Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 97: steal


Kill Ren Ji with a stick? I was surprised when I heard this, and when I looked at Wei Tan, he was also surprised.

"What happened?" he asked, frowning.

"The little man doesn't know." The family said, "I saw the mistress was furious, and the steward saw that things were not going well, so she sent the little man to find the eldest son."

Wei Tan nodded, looked at me, and smiled wryly: "I'm afraid I won't be able to enjoy the red leaves today."

I shook my head and said, "Family matters are important."

Wei Tan ordered his family to prepare chariots and horses, and helped me down the mountain himself. On the way back, I kept wondering, Mrs. Guo made it possible for Ren Ji to enter the door. I always felt that she was very satisfied with Ren Ji's obedient appearance, but why did this happen now

When I entered the mansion and walked to the hall, I saw that there were not too many people. At the top, Mrs. Guo's face was ashen, next to her, Mrs. Zhang stood by, and Liang Hui softly persuaded her.

On the ground, Ren Ji Fu was kneeling, her hair was disheveled, and she was sobbing softly.

Wei Tan and I looked at each other, stepped forward to salute Mrs. Guo: "Greetings, mother."

Mrs. Guo tilted her head, she didn't seem to see him, and she heard him speak.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, I wanted to speak up, but Wei Tan stopped me.

"I don't know why Ren Ji was blamed?" Wei Tan asked.

"Why are you being blamed?" Mrs. Guo sneered, "Your own concubine, who has no sense of shame as a woman, actually committed theft! The eldest son's daughter-in-law, her maid and concubine neglected to teach her, and she lost her own principles. What is the dignity of the Wei family? ?!" After that, she stared at Wei Tan, "This is your man, it's fine if you come, but how should we deal with it?"

I looked at Mrs. Guo and heard her serious tone, but I didn't quite understand it.

"Stealing?" Wei Tan looked at Ren Ji, then at Mrs. Guo, and said, "Is there any basis for my mother's claim that Ren Ji was promiscuous?"

Mrs. Guo glanced at Mrs. Zhang. Mrs. Zhang understood, and presented something to him: "My lord, please take a look. The family found this item in the servant's room. It is the prime minister's brocade robe and the prime minister's jade hairpin. These things have been missing for several days. Dasou, almost disappeared.”

I looked at those things and suddenly realized.

The brocade robe and jade hairpin, although valuable, are Wei? Ji 醯men g Jun 6? Coiled? Huang Qie Xingyu? Knock together ┪ 锸 slightly Chen Wei? Grab the sword and train the sword? The kite steel swings the lucky cup??br> I glance at Ren Ji, and the thoughts in my heart are like spinning wheels As fast as turning and the slightest clear.

The family set off from the mansion, left the city, asked about Wei Tan's whereabouts, ran up the mountain to find me and Wei Tan, and brought us back to the mansion. Mrs. Guo has always been strict in family management, and the crime of stealing has lasted for such a long time. If Mrs. Guo has the heart, she can definitely kill a little maid like Ren Ji more than ten times.

She has been silent, I'm afraid she is just waiting for us to come back.

In this way, the matter is not so simple.

And today, wei

I sneered from the bottom of my heart. Mrs. Guo acted in such a way that she had a good sense of reason and means, but she didn't know if Wei? No change.

"Madam Mingjian..." Ren Ji's voice was weeping and trembling: "This is not a concubine..."

"Shut up!" Mrs. Zhang reprimanded, "How can you speak!"

"Elder Master." Mrs. Guo looked at Wei Tan, "She is the eldest son's concubine, how should I deal with it?"

Wei Tan said unhurriedly: "Mother, I think this matter has not been investigated clearly, so it is not enough to convict."

"What's wrong?" Zhang said, "My lord, you've got all the stolen goods."

"How do you count physical evidence?" Wei Tan didn't even look at her, but looked at Mrs. Guo, "Mother, since the roof beam collapsed last time, I have expelled Ren Ji. Her entry into the Buddhist hall is also the intention of father and mother." , since it is not my concubine, it is no different from ordinary servants and maidservants, and the mother should be the master. If the mother asks the son's opinion, the son thinks that since the father lost these things, it is better to ask the father to come back and discuss it later. "

Mrs. Guo frowned and was about to speak when the family members suddenly came to report: "The Prime Minister is back."

