Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 6: Birthday banquet


Although the servant girl was bought for me, Mrs. Guo is the mistress.

On the way, I thought about what to say, and when I got back to the mansion, I took A Yuan to see Mrs. Guo and explained the matter in detail. From the past to the present, how the master and servant love each other deeply, how life and death are separated. I didn't hide anything from Ah Huan about the gold, it came from my dowry, so it's up to me.

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As a lobbyist, I am quite good at embellishing the situation. Mrs. Guo's face was a little moved after hearing this.

She looked at A Yuan who had kept her head down, and sighed: "Since we are old people from the past, it is rare to meet again now, so it is necessary to help, this maidservant, you just stay by your side."

I thank you and formally brought A Yuan into the Wei Mansion.

When old people meet each other, it is inevitable to have a long talk.

That night, A Yuan and I sat on the couch together, hugging the quilt and talking for a long time like we did when we were in Fu's residence.

After she listened to my story, she opened her eyes wide, stunned.

"Then... how will the eldest son treat the female monarch?" After thinking for a long time, she suddenly asked.

I smiled: "What's good? I haven't spent a day with him."

A Yuan blushed and smiled embarrassedly.

"My lord," she bit her lip and whispered hesitantly, "I have met Mr. Ji Yuan before."

The mention of this name brings a smile to my face.

"Oh? When?" My voice sounded calm.

"When I came out of my hometown last year, I was in Jizhou." A Yuan stared at my face cautiously, "He was under the tent of Pangcuo, Hebei at that time, and he seemed to be some kind of counselor. We were walking on the road, and he walked by face to face. There are many soldiers and horses behind."

I didn't know what to say, and after a while, I said, "You all know him, but why doesn't he help?"

A Yuan shook his head: "Young master came to help, he came to us that day and gave father a bag of money. But father didn't want it, saying that he vowed not to be favored by the wicked."

My heart warms up. This is indeed what Li Shang would do, and his father was not mistaken about him.

"Understood, don't mention him in the mansion again." I said lightly.

"I know." A Yuan nodded, then smiled suddenly, "My lord, my father once said that a fortune teller went to the mansion to see you before, saying that you are born with good fortune."


"Really." A Yuan said, "You see, my lady, first there was the Queen Mother, and then there was the Wei family, and they always turned danger into good luck."

I laugh. The queen mother did save my life. As for the Wei family... I'm afraid it's hard to say whether it's bad luck or good luck.

A Yuan continued to talk, but I pushed her and interrupted: "Okay, it's getting late, it's time to rest. Don't forget that you are not in Fu's residence now."

A Yuan pouted, and went to bed.

"It's A Yuan." When she was about to go out, I called out.

"Huh?" A Yuan turned around.

I smiled: "I will be Madam in the future, don't call me wrong."

A Yuan was startled for a moment, then nodded and went out.

That night, I was calm, but I didn't sleep well at all.

In the dream, there is always a figure appearing in front of me, playing chess or playing the piano. Or chat with people. Inadvertently, he turned his head to see me, and a smile appeared on his handsome brows, with a bit of cunning.

"... Ah Qian, does my dress look good?" This is my voice.

"... Ah Qian, I heard that you bought a white horse, can you lend me the cart tomorrow?"

"... Ah Qian, I sold a plum vase yesterday. Guess how much it was? I only wanted to sell it for one hundred dollars, but that man gave me one hundred and fifty dollars!"

"A Qian, a Qian..."

The voices were mixed, and I saw Ah Qian riding his white horse, wearing a brand new wedding dress, and a strange woman was sitting on the lacquered cart behind him...

I woke up in a dream, panting slightly.

There is a thick night in front of me, and the sound of insects outside the window is low.

It's a dream... I thought to myself, but my hand unconsciously stretched towards my wrist, and there was nothing there. I threw off the quilt and turned over, lit a candle, and opened my jewelry box. But I searched again, and there was nothing I was looking for.

Anxious in my heart, I turned to rummaging through the unpacked packages, and finally found a small peach charm in a pile of old clothes. The knives on it are simple, but there is a "Α toe ostrich, gong, gong, shovel, and Huang Zhen"

I felt relieved, closed my eyes and let out a long sigh of relief, and held it tightly in my palm.

Tears burst out of my eyes suddenly, and I couldn't stop them.

The moonlight was like water, shining through the window sill, and I saw my own shadow shrunk to the ground, as helpless as before.

"It's over, it's all over, you will forget..." In my ear, my mother's words seemed to sound again, gently comforting.

Days passed by, and in a blink of an eye, a month had passed.

