Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 56: south temple


I turned around and saw Qiao Tiqiao standing there a few steps away, followed by two maidservants.

I was surprised to meet her here, but I couldn't say I was happy at all.

Qiaoti seemed to hesitate for a moment, then stepped forward to salute me.

"Cousin." I returned the salute, with a polite smile on my face, and looked behind her, "Why is cousin here? Where are aunt and cousin?"

"They didn't come." Qiao Ti pursed her lips, "Today I originally wanted to go to the city to buy some supplies, but I passed by here, so I came to say goodbye, and I didn't expect to meet my cousin."

With a pleasant expression on my face, I said: "I heard that my aunt and cousin have arrived in Yongdu, but I haven't had time to visit, so I wonder if the family is safe?"

"Very good." Qiao Ti spoke softly, while speaking, I glanced at the corner of her eyes and had already looked at my whole body and the people behind me.

"Is my cousin just here?" I asked, not interested in continuing to make out with her.

"It's been a long time." Qiao Ti said, "The sacrifice has just been completed."

"That's it." I smiled, "There are so many people in the temple palace, and my cousin is new, so I should go back to the house earlier." After finishing speaking, I ordered a family member to stay behind to escort Qiao Ti, and said something to bring my aunt and cousin If so, salute and leave.

Many people came to Nanmiao to offer sacrifices. My family members asked me if I would like to say hello to Miaozhu so that it would be convenient for him. I thought for a moment and said no. It's just a god, it's the second thing to make people feel disgusted by making big fights. The most important thing is that I want to see Zhao Jun, so it's best not to attract attention.

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I followed the flow of people into the temple, lined up, and when it was my turn, I worshiped the statue and it was over. When I got up, I caught a glimpse of Zhao Jun's not-so-familiar face under the colorful banners on one side of the temple. I understood, asked my family to leave the sacrifices, and I took A Yuan and followed the figure out of the hall.

There is no scenery inside the temple, and the weather is cold. Behind the main hall, there are only a few idlers basking in the sun.

Zhao Jun was dressed in an ordinary man's attire. He walked under a eaves. He turned around and bowed to me: "Ma'am."

I winked at A Yuan, and she understood, and went out of the corridor to keep watch.

"Mr. Zhao." After there was no one around, I returned the salute to Zhao Jun and looked at him, "Mr. Zhao doesn't know what's going on when I see my concubine."

These words came straight to the point, Zhao Jun's eyes moved, and some hesitation flashed across his always serious face.

"Madam." He said, "A few days ago, the matter of the white wolf in Mount Mang, Madam, can you be present?"

My heart sank. Before that, I already had a premonition that it was inseparable from the events of that day, and it turned out to be true.

"Present." I said.

"What do you think Ma'am?" Zhao Jun said.

I looked at him: "Mr. Zhao has something to say, it's better to speak it out."

Zhao Jun looked at me, and suddenly bowed his head and bowed.

I was startled, and quickly supported him: "Why is Mr. Zhao like this?"

Zhao Jun's eyes were red and his voice was tense: "The Son of Heaven is ashamed, the country's traitors are domineering, Madam, save the country from fire and water!"

My hands froze. He understood from the bottom of his heart that Zhao Jun's gift was not for nothing.

"What do you mean by Mr. Zhao?" I calmed down and said, "This concubine is nothing more than an ordinary woman. When is it my turn to come to the rescue?"

"Get rid of Wei Boya's 15 sand disease!

I took a deep breath. The corridor is silent, and in the distance, people basking in the sun are talking and laughing, which seems to be two different places from the tension here.

"Is Zhao openly joking?" I was surprised and suspicious, trying to keep my tone relaxed, and said in a low voice, "The prime minister is my concubine's uncle."

"It's just that Madam and Wei thief live in the same house, so it's just right to attack."

I sneered and looked around: "Did Mr. Zhao drink too much? Today's incident, I will never hear about it. If Mr. Zhao speaks like this again, I will express my feelings to the prime minister." After finishing speaking, I turned around and wanted to leave.

"Madam won't." Just listen to Zhao Juan said indifferently, "Madam once said that eating the king's salary is a matter of being loyal to the king. When Fu Situ was alive, he devoted himself to the society; A hundred years. Madam, the emperor is supported by Fu Situ, Madam, can you bear to see Situ's hard work ruined overnight?"

I stood still and turned to look at Zhao Jun.

