Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 69: south levy


A Yuan's message was a bit off. When I hurried to see Wang Hui, he said it was not a dispute, but Wei? Puricaiur?? Bao? Henbaxing? Pu? Wei? Chi You ツ Xin? Jia naphthalene bandit ilias present? What happened in the south, Wei? Noisy Mou br> Today, Wei? Unexpectedly, as soon as this remark was made, Wei Tan immediately objected. The reason was that the navy was newly built and the preparations were insufficient. It might be too early to set off in July.

Wei? Sigh Benfei concubine? Huan k Deng? This is one of the reasons why the tactics and formations are not well practiced; the generals in the north are mostly good at chariot and horse battles, and the water warfare is not yet mature, and this is the second; The tactics and landforms have long been familiar to the heart, but the Wei army has not yet known itself and the enemy. This time when they conquer the south, the battlefield is the south.

"The situation in the south is not clear, and it is not good for me to go out rashly. I hope my father will think twice." Wei Tan said.

Wei? Boom? Blink? Stupid Qiu Γ 格拉野虼虼缶

"Young Madam," Wang Hui looked at me, flinching, and said, "The villain was ordered by the eldest son to come back to pick up the leather armor, but the villain is talking too much."

I shook my head, asked A Yuan to take the leather armor for Wang Hui, and walked back to the backyard by myself.

"What's the matter?" Mrs. Guo asked immediately after seeing me come back.

"It's over there at the dyeing workshop," I said with a smile. "It's raining today, and there's something wrong with the fine cotton cloth that Mrs. Gu ordered to send for dyeing. I'm afraid the color may be off."

"Oh?" Mrs. Guo said, "Do you want to delay work?"

I said: "Delay work to the point where it won't be possible."

Mrs. Guo looked relieved, and said, "I won't delay the work, and it doesn't matter if the color is worse. Young Madam, please supervise and don't miss the time."

I agree and sit back at the table. In a blink of an eye, I saw Liang Hui's expression of wanting to continue the questioning just now, I smiled and called Zhou Shi and others to come over for tea.

"The elder sister-in-law's tea is even more delicious." Mao drank a cup and praised.

"Then drink more." I smiled, scooped up a spoonful, and poured it into Liang Hui's cup. She looked at me, pursed her lips, thoughtful.

I was thinking about what happened just now.

It is now June, Wei? Beng Chen? Chai? Hu Mujiao Jing Convergence Huan? Bamboo Set ξ He Xun Mu Maple Plunder Set π Lu Chi? Nai Yi Cherry? Gonghuang? Dream Pancreas ノ? DreamJesus Mandrill and Miranda?br> After thinking about it, I think about Wei? Especially two months ago, Wei? To convince everyone, marrying a princess as a son-in-law is far from enough. Wei Chlorine is comparable to dad っ nightmare thief Α?br> Wei? Mansion?br> I looked at the tea powder in the mansion tumbling up and down, I don't know if this matter is good or bad.

I don't know if I thought too much, but at night, when Wei Tan came back, I felt that he was more silent than usual.

He doesn't like to be covered in sweat and smell, and he must take a bath every time he comes back from the camp. After the meal, I told Wei Tan that the water was ready, he nodded and walked out the door without saying a word.

This bath took longer than usual, and when he came back, the night wind came in along with the door, and there was a fresh smell of water vapor.

I let Wei Tan sit down on the couch, fetched a towel, and wiped the remaining drops of water from his hairline and the back of his neck.

"What are you looking at me for?" The figure has three eyes, just as I peeked at his expression, he caught me right away.

"Can't a concubine look at her husband?" Denying would be more like a cover-up, I smiled and asked calmly.

Wei Tan curled his lips and did not speak.

I hesitated for a moment, and felt that I should talk about something, so I said softly, "Husband is tired today?"

Wei Tan closed his eyes and enjoyed my service: "It's not very tiring."

"Then why is your husband always silent when you come back today?"

Wei Tan opened his eyes and looked at me, there seemed to be a glimmer of light in his eyes. He smiled, grabbed the hand I was wiping, took off the towel, and threw it on the table: "Don't wipe it, sit with me."

I nodded and sat down beside him.

Wei Tan seemed to feel the heat, so he undid the tie of the skirt and opened the neckline.

"I'm worried about one thing. Father's expedition this time will not go well." He looked at the window sill and said in a low voice.

I am surprised. I thought he would talk about bumping into Wei during the day at most? Wei Tan looked at me, as if aware of my uneasiness, the corners of his lips curled : "It's just worrying, maybe I worry too much."

I pondered, and said: "My husband has concerns, did you tell my uncle?"

"I told you." Wei Tan nodded, "Father is not happy, and left after halfway to patrol the water camp today."

Sure enough. I looked at him and stroked his hand. After thinking for a while, he comforted me: "My husband, don't worry. My husband is the son of my uncle, and people say he beats and scolds me. If it were someone else, I'm afraid my uncle won't even give me a face."

Wei Tan looked calm, for a moment, smiled, and said lightly: "Yes."

I hope that Wei Tan and I's worries are unnecessary. The days passed day by day, and when it came to July, Wei? Long?Dream mark proud Jing Fou?7 Zhi delete?Scar?Dice Huaijiuqiao∷good craftsman#?Shaomo Xingna search impeachment strontium kind?Grey lie??br> "Conquer and advance, don't fall into deep helplessness, the rear army is It's the most important thing." Wei Tan was very calm, and said to me with a smile, as if he didn't care about it at all.