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In an instant, I caught a glimpse of slight changes in the faces of Mrs. Guo and Mrs. Zhang.

On the other hand, Liang Hui, who was sitting next to Madam Guo, couldn't hide her surprise.

"What's the matter?" Looking back, Wei? Qiya? Weed sauce┕? Ba

"What is this for?" Wei Howl said that the car was from Nawei. Mrs. Guo said: "My lord, Ren Ji stole, and the family found what the lord lost in Ren Ji's room." The brocade robe and hosta are presented.

Wei? Howl Shen Ship Lie Jia? Spring Convergence Brilliant Suan?br> "It turned out to be for this reason." Wei? ?br> Ren Ji looked at him, but flinched, as if she didn't dare.

Wei? 闌荪荪郑銎镇v病?Wei y兔节奁??Yuanzhui Mu Cheng Xianbin?o?Ding?Qiu Wenqi Gan?Ciqiaosi?А?br> "Madam misunderstood."Wei? Resentment? Ling said collapse? Ba Wei x fear brother? Zheng? ?br> There was no surprise in Mrs. Guo's eyes, she raised her eyebrows slightly: "Oh?"

Wei? bridle 12Γ? Forgive me for the dome and the dragon to pull out the mantle? Meng Wei? Argon sway! ?br> Mrs. Guo looked at him, then at Ren Ji, and smiled for a while.

"So that's how it is." She sighed, both relieved and complaining, "My lord should have said earlier that I didn't know the reason, and almost wronged Ren Ji and wronged the eldest son." come over.

Wei Tan's eyes were calm, and the corners of his lips curled up.

Wei? Chi cao Γ? Cong Ling Wei В? ?br> Ren Ji looked at him, pursed her lips, and lowered her head shyly.

An urgent incident turned into a happy one, and I was a little surprised.

It's not just me, Mrs. Zhou and Mrs. Mao came over to the house immediately after hearing the news.

"The prime minister accepted Ren Ji?" Mao couldn't help but laugh, "Isn't she the eldest cousin's concubine?"

"What is the eldest cousin's concubine?" Zhou Shi winked at her, looked at me, and said, "Eldest cousin has long since abandoned her."

I smiled: "This matter is decided by Uncle and Gu."

"This Ren Ji is quite thoughtful." Mao sighed, "That's right, if a person is thrown in that Buddhist hall alone, how many years can a young woman have? Why don't you take a gamble..."

"You pity her?" Zhou joked, "You always say that the two concubines at home are annoying, but are they not annoying now?"

"You're too talkative!" Mrs. Mao thumped her, angry and funny, and after the quarrel, he asked me again, "Since the prime minister is taking a concubine, how come you only get news and no voice?"

"Can there be any noise? Just after the funeral, it's not very good-looking." I said.

Two people understand.

This actually has another layer. Although Wei Tan kept everything clean in his words, Ren Ji became Wei Tan's concubine after all. Now go to Wei Huang Ke?br> Thinking of this, I feel a little embarrassed.

Ren Ji and I are actually somewhat similar. The family is broken up and people are living outside. But she is worse than me. I have at least always had my husband's family to live in, but she has been reduced to a maiko and sent around as a gift.

Sometimes, I feel sorry for her too. But what she is fighting with me is Wei Tan, so I'm sorry, I won't give in because of pity.

I remembered that when we went down the mountain, Wei? here?"

Wei Tan smiled and did not deny it.

"Husband already knew about this?" I fixed my gaze.

"I don't know." Wei Tan pulled the quilt over me and covered me, "I just had a premonition that I would be involved, so I thought it would be good to tell my father. If it has nothing to do with him, I will naturally ignore it."

I wanted to ask again, but Wei Tan said, "Go to sleep." After saying that, he blew out the lamp in one breath.

Wrapped in a quilt, I was still thinking about something.

Feet warm between Wei Tan's legs.

"Husband." I asked softly.


"The barter you said to those people is worth more than a hundred thousand dollars, what is it?"

"Madam Yazhai. They said they wanted you, and my husband agreed."

I twisted it on his arm.

Wei Tan smiled smugly.

"Swords and guns, boats," he said.

"Oh?" I was surprised, "What do they want these for?"

"What else can Jiang Yang do?" Wei Tan stretched out his hand and stroked my hair: "Wu Kun's life is □□ not good, so give him some entertainment for my husband."