Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 64: dark night


There is a main house in Wei Tan's courtyard, with side rooms on the east and west sides. He didn't have a concubine or maidservant before, and the side room was occupied by sundries.

My familiarity with the side room started when Wei Tan told me that gold was buried, but it was the east room. Every once in a while, I would take a look at the corner with a wicked heart, to see if the corner where the gold is buried is safe, although I can't touch it, I can satisfy my greed if I look at it and think about it. Later, I discovered Empress Xu's old things from the box in the east room, but that matter is already a bad debt in my heart, so I don't need to mention it.

Ren Ji's residence is the west room, and there are not as many sundries as the east room, which is easy to clean up.

That night, when I returned to the yard, I saw family members coming in and out, clearing out the sundries, and moving the bed and desk table. The window sills were newly pasted with silk, revealing the clear light in the room, so bright it made me feel glaring.

I went straight back to the room and closed the door. But through the wall, I could still faintly hear the movement of the couch and the cabinet.

This happens all the time. I comforted myself in my heart, turned my head, and met A Yuan's complicated eyes.

I calmly asked her to fetch water and said that I wanted to wash and change clothes. A Yuan responded and walked out the door.

Tonight is just an arrangement, and the newcomers will come to formally meet tomorrow.

Out of sight is pure. I meditated, washed my face, changed into pajamas, and sat in front of the mirror. It was getting late on the hourglass, and Wei Tan hadn't come back yet.

Wei? The front threshold is flickering and distant? The mark is raking and the apology is 19 cherry? The man in the mirror looked at me, as if to say, Wei Tan refused, Wei? Now I have really become a virtuous young lady with a tolerant heart. Now that everyone in the house is staring at this matter, I can't even send someone to ask Wei Tan where to sleep tonight, and let someone say behind him, yo, look, the young lady is so unwilling.

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"Ma'am." A Yuan came over, a little hesitant, "It's getting late, the eldest son has not come back yet, Ma'am, look..."

"I'm resting." I got up from the mirror.

The lights went out and the room was dark. I lay on the couch with my eyes closed, but I tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep.

For the first time, I felt that the couch was so spacious, and I was lying on it alone, empty.

The feeling in my heart is indescribable. I thought of my mother, and those elder women in the past. When their husbands took concubines for the first time, whether they locked themselves in the house like me, and wanted to go to the door to see where the husband was going, but they couldn’t move. move...

A "click" came to my ears, as if the door had been pushed open. I froze for a moment and opened my eyes.

In the darkness, the sound of footsteps was getting closer and closer, softly, as if afraid of disturbing something. Not long after, Wei Tan's silhouette was reflected in the dim light of the window sill.

I couldn't believe it, I raised my arm and half sat up.

"Still asleep?" Wei Tan was a little surprised, and after a while, the lights came on.

My eyes were a little uncomfortable with the sudden light, but I looked at him, motionless.

"What's wrong?" Wei Tan asked when he noticed that I was staring at him.

I looked at the eyebrows and eyes, and felt that every line was so deep. I suddenly remembered that night in Fan Yue's mansion, I thought Wei Tan would not come back, but he still appeared in front of me, just like now.

The nose is astringent, as if there are bugs crawling in it. There was an impulse churning in my heart, I didn't say a word, I stepped forward to wrap my arms around his waist, and buried my head in that chest.

"I thought... you weren't coming back." My throat was stuck, and my voice seemed to be squeezed.

Wei Tan seemed to be at a loss for a moment, and the next moment, his arms came over and stroked the back of my head.

He sighed softly, and smiled helplessly, "What are you thinking?"

I didn't answer, just like grasping the only light source that can illuminate the way in the dark, I let myself be self-willed and refused to let go.

Wei Tan went to take a shower and came back, when he lay down again, he wrapped his arms around me as always.

Neither of them spoke. In the night, I still couldn't sleep, I closed and opened my eyes again. Very subtly, I could feel that the two of them had their own concerns, and he didn't fall asleep either.

"What's your husband thinking?" After hesitating for a while, I asked.

"Huh?" Wei Tan was really awake, and after a while, he replied, "Madam want to know?"


Wei Tan played with my hair with his fingers, and said slowly: "I was thinking, now that a concubine has finally moved in, should I turn off the lights or hold the yellow silk?"

I was dumbfounded, angry and embarrassed. He knew that I wanted to hear what he had to say, but he kept talking like this.

Wei Tan laughed, his low voice gradually amplified, and his shoulders twitched.

In the dark, I heard that thick voice resounding in my chest, inexplicably, as if infected, I laughed helplessly.

It took a long time for the two of them to accept their laughter, and the silence filled the surroundings again.

After a pause, Wei Tan suddenly hugged me and pushed me up.

I didn't show weakness, I raised my head to respond to the scorching breath, and put my hand into the bottom of his clothes, lingering on the firm texture.

Wei Tan's breath became more and more heavy as his thigh was pressed hard against him. His body arched and he tore off my clothes. When the big hand was about to lift my leg, I grabbed it, turned over, and pressed him on the couch.

