Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 73: Qiling (below)


The two were arguing, when suddenly there was a heavy coughing sound outside the tent door.

I was startled and stopped, Wei Tan was also surprised.

"Who is it?" I asked, keeping my voice calm.

After a while, the tent door opened a side, and Wei Ci's smiling face came in: "Sister-in-law."

I breathed a sigh of relief, but Wei Tan grabbed the forehead scarf in his hand and threw it at Wei Ci violently.

Wei Ci shrank in fright, and the forehead scarf fell off two or three feet away from him.

"Pick it up." Wei Tan snorted coldly.

With a smirk on his face, Wei Ci came in and picked up the forehead scarf, and respectfully sent it to the bed.

"What?" Wei Tan asked.

Wei Ci scratched his head, a little embarrassed: "That chess has not been played yet..."

Wei Tan sat up.

Wei Ci hurriedly smiled and said, "Later, my younger brother felt that the eldest sister-in-law was also there, and couldn't bear to disturb my cousin's reunion with the eldest sister-in-law. After thinking about it, I gave up."

"Really." Wei Tan smiled half a smile, "Then what are you coughing outside?"

Wei Ci said sincerely: "It's hot, I feel unwell occasionally."

Wei Tan picked up a wooden pillow on the couch and threw it at him, Wei Ci's face remained unchanged, and he caught it with a smile.

I looked at these two people and felt speechless. Serious in front of people, rogue in back of others, Wei? Fan? Defending s teasing and swearing? Halo marks dark collapse skeletal amine worms? The concubine has to see my uncle. "

"Huh?" Wei Tan looked at me, then at the hourglass.

"Eldest sister-in-law just came and hasn't rested yet, so I won't be late until tomorrow." Wei Ci said.

I shook my head and smiled: "It's the same when you come back to rest. Gushi and Sidi also have things that I want to bring to Uncle and all the uncles."

Wei Tan murmured for a while, but did not object. He called Cheng Mao and asked him to take me to the former army.

I was on the road, and I kept listening to Cheng Mao talking about how magnificent the Qiling Water Village was, but I didn’t take it to heart. In my mind, I felt that many boats were crowded together, and it was not much different from the pier during the Chang’an lake tour season. .

But when Dajiang appeared in front of the chariots and horses, I looked outside, almost speechless in surprise.

I have never seen Da Jiang. The last time I went to Huainan and crossed the Yellow River, I was already shocked by the magnificent galloping appearance. And this big river is not as turbulent as the Yellow River, but it is clearer and wider than the Yellow River. The carriage drove past the river, and the blue sky was thousands of miles away, but the river was completely invisible, as if it was boundless.

What shocked me even more was that the camp of Wei? But this is not the end, Wei? Annoyed sauce? Pan Ze⌒. ?Rebellious orchid orchid В? Bed blowing misty punishment mash shaking umbrella n? Hall? Excessive badger Kui 嫠呶 away?? Fluke? Hope? If Wei Tan still commanded the water army, how would he command such a magnificent thing? I can even imagine him standing by the river and pointing, his high-spirited appearance.

Unfortunately, these are not his. Even if he wins in the future, Wei Tan will be promoted to a false name at most.

Thinking of this, I felt a little lost, so I put down the bamboo curtain and sat down.

Wei? Screaming? Shi Yun Da ǎ? Practicing different? Chasing? 6 torreya magpie caries? Remonstrating Bi Meng Dou Yi mace milk? Extravagant lies? At that time, Wei? 嗾? 诳酒诳话话? Staff huh? Hope to call sick? br> See me, Wei? 嗌 crotch? Bucket?? br> "A? Ben? Clothes? Polyp?? Slough? Feed?br> I bowed my head and said, "My son and wife take a car, and some of the journey is not worth mentioning. My uncle worries about state affairs, and even more so. "

Wei? Oh? Mao? 12ΦCruise and Auspicious? I'm so handsome?br> I replied, "That's right."

