Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 62: Shangsi (below)


"Is it very ugly?" The emperor lightly pursed his lips.

I looked at him and opened my mouth, but I didn't know what to say.

The Son of Heaven is a mild-tempered person, and he is never extreme when encountering things. But he also has an innate pride, and now that he has become like this, it can be seen how much he has endured.

"It's not ugly." I squeezed out a smile, looked at the water surface, and said, "Your Majesty also likes fishing in commoner clothes?"

"Fishing can be calm, and simplicity can be indifferent." The emperor turned his head and said slowly, "Only when the mind is peaceful can you wash away your thoughts."

I remained silent and looked at his side face, which was still young, yet deeply depressed and haggard.

After a while, I whispered: "Your Majesty, take good care of yourself."

"Take care?" the emperor smiled, the bitterness on his lips deepened, "I can't even keep a woman."

Seeing him like this made me feel sad. Thinking back to the past, I was homeless, the emperor lost his mother, and both of them could only get shelter in the queen mother's palace. We feel sorry for each other, and I can more or less understand his pain.

I turned to look behind me. Huang Shao and A Yuan stood a few feet away, and there was no one else.

After hesitating for a moment, I gently pressed my hand on the emperor's shoulder, just like when the queen mother passed away, we comforted each other while crying.

The emperor didn't hide or look back, for a moment, he raised his head and took a deep breath.

I could feel the trembling in his chest.

The stream gurgles under the bluestone, with a few pink petals floating upstream, swirling in the waves, ups and downs, and then being taken to the other end of the stream.

After being silent for a long time, I suddenly heard some human voices, and immediately withdrew my hand. Turning his head, he saw several figures approaching from the side of the waterside pavilion. When they went around a bush, we had to see clearly that it was Empress Xu and several palace servants.

"Queen." Huang Shao saluted.

Xu Hou looked at this side, and paused for a while.

"Meet the Queen." I was already prepared and stepped forward to salute calmly.

"Madam is here." Empress Xu's voice was calm, but she didn't stop. She walked past me and saluted the emperor, "Your Majesty, everything is ready, guests are here, and we can go to bed."

The Son of Heaven sat on the stone and did not move.

Empress Xu said in a harmonious voice: "Now I just wait for Your Majesty, and His Majesty has to go back to the palace to change clothes before going to pray..."

"Blessing?" The Son of Heaven unhurriedly picked up the fishing rod, took a small fish off the hook, looked at it, and threw it back into the water after a while, "My eldest son just lost his biological mother. The funeral has not yet happened. Pray for blessings." very."

"Your Majesty!" Empress Xu's voice was suddenly low and warning, and she glanced at me from the corner of her eye.

The emperor turned his head to look at her, and then at me, with a mocking smile on his thin face.

"Huang Shao." He put down his fishing rod and called out as he stood up.

Huang Shao hurried forward and saluted: "Your Majesty."

"Go back to the palace and change clothes."

Huang Shao agreed.

Xu Hou's expression softened, and he said, "I serve Your Majesty..."

"No need." The Son of Heaven said lightly, and after finishing speaking, he walked along the path.

The figure disappeared behind the shady trees and flowers, and not long after, there was only gurgling water and birds singing in the wind.

Xu Hou looked there, she seemed a little stiff, after a while, she turned her head to look at me, but her expression was calm.

"I heard Madam came alone today." She said.

"Exactly." I replied.

Empress Xu looked at me, for a moment, and said, "The apocalypse is about to begin, my wife and I will enjoy the spring together, how about it?"

There is only one way to go back to the original place, but Xu Hou spoke, I can't lose my momentum in front of her, I nodded and said: "I'm lucky."

Empress Xu smiled faintly, turned around and walked forward.

The palace man led the way, and I took half a step back, slowly walking along the path inlaid with colored stones. The smell of flowers, trees, and flowing water is cool and moist, Empress Xu doesn't make a sound, and I won't speak with a shy face, I just look at the scenery in the forest garden, and focus on "appreciating the spring".

Since that morning on Mount Mount, I have never faced Empress Xu alone again. Wei Tan said that he would disassociate himself from Empress Xu, so I stopped asking. In this matter, we seem to be following a principle: I had Pei Qian, he had Empress Xu, we did not interfere in the past. Wei Tan didn't take the initiative to ask me about Pei Qian, nor did I take the initiative to ask about him and Empress Xu. Even if I got a glimpse of it, I realized that it would not touch my eyes, so I would take a detour to avoid it.

I am not afraid of Empress Xu. Although she is a queen, she is not as powerful as Mrs. Guo. Even if she has an old relationship with Wei Tan, it is impossible for her to enter Wei's house. In other words, she cannot change my position.

Even so, I think I am open-minded, but every time I see Empress Xu, I still feel a little weird. I can't have a good laugh, and I can't hold back and relax like other ladies. I can't blame me for this. When Empress Xu is in front of me, when she is the most kind, she smiles three-points and examines three-points. I am afraid that only she knows what the remaining points are...