In the darkness, his eyes were blurred, but I could feel the burning heat in them.

"I'll do it." I breathed, unable to resist.

Wei Tan didn't object, his breath was undulating and powerful. I sat on his crotch, supported his shoulders with one hand, and slowly moved down his chest with the other, like a blind man, feeling the alluring body with the palm of my hand.

"A? Α?? Hidden scars and dark thumb? 16 Americium hangs swollen and looks rough? Male Shuo? Zhi is stingy? Career is difficult? Buying and entrusting the dark mother to leave? Planting and making a fuss about the father and the crane. > The numbness filled my body and breath with lust, I reached down and held the fighting spirit thing. My face was like a fire, feeling it grow stronger in my hand, stroking it for a moment, attracting it Enter.

I have to say, this method is more comfortable than anything I have tried before. I sat down slowly, Wei Tan's hands tightened on my skin. When the body was filled, I couldn't help moaning softly, and slowly swung my waist.

Wei Tan is a very patient lover. His breath is heavy, but he is not impatient. He put his hands on my waist. We are no strangers to intimacy, he knows my joy and knows how to cooperate. Although it is the first time for me to act like this, I have tasted the freshness of driving, and then I know what it means to taste the marrow and taste.

But this posture is very tiring, and it didn't take long for me to feel a little sore. Wei Tan turned out to be docile, turned over and got on top again, raised my leg, and bumped into me. He was so powerful and buried so deeply that every stroke made my skin shudder. I couldn't control it anymore, and groaned and begged for mercy.

But just when I was distracted, he stopped.

"Husband..." I opened my eyes, as if my job was taken away when I was hungry, and my heart was empty and panicked.

"Call me." His hot breath coaxed my neck.


Wei Tan seemed to have never heard of it, and his words became even hoarse: "Call me."

"..." I gasped for a moment and said, "Ah Tan..."

Just as the words came out, the impact suddenly reappeared. Wei Tan curled up my body, each time harder and deeper each time. I held the quilt tightly with my hands, and felt bliss sweeping across the sky, letting my last consciousness burn out...

In the early morning of the second day, I was woken up by Wei Tan.

The hooligan pinched my nose, and I breathed through my mouth, but he covered it with his hands. Finally, I woke up suffocated.

Opening his eyes, Wei Tan smiled happily, and the black pupils in his crooked eyes gleamed: "Ma'am, you are really energetic. If you are a man, you will be forced to join the navy for your husband."

I was curled up under the covers, aching like hell. I was awakened by him after I was sleeping soundly. I stared for a while, but the first thing I remembered was what happened at dinner yesterday.

The hand that I was about to pinch back suddenly stopped, I glanced at the gray sky on the window, and said with a clear and dry voice, "Why did my husband wake up so early?"

"Today I'm leaving the city." Wei Tan squeezed my chin, lifted the quilt and got up quickly, "The army is stationed for spring farming, and I want to go around the nearby villages."

"Chun Geng?" I was stunned for a moment, then I understood. In order to raise troops and raise rations, Wei Tan ordered the soldiers to garrison the fields. At this time of year, seedlings should have been planted everywhere.

"How long will my husband be going?" I looked at his strong back and put on the single clothes, and asked.

"Two days." Wei Tan said, after finishing speaking, he looked back at me and smiled, and leaned over, "Madam will be lying alone for two nights, will you miss me?"

Insatiable. My face was hot, and I shrank into the quilt to hide from his claws.

Wei Tan didn't fight too much, he just caught and hided with me for a while, and smiled and pulled up the quilt to cover me.

"Over there," he hugged me, paused, as if searching for words, and whispered, "Since father let her in, Madam has become an extra servant."

Maid? I didn't think so, there were too many maidservants, and A Yuan was also a maidservant, so he didn't know how to live in a concubine.

However, I am very satisfied with Wei Tan's attitude.

I poked my eyes out from under the quilt.

Wei Tan looked at me, the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

"I know." I smiled with a gentle voice.

Wei Tan left so early that when Mrs. Zhang brought Ren Ji to the ceremony, the main wife, mistress, and nephews were all there, but the rightful master was missing.

Ren Ji was dressed in neat dark clothes, perhaps she didn't dare to show it off, the colors and styles were all ordinary. However, although I don't like to see her background in martial arts, I have to admit that she has removed her makeup, but her complexion is still high-grade, and her gait and demeanor are also charming.

She bowed down to Mrs. Guo with regular etiquette. Mrs. Guo looked at her with a smile on her face.

"Since you have entered the family, you are a woman in the mansion. You should listen to the teachings of your elders in everything, serve your husband, assist your wife, and be diligent without disobedience." She said to Ren Ji seriously.

Ren Ji bowed her head and respectfully agreed.

"Young Madam will be your Mistress in the future, please go and see her." Madam Guo smiled kindly.

Ren Ji looked at me with wonderful eyes.

"Greetings, Young Madam." Her voice was soft.

I watched her knelt down in front of her, kowtowed neatly, smiled and said nothing.