Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 78: Wancheng


The visitor is not good.

A Yuan held my arm and looked at me nervously.

"But we don't have any money." Wei Jiao said.

I feel bad. Sure enough, the two of them looked at each other and laughed cruelly.

"Bah!" The shorter man said contemptuously, "Having a car and a horse, but no wealth? I have seen a grandfather who can't let go of his life in this world, but I haven't seen one who can't let go of his wealth!"

The other raised his knife and pointed at Wei Jiao: "Save your money to save your life! Otherwise, you will be popular!"

Everyone's faces were pale, and Wei Jiao stared at the tip of the knife, too frightened to say a word.

"Wait a minute, strong man, listen to my concubine!" Seeing that the situation was not good, I hurriedly said, "We left home in a hurry to avoid the disaster of war, and we did not bring any money. If the strong man doesn't believe it, he can go to the car to see, what kind of soft things are there?" It's all in it. If a strong man wants money, he can take away his chariot and horses, and please raise your hand so that my family will not be killed!"

The two looked at me for a moment, the tall one winked at the short one, and the short one walked towards the carriage.

I heard the sound of "Gudong Gudong", and he came out after a while, with an annoyed expression on his face: "It is true that there is no property."

The tall man looked a little disappointed, looked at me, but suddenly smiled and put away the knife. He wiped the back of the knife, walked over, and looked me up and down.

My heart was pounding, and I couldn't help but move two steps away.

"It doesn't matter if you don't bring any belongings," his small eyes were shining, "this beauty will follow me back to the village, and I will protect you..."

Before he could finish speaking, the short man bumped him with his elbow.

"Brother said, only rob money, not people." He whispered.

The tall man glared at him impatiently, looked around, and muttered: "Brother is not here again, I'm already thirty..." As he spoke, he glanced at me, and salivated again.

I became more and more frightened, holding A Yuan tightly, and took two steps back.

"Yang San! Deng Wu!" At this time, a voice came from the forest, "What's the matter? Is there any stock?"

It was like a gust of breeze suddenly blowing in the sweltering heat. I was stunned when I heard this sound.

"There are goods!" The short man said.

There was a sound of footsteps pushing away the grass and trees, and not long after, a man with half of his face covered came out of the forest under the light of the fire.

Seeing me, he also froze for a moment.

"I told you that it's not good to rob passers-by, but now I really robbed my own people." Gong Yanggui pulled off the black scarf on his face, and smiled faintly.

The night was dark, and in the mountains and fields, there were only a few stars lit like oranges.

It was an abandoned village, a few dilapidated thatched huts were repaired slightly, and people could still live there.

"The place is simple, you will live there soon." Gong Yanggui led me into the house, pointing to the grass bunk in the corner, "You and A Yuan live together."

I nod my head and thank you, it's much better than sleeping in the wild.

It was just a false alarm in the forest, the two people who robbed them just now were friends who were former friends of Gong Yanggui's gang of thieves. Fortunately, Gong Yanggui appeared, otherwise it would be almost a bad thing. After Gong Yanggui asked about our situation, he said that it was dangerous to sleep outside, and suggested that we sleep in the place where they stayed.

To tell you the truth, I had some scruples about them after being frightened before. But I still trust the ram, and resting in the wild is indeed the first priority. The few of us are unarmed, and we can't get away no matter we encounter wild animals or pursuers.

The door was blocked by seven or eight thick-faced men, looking at us with curiosity.

A Yuan pulled at me with fear on his face.

Seeing this, Gong Yanggui said to me, "They are all my brothers in the escort industry, and they are righteous. They were hit hard before, so they had to flee here and settled in a deserted village. If they had nowhere to go, they would not be such bandits. Things."

"It turned out to be a Jiangyang thief..." A Yuan muttered dissatisfied.

I tugged at her to signal silence, and said with a smile, "I'm not only a brother of the escort, but also an old friend."

Gong Yanggui waved at them: "Not coming in yet."

As soon as the words came out, the big men came in one after another, smiling, some nodded to me, some bowed to me, and some bowed to me, making a mess.

"I don't know if Ma'am is an old friend of Brother Gongyang, what an offense!" Yang San, the tall man before, scratched his head with embarrassment.

Deng Wu, who was on the side, also smiled and said: "I don't know, Ma'am, my brothers are begging for food and clothing on the road, and we can't scare people without being fierce, but we are all good people by nature..."

