Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 84: Yecheng (on)


I have never met Wu Xiu and Wu Zhang, and it was also the first time I met Wu Kun. Looking from the big boat, I saw that he was a young man with a fair face. The weather was hot. He was wearing a thin cloth robe and his hair was neatly crowned.

Pei Qian went forward first, and the two stood together. Wu Kun seemed to be the same age as him, but a little shorter.

Most of the people on the fleet were generals of the Wu army, and they all cheered when they saw the lord coming. I saw Lin Chong jumped off the boat with his soldiers and saluted Wu Kun. Wu Kun looked easy-going, talked to Lin Chong for a few words, then turned his head and walked towards this side.

Cui Yue sat on the cart and went to greet him. Looking from here, although Cui Wei was half shorter than him, his back was straight, and he looked the same as when he met Wei Tan last year, both arrogant and humble.

"Brother!" Wu Jiao walked quickly to the side of the boat, covering half of his face with one hand holding the instant noodle, his eyes crooked with a smile. She climbed onto the bridge, but her clothes and sleeves were loose, and it was very difficult for her to walk.

Wu Jiao looked towards Pei Qian, but Lin Chong came over and stretched out his hand.

Wu Jiao seemed a little unhappy: "Who wants you to come?"

Lin Chong asked, "Then who do you want?"

Wu Jiao hesitated for a while, and finally walked off the boat with his arm.

"Ma'am," a soldier came over and said, "My lord is here to invite you."

Finally came, I nodded, exchanged a glance with Gong Yanggui, and stepped off the boat.

My identity among these people is no secret. When I got off the boat, the crowd consciously parted ways, and at the end was Wu Kun.

Everyone's expressions were different. Pei Qian stood behind Wu Kun, with a calm face, I could catch the uneasiness in his eyes; Wu Jiao and Lin Chong stood beside Wu Kun, looking like they were watching a play.

I didn't look at them and walked up to Wu Kun.

Wu Kun and Wu Jiao's father, Wu Xiu, used to be an official in Chang'an, and the place where he worked happened to be his father's Situ Mansion. Of course, my father has been an official for many years, and there are at least a thousand people who have been his officials. Wu Xiu's family background is not proud of him, and my father may not remember him either.

So in my opinion, Wu Zhang and Wei Wei at that time obviously did not intend to recognize any parental subordinates, he saw Looking at me, the young face has the calmness of a winner, and the eyes are proud and scrutinizing.

Now that I have become a prisoner, I naturally have to look like a prisoner. I bowed down and saluted: "Concubine Fu, I pay my respects to the general."

There was a moment of silence in my ears, and for a moment, I only heard Wu Kun say: "Madam, please get up."

I straightened up, and Wu Kun's eyes seemed to stay on my face for a while.

"Is this the Fourth Young Master?" Just listen to him.

I looked to the side, Wei An held his head up and looked at Wu Kun, and said, "Exactly."

"Why not be polite." Lin Chong snorted.

Wei An didn't speak, maybe he saw the wink I gave him, and after a while, he bowed to Wu Kun: "General." After the salute, he immediately straightened his back.

"Disrespectful." Wu Jiao raised his instant noodles and frowned.

Wu Kun showed no signs of displeasure, and stared at Wei An for a moment, then smiled: "I've heard the name of the Fourth Young Master for a long time, and I heard that the Fourth Young Master is good at weapons."

Wei An didn't answer.

Wu Kun looked at Cui Wei meaningfully, and continued: "The fourth son and I are old, and we once broke the siege of Huaiyang with an arrow."

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Cui Yue looked calm, but Wei An still didn't answer.

"Afterwards, the fourth son went to Wuzhi and helped the Prime Minister defeat Tan Xi." After Wu Kun finished speaking, he looked at Wei An, his lips curled up, "Is that right?"

Wei An remained silent.

Wu Kun kept his expression on.

Wei An also looked at him, and for a moment, pursed his lips, showing no intention of answering the question.

Wu Kun: "..."

"Is this kid dumb?" Lin Chong asked coldly.

My hands were also greasy for a while, and I was thinking about whether to answer for this ignorant kid, when he suddenly said lightly: "The general knows all about it, and you still ask me what I do."

