Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 63: newcomer


After returning to the mansion, Mrs. Guo called Wei Tan and me to the hall. Seeing us, she asked Wei Tan: "I heard that the prime minister's banquet was in full swing, and suddenly he broke into the palace with a sword. He came back just now, his expression was not hesitant, and none of the left and right dared to approach, what happened?"

Wei Tan and I looked at each other, and said: "Mother, don't worry, it is Zhao Jun's house that found some evidence, and my father entered the palace to present it to the emperor."

Mrs. Guo looked at him with doubts on her face, she nodded slightly: "That's it."

Wei Tan said, "I don't know where my father is."

Mrs. Guo said: "The prime minister drank and went out. Just now he came back and said that his head was heavy and he was resting in the room." After that, she regained her composure and turned to me, "Young lady is also in the palace today. What is the relationship between the emperor and the empress?" speech?"

More than words. I replied: "Both the emperor and the queen wished my uncle peace and prosperity, and gave the vanilla." After finishing speaking, I presented the vanilla I brought back.

Mrs. Guo didn't have much interest in these things at first, after taking a look at them, she exchanged some pleasantries and let us go down.

Back in the room, I went to the case... I still felt that my mind was still in the palace just now.

It was really dangerous at that time, if that sword goes down... I feel chills in my heart, but I think he probably won't. Wei? Hey Cong ㄇ Sullen? Ai? Shoot bad ┻ Ben Cockroaches? Whoosh ring? l 熳 right bad┧烧谖? Die? Zheng? Jiubr> All this is Wei? ?Du Hovenia? Add love to scratch ㄇ Mongolian straw? Manganese carbuncle? Shadow frame > Spectrum cut blow mold? Shoulder also? Amaranth League? I can't help thinking about my actions just now. Although I also smelled Wei at that time? Noisy faction? Tiredness?筇祝谖?嗫病乱?艺飧辆?guilt?ぬ熳cherry? a second chance and suffering?Meng Long?br> "... the world is just pawns in his eyes..." Xu Hou's words echoed suddenly.

"What are you thinking?" At this moment, Wei Tan's voice sounded behind him.

When I came back to my senses, I saw him coming in from the outside and looking at me: "I changed my robe and didn't put it on, standing here? Whispering white chiseled handsome? br> "Just put it on. "I hurriedly picked up a clean robe and put it on. Wei Tan also wanted to change, so I stepped forward to remove the belt for him, took off the robe, and put on a new robe for him.

When I was knotting my clothes, Wei Tan suddenly held my hand.

"Still so cold?" He frowned slightly.

"It's because I didn't get dressed in time." I smiled concealedly and took my hand away from him.

Wei Tan looked at me and didn't answer.

"If you want to go to the palace in the future, you can go with me. If I don't have time, just drop it." After a while, Wei Tan said.

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I look up at him.

Is this teaching me to protect myself? I smiled wryly from the bottom of my heart, but everyone has their own reasons behind their backs, pros and cons trade off, it is a given that I am caught between the emperor and the Wei family, how can I change it by just avoiding it

"The concubine knows." I didn't want to win over his kindness, so I tied his clothes and smiled easily.

During dinner, Wei?br> Contrary to my expectation, he looked normal when he saw me, and he was not unhappy.

Discussed military affairs with Wei Tan for a while, Wei? Posthumous? I seal! ?br> He would take the initiative to bring it up like this, how dare I neglect it, and hurriedly bowed my eyebrows and said: "My son and wife have offended my uncle, I feel very ashamed."

Wei? Cao x? Jue Zheng Kaibaxiu? Ju Tujin? Weiying? Small! ?br> At the end of this speech, everyone is happy, and they eat their own food without showing it.

Maybe it's because my mind is too heavy. At night, I didn't sleep well.

I had nightmares. Once he dreamed of his mother, and then of his father and elder brother. I acted like a baby with them, turned around, only to find that they were all gone, and the house became empty, lifeless and scary. Suddenly, I heard someone crying. In a corner of the room, a young emperor dressed in sackcloth and filial piety choked up his sobs and told me that the Queen Mother had passed away.

I went up to comfort him, the emperor kept looking at me, suddenly, his eyes were red and blood was pouring out, it was hideous and terrifying.

I screamed loudly, but was woken up by someone shaking me.

Opening my eyes, Wei Tan held my shoulder, in the darkness, very close at hand.

"Did you have a nightmare?" he asked, his voice hoarse after waking up.

I looked at him for a while before my heart calmed down.

It's a dream... I comforted myself, my body was cold and covered in cold sweat.

Wei Tan didn't say anything, he lit the lamp and fetched the middle coat for me to change into. After turning off the lights again, he stretched out his arms and hugged me: "Go to sleep."

I can't sleep. I buried my head in his chest, listening to the strong heartbeat, calm and steady, but my heart was full of inexplicable panic and reluctance.

"Husband," I hesitated for a moment, then said softly, "If one day, the prime minister doesn't like me..."

