Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 87: Flee (on)


When I said this, my breath froze.

"What does the general mean?" Gong Yanggui asked first.

Wei An stepped in front of me: "Sister-in-law will not be different from you..."

I blocked his arm: "Fourth Uncle." After finishing speaking, he looked at Wu Kun for a moment, and said, "It's just like the general."

Everyone was surprised.

Wu Kun smiled and told the sergeant: "Put on a new car."

"Ma'am..." A Yuan tugged on my sleeve, his eyes panicked.

I looked at her, then at everyone, tried to keep my tone calm, and said in a low voice: "Wait for me to come back." After finishing speaking, I walked towards Wu Kun.

When the car door was closed, the sound outside was like a thick wall, and the noise of the wheels rolling over the road was no longer harsh.

There were bead curtains hanging on the windows of the car, and the night wind was blowing with the coolness after the hustle and bustle had settled down. The torches of the soldiers beside the car were extinguished, half-lighting Wu Kun's profile.

Although dim, those eyes kept looking at me.

I lowered my eyes, clutching my hands in my sleeves.

"Madam, are you afraid?" Wu Kun asked lightly.

"I don't know what the general is referring to," I said.

Wu Kun said: "Does Madam believe it? At this moment, I am afraid that even the soldiers outside the car are thinking about what Madam and I are doing in this car."

I looked at him, and for a moment, glanced at the house in the night outside: "Since the day I fell into the hands of the general, it is inevitable that I will be talked about by others." I said.

Wu Kun smiled and said, "Madam can hold her breath." He moved a bit and sat closer.

I dodged subconsciously, pushing my back against the wall.

"I just don't know how the prime minister or the eldest son will be frightened and angry if they hear what happened tonight?" He spoke slowly, and I could feel the smell of chewing spices in my mouth.

There is no way to retreat, and I didn't answer. My hands touched my calves under the cover of my sleeves, my eyes lowered slightly, staring at his neck, as long as...

"My lord." Suddenly the voice of a soldier came from outside the carriage, and the carriage stopped.

I stop.

"What's the matter?" Wu Kun asked.

"My lord," the soldier reported, "Pei Dudu is here."

I breathed a sigh of relief.

Wu Kun looked at me and twitched the corners of his lips, "It's really timely, isn't it?"

Before I could answer, he asked the soldiers to open the car door.

The light outside was bright and bright, and the footsteps were hurried. Not long after, Pei Qian appeared in front of him. The look on his face was a little tense, and the moment he saw me, he relaxed a little.

I retract my gaze, try not to look at him, and let myself sit upright.

"What's the matter with Ji Yuan?" Wu Kun said.

Pei Qian's voice was calm: "I heard that the lord is going to see the new car, and I want to go with him to see the new car. I don't want to stay halfway here. The lord has already returned in the new car."

Wu Kun laughed and said, "What does Ji Yuan think of this new car? Junshi Cui said that Mr. Wei's car is comfortable to build. Mrs. Fu and I took a half-hour ride, but I don't think so."

Pei Qiandao: "The car I took today is also a new car. It was made by Geng, a famous craftsman in Jiangdong. I wanted to ride with the Lord."

"Oh?" Wu Kun pondered, seemingly very happy, "Since Ji Yuan has a heart, how can he let it go?" After finishing speaking, he recruited soldiers and got out of the chariot.

I looked up in surprise, Wu Kun was standing in front of the car, and glanced back.

"It's late at night, my lord and Qian are in the same car, why not send Mrs. Fu back." Pei Qian said aside.

"Send it back?" Wu Kun smiled, looked at Pei Qian, the candlelight was reflected between his brows, his eyes were strangely shiny, "No, I still want to have a drink with my wife."

Clouds flow slowly in the black night sky, and the moon reveals a looming shape. I looked out of the car window and felt that the road the carriage drove was as long as thousands of mountains and rivers.

Yang San, let's do it quickly. I was thinking in my heart, the carriage is not here, and I am not here. I am afraid that Gong Yanggui and the others will not be able to get away... I took a deep breath, angry and unwilling, I gritted my teeth and punched the wall of the car. There was a muffled sound of "dong", and the bones and flesh ached.

Made of refined iron, it is really strong. I blew my hands, so angry that I wanted to laugh. After planning these many days, it seems that I was fooled by the old man.