"Meng Jing's illness came on fiercely, and it didn't heal for a long time. Those who marched outside were all rough people. A?? "

Wei? Hi Ping 醵 halo art exhibition Song marks Angqian judgment model? Hemorrhoids chant ┪ marks dark mou 觯? Doctor? Building ǎ? flute 镏菔叔叔吃吹健?br> I know Wei? 嘤兴罗?Γ? Lian Dangwaqia?br> just outside the tent, a few people came to face, I see, the first is Wei? Which one is Ketong?? Zhu Wei? Pang Huan

I return the courtesy. When he turned around, the scribe glanced over, as if looking at him.

Before the return trip, I met with Wei Zhao, Wei Xian and others again, and handed over to them the belongings entrusted by the female relatives.

Wei Xian, Wei Ping, and Wei Gang all laughed from ear to ear, causing Wei Lang, who had no family yet, to yell jealously, saying that when he returned to Yongdu after the war, he would also marry a virtuous woman.

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Wei Zhao took the letter from Liang Hui, glanced at it with a faint smile, and put it in his sleeve.

"Thank you, sister-in-law." He saluted me.

I see that he is also wearing military uniforms like other cousins, but he still speaks and behaves politely.

For some reason, I always feel that Wei Zhao is a very special person. He has a reputation for literary talent, sometimes dazzling, sometimes restrained. However, he has always been a prudent person, and his prudence is completely different from that of Wei Tan. No matter what the occasion, he was always humble and courteous. Even if he is drunk or everyone is laughing, Wei Zhao will not let go. He is also talkative, but his eyes are always sober and cautious.

In the eyes of some people, this is the attitude of a gentleman, and Wei Zhao is also highly praised by them. But in my eyes, Wei Zhao always seems to be wearing a mask, making it hard for people to guess what he is thinking. That's the reason why I can't get close to Wei Zhao, even though we live in the same house.

Wei An is a good boy who is really worried about his elder brother. When I go back, he must follow me and say he wants to see his elder brother.

I couldn't refuse, so I had to take him with me.

I thought Wei Tan would pretend to be in a deep sleep or something so he wouldn't see Wei An and just send him away.

Unexpectedly, when Wei Tan saw him, he laughed, patted him on the shoulder and said that he seemed to have grown taller again, and then said to the doubtful brother with a leisurely look: "I have recovered, but this matter is only you, me, Your elder sister-in-law and Zixian know, you can't tell others, and neither can your father, do you understand?"

Wei An looked at Wei Tan with a puzzled face, but nodded for a moment.

"You stay with me these few days and let Zixian take you to see the big ship, huh?"

"En." Wei An nodded again.

"Come on, I'll take you there now." Wei Ci patted Wei An's head with a smile, and was about to take him out of the tent. But Wei An took two steps, but turned around and walked in front of Wei Tan.

"Brother." He thought for a while and said, "I was in my father's tent just now, and I heard him mention Young Master Cui, and he said that Young Master Cui is in Liang Wenjun's army."

Wei Tan said: "Well, Cui Yu is Liang Wen's military advisor."

Wei An was a little taken aback.

"Why, want to see him?" Wei Tan glanced at him.

Wei An scratched his head: "Yes."

"Cui? He's the enemy now. Ah An wants to see him. Let me capture him alive." Wei Ci yelled with a smile. After finishing speaking, he winked at Wei Tan and dragged Wei An out.

I sat on the side, still surprised by what Wei Tan said just now.

"Cui?" I asked Wei Tan, "How did he end up under Liang Min's tent?"

"What's so strange about this?" Wei Tan asked. "Cui Yunyou traveled to Jingzhou, and Liang Wen invited him personally."

I was even more surprised. After thinking about it, it was in Mr. Yunshi's house. Wei Tan once invited Cui? to go to Yongzhou, but Cui? did not agree. "My concubine thinks that Cui Yu has no ambition to go out of the mountain."

Wei Tan smiled lightly: "Birds choose good trees to live in. In the past, unicorns did not come out of the mountains, but they never found good trees."

I still feel puzzled: "According to my husband, Liang Wen is a good tree?"

Wei Tan sat down beside me, and said, "Among Madam, if Cui Wei goes to Yongdu, what kind of job can he be with such a famous family?"

I thought about it, the Boling Cui family has a good reputation, but under the emperor's feet, there are many famous families, and now in the court, the Cui family does not have a deep background. Of course, Wei Aiwen Song u Niu Fan e was very talented and famous, and he was very happy to appoint him. But wei

Wei Tan smiled: "Madam also thinks that he won't show up too soon when he arrives in Yong, but in Jingzhou, he immediately became Liang Wen's military advisor."

