Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 7: past


I wasn't angry with Yuying's "gaffe". But when I heard about it, I was really surprised.

Wei Tan is twenty-five years old this year. In these years, he has never married, and I have never heard of him having a concubine. I used to feel confused, but I didn't know his past with Empress Xu.

My thoughts unfolded.

Is this all because of Empress Xu? Wei Tan liked Xu O wholeheartedly, but Xu O married the emperor, so he was so heartbroken that he was alone for many years, and in the end he broke all the cans and married me, a second-married woman

I tried my best to recall what it was like at the wedding, Wei Tan drank a lot of wine, he was so drunk that he didn't even have intercourse. The next day, his complexion was as usual, and the way he talked to me was a little more familiar than passers-by... The clues seem to be intriguing when I think about them now.

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Most importantly, what does Wei Tan think of Empress Xu, an old lover

That night, I was lying on the couch with a brocade quilt, my eyes were looking at the swaying tree shadows by the window, and I was a little lost in thought.

In fact, I thought of another person, a person who had waited for me for many years but finally didn't want me.

He is my former fiancé named Pei Qian.

The definition of a handsome man in today's world is that the skin is firm and smooth, and the eyes are warm, and the whole person looks as pleasing as a white jade.

These conditions, whether it is my ex-husband or the current husband, have nothing to do with it.

But Pei Qian is such a person.

He was literate at the age of three, able to write poems at the age of seven, and at the age of twelve, he already had a strong voice in Chang'an with his outstanding appearance and eloquent mouth. When people mention Pei Lang of the Taishi family, his face is full of elegance.

My father and Pei Taishi are good friends, and there are many contacts between the two families. When I was five years old, during the Huachao Festival, the two families gathered for a banquet. I saw a flower on Pei Qian's corner, and I liked it, so I stretched out my hand to pull it. Pei Qian was made into a mess by me, but the adults laughed haha. My mother hugged me and joked to Mother Pei, saying,

Just a joke, but the two families became interested in hearing it. After the banquet, Pei Qian, who was six years older than me, became my fiancé.

I really like this fiancé who came here because of a joke, because he has a good temper, he can't fight back, he knows a lot, and he will take me to catch and weave. Since I was five years old, I have learned to follow him "A Qian A Qian" and let him take me to play.

It is good to be famous early, he was crowned at the age of seventeen, and got the character, called Ji Yuan. From then on, others called him "Mr. Ji Yuan."

It's just me, and I still call him "A Qian". Regardless of whether there are people before or after, A Qian belongs to me alone.

Pei Qian's name is Jinghua, and there are countless people who admire him. Many people are jealous of me because of this, even Yuying and the noble girls who play together once discussed in private, saying that they think I am not worthy of Pei Qian.

In fact, it does seem a little unworthy.

When Pei Qian began to rule Chang'an in a magnificent manner, I was still a girl in the head, standing beside him, I couldn't even reach my shoulders. Although I arrived in Guishui later and my appearance changed a lot, when I stood beside the handsome Pei Qian, I still looked like a little girl.

But I don't think it matters, growing up is very far away for me. Even if I don't grow up, Pei Qian will definitely stay by my side.

He can't help laughing out loud when he sees my ingenious clothes.

When he heard that I wanted to borrow his beloved white horse-drawn carriage, he would show a reckless expression and roll his eyes at me.

When he heard that my plum vase was sold for 150 yuan, he would shake his head in hatred and knock my head with his knuckles and say, silly girl, the plum vase is worth more than 150 yuan. There are people vying for ten gold.

On New Year's Eve, he would lock himself at home and carve two identical peach charms with his heart, one for him and one for me. On the surface of the peach charm, there is a "Α toe, Huan, Gong, Bao, and Huang Zhen.

He hugged me and whispered helplessly in my ear, Ah

But he didn't wait for me to grow up after all.

When I was fourteen years old, my father's difficulties in court became more and more serious, and the situation became dangerous. Pei Qian's father made a decisive decision and personally came to the door to withdraw the marriage. Not long after, Pei Qian married another woman from a wealthy family.

On the day he got married, I stood on the only way he had to pass, watching him ride his white horse and lead the bride's incense car. When he saw me, he couldn't hide the surprise and confusion in his eyes, and Junya's face immediately became stiff and pale.

I remember staring at him all the time, with tears in my eyes. Looking at him at that time, I still hoped that he would jump off the horse, hug me and say "Ak" Ju Feishu

In the end, even A Yuan couldn't take it anymore, and dragged me away by cursing "the villain".

I close my eyes.

For many years, I deliberately did not recall it, but occasionally touching it, even just a little bit, made my heart feel uncomfortable.