He held his head up, his eyes sparkling.

It is undeniable that although this person is pedantic, he knows what is most important in my heart. He is very good at stepping on people's pain.

"Is this what the emperor meant?" I faced the corridor outside, as if admiring the snow scene.

"Yes, and no." Zhao Jun replied.

I looked at him: "What do you mean?"

Zhao Jun's expression became more cautious, he looked around, and after a while, he took out a piece of white silk from his sleeve and handed it to me.

I took it suspiciously, and when I opened it, I almost stopped breathing. It is full of neat characters. I can recognize the handwriting since I was a child. It is the emperor's handwriting. What is dazzling is that these words are all glowing with dry dark red, and they are actually written in blood. Finally, the imprint of Chuan Guo Yuxi was stamped on it, clearly.

"This is the Son of Heaven's blood book." Zhao Jun's voice was a little excited, "Once it gets out, it can be used as a call to arms. Madam, the treacherous court is in the way, and the Son of Heaven is in jail, how can we just sit back and watch?"

I stared at the blood book, silent for a long time, folded it again, and returned it to Zhao Jun.


"Mr. Zhao, let me ask you something." I looked at him, "If the prime minister dies, what will happen to Mr. Zhao? The court soldiers and horses all belong to the Wei family. Even if the prime minister is not around, his second son is like a dragon and a phoenix, a millionaire Soldiers, how did Mr. Zhao face them?"

"Headless dragons, why not be afraid." Zhao Jun did not change his face, "Madam, you are not talented, but now the two sons of the Wei family seem to be in harmony, and Wei Qi is bad. I would like to be short, fat and lie, but I will be punished for whoring!

"Oh?" I said, "If there was a war at that time, the peace in the north would never be restored. The heroes in the south are watching the tiger, how does Mr. Zhao know that the emperor is the fisherman?"

"Jing Xiang and Liang Chong are the clan, and Jun has already heard his words. Once there is an incident, Jing Xiang can contain the south."

"Liang Chong?" I sneered, "When he was at war with Nanyue, he let his sons slaughter the city and did evil. Does Mr. Zhao think that such people can rest assured? Mr. Zhao, do you still remember the matter of Gao Wei and Zhang Yun? After He Kui died, the two separated. The soldiers and horses under his command were vying for the Son of Heaven, and the princes from all walks of life attacked the Central Plains in the name of King Qin. The whole world was in chaos, and the lives were devastated. Even the Son of Heaven could hardly save his life. Mr. Zhao, is this going to happen again?"

Zhao Jun stared at me, his eyes gradually deepened on his cold face.

"Ma'am not willing?" he said.

I didn't deny it, for a moment, I said: "If Mr. Zhao says I'm innocent, it doesn't matter."

Zhao Jun's expression was uncertain, and the atmosphere was condensed.

Suddenly, A Yuan's voice saluted not far away: "Young master."

I was startled, and hurriedly looked back. A Yuan was bowing his back to this side, and not long after, Wei Tan's figure appeared at the corner of the eaves.

How did he come here? I didn't have time to think about it, so I went to meet Wei Tan.

"Husband." I tried my best to behave leisurely and smiling. Before I could speak, I suddenly saw Qiao Ti following behind Wei Tan.

"Ma'am." Wei Tan looked at me, then at Zhao Jun, and smiled, "Mr. Zhao is also here."

Zhao Jun bowed to Wei Tan with a peaceful expression: "Jun is visiting the temple today, and I didn't expect to meet my wife."

I glanced at him, and smiled at Wei Tan: "Mr. Zhao sent candied fruit, but I haven't thanked him yet. It's a rare encounter today, just to pay my respects, and tell some old stories about Chang'an."

"Oh?" Wei Tan looked at Zhao Jun, "I am also thinking about this matter, and I also want to thank Mr. Zhao personally if I meet him."

Zhao Jun's expression was humble: "A little bit of heart, don't worry about it."

After some politeness, I saw that the words were almost the same, so I asked, "Why did my husband come here?"

"It's nothing serious today. I turned around and came back thinking that my wife wanted to worship the gods, so I decided to come to the South Temple." After he finished speaking, he smiled and turned to look at Qiao Ti. Jun."