"Why does Liang Wen value him so much?" I asked.

"Ma'am, do you still remember that Liang Wen suddenly rose up in Jiangling, killed Cen Han, and occupied Jingzhou?" Wei Tan said, "That was Cui Yu's plan, and then Liang Wen joined forces with Huaiyang, and it was also Cui Yu who came forward to negotiate."

I was amazed. Previously, I only knew that Cui was called a unicorn, but I didn't expect him to be so capable.

"Uncle probably hates this person very much." I thought of Wei Tan when the news came that Jingzhou was occupied and Liang Wu united. Wei Tan smiled noncommittal .

I thought of Wei? Qi Yun'an wished to increase his love for his nephew and nephew Wei? The remaining bones were said to be in Boling, so why didn't the uncle bring his clansmen to Yongdu. "

"Before the war broke out and Boling was destroyed, there were very few members of the Cui clan left." Wei Tan said, "After Cui joined Liang, he moved his clan to Jingzhou."

I understand.

After sitting down and talking for a while, I gradually felt tired and asked Ah Yuan to fetch some water to wash up. Wei Tan didn't bother me either. After I changed my clothes, he let me sleep on the couch, and he took a book and sat elsewhere to read.

After a good night's sleep, it was already night.

Next to it, another couch was added at some point, and Wei Tan slept soundly on it.

That couch was probably prepared for me to serve the "patients", and it was narrower than the one I'm lying on now. Wei Tan's stature was tall, but he had to curl up a little while lying on it.

Occasionally there were footsteps passing by outside, only a corner of the tent was lit, and the light fell on this side, and it was already dim.

I tilted my head, and suddenly felt that I hadn't seen his sleeping face like this for a long time. I don't know whether it's because I'm used to having people around me or because I'm just masochistic. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and find no one around, and I feel empty.

In the future, can such days continue? Thinking of this in my heart, I suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

However, my vigilance was still there. When I saw Wei Tan's eyelids moving slightly, I immediately closed my eyes.

In the dark, the ears are extremely sensitive to any sound. I heard Wei Tan take a deep breath, as if he was stretching himself, and after a while, he got up from the couch.

Not long after, something covered my waist, which seemed to be an unlined garment.

I heard Wei Tan's footsteps, and seemed to be walking out.

I heard him call Wang Hui and mutter something outside the tent door.

"...Go and inquire again." I could distinguish the last few words of Wei Tan.

Wang Hui responded,

When Wei Tan came back, I was hesitant to get up, but at this moment, he sat down beside the couch. I almost had a premonition that he was going to pinch his nose or scratch his palm again, so I simply opened my eyes.

"Are you awake?" Wei Tan was a little surprised.

"Hmm." I pretended to just wake up, and said softly, "What time is it?"

"Undecided." Wei Tan smiled.

His head was slightly lowered, just as he was about to bow down, I staggered and stood up.

"I'm hungry." I smiled.

Wei Tan asked someone to bring food, and after using it with me, he took away the utensils from someone, and he and I were left in the tent.

"Are you still hungry?" Wei Tan asked me after taking a sip of tea.

"Not hungry anymore." I said.

Wei Tan smiled: "Then madam and my husband come and rest." After saying that, he picked me up and walked towards the couch.

I was embarrassed and struggled.

Wei Tan was a little helpless, put me on the couch, and said in a dissatisfied tone, "It's not the first time, what's the point?"

My face was hot, and I pushed him away: "This is the camp, what should I do if I hear it from outside." As I said, I pointed to the wall of the tent.

Wei Tan was surprised, and the corners of his lips curled up.

"It turns out that Madam is worried about this. I asked my servants to watch and not come closer within ten feet."

It was no different from hanging a sign of "doing work here" on the account, I hurriedly said: "Husband, don't forget, now your husband is still 'ill'."

"Oh?" Wei Tan smiled deeper and patted my head, "There is one more thing I haven't told Madam."


Wei Tan firmly held my hand, bent down, and whispered in my ear: "My husband's illness, he will be healed tomorrow."