Forget it... I whispered to myself, just like my mother said back then.

"Just now my brother came to tell me that my father can cook by himself." The next day, A Yuan said to me with a smile, "He also said that my father would not let my brother take care of him at home all the time, and ordered him to go out and find something to do. .”

"Oh?" I nodded, "That's a good thing."

Before entering Fu's mansion, Li Shang was the steward of a wealthy businessman in the south of the Yangtze River, and he was very good at handling goods. But that rich businessman liked to gamble, and he gambled all his wealth, and finally sold Li Shang and his servants.

I figured it out, I have inquired about the house and daily living expenses in Yongduli, and the gold appointment given when we met last time is about to be used up. So, I took out the three hundred cash I had exchanged a few days ago from my box and handed it to A Yuan.

"Ah! Don't want it!" A Yuan was in a hurry, his face flushed, "Madam, I didn't mean to ask for money. Father forbids us to accept Madam's property."

I smiled and said: "The money is not just for you. You transfer the money to your father and ask him to see if there is a suitable business in Yongdu after he recovers."

"Business?" A Yuan was stunned, "What kind of business does Madam want?"

"Anything is fine," I said, "it's safe, if you can make money, it's a good deal."

"Madam wants to make money?" A Yuan opened his eyes wide in surprise, looked around suddenly, and said in a low voice, "Madam, this is not Chang'an."

"I know." I raised my eyebrows: "So what?"

She was referring to my previous affairs in Fu's residence.

The sons of Fu Situ's family are all rich and wealthy, and they can talk at length when they open their mouths, showing their aristocratic atmosphere. However, few people know that his youngest daughter doesn't like to study and has a mediocre literary talent, but she has a special liking for money matters that high-ranking scholars refuse to look sideways at.

When I was five years old, Li Shang once showed the accounts to my mother. I was very interested when I saw the tally of the vertical bars, and I tiptoed to ask questions. From then on, every time Li Shang came back to hand over the accounts, I must be present. By the time I was twelve, my mother had thrown me some ledgers that gave her a headache to check.

Later, I felt that the calculations were not enough, and I often thought of ways to collect old things that I and my brothers didn't use, so that I could sneak out of the house and sell them in the street market. I have a lot of fun doing this, not for making money, but just for haggling with buyers back and forth when selling things. Sometimes, I will be complacent all day because I got two dollars more.

The elder brothers looked down on my hobby very much. The elder brother once threw away all my calculations in a fit of anger, causing me to feed his beloved bloody BMW with laxatives, so that he could be in the park when he was out in the garden. Make a fool of yourself. But my father was very tolerant to me. When my eldest brother complained to him, he smiled and said that there is nothing missing in the house, except for someone who can settle accounts. Now it is finally complete.

Encouraged by my father's words back then, I was so overwhelmed that I even planned to sell trips or chance encounters to those women in Beijing who admired my brother, charging three hundred yuan each time. It's a pity that when this idea was still in its infancy, the late emperor's knife fell, and it would never be possible to implement it...

A Yuan still felt unbelievable, frowned and said: "My wife is married into the prime minister's family now, why are you still doing these things?"

I didn't explain, and said: "You tell your father."

A Yuan looked suspicious, and walked away reluctantly.

After Li Shang heard what I asked him to do, he reacted the same way as A Yuan. However, he did not object and asked A Yuan to tell me that he would finish it as soon as possible.

After all, I was doing things behind Wei's family's back, so I was still extremely careful. A Yuan once stayed in Fu's residence, and knew the delicate relationship between servants and maidservants in the master's house, so he handled it carefully. After she gave the money to Li Shang, she never went back. From then on, whenever there was any news from Li Shang, he wrote it down on the paper and asked a servant who brought firewood to the prime minister's mansion to bring it in, and A Yuan went to the kitchen to get it. To be on the safe side, code words were used in these letters, and it was impossible to tell what was being said literally.

This kind of sneaking made me feel nervous and funny. I am afraid that one day I will be caught by the people of the Wei Mansion, and I will not be able to deny that I am a spy.

Li Shang acted quickly, and after sending Ah Huan around in Yongdu for half a month, he wrote me a letter saying that he was interested in a few deals.

When I saw the letter, I felt relieved. It is impossible to write a letter to discuss such a matter, so that night, I reported to Mrs. Guo, explaining that I want to worship the gods in the Dongcheng Temple Palace, and visit my old friend who is seriously ill.

Mrs. Guo knew about my placement of Li Shang, so she was a little hesitant. However, she has always believed in ghosts and gods, and now she is in a hurry to recover.

With the promise of the mistress, on the second day, I took the paint car and left the Wei mansion generously.