Jin Yu Shu Nian

Chapter 99: Production


"Ma'am!" A Yuan ran in, wanted to help me, but didn't dare to move, so he could only ask anxiously, "How do you feel?"

I leaned on the hidden pillow, collected myself, and shook my head.

In fact, the pain in the abdomen is not too strong, but Zhou Shi and Mao Shi just came to chat yesterday, talking about all kinds of things during the childbirth, I was nervous.

But it was strange, after a while of pain, the stomach suddenly calmed down.

I froze for a moment, and was about to get up when the pain started again.

"What?!" Wei Tan just went to the front hall to meet guests, Xu heard the news and hurried back.

Seeing his figure appearing at the door, my heart was a little relieved.

"Open the door, don't block the nearby area!" Wei Tan was about to speak, but his face was serious, and he directed his family in an orderly manner: "Call a few more people, lift the couch, and move the wife to the delivery room!"

"Where's Mrs. Wen? Hurry up!"

"Ah Yuan! Go get the bedding... Wrong, I need to make new ones! Put them in that box!"

After yelling, Wei Tan bent down and held my shoulder again, his eyes were bright and his voice was gentle, "Don't worry, just bear with me for a while."

I:"… "

The pain in the abdomen wasn't serious, but with Wei Tan's posture as if he was facing a formidable enemy, I felt that the child couldn't wait to figure it out.

When Wen Po was finally pulled over by the maid, I was already lying in the delivery room made up of the side room.

Mrs. Wen came to see me, asked me a few words, felt my pulse, felt my belly, smiled and said "no hurry"; then, she ordered the servants who were waiting for the delivery to prepare the things for the delivery.

Finally, she said to Wei Tan: "My lord, this is the delivery room, men are not allowed to enter."

Wei Tan was taken aback and looked at me.

I also looked at him, and suddenly thought that his going out, if it goes well, we won't see you until the child is born, if it doesn't go well...

Eye sockets suddenly sore, I swallowed my throat and pursed my lips.

"Ah? Α?? Hidden mark proud? Crotch? Line └ Cong Ying? Whore Yi lemon ether 劬Α? br> I don't know if the pain in my abdomen has become more severe, and I feel even more uncomfortable, holding his hand tightly. hand, refused to let go.

Seeing this, Mrs. Wen said with a wry smile: "Young Madam, the longest is only a day or two, don't worry, the fetal position of Young Madam is correct, so it will be fine."

I looked at her, then at Wei Tan, and took a deep breath.

"Husband, go out." I wiped my tears, let go of Wei Tan's hand, and said in a low voice.

Wei Tan's face was a little uncertain, after a while, he whispered: "I'm right outside."

I nod.

Wei Tan explained a few words to Wen Po and A Yuan, looked at me, then bent down to touch my hair, turned and walked out.

I once discussed the name of the child with Wei Tan. Wei Tan insisted that he would come to pick it up, so he flipped through the book every day when he came back. This matter has nothing to do with Wei? Hey? Bed Huanzhong? Di Brown Wei take? Nephew pry?> Model? I have fallen into a situation where I can only take baby names.

Since it was a baby name, I took the right to call the shots without hesitation and said it was Ah Guai.

Wei Tan refused at first, saying that he was the father, why? Let me name it.

I rubbed my stomach disapprovingly: "The one who gave birth is a concubine."

Wei Tan didn't take it seriously either: "If you weren't a husband, how could you have children."

I retorted: "It is the concubine who contributes to the labor."

Wei Tan smiled: "It is the husband who contributes to the creation of human beings."

This problem has been debated for a round, but nothing happens. In the end, I took a step back and asked Wei Tan to think of some baby names. As I expected, Wei Tan, a vulgar man, came up with nicknames that were either citing scriptures and allusions in a serious manner, or A Tuan, A Fu, A Yu, A Xue and the like.

So I stopped holding back and said that the child should be called Ah Guai.