The harmony on Wu Kun's face froze a bit. Lin Chong was angry and was about to step forward, but Cui Yue came out to block him.

"It's more than that." With a smile on his lips, he looked at Wei An and said, "Duke Ming praised it before? This cart and harness are true. These two things were also made by the fourth prince."

"So that's how it is." Lin Chong said sarcastically, "I don't know how comfortable it is for the military commander to ride?"

Cui Yue's face remained unchanged, and he looked at Wu Kun: "Duke Ming is a good car. I once rode in the carriage made by the fourth son. It is as comfortable as shoulders."

Wu Kun's face regained harmony: "Oh?"

"Since that's the case, the Fourth Young Master doesn't have to idle Qu Cai in Ye City." Wu Jiao laughed and said to Wu Kun, "Isn't there a workshop in Ye City? How about asking the Fourth Young Master to study the art of car-making in the workshop?"

I saw Pei Qian's face change, and said to Wu Kun: "My lord..."

Wu Kun raised his hand and stopped his words. That gaze harbored malicious intentions and asked Wei An to build a car for Wu Kun. It was his intention to make Wei's face ugly.

Wei An was expressionless.

Wu Kun looked at him, then at Cui Wei, and said with a smile: "It's so kind, but it's disrespectful."

The street market in Yecheng is more lively than that in Huaiyang. However, after the chariots and horses entered the city, Pei Qian, Cui Yue and others parted ways with us. On the one hand, they went to the place of nobles with soft couches for banquets, and on the other hand, they went to the workshops where common people and slaves only come and go.

When I got out of the car, there was just a wind blowing, and the dust was full. I looked up, the sun was scorching, and the noisy voice seemed very hot under the sun.

"Get down! Don't dawdle!" a rude sergeant yelled at us.

I didn't want to cause trouble, so I moved the mattress from the car with A Yuan. Two soldiers came to drive the carriage away. When I turned around, I saw their faces and was stunned for a moment.

"What are you doing standing up! Go in!" the sergeant shouted again.

I hugged the mattress and hurried into the door.

With a "bang", the door closed, and my heart was still pounding.

"Did you see it?" I followed Gong Yanggui and whispered, "Just now..."

"En." Gong Yanggui replied, the straight lines of his cheeks became slightly curved.

Perhaps for the convenience of the guards, we were placed in a courtyard, and there were no more than three or four rooms in and out, so A Yuan and I had to squeeze together.

The roof was lighted in a few places, and it was full of dust and cobwebs. The soil on the ground was mixed with sawdust, and it smelled of mildew or something.

I looked at A Yuan, her eyes were red and she started to cry.

"Ma'am..." She took my hand, "Where can people live in such a house? Does Mr. Ji Yuan care?"

I patted her on the shoulder, smiled wryly, and said softly: "He is Wu Kun's subordinate general, what can he do?" I am a captive, and in Wancheng, Pei Qian can still cover him for a while, but in Yecheng, Wu Kun is lord.

"How is Wu Kun going to wait for me?" A Yuan cried for a while, then raised his eyes and asked me.

"No, I'll be fine." I said.

A Yuan wiped away tears, a little disbelieving.

I looked at her and said, "If you are Wu Kun, you have the Wei family in the north and the Liang family in the south, and you finally won the battle, and you still want to share with Liang Wen, would you like to?"

A Yuan thought for a while, then choked up and said, "I'm sure I don't want to... But there's nothing I can do about it."

I said again: "But you still want more, and you got the threatened object, are you happy? Will you keep this object properly?"

A Yuan was taken aback, his eyes brightened slightly. But after a while, he frowned and asked, "What will Wu Kun change?"

"Land, people, money and food," I gathered up a handful of straw scattered on the ground and tied them into a bundle, "everything is necessary."

A Yuan's expression darkened: "Then we can only wait for the prime minister to change?"

I didn't comment, put my hand on my lower abdomen pointingly, and whispered, "So if you want them to talk quickly, you must keep it secret."

A Yuan was silent.

"What about Liang Min?" She asked again, "Wu Kun has a rare product, isn't he jealous?"

"Why aren't you jealous." I smiled lightly, "If he isn't jealous, what will Cui Ruo rush to Ye City to do?"