Spring is over, and it's starting to get hot.

I had a fairly good life in Wei's mansion. Although Mrs. Guo is the mistress, she is a person who is well versed in family management and is considerate in everything she does. I know that I am a newcomer, and if I treat everyone with courtesy, I will live in peace with everyone.

There was news from Ah Huan that he found a small house in Xicheng, moved there with Li Shang, and invited a doctor for Li Shang. Two days ago, I let A Yuan go back to visit. She came back and said that Li Shang's illness has improved a lot and he can get out of bed.

Not long after, news came from the east that Wei Wei's body was retreating, and the cherry felt howling, and the land was on the verge of breaking down. ㄏAl Song Ao Ji Blowing Mu Bi Zhan Yi Cai Mao Huan Tai Chi Chi

"Sister-in-law, elder brother and second brother are coming back!" Wei smiled at me.

I smiled, and asked A Yuan to bring her a newly made jacket, and said, "It's Madam's 40th birthday in two days, put away this new dress, don't it get torn again."

Wei stuck out his tongue, looked at the new clothes curiously, and said with a smile, "Sister-in-law is so kind."

I smiled: "Where is fourth uncle? He also has new clothes, but I never see him."

"He," Wei Yang raised his eyebrows, "he's probably messing around with those odds and ends again."

"Pieces?" I was surprised.

"Yes." Wei seemed a little disdainful, looked at me, but smiled mysteriously, "Don't my sister-in-law know yet? I'll take my sister-in-law to see it."

Although I am the bride of the Wei Mansion, after all, I am new here, and I am not familiar with many personnel and affairs, and Wei An is one of them.

Logically speaking, the relationship between Wei An and Wei Tan's mother should be closer to me. His yard is near Wei Tan's yard, but he seldom shows up, and he always looks deserted when meeting and saluting, even if he speaks, he never speaks a few words. I don't know the reason, and I never like to put on a cold face. With Wei An's attitude, let him go.

Wei didn't take me to Wei An's yard, but to the kitchen. Next to the firewood house, there is a simple wooden house, and a few steps away there is a small black earthen kiln.

Before I got to the door, I heard the sound of wood beating from inside.

Wei An was wearing a single shirt, sitting on a low bed, burying his head in wedging one board into another. He was so absorbed that his hair was drenched with sweat.

"You're fiddling with these again, have you memorized the homework left by Mr.?" Wei said.

Wei An looked up and saw Wei and I standing at the door, he was stunned.

"None of your business." Wei An said indifferently, got up and bowed to me, "Sister-in-law." After finishing speaking, he continued to bow his head.

Wei seemed to be used to it, pouted.

I looked at the work in Wei An's hands, but found it interesting. Looking around, I saw that the small wooden house was full of logs, bamboo poles, and some half-made things were placed on the ground, with strange shapes. I saw some small pottery pieces on a wooden shelf, of various kinds, including villains and animals.

"Are these made by the fourth uncle?" I asked curiously.

"Yes." Wei An replied.

I picked up one of them and said, "This dog is really nice."

"It's a tiger." Wei An said.

I shrugged, put that thing back, and picked up another thing: "This deer also has a shape."

"is horse."

"This woman..."

"It's a man."

I turned around, Wei An looked at me, his face flushed a little, as if he was annoyed.

"Man... hahahaha..." Wei laughed out of breath.

I was a little embarrassed, left the wooden frame, and walked up to Wei An. I looked at the piece of wood put together in Wei An's hand, recognized it for a while, and when I was sure it was correct, I asked, "Are you building a car?"

Wei An didn't raise his head: "Yes."

I looked again: "It doesn't look like what I usually see."

"Those aren't good enough," Wei An wiped his sweat, "it's easy to break, the axles don't work, and they will get stuck on the road when they encounter mud and water."

Wei disagreed: "Not all cars are like this. Horse-drawn people drive, so you don't need to spend all your time."

Wei An ignored her.

I thought that I had offended Wei An by myself, and felt that it was better to leave quickly, so I handed the cloth bag containing the new clothes to Wei An and said, "This is a new clothes for the fourth uncle, please accept it for the fourth uncle." .”

Wei An looked at the cloth bag, showed surprise, and stopped.

"Sister-in-law did it, thank you soon." Wei said.

I hurriedly said to Wei: "Fourth Uncle is busy, I will not disturb him." After finishing speaking, I pulled her and turned around to go out.

If it is said that the Wei family can marry a bride for the family to meet the emperor, then I am not surprised that Mrs. Guo invited the family members of all officials to celebrate her birthday.

