tan said, looking at me as he spoke, "This is the only place Madam can go."

This is true.

"Madam has nothing to do, how about going to Huguo Temple with my husband?" He continued.

I was surprised: "Huguo Temple?"

Wei Tan nodded, and said, "I haven't been to the Yantai for many years as a husband, and I just want to visit the old place again."

I thought about it, and nodded in agreement.

Huguo Temple is the largest Buddhist temple in Chang'an. It was built by Emperor Xiao two hundred years ago. Not only is there a lot of incense, but there are also towers, pools and forests. It is one of the places where people in Chang'an often hang out. Among them, Yantai is more than ten feet high. Standing on it, you can see half of Chang'an.

My mother doesn't like Huguo Temple very much, saying that there are many people there, and she rarely takes me there except for worshiping Buddha.

But Wei Tan is obviously much more familiar than me. When I was still trying to remember where Yantai was, he had already led me to find the way to Yantai.

Although the Huguo Temple also experienced wars, it is better preserved than other places. Yantai stands in front of it, and the Scripture Pavilion on it is still the same as before.

I used to hate coming to this place, not because of anything else, just because of the one-foot-high steps, a total of eighty-one steps, and it was extremely hard every time I climbed up.

Today's weather is not good, and it is not auspicious day, so there are very few people who come to climb Yantai. The stone steps were covered with ice and snow, and I slipped after only two steps. Fortunately, Wei Tan grabbed my arm.

"Be careful." Wei Tan said, but he didn't let go of his hand, pulling me up step by step.

Wei Tan travels outside all year round, these stone steps are like flat ground to him. It was different for me. I felt tired after less than half of the walk.

"Rest?" Wei Tan turned to look at me.

I shook my head, panting a bit: "No need."

Wei Tan slowed down his pace and smiled: "Madam walks too little. When I return to Yongdu, I will accompany my husband to walk around the city wall every day, so I won't be tired."

I wanted to answer him a few words, but felt that it would be a waste of energy to talk to him, so I might as well keep my spirits on stage.

When I finally reached the top floor, my body was already sweating, so I took off my cloak and put it on my hand.

The door of Jingge was closed tightly, Wei Tan walked on the edge of the stone railing, looking into the distance.

I also looked. Standing here in the past, I could see the majestic and majestic roofs of Miyagi's huge halls, but now, there is nothing but high walls and platform foundations. Not only Miyagi, but many of Chang'an's scenic spots, such as the tall buildings in the city, the cornices that can be admired during the day, and the lights that are like stars at night, have all disappeared now.

Although I was depressed, I didn't want to let myself be immersed in sadness, so I found some topics: "Husband used to come here often?"

"Yeah." Wei Tan said, "Before I entered Yulin, I used to run up and down the stairs ten times every morning."

I was stunned and looked up the steps.

Level 81, ten round trips... He has to run 1,620 levels every day... I was speechless, no wonder Pei Qian couldn't beat him back then.

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Just as I was about to speak again, a gust of wind blew, and I sneezed with a "ha chirp".

"Put on the cloak." Wei Tan looked back at me.

I said, "My concubine is still a little hot."

Wei Tan couldn't help but take the cloak from my hand and put it on me. Then he stretched out his arms and circled my whole body in front of him.

The warm breath was blown behind my ears, I was embarrassed, I looked to the side, and a tourist who had just stepped onto the stage flashed his eyes frequently.

"Someone is watching." I whispered.

"Huh?" Wei Tan also looked over there, not paying attention, "What are you afraid of, you and I are husband and wife." After finishing speaking, he nodded at the tourist, "Gongtai, do you want to visit the temple to climb?"

The man was stunned for a moment, then cupped his hands: "Exactly."

Wei Tan smiled: "The weather is fine today, why don't you bring your wife with you?"

The man looked at me and smiled mischievously, "The woman is at home and hasn't come out." After that, he looked around with an unnatural expression. After staying for a while, he stepped off the stage.

"Does my husband recognize him?" I looked at the figure and asked suspiciously.

"I don't know."

"That… "

"Didn't he just leave?" Wei Tan whispered while biting my ear.

I:"… "

rogue. I secretly took a deep breath of the cold air to dissipate the heat on my face.

Wei Tan and I were the only ones left on the Yantai. He hugged me, with his chest against my back. After standing quietly for a while, he suddenly said, "Do you want to go back to Chang'an?"

I was stunned for a moment, before I realized that he was asking me if I wanted to go back to live in Chang'an again.

Unspeakable sourness surged up in my heart, and after a moment of silence, I said, "But it has been destroyed."

"Destroyed?" Wei Tan said, "Chang'an has been built for more than a thousand years. Do you know how many times it has been destroyed?"

I froze, I didn't know this, I shook my head.

"Nine times." Wei Tan said.

I did the math and felt wrong: "Almost once every two hundred years? But Chang'an has only experienced three dynasties."

"It's not just the chaos of the overthrow of the dynasty," Wei Tan said, "there are also foreign invasions, military disasters, and coups. The worst one was when the previous dynasty was the last emperor, the Chang'an City was on fire, and then the plague raged. Within three years, there was no human population. Gao When the emperor ruled the world, there were less than a hundred households in Chang'an, not even a small county."

I didn't speak.

"Will it return to the way it used to be?" I stared at the direction of the house, and after a while, I asked in a low voice.

"If you think about it, it will." Wei Tan said, let go of his hand, turned me to face him, and held my shoulders with both hands, "Ah~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ j wolf mistletoe 蘼 维 snail cut scar plus vent サ sac locust blink Hong Fei ぐ glass haggard yellow tube for 崞ke!

I looked into his eyes, under the sky, there was some indescribable expression in those eyes, firm, or warm. My heart fluctuated a little, like the first ray of warm wind blowing into a frozen lake in March.

"My husband will rebuild Chang'an?" I asked softly.

Wei Tan smiled: "I will. Madam, would you like to be with me?"

My heart pounded against my chest, I remained silent and stared at that face. I saw that the lines of the brows were smooth and handsome, and the eyes were bright and unstoppable in the lead-white snow around him.