Yang San stabbed him: "Deng Wu, don't give yourself money, who was the one who spit and scolded just now, asking for money rather than life?"

Deng Wu counterattacked: "You have face, you just said that you are going to rob your wife when you are thirty..."

When the two of you glanced at me and said something, those big guys roared with laughter, and A Yuan and I looked at each other in disbelief.

Although I was very tired all the way, I didn't feel sleepy at all. After I settled down, I called Gong Yanggui to stop.

I want to talk to him, not for other reasons, firstly, I want to know how he is here, and secondly, I want to ask him about Wei Tan's side and Wancheng.

The first thing is easy to say, I basically guessed it. Gong Yanggui was indeed intercepted when passing through the border, but because of his identity, the escorts did not dare to tie their hands like ordinary prisoners, so Gong Yanggui escaped again and went all the way to the south to find Jiang Yang. brother.

The second thing, Gong Yanggui said that he was in the countryside these days, he didn't know what happened to Qiling and Wancheng.

However, he did tell me what happened to Wancheng.

"Qiling and Wancheng are both the borders of Rong County. The waterways here are criss-crossed and boats are easy to travel. The eldest son asked you to return to Yongdu via Wancheng because of the convenience of the waterway." Gong Yanggui said, "At the beginning, the Prime Minister attacked the south. , Wedging with Rongjun, that's the same consideration."

I nod.

"At the beginning of the war, Liang and Wu retreated all the way, but Rong County, the prime minister took only seven days." Gong Yanggui looked at me meaningfully, "Have you ever thought that Liang and Wu's navy is elite, for them, Rong The county can be said to be easy to defend and difficult to attack, why was it defeated in less than seven days?"

My heart tightened and I looked at him.

Gong Yanggui looked out of the door and said: "This is the hometown of the Liang family. The prime minister coerced the emperor to order the princes. The people of Rong County hate the prime minister. Even if Liang Wen retreats, it will be easy to come back. After Wancheng, there is Wanjiang as a natural moat. , once seized, it can block the north and the south. If Wancheng is in the hands of Liang Wen, it can form a siege with Qiling." He paused, and said, "I'm afraid this plan has been planned for a long time."

Listening to what he said, I felt like I was soaked in cold water, and I felt chills.

"When I came out of Qiling, my husband didn't know about it." My voice was weak.

Gong Yanggui pondered, and said: "Wancheng is an important place, if there is any abnormal movement, there should be a report."

"But I didn't know there was a change until I got to the gate of the city." My heartbeat became more and more urgent, and I stared at Gong Yanggui, "You also said that Liang Wen had planned for a long time, they might have done everything, just wait Let the army retreat." As I said that, I could already imagine that the army retreating into Wancheng was like entering a urn, with fire, blood, and shouts of killing, and those who escaped were swallowed by the river again...

"You can send a letter to your brother." A voice came suddenly and calmly.

I turned around in surprise, only to see Wei An standing by the door.

He looked at us and said, "My brother once said that if there is any change in the rear guard, he will use fire as a signal."

"Is there a higher mountain forest... yes, but people who don't know the way can't go there." When everyone gathered together, Yang San thought for a while and said.

I nodded: "That's why, I heard that the strong men are familiar with this place, so I ask you for help."

The big guys looked at each other.

"It's nothing to burn the mountain, but climb up and set a fire." One person picked out his ear and glanced at it, "But the Wei thief is cunning, and everyone in Rongjun wants to kill..."

Immediately someone said: "Then Wu Kun is not a good person either. He killed my brothers and arrested the elder brother. Now he is dead or alive."

There was a lot of discussion.

Gong Yanggui didn't speak.

I looked at Yang San, who was holding his chest, not expressing his opinion.

"If the strong men are willing to help, the concubine will pay." I said.

As soon as this remark came out, there was no sound in the room.

"Since madam mentioned remuneration, then I will speak out." Yang San smiled and said, "My brothers are all from the Tao, and what madam said is against Liang and Wu. Dangerous, Madam should also know."

I nodded: "That's right. The concubine is eager to save her husband, and the reward can be negotiated by a strong man."

Yang San said slowly: "Madam comes from a great family, Madam's husband is at least a general, I will agree to this matter because of Brother Gongyang's face."

I understood what he meant, and said, "The strong man bids."

"One hundred thousand dollars." Yang Sandao said.

When he said this, the people behind him were all surprised.