The carriages came one after the other, and I could hear the noise of another car galloping besides here. Just as my mind was in a state of confusion, the carriage stopped.

The door was opened again.

"Ma'am, my lord is affectionate." A servant saluted.

I looked outside, after a while, got out of the car.

As Wu Kun said, he traveled with me in Ye River. However, there is a building here, built along the river, with five-story cornices shining under bright lights, like spreading wings. We are not the only ones here, there is a lot of traffic, and the sound of laughter and singing can be heard from upstairs.

People came and went, and when they saw Wu Kun and Pei Qian, they all stepped forward to salute.

I looked at those people's curious eyes, and I knew in my heart that Wu Kun really wanted me to drink with him, and he was determined to make me make a fool of myself in front of all these people.

"Madam comes from a famous family," Wu Kun said slowly, "I also have quite a few famous scholars in Jiangdong. Madam will accompany me to the banquet. Maybe I will meet many old acquaintances."

I met his gaze and calmed down my voice: "I'm afraid I'll lose the face of the general."

Surprised, Wu Kun smiled and said, "What's so difficult about this?"

"Take Madam to change clothes." He ordered, paused, and looked at me meaningfully, "Change into something better."

Downstairs, the kitchen and the dressing room are connected together, I was taken to the front of the wing, opened the door, and lit the candles.

After a while, another servant came with a stack of clothes and handed them to me: "Madam, please change."

My eyes fell on that dress, it was bright red and gorgeous, and I knew it was something of a comedian or a geisha.

Don't be discouraged. Persuading me over and over in my heart, I took the clothes and went in, closing the door.

There is a screen horizontally in the room, and behind it is a toilet. I looked around and found that these wing rooms were probably converted from corridors, with four wooden walls and no windows.

I hung my clothes on the screen in frustration, and was thinking about what to do when suddenly there was a knock on the wall.

"Ah? Α! Coin Huan Chisel? Ku secretly feed?br> It's Pei Qian.

I followed and looked, it was the wall at the back, and hurriedly walked over.

"I'm here." I replied in a low voice.

Pei Qian said, "It's been postponed for an hour."

I knew what he was referring to, and I settled down in my heart: "Yes."

"This method is very dangerous, you should think twice." Pei Qian said.

I said, "But after tonight, it will be even more difficult to find another good opportunity."

There seemed to be silence for a moment, and said, "There is me."

I am also silent.

"A Qian, you..." My heart was throbbing, my throat stuck, and I smiled bitterly, "You don't owe me anything."

Pei Qian didn't answer, and after a while, sighed in a low voice: "I'd rather you think I owe you something."

My heart seemed to be touched softly by something, I still wanted to say something, but felt that it was unnecessary to say anything now, and now is not the time to sigh.

"You go." I said, "I want to change."

"If you don't want to stay here, I will deal with the lord, you..."

At this time, there was a voice outside, and it seemed that someone was coming.

"You go, it's not good for people to see." I said in a low voice, "A Qian, this is my business." After finishing speaking, I resolutely walked away.

This is really my business. Wu Kun is already on guard against Pei Qian, and most of the time he won't be able to escape tonight, so even if Pei Qian can protect me for a while, how much will he be able to protect if Wu Kun makes trouble again in the future? If I think about relying on him, it will only make him more disadvantaged.

The clothes are light and soft, with bright peach red jackets and skirts trailing the floor. When I changed my clothes and opened the door, the people outside were stunned.

"Let's go." I said lightly.

There were not many people, and half of the moon was exposed in the sky, reflecting the lively sound from upstairs, making it even more lonely.

Don't lose your arrogance even if you are down. I thought of my mother's words and raised my head slightly.

As soon as I came to a bush, I suddenly heard some voices. I looked up and saw a small attic with low windows and vague figures on it.

"...Look at what you are wearing now, long skirts and big sleeves, you used to only love men's clothes. And that instant noodles..."

"What's wrong with wearing long skirts and big sleeves, what's wrong with instant noodles, I'm a woman."

"You learn from her."

"Who do you learn from?"

"Fu? Α! Bo?br> I froze for a moment and slowed down.

The male voice continued, seeming a little anxious: "You have changed since Pei Qian arrived in Jiangdong, Ajiao, can't you see, Fu? ;Girl brother, Mei, lazy? Kong Bao

"Madam, please go quickly." Holding the lantern, the man whispered awkwardly.

