Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 79: Luo Township


When Yang San and the others came back, the mountain top over there was already on fire, and the orange light shone through a corner of the sky.

The big men were in good spirits, talking and laughing.

I went forward to greet him and saluted, "Thank you, all strong men!"

"Madam is so polite, thank you!" Yang San waved his hands and laughed, and then patted Gong Yanggui's shoulder: "Brother, this is a great job tonight! If you have wine, you should drink a few jars!"

Gong Yanggui was not as excited as they were. He looked at the sky and said, "It's still an hour before dawn, so hurry up and leave here at dawn?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked.

"Why?" Deng Wu asked puzzled.

Gong Yanggui pointed to the light of the fire, and said: "This fire will startle Wancheng, and Wu Jun will come to check after a while, if they find it, I won't be able to escape."

"I found this place after a long time, and I have to leave again?"

"Let's go." Yang San thought for a while, and waved his hand proudly, "I'll wait for my brother to go up the mountain and down the river. I'm tired of staying in this place without money and food. It's just right to change places. According to what Brother Gongyang said, we all go. Sleep! Leave at dawn!"

After hearing this, all the big men dispersed and went to find a place to sleep.

A Yuan looked at me: "Ma'am, shall we follow?"

I nodded: "Yes." After finishing speaking, I started to tidy up the grass bed.

I didn't rest all day and night, and I slept very badly at this hour. All kinds of dreams, noisy and noisy, Wei Tan's figure is always lingering there.

When I was woken up by A Yuan, my eyelids were heavy and I couldn't open them at all.

"Sleep for a while..." I said weakly, curling up my body and trying to close my eyes again.

"Madam, don't sleep anymore!" A Yuan hurriedly shook me, "Young Master Gongyang said that if you don't leave now, you will be in trouble if you encounter pursuers!"

Chasing soldiers? I was shocked and woke up.

He tidied his clothes hastily and went out the door, only to see that everyone had already got up, there was a fire in the yard, and a wild boar was roasting on it.

"Ma'am! Come and eat!" Uncle Huang gave me a haystack and a large piece of meat, "Come for breakfast, the pheasant that Mr. Gongyang beat!"

I took it and sat down on the haystack.

Looking at Gong Yanggui, he was eating without saying a word. In the firelight, there was a heavy shadow on his lower eyelid.

"Didn't sleep all night?" I asked.

Gong Yanggui looked at me: "Yes."

I didn't say anything, Uncle Huang handed over the meat again, and I handed it to Gong Yanggui.

"You eat." Gong Yang clapped his hands, stood up, and said in a slightly hoarse voice, "Hurry up, brothers, we will be on our way in a moment."

There are too many people on the road, including Yang San and his party, there are more than a dozen people on our side. And adult men accounted for the majority, few women and children, no old people, such a team was very strange on the road.

Gong Yanggui and I both felt that something was wrong, and together with Yang San, he said: "My brother and I want to go back to Runan. I heard that Liang Wen's warship over there has been withdrawn, so I just go back and have a look."

Gong Yanggui said: "Go to Runan, go ten miles ahead of this road to Luo Township, and you will have to part ways."

Someone asked, "Brother Gongyang, will you go with me?"

Gong Yanggui shook his head: "Madam and I are going on the same road together, going southeast back to Yongdu."

Yang San looked at him for a moment, then nodded.

He sighed, and said: "Brother Gongyang did his best, but Yangzhou can't make it through, alas... It's better for Brother Gongyang to go back first. When I go back to Runan, I will get entangled with the township party, and I just want to find a way. Don't worry, I'll try my best to save Big Brother."

Gong Yanggui patted him on the shoulder and said nothing.

I listened, a little surprised. Previously, I was always worried about Wei Tan and Gong Yanggui, so I only asked briefly. I thought he would go to Pei Qian to save someone, but didn't he

Before getting in the car, I looked around and asked Gong Yanggui in a low voice, "Are you really going back to Yongdu?"

"Yeah," he said.

I looked at him and nodded: "Alright, Ruochan is still waiting for you."

Gong Yang glanced at me, pursed the corners of his lips, and seemed to be smiling.

The news of the battle at Qiling has already spread, and there are many people rushing to move to other places on the way.

We and Yang San and the others have already been divided into two teams. Gong Yanggui and us walked in front, and they walked behind with some passers-by, in twos and threes, pretending not to know each other.

