Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 60: Decoction


I have always known that I am a person who is good at pretending. When I raised the car curtain and met Wei Tan's sober eyes, I actually held back my embarrassment and did not turn around and run away. I couldn't help but admire myself.

"Ma'am, this car is very comfortable. My husband forgets the time when he sleeps." Wei Tan stretched himself on the pillow with one arm, smiling half-smile.

I think I can take advantage of the situation to be coquettish and angry, and say "Hey, why is my husband here" and gently expose this matter. But I really can't do it. I have tried my best to keep my face from twitching.

At this time, A Yuan and the others rushed over, and when they saw Wei Tan and Wei An, they all showed surprise.

I was not in the mood to explain, but Wei Tan got out of the car calmly, ordered the driver to bring the horse, put the car on, and go back to the house.

In the car, I listened to the sound of cars and horses rattling, and kept thinking about what I said to Qiao Ti just now, the more I thought about it, the more I felt uneasy.

I was a little annoyed that Wei Tan kept silent in the car and eavesdropped on my conversation with Qiao Ti. But logically, I can't blame him. He went to sleep in the car first, and I woke him up and said he was eavesdropping.

The conversation between me and Qiao Ti is nothing if I think about it carefully. Most of the things about my aunt wanting her to enter the Wei Mansion were said by Qiao Ti, and I didn't express my opinion. However, she mentioned Pei Qian later, although I didn't say anything, but who knows where Wei Tan's thoughts will turn

When I got back to the mansion, the family said that Wei? Without changing my clothes, I pretended to be busy. Collect here, choose there, tell the family to boil water, and ask A Yuan to take the stove to cook tea.

Wei Tan looked unhurried, and went by himself? When I changed the direction of a few books on the case and turned around, I found that there were no outsiders in the room, Wei Tan Leaning on the hidden pillow and half lying on the couch, flipping through a chess record in his hand.

"Are you done?" He seemed to have noticed my peeping, and when he lowered the book, his gaze came over.

"Husband is running around today, it's time to take a bath." I didn't hear anything, so I went to pack up? Take a bag???br> "Rest for a while before going." Wei Tan said.

"That's it, my concubine goes to take a bath first." I said immediately, and I was about to go out after speaking.

Wei Tan's voice came slowly: "Madam won't you explain what happened today?"

I stopped walking and turned my head, only to see his legs crossed, and the book had been thrown on the desk beside him.

I knew I couldn't escape, so I had to walk towards him.

"Husband, explain what?" I smiled and pretended to be stupid.

Wei Tan didn't answer: "Sit down."

I sit down.

"Lean closer." He patted the side of the pillow.

I was suspicious and sat there.

He got up, shifted a bit, and put his head on my lap.

I:"… "

"Madam rub my forehead for me." Wei Tan closed his eyes, "I drank too much today and my head is swollen."

Be nice. I thought to myself, pressing my fingers on his temples and rubbing them slowly.

Wei Tan let out a long sigh of relief, and the corners of his straight lips curved into an arc.

"Madam doesn't want Mrs. Qiao to enter the mansion, so why don't you follow her wish and send her to Huaiyang?" His voice was low and lazy.

My hand paused. That's what Wei Tan hates, he either doesn't say anything, or picks everything up.

It is impossible to admit according to his words, I want to look like a virtuous woman.

"It's not that the concubine is unwilling, and it's my aunt's intention that my cousin enter the mansion." I said lightly, "My cousin is young and willful, how can I help her run away from home?"

"Oh?" Wei Tan raised his eyebrows playfully.

"Since my husband heard it all, why didn't you make a sound?" I didn't want to be led away by him, so I turned my head away from the conversation.

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Wei Tan showed no shame, and blinked his eyes: "I wanted to make a sound, but Ah An interrupted first." He touched his chin, "The woman's thoughts are really strange, how can my uncle and Mrs. Qiao be sure to enter the house? You must know that Madam can't even tolerate turning off the lights..."

"They were sent away by my husband." I distinguished them with a hot face.

"Oh?" Wei Tan's smile deepened, "So Ma'am doesn't mind?" He said thoughtfully, "Those people should come back too. For my husband's sake, make tea and turn off the lights." Now that we have it all, what should Mrs. Qiao do when she comes again? Well, let her hold the yellow silk... hiss!"

I squeezed hard on his shoulder.

"My concubine is going to take a bath." He teased me with indecent words again, I was ashamed and annoyed, I pushed his head away and wanted to get up.

But before I stood up, Wei Tan grabbed my waist and brought me down on the couch.

"Dare to beat your husband, huh?" His body pressed heavily against me, and his hot air sprayed on my cheeks.

My limbs were immobilized by him, and when I wanted to speak, his lips were blocked. The breath is hot and long, with a bit of rudeness, and there is still some alcohol.

"Um... um..." He was very angry, and my breathing seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, and I could hardly change it. After a while, Wei Tan finally let go, I gasped for breath and felt my whole body go soft.

Wei Tan looked down at me, his lips were moist and rosy.

After a while, he turned over on his back, and took my belt into his arms. I had no more thoughts of tossing, and rested my head on his shoulder, overlapping him sideways.

The room was very quiet, I listened to Wei Tan's heartbeat, it was firm and steady. Wei Tan gently picked up a strand of my hair, wrapped it between my fingers, let it go, and wrapped it again. I was extremely tired, this movement made me feel very comfortable, and I half-closed my eyes.