In front of the gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion, there was a long queue of chariots and horses. In addition to the family members of important ministers in the court, there are also many Wei Zhixin, slang, wood enthalpy, 9, Shuoyun, choke, scorpion, scorpion, scorpion, twilight, scar, and falcon Wipe Song Pancreas and Write Lv Duhuan

Looking at the woman talking and laughing all over the garden, I can't help but think that those generals are arguing for Wei Jiabao.

Persuading wine is a must-have skill for noble ladies in Chang'an. I used to follow my mother, and I have learned it by myself without a teacher. The war was chaotic, and many generals and officers followed Wei's family courtyard, 筇颇纇益浩拤缫荫衣, blowing their mother to save their mothers, saving their lives, and cutting in between.

This made me a lot easier, at least they could understand me when I persuaded them with elegant words.

After a busy lap, seeing that there are very few newcomers, I also feel tired. After explaining to the maidservant, he went to the back hall to drink water.

"Ah Γ Jun Guan, under the jurisdiction of the word Bao Huan, chisel, hexagram, admonishment

Turning around, I saw a young woman in costume standing behind me, looking at me hesitantly.

I looked at her face and remembered: "Yuying?"

A smile suddenly appeared on Yuying's face, she came forward and grabbed my sleeve, her voice excited: "Ah Γ Ye Xuan Hui Xie Huan

I looked at her and smiled with emotion.

Qiao Yuying, the daughter of Daxing Ling Qiao Chun, one of my playmates in Chang'an. After coming to Yongzhou, I saw many familiar faces, all of whom had been with my father before. This is not difficult to explain, the emperor moved the capital here from Chang'an, and of course all the officials followed. But Yuying is the second woman I met after Xu O, which can't help but cheer me up.

"Where are you now? How are your parents?" I shook her hand and asked.

The smile on Yuying's face dimmed slightly, and she said: "My father is still here, mother..." She didn't continue, she lowered her head and wiped her eyes.

Looking at her expression, I knew she was not having a good time either.

Yuying told me that Chang'an was invaded by rebels, and her family fled to avoid disaster. During the chaos, her mother and younger brother were killed by bandits. She wandered around with her father, and didn't come back until she heard that the emperor's capital was Yongzhou. Wei Ao refers to stamping, covering, covering, Xinwan, Xinwan, tomb, Ai, t, cloth, song, mou, copy, da, and epilepsy, pan melancholy, ㄏ Luchu

After listening to her narration, I was stunned [it is inevitable. Stories like this are everywhere, though, and too much of it can turn even the weepiest into numbness.

I sighed softly, and could only caress Yuying's hand comfortingly: "The deceased is gone, you are safe, and Madam can rest in peace."

Yuying nodded and looked up at me: "Ah, Bo Bian, cowardly nephew. I'm afraid it's difficult to write a judgment ├3

I knew what she wanted to ask, so I shook my head: "Yuying, there is no need to mention the past."

Yuying's eyes lighted up slightly, and after a while, she took a deep breath and smiled, "Yes, the past is the past. Ao Zhong and Shan's ignorant and careless Song He┫ 呵呵肠去问!

I nod.

"How does the eldest son treat you?" Yuying's face was full of curiosity and envy, "I heard that the prime minister appointed you to be his son-in-law! Cockroach

She still likes to inquire about all kinds of things as before, but she skillfully avoided my experience of marrying Laiyang. A few years is neither short nor long, and it can turn the most unreasonable virgin into a tactful young woman.

After changing the subject, Yuying was visibly excited and pulled me to talk a lot.

"A Γ阋郧 tyrant ぐ ぐ cloth cockroach is decorated with a chujun shelter ㄎ

"No." I shook my head.

"I've seen it before." Yuying said with a grin, "Do you still remember that the late emperor selected noble young men to be assigned to Habayashi?"

Seeing my astonished expression, she was a little proud: "Ah, I'm so surprised, I'm so excited, I'm so proud of you, I'm so proud of you!

"Really?" This made me curious, because no one had ever told me.

"I've seen it with my own eyes." Yuying said, "I still know who Eldest Young Master liked at that time..."

My gaze freezes.

As if realizing that she had made a slip of the tongue, Yuying's expression changed, and she raised her hand to cover her mouth.

"Oh?" I asked calmly with a smile, "Who?"

Yuying looked embarrassed, and smiled sheepishly: "Ah, sister, sister. I followed my mother Entering the palace for a banquet, sister Xu once asked me to bring a scarf to the eldest son."

I was taken aback for a moment, thinking of Empress Xu's quietly watching eyes when I met with you a few days ago.