"I remember that in the past, Madam often entered the palace, and she was an old friend with His Majesty." Empress Xu said suddenly.

I didn't know what he meant, so I replied, "Exactly."

Empress Xu turned her head slightly, Ye Ying helped her, and the sunlight changed from bright to dark on that delicate face: "I heard that when Madam got married, it was the Prime Minister who made the decision."

Are we finally going to mention Wei Tan? I looked at her and smiled: "I don't know the details of this matter."

Empress Xu acted as if she had never heard of it, and lightly brushed the petals of a white paulownia tree by the side of the road with her finger: "I remember that at that time, the prime minister wanted to choose one of the unmarried princesses as his son-in-law, but when he arrived in Laiyang, he immediately asked her to marry her." It was changed to Madam." She looked at me and said softly, "Madam, do you know why?"

I was surprised, I had never heard of this before. The first emperor had many sons and daughters, and there are several princesses waiting to be married in the emperor's palace, I do know that. However, Wei? Miasma Yiqian? Mirror brain? Sometimes it's scary." I replied.

Empress Xu looked at me with a strange smile on her lips.

"The prime minister is the hero of the world, and everyone in the world is just pawns in his eyes, whether he loves it or abandons it, regardless of the current situation." Her eyes were deep like a deep pool, but her voice was as light as the wind, "Madam, do you understand?"

I looked at her, didn't speak, everything was quiet.

"Queen." A laughing voice came, looking around, it was a few women who came here on a spring tour, coming from the front, full of smiles.

Before we knew it, we had stepped outside.

Empress Xu's face returned to a reserved harmony, and she accepted the salutes from the women.

A middle-aged woman with a familiar face smiled and said to me: "I just disappeared Mrs. Fu, and I am looking for it. It turns out that she is with the queen."

I also smiled lightly: "Exactly."

The Son of Heaven changed into a full suit of clothes, and the clothes were neat, but the previous decadent appearance was completely gone.

He accepted the bowing down of his subjects, walked with Empress Xu to the crowd, and enjoyed the spring outing together. The palace people had already prepared the vanilla, and the emperor distributed it among the people with his own hands.

When it was my turn, the emperor looked at me and handed over a bunch of orchids wrapped in pu leaves: "Madam Ruhui."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." I bowed my head and took it.

There were more people, there were bursts of amusement and laughter, and the desolation and depression in the palace seemed to have completely disappeared. After being tired from playing, all the people recited poems and composed Fu in the forest garden. The emperor shouted and hugged, holding a wine glass and listening to people talking, the smile on his face seemed to have never been hazy.

The banquet lasted until noon, and the people who came to the garden were drunk and tired, and they dispersed.

I wanted to leave too, but I thought that Wei Tan had said that he would come to pick me up, and I was afraid that he would miss me if I walked away.

On the pavilion where the cups were used for entertainment, the emperor drank a lot of wine and was already drunk, leaning on a few pillows. Only the palace servants and servants were left around, and Empress Xu sat beside him, making tea for him to sober up.

"Ah? Α! Bi Yu Chung blows the sedan chair away? σ庥行┟园?? Boiled Pipit recovers and paralyzes common rice Japanese Si Ni? Jacket Chu?? Tired? br> "Your Majesty, don't drink any more. Empress Xu took down his wine cup.

The emperor looked at her, his expression darkened, but after a while, he slowly smiled.

“A? Half red and half white.

Just as he was about to speak, suddenly, a servant hurried over: "Your Majesty! Your Majesty! The prime minister is here!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

"Prime Minister?" Empress Xu stood up from the table.

"Exactly!" The waiter panted, "I just entered Anqing Gate!"

I listened, also feel surprised. Wei? Lame ≡ Xuyao? Benzene? Zhido? Vinegar and cut?br> "Your Majesty!" Empress Xu turned behind her, but the Son of Heaven was leaning on the couch, as if he hadn't heard of it.

"Come on," he flicked his sleeves and stood up, "Go back to the palace, I want to rest."

Empress Xu's complexion changed, she stopped in front of him, and said in a low voice, "What are you doing, Your Majesty!"

The emperor's expression did not change, and he sneered: "Why, the prime minister wants to disturb my Qingmeng, will the queen help me?"

The words just fell, but a voice full of anger shouted: "Your Majesty's banquet is lively, and the old man just came, is he going to leave?"

I looked up, and my heart trembled secretly.

A black steed came galloping, and a man with a golden crown and brocade robe stepped forward. It was Wei? yo k? ?Huijing?Long?br> No one dared to step forward to stop them, but Wei? He looked slightly stiff.

Wei? Hu Mu Cheng Xi Huai Chang Cai Su Qi 6 Lie Jia? Blowing the sedan chair? br> "Uncle." I saluted, bowed my head, and smelled a strong smell of alcohol.

Wei? Xie Xie? Chun squatting Zai Kow Yen do Xi? Ju Jie Feng Zhu Bi?br> No one dared to ask him why he did not worship the emperor. When he looked at the emperor, the air was stagnant and I could feel banging on the chest.