It is no wonder that my aunt has such thoughts. I have been married to Han Guang for five years, and to Wei Tan for one year, but I have never given birth to a man or a woman. The reason, only Wei Tan and I know, the others, even if I tell them, who would believe it? Besides, Wei Tanxing and I have been husband and wife for half a year now, and the matter of childbirth has become more and more delicate between us.

I can feel that Wei Tan treats me sincerely, and he doesn't seem to care about this kind of fighting and joking. Last time it was like this, this time...

"The servant, Cen Wei, was born in the Cen family of Nanyang. His appearance and family background are comparable to those of the Qiao family. He can be a good match for Mrs. Qiao." I heard Wei Tan speak.

I startled and looked up.

Wei Tan glanced at me from the corner of his eyes: "How?"

I didn't know what to say, looking at the face that was close at hand, the candlelight cast orange on the bridge of his nose, under the long eyelashes, dark eyes were shining.

My heart secretly bumped, I wanted to pretend to be indifferent as much as possible, but I couldn't hold back the upturned corners of my lips.

"It's just like my husband wants." I said softly.

Wei Tan narrowed his eyes slightly, then suddenly stretched out his finger and hooked my nose.

I stared, but Wei Tan held my head down and brought it back into my arms.

"Is it fun on Bitai today?" He asked.

"It's fun." I replied obediently, still thinking about Wei Tan's words just now. When Wei Tan came forward and married Qiao Ti to that unlucky guy named Cen, my aunt's thoughts were broken. More importantly, Wei Tan doesn't want to take concubines...

"Oh? Where is the fun?" He asked again abruptly.

My thoughts were interrupted, I rolled my eyes, and said flatteringly: "My husband is very powerful today, and he suppressed the scene with just a few words."

"Huh?" He looked at me, and for a moment, the corners of his lips pursed.

"There will be more of these things in the future." He looked at the ceiling and said in a low voice, "Father is too anxious."

I was surprised and was about to speak when there was a knock on the door suddenly.

"Eldest son!" A family member said outside, "The prime minister has lost his temper again, madam, please come over!"

Wei? Why? The dealer hammered? The building was worrying about Wei Wohuai. The taste is good now?br> For several days, Wei? Chi Fan? Plantar grains? ?Discussion?Pine miscellaneous threat spring sole?Sudden rise cut alliance?Ke Chuorui boat Cang order tear eyebrow rich?br> The only one not to be Wei? ?Huibiyue chu???? Mou "Injury? The street is dangerous?? The scorpion foot? Zhitui??br> "The prime minister hasn't eaten in the morning, what should I do." Mrs. Guo said with a sad face and tears.

"The Prime Minister's illness this time is caused by drinking too much recently. Madam, don't worry, just eat porridge and take it easy." Ni Rong comforted.

Mrs. Guo said: "Now the prime minister is irritable. When I persuade him to eat, I have to scold him a lot. But the former is only the imperial physician."

Ni Rong pondered, nodded and said: "In this way, Madam can give the meal to someone, and wait for someone to present it to the prime minister."

Madam Guo's expression changed slightly, and she thanked Ni Rong.

This matter passed through Ni Rong, and it was really easy to handle. Wei? ??The juvenile system neon foot 蠖湓湓湓湓松破? I was also discussing with Li Shang about opening up a medicine store.

The so-called pharmacy, as the name suggests, is a place dedicated to the cultivation of medicinal materials. In the past in Chang'an, many medicine merchants built their own medicine houses to grow some readily available herbs, which not only saved the cost of purchasing and shipping, but also ensured the supply of goods. After the war broke out, no one was farming the land, and these medicine farms were abandoned.

A few days ago in Chang'an, I heard Wei Tan and his generals talk about herbal medicine, and I came up with the idea of building a medicine shop.

As far as I know, last year Wei? ┎Men male 枨 枨 chewing Cong sauce worm?? Reeling dad weapon Mou Wan ┤ Cong Jiaojiao paying 伲? Building 闶 shallow ascending An smilax └??? Difficult I v? Zheng? Worrying rake Huang Mouhui worry? Chu miserable? Dumplings? ?Patting the horse?br> After I told Li Shang this idea, he agreed very much.

In the past, there were several medicine farms in the outskirts of Yongdu, and it was not difficult to find people who knew how to grow medicine. Nowadays, the world is difficult, and most of the drug dealers in the city are conservative and dare not invest money. Although this business can be done, no one tries it.

The reason why I made up my mind is that firstly, he would not take the 30% of the profit that was distributed to Li Shang last year. look good. The world is divided among the heroes, and the freight transport in various places is at stake. Once the access to the south is blocked, Yanniantang will lose its supply of goods, and there will be no money to make. In contrast, it is a safer way to set up another medicine shop by yourself.

Li Shang still acted vigorously, and not long after, he wrote to inform him that he had found a deserted medicine farm outside the city, and he was also looking for people who knew how to plant medicine. He could grow medicine seedlings only after the house was repaired.

"Ma'am, now that the Prime Minister is sick, why not teach Cai Rang to offer some tonics to the Prime Minister, maybe the Prime Minister will be happy and give some benefits." A Yuan now also became more active, and said with a smile.

I thought about it and shook my head: "It's hard to say whether it's good or bad about healing, and this business involves too much, so it's better to be cautious."

A Yuan felt reasonable and nodded.

I don’t want to, this remark is like a prophecy from the Buddha. After a few days, Wei? Chi locust call? baked