Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 71: Urgency (below)


Wei An has been thinking about following the army since the beginning of the army, but Wei? Hey Deng? Tan Tun?. ? Restore the pump swing type? Suan k? Ci Da marks? Wei Tan also refused.

It was Cheng Mao who sent the letter. He returned to Yongdu to supervise the matter of grain and grass. He reported to Mrs. Guo that the Wei army crossed the river southward and attacked fiercely all the way, and now they have reached Qiling. Wei? Bridle trench? Branch blind bone 10 獯缶? 艚? Xiaoyu 6? ?Yao phlegm Ne Baying??Calling miserably 4?ァ?br> In addition, he has to bring me.

The reason is simple, Wei Tan is ill. Most of the sergeants were from the north. When they arrived in the south, they were not acclimatized to the water and soil, and often suffered from dysentery. Wei Tan was no exception. When Cheng Mao came out of Qiling, he was already recuperating on the couch. I don't know if it's Wei? He Qin Lei Mu s Qin Yang

I was quite surprised when I heard the news. Wei Tan's body has always been strong. Since I married him, let alone illness, I have never heard him sneeze once. Now that he is actually sick, it can be seen that he is fierce.

Mrs. Guo asked about Wei Tan's condition in detail, and expressed disapproval of my going to Qiling. She said that Qiling is far away from Yongdu Mountain, and it is also marching and fighting. What kind of words do I, a woman, run to. But this is Wei after all? After getting the order, pack it up immediately. In addition to some belongings, I also asked Ah Yuan to go to Yannian Hall to ask if there are any good medicines and prescriptions for treating acclimatization. Fortunately, the goods in Yanniantang had not been cleared yet, and when A Yuan came back, there was a big burden stuffed with medicinal materials.

Although the reason for going to Qiling was not a good one, after knowing about it, the Zhou family, the Zhu family and the Mao family all came to show their jealousy, and even gave me a few burdens, which were all things for my uncles. Mrs. Guo also said that the things she prepared for Wei Tan were similar to mine, some prescriptions and medicinal materials, and some newly made thin clothes, some of which were for Wei Zhao.

On the day of our journey, Wei An and I bid farewell to Mrs. Guo in the hall, and when we were seeing me out, Liang Hui hesitated to speak. She secretly slipped a letter to me and asked me to bring it to Wei Zhao.

"Sister-in-law take care all the way." She seemed to feel embarrassed, and said goodbye to me with a bit of shyness.

I smiled, saluted and thanked her, and sat in the car. When the family put down the car curtain, I saw Xu Ji standing in the door from a distance, holding Wei Zhi in her arms.

August is approaching, the weather can be sunny and rainy. When it is sunny, it will be terribly sun-baked for several days in a row, and when it rains, it will pour down, making it difficult for cars and horses to move.

Looking at the changing sky, I couldn't help but worry about Wei Tan even more. How is his illness? Will the south be more humid and hotter than the north? After thinking about it for a long time, I suddenly felt that maybe I was just worrying about it, a thick-skinned hooligan like Wei Tan...

Wei An still carried his tools, and when he was free on the road, he would beat with a pile of wooden blocks. I looked at it and thought it was shaped like a boat.

"When you arrive at Qiling, Fourth Uncle will see many boats. Maybe Uncle will let you build a real boat." I said to him with a smile.

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Wei An scratched his head, and suddenly said: "The boat I built is different from theirs."

"Oh?" I was surprised, "What's the difference?"

Wei An broke off the ship's side, and to my surprise, there was a section of wood in the middle that was fitted together and could be dismantled.

"Why do you do this?" I was surprised.

Wei An patiently picked up a piece of wood and showed it to me: "When docking on the shore, put the wooden board on it, and you can board the ship without having to go over the side of the ship."

I was even more surprised, "Why don't you have to go over the ship's rail?"

A look of embarrassment suddenly appeared on Wei An's face, and he bowed his head in silence.

"The fourth son wants to push the grain truck directly onto the boat, right?" Cheng Mao said with a smile on the side.