But I understand that the navy is practiced by Wei Tan alone, such an arrangement is tantamount to taking away his place to display it. And if he wins in the future, the ones who will be rewarded for their merits and deeds will be those who rushed to the front. Kicking Wei Tan to the rear army means that nothing will happen to him.

Of course, it's not all bad. When the Zhou family, the Zhu family and others were worried and prayed to God and worshiped Buddha because their husband was going to charge the battle, I was actually very lucky, because Wei Tan was in the rear army, and the danger was much less than other people.

Wei? Dumb Su Yiqiao blink? Sue? Elder brother criticizes the chrysanthemum bloom?? Graceful? The scorpion says it's a clever milling spade Nituo Xiao?br> Unlike usual, besides me, Mrs. Guo also has Liang Hui. She was dressed very beautifully today, the gold ornaments and costumes were all valuables in the palace, standing together, the limelight could overwhelm Mrs. Guo.

However, the look on Liang Hui's face was not as radiant as the jewelry. She stood on the city gate without the slightest expression, her eyes staring at the city.

Liang Hui already knew about Xu Ji, and also knew that she had just given birth to a son. But the delivery room was isolated in a small courtyard, and considering that Liang Hui had just married in, Mrs. Guo did not keep Wei Zhi by her side. After Xu Ji recovered from her illness, she would be sent back to her to be raised.

Therefore, although Liang Hui knew about the mother and son, she never saw each other.

At the end of last month, Xu Ji finally left the delivery room. Mrs. Guo made the decision, she visited the main room.

I was also there at that time, Liang Hui was staring at Xu Ji's mother and son kneeling in front of her, even with rouge on her face, I could still see the paleness under that makeup. She didn't even wait for Xu Ji to finish kneeling, and ignored Mrs. Guo and Wei Zhao, she got up and left the hall.

Although I am the elder sister-in-law, I don't want to get involved in the affairs of Wei Zhao's yard.

At that time, Liang Hui went back to her room alone and cried a lot. Mrs. Guo was a bit embarrassed by Liang Hui's actions in the hall, but Xu Ji behaved very well. With tears streaming down her face, she pleaded guilty to Mrs. Guo, saying that she was deeply ashamed of causing a rift between Wei Zhao and his wife, and she asked to cut her hair and become a Buddhist The hall is dedicated to the gods, in order to ensure the well-being of the Wei family. He also said that if the princess does not give up, he is willing to let Wei Zhi be raised by the princess and recognize the princess as his biological mother.

Mrs. Guo appreciated her attitude very much, instead of blaming her, she comforted her.

Not long after, Liang Hui's biological mother, Wang Jieyu's mother's family came, who was Liang Hui's aunt. After some persuasion by her, Liang Hui finally came out of the room and accepted Xu Ji's gift.

There are Wei Tan and Wei? He cut ┪ 19 畹畹感树? Ye Yue hates ビソ?? Potential porphyrin 10 vertical mow 12 yo v recovery? Lao 砑? Fierce> Sedan Hexun Naohe Yongjiao 6? nothing.

On the city gate, the banner fluttered in the wind. The chariots and horses had just left the city gate when Wei Zhi suddenly cried loudly.

The wet nurse was flustered, coaxing and hugging.

"Is Zhi'er hungry or peeing? The city gate is very windy, take him down quickly." Mrs. Guo turned her head and said.

The nurse should go down, salute and leave.

And Liang Hui never made a sound, as if nothing happened around her, and she never looked back.

"Brother." At this moment, Wei An said suddenly.

I regained my senses and hurriedly looked down the city.

Just listen to the drum music and name it. In the middle of the city gate, Wei? ?Liannahen?br> People around were talking in low voices, but I kept silent, watching his back and moving forward.

A soft sob came to my ears, I turned my head, and Mao looked at Wei Gang at the bottom of the city, covering his face with his sleeve, his eyes were red. "Why are you crying, we'll see you in a few days..." Zhu Shi and Zhou Shi next to him comforted me warmly.

"...in a few days, I will share the yellow silk with my wife for my husband..." When Wei Tan got up early in the morning, Wei Tan's teasing words were still in his ears.

My face couldn't help but get hot. These days we have a good life, we can be called loving. So thinking of Wei Tan going here and not knowing when he will come back, I still feel sad.

So even though I was lingering last night and my body was sore, I insisted on changing Wei Tan's clothes myself in the morning. I wrapped my arms around his waist, trying to say some touching farewell words like a virtuous and gentle wife, but before I could speak, Wei Tan said those words earnestly while stroking my head.

Hooligans, only remember Huang Juan.

I stared at the serious figure, feeling both annoyed and amused.

While looking around, Wei Tan suddenly turned his head and looked here. I saw that the expression on his face seemed to have changed. Although the distance was far away, I could feel the familiar arc of his lips.

My heart seemed to be moved by something.

The wind was still blowing, I looked at him, and for a moment, I couldn't help but smile.

"...will you miss me?" When he was tying his belt, he suddenly hugged me, lowered his head and murmured in my ear.

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I was hindered by him and couldn't make a move. I struggled, "Let go first..."

"Huh?" He hugged him even tighter.

I:"… "

"I will." I replied helplessly.

Wei Tan looked at me, his black eyes glowed with light, just like the rising sun at this moment, soft and dazzling.