"What are you thinking about?" Before I could finish speaking, Wei Tan interrupted, adjusted his posture, still hugged me, and said in a low voice, "Sleep."

My concerns are not unfounded.

Within two days, Mrs. Guo gathered the women in the mansion together and spoke earnestly. Its meaning is naturally inseparable from the murder of Zhao Jun and others. Wei? I scanned my side, and said: "Since I have entered the Wei family's family, I should take my husband's family as the most important thing, and I must never turn my heart to outsiders. I have lost my duty."

I knew that her words were stabbing me, so I responded with all the women as if nothing had happened.

Unfortunately, that day, a guest came to the mansion.

Fan Yue, governor of Yingchuan County, and Wei? br> Last year, Wei

"My concubine is fine, thank you Fan Gong." I returned the gift kindly.

Fan Yue also met with Wei Tan, Wei Zhao, Wei An and others. Fan Yue brought many famous products from Yingchuan, and every female family member got precious brocade utensils, and I was no exception.

I still don't like this person, but everyone in the mansion, including Mrs. Guo, was coaxed into smiles. During the banquet, Wei? Familiar with each other, chatting and talking, there are also witty words. Although I understood that the way of feasting is harmony, I was still not very happy, and put a bunch of celery in his bowl, which he hated the most.

After Wei Tan found out, he raised his eyebrows and glanced at me. I glanced at him too, half-smiling.

At the banquet, Wei? Anger, a hole, a bone, a swollen bone, a p brother, and a strong talk. A copy of the dream 12Φ collapsed and ammonia turbulent cave? Are you afraid of Zhuo sinus? ?br> Wei? ?br> Fan Yue responded with a smile and clapped three times. A group of musicians came in holding the orchestra and sat down in the hall. Not long after, just listening to the jingle of the bell, a graceful woman walked in, her waist was wrapped in plain clothes, her steps were swaying in gold, and her makeup was as delicate as spring flowers.

I looked at her, my eyes fixed.

I've seen this woman before, she was the maiko who was a guest at Fan Yue's home last year. I couldn't help looking up at Wei Tan, he was holding a wine cup in his hand, he seemed to be enjoying the music, the candle was flickering, and he couldn't see where he was looking.

The woman dances lightly, with golden bells on her wrists and ankles, and the jingle is crisp. She has an intoxicating smile, her figure is as soft as a wicker, and her gestures are like a stunner.

The song is over, Wei? Qiza? Exhausted and dirty? Illusory ruthenyl? Bean? Xinxindi school? Taoye recognizes punishment?br> Fan Yue also laughed: "The prime minister is too famous, just looking for some leisure time. After that, he said to the maiko, "Biyao, come forward to see the prime minister."

The woman responded softly, stepping forward slowly, to Wei? ?br>Wei?Pan Ke?Jun?br>"Biyao." He smiled, "but real name?"

The woman lowered her eyebrows, and said softly: "The Prime Minister, Baguio is a gift from the lord."

Fan Yue stroked his beard aside and said: "The prime minister doesn't know. This woman is the daughter of Ren Shu in Bingzhou. The original name is ?. He Kui was in chaos, Ren Shu fought against He and died in the war, and her family was ruined. Some people brought this girl into the mansion. , treat it as if it was your own, and teach it carefully."

Treating her as her own, is teaching her to be a maiko to flatter her? I took a sip of tea and sneered in my heart.

Wei? Prison ナ wish? Key vinegar row? ?br> "Fan Gong is benevolent, I don't know how old this girl is?" At this time, Mrs. Guo suddenly said.

"Eighteen years old." Fan Yue said.

"Oh?" Mrs. Guo smiled, her eyes fell to this side, "Isn't it similar to Young Madam?"

I was startled secretly in my heart and raised my eyes.

"Ah? Γ Junshi? Thumbling down? Chu?? Ta? πΓ? Saddle? Nai?? Luckily? But waiting? Laisi? Stop! Fan Yue laughed and said: "Last year the eldest son and the young The lady passed by the shelter, and once watched the dance of this girl, and praised her highly. A certain once wanted to give Baguio to the eldest son as a gift, but unfortunately he was in too much hurry to accept it. "

Anger suddenly rose in my heart, this old man!

When I was in a hurry, suddenly, the hand under my sleeve was squeezed hard. I looked to the side, Wei Tan smiled lightly, his expression did not change, but his eyes were piercing.

"Oh?" At the top, Mrs. Guo smiled kindly, and said to Wei. Mother." Wei Tan said in a loud voice, "My son is ashamed, he is too self-reliant, and dare not take concubines for fun."

"Taking a concubine is a plan for the heirs. How can you say that you are greedy for pleasure." Wei? The blood gas slowly condensed.

The conversation turned suddenly, sharp and sharp, pointing at my weakness, which caught me off guard.

Wei? How can we resist? Γ? Gift? Huairenσrefute whatwrenΑ?br> "Uncle's words are true." I tried hard to bend the corners of my lips, and heard my voice was calm and ethereal.

Wei? Cao θ?? Gui? About pancreas said collapse by? Egypt? ?br>