With the crowd, my heart felt much more at ease, but I still didn't dare to sleep. I looked out of the car and put my hands on my stomach unconsciously.

"Madam, don't worry, the young master will be fine." A Yuan said comfortingly.

I looked back at her and smiled: "How do you know it's the young master?"

A Yuan tilted his head: "It's not the young master, but the young lady is also fine."

When it comes to children, my heart feels a little warm, but when I think of Wei Tan again, my mood darkens.

"Don't tell outsiders about my pregnancy." I said to A Yuan.

A Yuan looked clear, and said, "Where is Mr. Gongyang?"

I was silent for a moment: "Let's not talk about it for now."

A Yuan nodded.

Wu Zhang acted very quickly. Maybe the fire of last night leaked the secret, so he no longer stood still. Walking on the road, we met several groups of soldiers rushing to Qiling, and there were also people setting up checkpoints on the road everywhere.

We have already thought about what to say, we came from Qinxiang in the south to escape the disaster of war, and went to Zhuxian in the southeast to join relatives. Gong Yanggui is the head of the family, I am his wife, Wei An is his younger brother, A Yuan is his sister, Wei Jiao is his cousin, only Uncle Huang remains the same as the old servant of the family.

Passed two checkpoints on the road without hindrance, and arrived in Luo County smoothly.

"Is this your wife?" the interrogating sergeant looked at me and asked Gong Yanggui.

"Exactly." Gong Yanggui looked natural.

The sergeant looked at me again, I pretended to be shy, and lowered my head to hide behind Gong Yanggui.

The sergeant smiled and looked at Wei Jiao again.

"This is your cousin?"


"Why don't you look so different?" A sergeant next to him leaned over, looked at Gong Yanggui and then at Wei Jiao, and said doubtfully, "One was born tall and handsome, the other was born short and poor, and the eyebrows are weird..."

"Who is Aiqiongdun! Who is Aiqiongdun?" Wei Jiao immediately jumped up when he heard this, stared at him with a flushed face, and pointed to his eyebrows, "My parents gave me my eyebrows! What's wrong with making them thicker? !"

"He looks like my uncle." Gong Yanggui pressed Wei Jiao without changing his expression, glanced at him, and said to the sergeant, "My uncle has a short round face, small eyes and thick eyebrows."

"Who is short with a round face and small eyes..." Wei Jiao glared at Gong Yanggui dissatisfiedly, Uncle Huang quickly pulled him back, and bowed his hands to the sergeant with a smile, "Two generals, my cousin is impatient, two generals If the official sees that it can be released, please be more accommodating!"

"Why did you ask so long?"

"That's right! I have to hurry!"

There was a commotion at the back, and I looked back, it was Yang San and the others.

"What are you arguing about?" The sergeant glared at them, looked at Gong Yanggui, and said, "Just wait."

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Wei Jiao was still holding his face, Uncle Huang pulled him to thank the sergeant, and everyone led the horses and carts through the checkpoint.

At this moment, there was a sound of rattling, and a group of people came rushing from the side of the road with a carriage holding a carriage, flying with flags and writing the word "Wu".

"Get out of the way!" The person who opened the way shouted, and the sergeants hurriedly cleared the way.

We step aside. Along the way, we met many soldiers of the Wu army, and we were able to deal with them calmly.

But now there is a car in this group of people, I don't know who is in it.

I just guessed that those people and horses were looking past us, and suddenly, a man with the appearance of a scribe was riding on the horse, and his eyes fell on me.

I was shocked.

The scribe's face seemed familiar, but I can't remember where I saw it. At that moment, an ominous premonition spread throughout the body.

He just passed by, only to hear the neighing of the horse, the scribe reined in the mount and turned the horse's head.

"Ma'am?" A Yuan was surprised when he saw me turn my face and squeeze behind the crowd.

"That woman, raise your head!" A voice came from behind.

I stopped for a moment, turned my head, and looked at the man.

He looked at me, and suddenly laughed: "There are people from the left and right! We will meet a distinguished guest!"

The faces of the group changed drastically. A Yuan grabbed my hand, his face full of horror. In the blink of an eye, I remembered where I had seen this person. It was Wei Wei not long ago. A voice came from the carriage: "Mr. Liu, what's the matter?"

"Mr. Madam." The man turned around and bowed to the car, "Madame Wei Tan, Mrs. Fu, is here."