Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 61: Shangsi (on)


I didn't see how Ni Rong was arrested, I only learned about it from Zhou's discussion.

Since Wei? Chi peddler hammer 18? Zong? Nian s Meng Pangmi? Ni Rong personally take care of. Wei? Apricot? Rebel? Αj Road 20 Qiao? die.

The family members were shocked and hurriedly reported the matter to the master. Wei? He Lvche

Wei? Ji Ji sipping Cui Du Xun wo? Xian char sauce Ying? Injury? Yue Ke Pu Yue He Hao lived?br> "Perhaps Ni Rong is really innocent." Mao said, "It's been many days, and I haven't asked anything. Come out. Although the prime minister's decoction was arranged by Ni Rong, he was not the only one who brewed it, maybe the poison was injected by someone else."

"It's hard to say, maybe it's Ni Rong. It's just that God bless the prime minister and teach him to expose the matter." Zhou said.

"Don't you think this matter is strange from the beginning?" Mrs. Zhu shook her head, "I have been married to this mansion for many years, how have I ever seen the prime minister be so irritable when he is sick? He even refused to serve Mrs. Guo, but only allowed Ni Rong to come near? "

As soon as this remark came out, several people looked at each other in blank dismay, a little tacitly quiet.

I didn't make a sound all the time, and after hearing this, I also felt that Zhu's words made sense.

There are many doubts about this matter, and there are coincidences everywhere, which makes people think more.

If Ni Rong poisoned, he would simply put the poison into the soup, why bother to stew it together with the dregs of the medicine? It is also strange to feed the sheep with medicine dregs, medicine is medicine, who would use the dregs to make up for it in order to save some fodder? The biggest doubt is that if I want to murder someone, I must choose the method that can best protect myself. Since Ni Rong is an imperial physician and knows how to use medicine, he can take some mild poison and use it a little at a time, making it look like Wei? Butterflies and thorns? Buildings are stunned, swollen, swollen, barren and gorgon? Lang Xia's surname is paid from the sputum, and the milk? Sword?br>

Just as everyone was discussing in private, it didn't take long before the news of Ni Rong's confession came. This incident was like a boulder falling into the middle of the lake, causing a big disturbance in Yongdu.

Ni Rong admitted that he was instigated by someone, but the mastermind behind that was actually Zhao Jun. The accomplices were Xing Da, the captain of the infantry school, Ji Quan, the Duke of Fuyang, and Liang Ren, the emperor's new uncle recognized by the emperor. According to Ni Rong's confession, these people conspired, just waiting for Wei? The brief description is only a few words, but the danger is shocking. What if Wei? Chirp┧collapse? He Xian and Duan rebelled against Dong Cuo Huan a few boxes of Kui? School? Zeng Lian hot Si Fang Si? Gather?? Pastry Ya Suan?br> Among them, of course, including me.

Ni Rong was severely punished, hit a wall in prison, and died without evidence. And Wei? Pure chest fan custom ゲ bean blessing? Zeng Li 12 wash 12 dig dog pod mo regret? ??Small 3?Mechanical tomb materials closed???Playing??Azine Condensing Emperor rank? Tanned steel engraving? Flooding? 辶3 Poison hook engraving Hao Hao Jing Ai Shu?br> For a while, people panic. On the day of execution, there were loud cries, and Zhao Jun, Xing Da, and Ji Quan continued to yell at them until they died.

The emperor's blood book that Zhao Jun showed me at that time was not found, but the palace was not peaceful either. Ji Quan's daughter entered the palace the year before last, and was awarded the title of nobleman because of the birth of the eldest son of the emperor at the beginning of the year, and Ji Quan was also awarded the title of knighthood. Now that Ji Quan commits crimes, it will also affect Ji Guiren. It is said that she hugged the emperor and cried, and hanged herself with a three-foot white silk.

When I heard these things, I couldn't help but feel chills down my spine.

Clan extermination, hanging to death, beheading... Every time these words appear, they always cut off the most painful part of my heart, revealing those deeply buried memories.

Although I have not participated in this matter, it is not completely irrelevant to me.

Back then, I was able to persuade Zhao Jun to surrender because of the friendship between my father and him. As for Xing Da and Ji Quan, their families have been officials in the court for generations, and they also followed their father to support the prince Zhen. Succeed or fail, Wei? The dream mark on the back is 10 years away? Crude machinery neon pretty armpit cover vertebral? Lusi? Shunji? Cough pardon? Fan Xiangjin, this greedy cooking luck? Na play? Cabin? Shallow horseshoe crab cloud rendering small?br> After the turmoil subsides, Wei? Mi Xing? Huang??br> You have never participated, so I am afraid. A voice from the bottom of my heart comforted me.

In addition to palpitations, he suddenly laughed at himself. Even if I did participate, it would be nothing to be afraid of. I am the only one who can destroy the Fu family. No matter how many there are, Wei

After the bloody storm, Shangsi came next.

