Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 67: delivery room


I hate taking pills. From childhood to adulthood, every time I got sick, if the soup did not add honey, I would rather die of illness than take it. The same goes for the tonic soup that was stewed at home in the past. The cook often took great pains to prevent me from tasting the taste of the medicinal materials.

So, when I started the medicine business, I guarded the most profitable pharmacy in Yongdu, but I never took a medicine in it.

After Xu Ji gave birth, I thought it was necessary for me to invite a doctor to take a look. ,

I mentioned this to Wei Tan, and he looked at me strangely: "No disease or pain, what can I do if I take medicine." After finishing speaking, he showed an unscrupulous smile, "If Madam is impatient, why don't you work harder at night. On the yellow silk You and I have only practiced eight pictures..."

This gangster doesn't understand anything, so I simply bypassed him and asked A Yuan to ask Li Shang. After Li Shang learned about it, he immediately searched everywhere. He inquired from the nobles who often visited Yannian Hall that the Imperial Physician Wang in the Imperial Medical Office was the best at recuperating pregnancy matters, and many women had children through his hands. So, I chose a day and invited Imperial Physician Wang to my home.

After taking the pulse and asking about some daily matters, Imperial Physician Wang smiled and said, "Madam is fine, but she has a slight deficiency of Qi, which can be rectified by taking some medicine. Madam and the eldest son have been married for less than a year, so don't worry. "

I thanked Dr. Wang and asked the steward to send him out. And openly handed over the prescription left by the imperial physician to A Yuan, and asked her to go to Yanniantang to get the medicine.

When A Yuan brought the medicine back, he also brought news of the medicine shop. The medicine seedlings in the medicine village have been planted, but it will take time to grow up. Li Shang didn't let the people in the pharmacy idle, and went to pick up some pharmaceutical work, making pills for the pharmacies in the city.

Another thing is that Wu Zhang and Liang Wen jointly fight against Wei? Bo? Daughter-in-law? Cylinder sole? 10 diameter reading daughter-in-law Bengci? 嗍友xia堋@ruthenium writing kLuan⌒Model? Eight down?Sting Biana Sun Song?br> Li Shang had a lot of stock in the beginning of spring, but it can still be broken if the access is broken Hold for a while. If it doesn't work, it's okay to close Yanniantang first, since there are other things to do anyway.

The matter of Liang Wu's alliance still caused a great shock to the court. They refused to surrender, and the rest of the separatist warlords were also ready to move. Wei? Crow chant?? Hairpin marks pulled out? В? Mo shake the testicles, how many regrets poured? Yongla 傺菟br> Wei Tan is very busy, every day when he comes back, he is covered in oil and sweat, and his neck is sunburned Skin. Sometimes, I simply stay away for a few days in a row, and when we meet again next time, we will be dark again.

I asked Mrs. Zhou and Mrs. Zhu for prescriptions for treating sunburn. I mixed the powder with honey and applied it to Wei Tan's neck.

The days passed day by day, and in a blink of an eye, it was June, and Wei Zhao's wedding day was approaching.

Xu Ji was still in the delivery room and couldn't come out. Mrs. Guo had to visit her grandson every day and attend to Wei Zhao's wedding. She was busy. I am a daughter-in-law, so I should help Gu's burden. But Mrs. Guo seemed unwilling to let me intervene in both matters. She said that I was young and didn't know how to make Zhang Luo, and the old maids such as Mrs. Zhang around me were even more good at making Zhang Luo.

I have visited Xu Ji two or three times in the delivery room. She was lying on the couch, never taking her eyes off her son's swaddle. Obtaining a child in one fell swoop is a happy event in anyone's eyes, but maybe Wei Zhao is about to get married, and Xu Ji has a maid to serve her with delicious food and drink, but her face is not as rosy as before she gave birth.

Seeing outsiders come to visit, she still smiled humbly as before.

Once, I went to the warehouse to choose silk materials to decorate the walls of the wedding room, and cut some samples to bring to Mrs. Guo. Passing by Xu Ji's delivery room, I came in to visit.

