Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 9: Back to the city


Wei's beak, chu, worry, mane, planting, timidity, and printing 1 charcoal blooming, blinking, and writing, saying that it's time to write about rebellion, but it's not easy to write about it.

"Here we come!" Wei suddenly said behind him.

"Hush!" Wei An, who rarely spoke, stared at her seriously.

The dust head is getting closer, under the sunlight, I can see the light reflected by countless weapons, but the most striking thing is the black flag in front of the smoke.

There are hundreds of those black flags, which are closely held by several columns of people, and the flags are fluttering like a torrent. The "Wei" characters on it are huge and can be seen from a distance. The momentum was so strong that it actually compared the vermilion Tianzi flag on the top of the city.

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I heard a burst of tacit praise from around me. Looking at the Son of Heaven again, he was sitting on the six-carriage vehicle, staring ahead with no expression on his face.

At this time, my sleeve was gently pulled.

"Sister-in-law," Wei winked at me, "look at you, brother."

This reminds me. I almost forgot that the reason why I am standing here is because I am Wei Tan's wife.

Embarrassed in my heart, I looked sternly, and saw a dozen or so horsemen marching forward with two military chariots in front of the torrent where the flags converged. Gu and Jin are on the second car, and there is a figure sitting on the front car. You don’t need to think about it and you know it’s Wei You

Wei Wei's 3n industry is not good enough, purple dyed, spit out, suuu, move, hope, poor, sinful, colorful, wasteful, nona

It's strange, before I saw his face clearly, I already felt that it was Wei Tan.

And Wei Wei, herdsman, lingering, booing, calling, puffing, wishing, bewildering, dreaming, dreaming, yo, h, yi, lingering, foot Miao, fear, omega, faded, pretty, dazzled, muyin

I watched them approach gradually, and Wei Tan's face became clear. I wasn't excited or scared, and I didn't even know how to describe my mood at this time. He is my husband, but if I hadn't seen it in front of me, I could hardly remember what he looked like.

The servant of the Huangmen Gate was already standing in front of the array holding the emperor's edict in his hand.

Wei Wei's guide, salary, skein, yarn, νo, spring, swollen, swollen, swollen, swollen, swollen, swollen, swollen, swollen, swollen, swollen, swollen, chasing, purple Horseshoe crab glutinous rice

The servant of the Huangmen opened the imperial edict and read it aloud. The diction is very clumsy, it's all about praising Wei Zuo, sighing and crying

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness!"

The emperor looked at him high, and for a moment, he waved his hand.

The servant of Huangmen announced loudly that he was driving.

The driver drinks for a long time, the dragon, the chariot and the phoenix drive in front, Wei Yanyang and the zodiac are blowing and blowing frequently Kan Huan's pen and ink

The grand event of the triumphant return of the army can be welcomed no matter where it is. The people of Yongdu poured out of the city, the nobles looked at their face, the commoners looked at their posture, the merchants greeted business, while the beggars and the poor were busy begging for money.

People in the Wei Mansion naturally didn't have to join in the noise, so I drove back to the Wei Mansion with Mrs. Guo and a group of people from the clan.

"Father and brother are really good!" Wei Fu began to complain dissatisfiedly as soon as he returned home, "I stood there for so long, and they didn't even look at me!"

"It depends on what you do." Wei An said.

Wei Bai glanced at him, then turned to me suddenly: "Sister-in-law, has brother ever looked at you?"

I smiled and said: "The prime minister and the young master are generals, they have a degree of behavior, and there is an emperor in front of them, how can they ignore it?"

"That's right." Mrs. Guo was in a good mood, and she taught Wei with a smile, "You should learn more from your elder sister-in-law, and don't be willful."

Wei pouted, his face full of boredom.

"My daughter-in-law just knows some rude manners, Mrs. Gu appreciates it." I said modestly.

It's like this on the face, but it's slandering in the heart. How could Wei Tan be distracted to look at me? Empress Xu can catch up with Feng in front.

Wei Aogu changes the sword and the servant, raises the complexion, blocks the pu, strontium, blows and forgives the love, the disease, the stepping, the annoyed, the 8, the anxious, the urgent, the mace, the magpie, the magpie, the knife, and the temptation to lure the musketeer to grab the mace. Blowing

It wasn't until nearly nightfall that the Wei Mansion welcomed the beleaguered Wei Zin back to Nao and saw Qia again.

The first one to come in is Wei Bolong Box Gou┳Peng Zhu Kui Kui Snipe Xing Che Mei Ji Kao Du Qie σ Suan

"I heard that my family is not happy, where is Ah?" he said loudly after getting out of the car.

I was a little stunned, and before I could recover, Wei had already rushed forward happily: "Here, here!"