Wei An looked at him, put away his tools, and walked back to the car.

The north and the south confront each other across the river, and the clouds of war are dense. The common people have experienced many years of war and have long experienced. Along the way, I saw many people who moved their families from the cities to the countryside. Although the government made great efforts to reassure the people and reset checkpoints, there were still many pedestrians.

When we were still five days away from Qiling, we stopped at a place with a post station. Suddenly, A Yuan tugged on my sleeve and pointed to a place: "Ma'am, is that Mr. Gongyang?"

I was surprised, following her, I saw people coming and going, and their faces were all unfamiliar.

"Where?" I asked.

A Yuan looked around for a moment, then laughed: "Just now I saw a similar figure from the back, maybe I was wrong."

Gong Yanggui's family would not ignore the news, and Gong Yanggui should have been stopped back to Yongdu by now. I thought to myself, looked around again, and felt at ease for a moment.

Qiling is the hometown of the founding emperor Gao, and it has been an important place for military strategists since ancient times. It is of extraordinary significance to capture this place. Wei? Guilty Ran Ou? Jujube? ? Scared Pa Harmony Burned? Use Aibr> These are all Cheng Mao told me, I didn't go to the river to see the Jiangshui company camp, but went directly to the rear army.

The carriage passed through the gate, only to hear the noise, there are busy soldiers everywhere, under the scorching sun, they are practicing or running, and there is brown and yellow dust in the air.

The entry of the curtain car attracted the attention of many people. Cheng Mao led the way, and many soldiers saluted him.

The weather was very hot, and many people only wore single clothes, and their upper bodies glistened with oily sweat under the sun. A Yuan and I looked at each other, embarrassed.

When the carriage finally stopped, I got down wearing the veiled hat. Cheng Mao saluted me and led me towards a big tent.

I was in a hurry, looking at the opened tent door, the unknown darkness inside, I felt my heart was up and down.

The one standing in front of the door was Wang Hui. When he saw me, he saluted quickly.

"How is the eldest son?" I asked hurriedly.

Wang Hui looked at me with a flickering expression.

"The eldest son just fell asleep." He said.

I nodded and walked in lightly.

A faint smell of medicine wafted into my nostrils. When I looked inside, the first thing I saw was the figure lying on the couch. The light was very dim, and Wei Tan was lying on the couch, wearing single clothes and nothing covered him.

Even sickness is rough. I couldn't help frowning, no wonder Wei? Ao Lan salt doctor Xin Chu?br> I took off the curtain hat, put it on the table, and walked towards Wei Tan. When I got closer, I saw him lying on his back with his eyes closed, as if he had fallen asleep. I lowered my head slightly and looked at his face carefully. I don't know if it's because the light is too dark or his face is too dark, but I can only catch a specious paleness from my lips.

I faintly felt that something was not right, but looking at his face in deep sleep, I felt some pity in my heart.

Such a big living person, it seems that nothing can trouble him. In the past, even if something urgent woke him up in the middle of the night, he would immediately jump up energetically.

Such a person is sickly now.

I sat down beside the couch, rubbing my clothes, the sound of... was very clear in the quiet tent,

Wei Tan felt nothing and remained motionless.

I stared at his statue-like silent lips, and suddenly a strange thought popped up in my heart... he won't die, right

This thought startled me a bit, I looked at his chest, and after a moment, I confirmed that there was some slight undulation under the snow-white coat. I couldn't help stretching my hand over it to confirm again, but I just touched my chest. Suddenly, with a "poof", Wei Tan suddenly laughed.

I was taken aback.

In front of him, Wei Tan couldn't help laughing, how could he be half sick!

"You..." I was dumbfounded, and was about to stand up, but Wei Tan grabbed my hand and held me in front of him.

"When madam entered the account, I counted silently in my heart to see when madam would speak. Unexpectedly, when the count reached two hundred and five, madam only stretched out her hand." Wei Tan's black eyes shone brightly, and he said in a low voice, "Teach me as a husband." Good to wait."