I looked at him for a moment, and said, "One hundred thousand yuan? Does a strong man know how much a five-entry mansion in Yongdu can sell for? A concubine is no more than a small household, and the whole family's life is not worth one hundred thousand yuan."

Yang San smiled and said, "How much can Madam pay?"

"Ten thousand dollars." I said, "I am waiting for a dilapidated family, and only my husband's small salary maintains it. If I make up enough money, I can only give this."

Yang Sandao: "I'm waiting for eight brothers, ten thousand yuan may not be enough."

I bit my lip: "How much does a strong man want?"

Yang San's eyes flashed brightly: "Fifteen thousand."

I looked at him: "The concubine adds another thousand, ten thousand."

"At least thirteen thousand."

"Eleven thousand and five."

Deng Wu behind Yang San said impatiently: "Twelve thousand!"

"Deal." I smiled.

Yang San glared at Deng Wu, Deng Wu looked at him and then at me, with a dazed expression on his face.

"Strong man, can you count?" I asked Yang San.

Yang San took a deep breath, stood up and said, "Since I agree, of course I will. I just don't know how Madam will pay the bill now that she is here."

I replied: "Mr. Gongyang knows my concubine's house. I will make a deposit of calligraphy and painting and hand it over to you. It can be used as a proof when I return to Yongdu in the future."

Yang San was stunned, then laughed: "So, I have to send my wife back to Yongdu before I can withdraw the money?"

"I'll be the guarantor for this matter." Gong Yanggui said unhurriedly from the side, "I'll deliver the amount Madam asked."

Yang San looked at him, and for a moment, smiled at the big guys: "What are you waiting for? The deal is here! Copy the guy and go out!"

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The big men rushed up and went to get something.

I breathed a sigh of relief and saluted Yang Sanyi: "Thank you, strong man."

"Thank you!" Yang Sanyi waved his hand and led a group of people out.

They go for a long time.

It was already very late at night, outside the hut, the noisy summer insects were almost quiet.

I stood in front of the door, looking into the dark distance, I saw no stars and no moon.

By the wall, Wei Jiao and Uncle Huang were each sitting on a pile of hay, dozing off bit by bit.

"Let's rest first." Gong Yanggui came over and looked outside, "Climbing a mountain at night to set fires should be done in secret, it won't be too fast."

I shook my head: "I'll wait."

Gong Yanggui didn't speak, and sat down on the bluestone by the door.

"Just now you bargained with Yang San, and it's not as bad as back then." He said suddenly.

I looked at him, and the corners of my lips curled up: "Really." In Chang'an, Gong Yanggui was entrusted by his second brother to follow me to the market to sell second-hand things. Back then he felt ashamed and refused to stand with me, and he didn't want to break his promise, so he watched from a distance. I still remember that awkward look.

"Why did Madam bargain with him just now?" A Yuan asked, "I'm not afraid that he may think the price is too low and refuse it."

"Reject? Why refuse?" I smiled faintly, "They are poor enough to rob, and they can get tens of thousands of dollars by setting fire to it, so it's too late to be happy." As I spoke, I looked at Gong Yanggui, and said sincerely, "Thank you, my lord, for keeping it secret. "

He glanced at me with a calm expression, but his eyes knew what he wanted.

To be a brother with Jiang Yang's bandits is not something that can be achieved by eating, drinking and drinking. I deal with them through Gongyanggui, and I have to abide by their rules. They are short of money, I am business; to do business, there is a valuation.

Yang San and the others knew Gong Yanggui's identity. I am an old friend of Yang San, so they will inevitably guess my identity, which can be seen from the price I can afford.

There are not many families in the whole Yong who can afford 100,000 yuan. Yang San's offer of this price is just a test. If I agree, paying the money is a trivial matter. Let them see their identity, but there may be more troubles in the future. For 10,000 renminbi, ordinary officials and eunuchs can still afford it. I bargained down the price and cried poor everywhere. On the one hand, I could relieve Yang San’s doubts, and on the other hand, I told him that if the price was exceeded, the business would not matter.

As I said to A Yuan, they are short of money, so they will not refuse...

"Sister-in-law, over there." Wei An suddenly said.

I returned to my senses and followed his direction. Sure enough, in the distance, a cluster of flames appeared in the dark night, like a cluster of lights that had just been lit, slowly getting brighter and brighter.

"It's the direction of Wancheng." Gong Yanggui stood up from the bluestone, brushed off his clothes, and looked at me, "Twelve thousand, you're set."