Xu Ji is breastfeeding with a silk scarf wrapped around her head. Seeing the silk material in A Yuan's hand, she fixed her eyes.

"There are still five days to welcome the bride, the mansion must be very busy." She said softly.

Remembering the days so clearly, it can be seen that Xu Ji has been thinking about this matter in her heart.

I smiled: "The affairs of the mansion are handled by everyone, and Ji Jingxin will take care of them."

Xu Ji pursed her lips and nodded in silence.

On the night before the wedding, the servant girl came to tell her that Xu Ji had a fever. Everyone was surprised, Mrs. Guo asked quickly after hearing this, "How is my grandson?"

"Young master is fine," said the servant girl.

Mrs. Guo frowned, and said: "Young master can no longer stay in the delivery room, and let the wet nurse carry me into my room."

The servant girl agrees.

Wei Tan and I looked at each other. At this moment, Wei Zhao said, "Mother, I'll go and have a look." After saying that, he got up from the table.

"What are you going to do?" Mrs. Guo stopped her, "The delivery room is filthy, and men are not allowed to enter within three months. Besides, you are going to welcome your relatives tomorrow, so be more careful!"

Wei Zhao hesitated.

At this moment, the servant girl hurried back again and said to Madam Guo: "Madam, Xu Ji is guarding the young master, don't allow me to take him away, Madam look..."

Madam Guo's complexion changed, she immediately got up and walked towards the back of the hall.

I saw that the situation was not good, so I said to Wei Tan: "I will go and have a look." After that, I also got up and followed.

It was already dark, and Xu Ji's delivery room was brightly lit. When the servant girl saw Mrs. Guo coming, she hurriedly opened the door and lifted the thick curtain. I followed into the room, only to listen to the wet nurse on the bed persuading me: "... Ji is not feeling well, the young master was born less than two months ago, if he gets sick..."

"I'm not sick!" Xu Ji's voice was unprecedentedly high, "My son is only with me, and no one can take it away!"

"Really?" Mrs. Guo sneered and stepped forward.

Seeing her, the wet nurse and maid hurriedly stepped aside.

Xu Ji was sitting on the couch with her swaddled baby in her arms, her hair was disheveled under the scarf. Seeing Mrs. Guo, her face turned pale.

Mrs. Guo walked up to her: "What you son? What took away?"

Xu Ji looked at her, her eyes suddenly turned red. She got up on the couch with the baby in her arms, and suddenly knelt down to Mrs. Guo, crying: "Madam, this concubine only got this flesh and blood when she was pregnant for ten months. The mother and child are united. If you treat the child with me, you will be fine. Madam, please take pity on me!"

Seeing her appearance, Mrs. Guo couldn't bear it, she said sternly: "Xu Ji, you are sick now, young master should not stay here. I will take care of you and send you back when you recover."

But Xu Ji shook her head and cried out: "I'm fine! I just ask my wife to let me keep this son, and I will repay you with all my heart!"

Mrs. Guo's face changed suddenly: "An's such a foolish remark!" After finishing speaking, she ordered the maid to hold Xu Ji down, broke off Xu Ji's hand, and took the baby away by force.

"Zhi'er!" Xu Ji hissed, crying so hard that it made people worry.

I couldn't bear to see it, hesitated for a moment, and walked outside.

Just after leaving the door, he suddenly caught a glimpse of Wei Zhao. He stood in the courtyard, looking at this side with his eyes, the light from the lantern was too weak to see his expression clearly.

I thought for a while, then stepped forward and said, "Second Uncle."

"Sister-in-law." Wei Zhao saluted, and after a moment, said, "How is Xu Ji?"

As soon as the words fell, Xu Ji's cry came out again, and I saw Wei Zhao's face froze.

"Xu Ji is just a little sick, and she will be fine if she takes care of her a little bit. I'll take care of her here. Second Uncle, go back." I persuaded.

The corners of Wei Zhao's lips were slightly tense, and after a while, he bowed to me and said in a low voice, "Thank you, sister-in-law." After finishing speaking, he turned and left.