I looked at Joti. I can imagine this matter with my toes, and I can still imagine how Qiao Ti enthusiastically told Wei Tan where I was going, and led the way herself. Just now when I was talking, I intentionally left her alone. Now that I was talking about it, I smiled and said, "Just now, my concubine also met my cousin. I was afraid that she would be a stranger, so I left my family behind."

Qiao Ti looked at me, curled her lips, and said softly, "I saw my brother-in-law just now, so I knew I was looking for my cousin. I was afraid that there would be too many people in the temple and my brother-in-law would not be able to find her, so I got out of the car." Come and look for it with my brother-in-law."

Rather enthusiastic. I ignored her and said to Wei Tan, "Does your husband want to worship the temple?"

"Have you paid your respects to Madam?" Wei Tan asked.

"Thank you."

"Just go back to the mansion." After Wei said that, he looked at Zhao Jun, "There is a new tea in my mansion, Mr. Zhao, would you like something?"

Zhao Jun resigned, "Jun still has other things to do today, and I will visit him someday."

Wei Tan smiled: "That's it, I'll be waiting in the mansion."

Zhao Jun saluted again, bid farewell and left. Wei Tan and I walked back to the temple, and the family members who offered offerings had already come out, so we walked out of the temple with the flow of people.

Qiao Ti followed behind, I turned my head inadvertently, and saw her staring behind Wei Tan, caught my sight, and retracted her.

I also turned around, walked two steps, suddenly leaned towards Wei Tan, and whispered: "Hey..."

Wei Tan grabbed my arm: "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, I stepped on a stone." I said softly.

"Be careful." Wei Tan looked at the ground, pointed to the other side of the road, "Go over there." He said, took my hand and squeezed past.

I followed him, and looking back, Qiao Ti had already been separated by the flow of people, and her eyes were full of unwillingness.

The mood suddenly became better, and I slightly curled the corners of my mouth.

After finally returning to the bullock cart, I straightened the folds on my clothes. After a while, Qiao Ti and the others appeared.

There was no sign of displeasure on her face, she walked up to us, smiled at me and said, "Mom misses my cousin very much, she said earlier that she would go to my house, don't forget."

Who won't perfunctory. I said to Qi: "If you have free time, you should visit me."

Qiao Ti looked at Wei Tan again, pursed her lips and smiled, "Will brother-in-law come too?"

Wei Tan smiled: "I will go with my wife."

Qiao Ti looked at him for a moment, then looked at me again, and saluted with a smile: "Farewell, my concubine." After saying that, she left gracefully.

Sitting back in the car, I leaned against the wall of the car and looked at A Yuan in blank dismay.

"Ma'am, why did the eldest son come here?" She said in a low voice, a little nervous, "Does he know something?"

I shook my head and comforted, "No."

It was indeed an accident just now, but I was cautious enough to avoid being bumped into from the beginning, and my voice was very low when I said those words to Zhao Jun. Later, even when Wei Tan came, I didn't reveal any flaws, and the reasons were all plausible.

"And Mrs. Qiao, why is she back?" A Yuan frowned.

I looked at her and said lightly, "What, I just met by chance."

Even A Yuan smelled something strange, it seems that I am not careless.

However, she is not enough to make me stand up for battle. What I am thinking about now is Zhao Jun's conversation.

If my father is still there, I don’t know if he will agree or be angry if he hears my answer

Those words, of course, have the meaning of avoiding things, but they are also from my heart.

Probably because of my filial piety, Zhao Jun told me about the righteousness of a monarch and minister. I used these words on him when I persuaded him to surrender, but it didn't work if he wanted to use them on me again.

The emperor and I have a childhood friendship. Even if I give a helping hand one day, it must be because of friendship, not some monarch. However, the method Zhao Jun mentioned was by no means a proper method. If one is not careful, not only he and the emperor, but even me will get involved. Everyone in the market knows to be cautious when buying and selling, let alone I am gambling with my life

The royal family gave the Fu family prosperity, and it took everything away overnight. In my opinion, in the snowy day when I sent my father and brothers to the execution ground, all the favors of the king have been repaid. And my last thought was also turned into ashes following the fire in Chang'an.

Thinking of this, I closed my astringent eyes.

The noise of the market came through the curtains of the carriages, and the sound of horses' hooves on the slush. I didn't need to look to know that Wei Tan was riding on the horse again, letting the north wind blow his face and nose red.

Thinking of him, my heart seemed to be gently brushed by something.

If one day, the Wei family really attacked the emperor, would Wei Tan be the first one