I nodded numbly, turned around and followed the steps.

He also took a fancy to Pei Qian...

That voice kept echoing in my head. The two people talking to each other were undoubtedly Wu Jiao and Lin Chong. And they said that they also fell in love with Pei Qian's people... I don't know how I got up to that building, when I came back to my senses, the sounds of toasting, laughing, playing and singing followed the lights as bright as day surround me.

The house was full of guests, and many eyes were cast on me, guessing, surprised, looking at me, and there was a rush of whispering.

But I don't care about these. I looked up, Wu Kun was in the middle, Pei Qian was on the side, and the two were talking with wine cups in their hands.

"Mrs. Fu." When Wu Kun saw me, his eyes seemed to light up, and for a moment, he smiled, "Very beautiful."

He said my name, and as expected, there was a burst of discussion among the guests.

Pei Qian was expressionless.

The musicians were playing music and the maikos were dancing. Among the guests, many people watched with great interest, and their eyes lingered between me and the maikos.

The reason is simple, the clothes on me are the same as theirs.

There was an endless stream of people who came to offer a toast to Wu Kun. There was also a wine cup in front of me, Wu Kun looked at me and said, "Why don't you drink it, madam?"

"Madam is not good at drinking." Before I could speak, Pei Qian had already answered.

"Oh?" Wu Kun looked at Pei Qian and smiled lightly, "I almost forgot that Ji Yuan has a relationship with Mrs. Fu."

Pei Qian pursed his lips slightly: "Exactly." As he spoke, he raised the wine glass in his hand, "Drink it with the lord on behalf of my wife..."

"Concubines can drink." I interrupted.

Pei Qian glanced away.

I ignored it, raised my glass and smiled at Wu Kun: "My concubine respects the general."

Wu Kun looked at me, seeming to be quite playful.

"Madam please." After a while, he raised his glass too.

I raised my head and poured down the spicy man's cup.

The sound of singing and talking and laughing still filled my ears, but I was a little fuzzy looking at the swaying figures of the maikos.

The drink worked quickly. I was still sitting on the mat, and the feeling of blood rushing to my face was clear and discernible.

"Madam is drunk." I heard Pei Qian speak.

As soon as he finished speaking, my body was tilted, and his hands supported me.

Looking up, Pei Qian's eyes were worried.

"I have never been drunk." I smiled, pushed him away, and turned to Wu Kun.

"Tonight is very pleasant, I would like to swim with the lord again." My voice was soft in the smell of alcohol.

"Oh?" Wu Kun was also a little bit drunk, looking at me with a bit of laziness and a bit of scrutiny, "Didn't Madam just have a good time?"

"The general said he would drive with my concubine to watch the lights, but he went somewhere else halfway." I opened my eyes gleefully.

"Madam is kind, but my lord pushes it out of disrespect!" The next person heard it and clapped their hands and laughed.

I looked at Wu Kun, breathing deeply, and my smile remained unchanged.

Wu Kun also smiled, glanced at Pei Qian, stood up with the desk, and grabbed my hand: "Prepare the car! I want to ride with my wife."

I also got up and turned my head. Pei Qian stood in front of me, looking at me with doubts.

"Excuse me, Governor Pei." I smiled and gently pushed him away.

The wind blows from the river, and when I go out to the front of the building, I blow the wind with my sleeves wide, and it feels a little chilly. It was late at night, looking at the city of Ye, there were few lights, and there was no sign of fire.

"Slender and elegant, my wife is like a beauty in a book." Wu Kun put his arms around my waist, speaking frivolously.

I looked at him and smiled: "This is because of my concubine's clothes."

"Oh?" Wu Kun said in a low voice, "How about without clothes?"

I didn't answer, but said softly and slowly, "Wouldn't the general know about it when we got in the car?"

Wu Kun looked at me with dark eyes.

In the words, the driver has arrived in the carriage.

I gently pulled Wu Kun's hand away and stepped on the rocks to get into the car. Before I could sit still, Wu Kun came up and hugged me.

"The madam said she wanted to show me how slim I am," he breathed into my ear, and put his hand into the skirt of his shirt. "How to show..."

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Suddenly, he held me down and lifted my skirt violently.

"Bitch!" he yelled angrily, "You..."

But at the same time, I slammed him away, and a cold light was firmly on his neck.

"Let the carriage go forward and go back to my house." I said coldly.