I watched him walk out of the courtyard and was about to return to the delivery room when I saw a person standing at the corner of the veranda. Ren Ji was dressed in plain clothes, half exposed and half hidden under the pillars. Although the light was not strong, people could recognize her faint eyes and graceful posture at a glance.

Why is she here? I was surprised, and when I was about to take a closer look, her figure flashed and disappeared.

Back in the delivery room, Xu Ji was lying on the couch, no longer crying. She looked at the ceiling, her eyes open empty.

"Young madam." There were only two maidservants staying here, and when they saw me coming, they quickly saluted.

I went up to touch Xu Ji's forehead, it was a little hot, but it was not serious.

"Xu Ji is sweating, go get some hot water to wipe off." I said to the maidservant.

The servants responded and walked out the door.

I was about to get up when my hand was suddenly held. Turning her head, Xu Ji looked at me, her red eyes looked haggard even more.

"He once said that he would marry me and take care of me for the rest of my life..." she murmured, her voice soft and hoarse, "I didn't care about my wife's humiliation and my parents' scolding, but he didn't give me anything, not even my son. I… "

I was stunned for a moment, the "he" she said was of course Wei Zhao, but I don't know if the "Madam" refers to Mrs. Guo or Mrs. Wu.

"Ji is tired, let's rest at ease. After recovering from the illness, the Gu family will release the young master back." I comforted.

Xu Ji looked at me for a while, with a thin wry smile on her lips, she let go of her hand and closed her eyes.

The room became quiet, I looked at the silence, and regretted why I followed. Mrs. Guo was only thinking about her grandson's anger, Wei Zhao didn't dare to enter the delivery room, but I, the son-in-law, wanted to help clean up the mess.

When I was depressed, A Yuan came.

"Ma'am, the Eldest Young Master wants you to go back." She looked at Xu Ji who was on the couch, and whispered.

I nodded, I really don't need to do anything here, I ordered the two maidservants to take care of them, got up and went out.

"Why have you been there for so long?" When he returned to the house, he saw Wei Tan's frowning face and the food on the table.

Only then did I remember that I had only eaten half of the meal just now, and when I smelled it, my stomach felt empty all at once.

I looked at Wei Tan, opened my eyes innocently, and said in a low voice, "Xu Ji is sick, and my aunt is too busy, so my concubine should help." Recently, I found that this trick is also applicable to Wei Tan. When I have something to say, when I can't argue with him, I do this, and it often has good results.

Wei Tan looked at me, sure enough, the tense lines on his face eased. He didn't loosen his mouth, he pinched my nose and raised his brows: "I found that Madam has been talking back more and more recently."

I smiled and decided to skip the topic: "My concubine is hungry."

Wei Zhao's wedding ceremony was grand. Dressed in a dress and a golden crown, he drove from Wei Mansion to Miyagi to meet the princess. My sister-in-law and I stayed in the mansion. According to A Yuan, who went out to watch the fun, the music played all the way, and the road was crowded with spectators, as crowded as if everyone in Yongdu had come out.

As I listened to her description, I remembered the past. The wet nurse once proudly said that when our female monarch gets married, she must be comparable only to the princess. These words later seemed extremely bitter. When I married Han Guang, there were quite a few people watching in Chang'an, but everyone knew that I was expelled from the palace; and when I married Wei Tan, I didn't even meet my uncle. It was only after returning to Yongdu that it was made up.

Wei Tan and Wei Zhao, the eldest son and the second son, are getting married one after the other.

While thinking about it, the music outside the door became louder and louder, and the family members said: "Here we come!"

I looked around and saw Wei Zhao dressed in luxurious clothes, helping the bride off the mother-of-pearl carriage.

"Ma'am..." A Yuan suddenly tugged at the corner of my clothes, I turned my head, and she motioned me to look behind. I looked around and couldn't help being surprised.

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Behind the crowd, Xu Ji had her hair in a bun, her face was elegantly powdered, and she was wearing the deep brocade gown she wore on the day she came to Yongdu, with the same elegant demeanor.

She stood quietly in the corridor, like a delicate statue, watching Wei Zhao and his bride walking slowly.