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Without any warning, Wei? Chi locust arc gang rare coin spring? Weiyuan@chu?br> Everyone was startled, I saw the emperor and empress all took a step back, the face of the emperor turned pale.

"What do you mean, Prime Minister?" The emperor's voice was tense.

Wei? Ai Cong πΓ?? "Your Majesty is having a banquet today, are you enjoying yourself?" He asked.

After a while, the emperor replied: "I am very happy."

Wei? Cao ζ hu chu?? Chewing clumps of sauce toad m locusts bluffing?? Huan Xing Huan? Medium e? Long? Anxious? State vinegar coin spring? 欤? "The minister was also drinking in the mansion today. When he was on the rise, he suddenly found something from the Zhao thief's mansion, and I came here to present it to your majesty!" Wei? What song? br> The emperor caught it, and when he saw it, his face was as white as gray.

I was also struck by a thunderbolt. Although it was two feet away, I could clearly recognize the white silk. The dark red handwriting on it had turned black. It was the emperor's blood book!

"Hunjun!" Wei? Huh? Lava spring? Qiao v cylinder disc 熳 yongnan? Ao fan? Song Zheng?br> "Uncle!" I didn't have time to think, and hurried forward. Before I could stop him, a figure was already standing between the two of them.

"Prime Minister Mingjian!" Empress Xu stopped the Son of Heaven behind her, her voice trembling slightly, "The Son of Heaven has always praised Prime Minister Gao Yi, this kind of false edict must be forged by thieves!"

"Forged?" Wei? Ho Qiu Γ? Scar 熳 post purpose #? ?Quality choking Wei Chujun?br> "Zhao Jun colluded with Liang Ren to enter and exit the palace, and forged the emperor's handwritten jade seal." I stepped forward and said, "The rebellious party wants to order the world with corrective edicts. From the perspective of my son and wife, this edict is left in the mansion to induce a rift between my uncle and the Son of Heaven, and to place my uncle in a place of injustice! How can the hero of my uncle fall into the trap of a traitor?"

After I finished speaking in one breath, I saw Wei Wei's back was like a thorn, and I looked into his eyes: "Uncle, think twice."

Wei? Crotch? Huan? Lips? o Earth dark to say frame?br> I can almost hear the sound of heart popping out, Xu Hou looked at Wei? Bo? Wave-shaped tearing? Lips? ?Shooting? 12 Starling skeletal amines? Meteorological pull?┫Hic! ?br> Dark red blood oozes from the palm, staining her snow-white cuffs red.

I looked at the Son of Heaven, he looked at Empress Xu's hand, his lips turned white.

"Father!" At this moment, Wei Tan's voice sounded from under the pavilion. When I saw him, my heart felt like a big stone fell to the ground.

Wei Tan stepped forward a few steps, glanced over, and seemed to understand what happened.

"Father," he held Wei? ?br> "Oh?" Wei? Qi Huai Gui? Cong 雱熳 Yin? br> The emperor's face was as white as paper, and I could see his hands clenched tightly under his sleeves.

"This is Zhao thief's coquettish edict, and his heart can be punished." His voice was flat.

When I heard this, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Father." Wei Tan looked at Wei? yo?br> Wei? k?Huan satin Wo cherry?Silk?Talk about sword?Zi 熳 Right Huan scar choke push?Skull I?Salary?Hasty Juan Huanxi?Payuan Jiaxiong x Yiji 3 bogey stalking ┣?? Du? Lu eclipse Song 镏 ぃ? Radon? ?br> The emperor was expressionless: "The prime minister is loyal and upright, I am very comforted."

Wei? Ai blowing and breaking the bones to add to the chat? To the doctor?? To remember the tritium and the gauze x mang? To throw away?br> The eyes of the emperor suddenly brightened, and I caught a glimpse of Xu Hou grasping his hand . The emperor looked at Empress Xu, his throat rolled, and he almost paused: "It's just like the prime minister."

Wei? Afraid of freezing? Badger man Γ? Crotch? ?br> Hearing the words, Huang Shao hurriedly asked the palace servants to present the vanilla.

The Son of Heaven took a bunch and looked at Wei? yo?br> Wei? Beak? Hate Hemorrhoids? Zhen?br> I have no doubt that if the flowers and grass had grown stronger, the Son of Heaven would have simply taken Wei? br> But he only paused slightly, and put the vanilla in the Wei? ?br> Wei? Cao θqi? Hedan blinks at the deer moundbr> "Go back." Wei Tan's voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

I looked up and met his dark eyes.

"Hmm." I nodded.

Wei Tan took me to salute the empress, said no more, and left. When I got to the pavilion, his warm hands grasped mine, and I realized that I was cold all over. Wei? Chi Ya? Hu Ding? Industry neon kind of rich obedient 1076 ding?br> I turned around and saw that the emperor was still in the pavilion, wrapping a scarf around the palm of Empress Xu.

Empress Xu turned her head sideways, her eyes were looking at this side, and she remained motionless.