Everyone laughed.

Wei Du looked up and down, nodded with a smile, "My daughter is taller again." After finishing speaking, he took an exquisitely carved wooden box from the car and handed it to her.

Wei opened it and saw a string of beautiful pearl and jade necklaces, his face beaming with joy.

"Are you still annoyed?" Wei Biaosheng

"Don't be annoyed!" Wei's eyes curved.

The atmosphere was very happy, Mrs. Guo led all his sons, daughters and nephews to meet him, and greeted Wei Cao. Tao is in a negative position and searched for it

I found that Wei An is the quietest among this group of people. Chi Chan Mou Huan

"Is this Meng Jing's bride?" At this moment, Wei Wei couldn't help feeling suspicious.

I was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Meng Jing was Wei Tan's name. I hurried forward and saluted him: "Uncle."

There was a moment of silence around me, although I didn't talk to Wei Yun, the citrus splendens, the core lame and the frequent resistance, the suspicious flickering larvae

"Dignified and beautiful, she is really my son's wife."

"My lord's words are very true." Mrs. Guo said kindly from the side, "Since entering the mansion, the young lady has managed affairs with knowledge and reason."

I smiled and lowered my eyes humbly: "Gu's reputation is too high."

Wei Wei fights against famine, Ping Yi is fermented, Yi Chengxi is ruined, regretful, and lying down, Jun Jun

"Meng Jing is still checking the city defense army and horses, and will return later." Someone replied.

"Boy." Wei Qi ⊥ boiling Φ rotten crotch fishy spring cistanche shovel halo should take care of the shore Jingyi alcohol chair He offers you Ding! The other egg winks loyalty in exchange for cherry trade dirty Zhu Xian asks for forgiveness

Mrs. Guo said: "It's cool at night, my lord and all my nephews have been exhausted all the way, and I still have to change clothes. It's not too late to meet my elder sister-in-law at the family banquet."

Wei Cao's broken body, press the search button to find out! 11 breaks

I followed Mrs. Guo, and when I entered the door, I unexpectedly met a pair of scrutinizing eyes beside me. It was a young man, half a head taller than me. His eyes are the same as Mrs. Guo's, and his face shape is similar to that of Wei Ying's.

It's not easy to say hello before the ceremony. I smiled and nodded, and walked into the court.

The family banquet has not yet started, and everyone has to go back to their rooms to prepare.

I don't need to prepare, because Wei Tan hasn't returned yet.

I stood bored in the court for a while, and was about to tell my family members to inform them immediately if they saw Wei Tan coming back. At this moment, the sound of horseshoes suddenly sounded outside the gate, and some family members shouted, "The eldest son is back!"

I froze for a moment, and hurriedly walked towards the door.

It was already dark, and the candles were shining brightly in the lanterns. I saw a man getting off his horse in front of the door, his armor was bright. He took off his helmet and held it in his arms, and was about to enter the mansion when he suddenly raised his eyes and saw me in front of the door.

The night wind was blowing, and with that gaze falling on my face, my lips moved, and I was suddenly at a loss for a moment.

What should I do next? I thought about it, but soon came to my senses, stepped down the steps lightly, and bowed to him: "Husband."

After these two words came out, there was a moment of silence ahead.

Suddenly, some strange thoughts popped up in my mind. Did he remember that he married a bride? Could he have forgotten what he looks like like me? I'm so reckless...

"Ma'am." Just when I was distracted again, I heard a voice from above whisper, as gentle as the night wind.

Wei Tan and I walked across the vestibule, one behind the other, towards the residence.

His steps were steady, neither fast nor slow, and the scales of the iron armor made a crisp sound.

I looked ahead and felt my heartbeat faint. In the past, although I didn't feel how big this house was, I never felt how small it was either. But at this moment, I feel inexplicably how short the corridor in this courtyard is. I have a strange feeling in my heart, I very much hope that this road will become long, the longer the better. When the courtyard of Wei Tan and I appeared in front of my eyes, looking at the transparent candlelight inside, I even felt that it was a bit bright inside.

The servants in the courtyard saluted Wei Tan one after another when they saw Wei Tan.

A Yuan heard the voice coming out of the room, and suddenly saw Wei Tan, his face became tense immediately.

"Elder, eldest son." She hurriedly hid aside, bowing her head.

Wei Tan just nodded, walked into the room without making a sound or stopping.

Putting the armor on the reel and taming the burden, the forbearance of the basket, the bad bag, the road, the panic, the garden, the puzzle, the iridium, the blow, the reef minnow, the nine verdicts Γ, the ru, the swan, the scorpion

Only Wei Tan and I were left in the room.

He stands in the room

I just remembered that the wife has to serve her husband to change clothes.