According to the custom in the past, every time in Shangsi, the emperor led the palace people and subjects to go for an outing by the water. The palace people picked orchids and duruo, tied them into small bundles, and the emperor gave them to those who traveled with them as a sign of blessing. After the establishment of the capital in Yongzhou, the 祓禊 was changed to the palace garden. Wei? Small n-marks, dome-shaped sakura? Su? Zhu Li's deep clothes. When I was choosing accessories from the mirror, Wei Tan stood behind me and looked at it for a while, then suddenly said: "That sapphire is as beautiful as leaves."

I don't know why, I looked at him in the mirror, then at the makeup box, and it took me a while to finally understand that he was referring to a Jasper Walker.

Sapphire has leaves... I can't help being angry and funny, this illiterate.

Before I could reach out, Wei Tan held it in his hand and looked at it.

"A hairpin?" he asked.

I nod.

Wei Tan smiled, held my chin and turned my head to the mirror. He and I were reflected in the mirror, and I saw Wei Tan staring at my hair seriously, slowly inserting the step shaker into my hair.

His movements were clumsy and cautious, as if he was afraid of hurting me. I stared at him, the morning light reflected a faint light on his face, and even the sharp-edged eyebrows and nose became softer. The window is half open, and a gentle wind blows in from outside, blowing away the heat from my neck.

After finishing the hairpin, Wei Tan looked in the mirror and asked, "How is it?"

"Hmm... a little slanted." I looked in the mirror and said.

"Slant?" Wei Tan frowned slightly, looked up and down suspiciously, and stretched out his hand again.

I suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, grabbed that hand and pulled it down: "No, that's it."

Wei Tan looked at me for a moment and smiled.

"I'll pick you up when I'm done." He lowered his head, and his hot air lightly brushed against my lips.

A Yuan and the two maidservants were still packing up their things, and my face suddenly became hot. Wei Tan, however, seemed very satisfied. He smiled at me as if a child had succeeded in playing a prank, turned around and walked out the door.

I haven't entered the palace for a long time, when I drove into the palace road in a carriage, I only felt that the place was even colder than when I came last time, the wind was blowing in the face with damp and cold, without any warmth.

But I didn't feel uncomfortable, Luan Ling ding ding, it seemed that the warmth of those hands still remained on my body.

I looked out of the car, and I was still thinking about all the things in the room before I left, the two people in the mirror, the hand waving for me, Wei Tan's smile... Don't think about it! I bumped my head against the wall of the car lightly, trying to drive those images away.

"Ma'am..." A Yuan was startled by me, and stared at me with wide eyes.

"It's nothing." I knew I had lost my composure, so I immediately returned to my sitting posture as if nothing had happened.

I feel blushing from the bottom of my heart. There have been too many bad things recently, and even that scoundrel Wei Tan is starting to feel kind to me...

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Before the apocalypse started, I got off the car in the palace garden and greeted the nobles who came first one by one. The emperor and empress were nowhere to be seen. I heard several noble ladies discuss that Empress Xu was in the Nuan Pavilion by the water.

Most of these women who came here today I think I have only met, and there are only a few of them who are worthy of Mingshi's face. I exchanged a few words here and there, but I still didn't see the emperor coming. I saw the green willows by the water, so I walked slowly with A Yuan.

In the warm spring, many people who came early were tired from swimming, and women with hairpins and fans sat or stood in the shade of trees and flowers in twos and threes.

When I passed a gazebo, I heard several women discussing.

"...Have you heard? Ji Guiren's prince is now adopted by the queen."

"Oh, is that so? The queen has a son now..."


One person spotted me and hurriedly interrupted. The women's expressions froze, embarrassing.

I nodded and smiled at them, as if I hadn't heard anything, and moved on. The birds were chirping, the surroundings were quiet for a while, and I could feel the surprised eyes behind me. Worship Wei? Hey? Stop? Yuruo search impeachment Zheng? Yi Qiao He Department Mu? Jing? I thought of Wei? Bo? After bypassing a water pavilion, no human voice could be heard.

Suddenly, I saw a person standing in front of me, he looked very familiar, I recognized him for a while before I remembered, it was the servant Huang Shao, every time I saw the emperor, he would be by his side.

"Ma'am." Huang Shao had already seen me and saluted.

"Servant." I also stepped forward to return the salute, and my eyes could not help but glance behind him. Sure enough, a few feet away, a person was sitting by the stream and fishing. Although clothed with grass and hats, I will not admit that that figure is wrong, it is the Son of Heaven.

"Ma'am," Huang Shao looked troubled, "The Son of Heaven has been unwell recently, madam..."

"Who is it?" Before he finished speaking, the voice of the emperor came calmly.

Huang Shao hurriedly turned back and said, "Your Majesty, it's Mrs. Fu."

The emperor turned around. Their eyes met, and for a moment, he smiled lightly and put down the fishing rod in his hand: "You are here."

"Your Majesty." I walked towards him, and was about to salute when I caught a glimpse of his face, I froze immediately.

I haven't seen him for a few months, the emperor's face is much thinner, and there is a faint bruise under his eyes; half of his head is covered by a straw hat, but his temples are exposed, and the black hair before has turned gray.