And now, I don't think about issues like baby names anymore.

The pain came and went, and my initial abdominal pain was like child's play compared to the time before labor. Wen Po asked two strong servants to support me, with a thick quilt behind me. My energy was completely dragged away by the thing that was struggling to come out, I gritted my teeth, and listened to the people around me who kept saying "use more force, more force".

I bit my towel and gasped for breath. I don't know if I was hallucinating. Whenever I stopped for a while, I seemed to hear a faint voice coming from outside, which was low and deep.

"Ah? Α?? Bi Ping wrestling, coughing, hustle and bustle? 颷 Qiao marks? Suffocating quietly covered? br> When a cry came to my ears, I was already exhausted.

The joyful voices of the women came from beside me, and I was supported and lay down on the couch.

Before I could catch my breath from the relief, Wen Po congratulated loudly: "Congratulations, young madam, you are a young lady!"


I tilted my head weakly, and saw a wrinkled little face appearing in front of me, crying clearly, and waving my little hand.

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This is my child? The child who has been with me for more than nine months in the womb

Feeling strange and unreal, I raised my hand with difficulty. When I touched that little hand, my heart was suddenly wrapped in a softness.

The daughter is also good.

I smiled, and my voice was hoarse and weak: "... Ah, I am mother..."

Once upon a time, my mother told me how she felt when she gave birth to me.

"It hurts to give birth to your elder brother. Giving birth to Ah? Yes. After I grew up, although I didn’t really see anyone give birth, I heard about various situations. Zhou and Mao are the biggest sources of gossip for me recently. When it comes to giving birth, they all say that it hurts. Headache If you are pregnant, add a word, it hurts even more.

Although I already felt sympathetic when I heard it, it was only when I experienced it myself that I realized the hardships of being a mother.

When I woke up from a deep sleep, what I saw was Wei Tan.

He was sitting by the couch, looking at me with a smile on his face, and his bloodshot eyes showed that he didn't have a good rest.

"Are you awake?" He asked in a low voice, his voice a little dry.

"Hmm." My throat seemed to be stuck, but I looked to the side.

Between Wei Tan and me, a small swaddle was placed on the couch, and the baby's small face was sleeping peacefully.

"She always sleeps." Wei Tan smiled.

I also laughed and looked at Wei Tan. There was a deep smile on his face, and the joy in his eyes could not be concealed. There seems to be a burst of sweetness flowing through my heart, warm and soft.

Neither of them spoke, Wei Tan held my hand, his rough fingertips slowly stroking my fingers.

I held him back, and couldn't help looking at Ah Guai again, from eyebrows, to nose, to eyes, carefully looking, full of curiosity.

A Yuan brought a bowl of porridge and said with a smile, "Ma'am, the little girl is very good, she doesn't make any noise. The eldest son didn't sleep last night, and finally slept for a while this morning, and came to see you again. I can't stop it."

Wei Tan was rare and magnanimous, even when he was teased by the maidservant, he was kind, with the corners of his mouth raised, he took A Yuan's porridge: "Take the little lady away, I want to feed my wife."

A Yuan responded, and carefully picked up Ah Guai.

I kept watching her put Ah Guai on the small couch beside her, and saw that Ah Guai continued to sleep without moving, so I looked away.

"Does it still hurt?" He asked softly.

I nodded: "Yes."

Wei Tan looked at me with pity, and for a moment, he lowered his head and blew on the porridge in the spoon, bringing it to my lips.

I looked at him and opened my mouth. The porridge is not hot, but it is fragrant and thick. I swallow it, and I feel comfortable.

"Have you eaten?" I asked.

"Eat." Wei Tan took the towel, wiped the porridge water from the corner of my mouth, and said, "Mother has already found a wet nurse."

"Have my uncle and aunt visited?" I asked.

"I've seen it." Wei Tan continued to feed a spoonful of porridge, and said, "Last night they stayed until the baby was born, and the father hugged it for a long time before going back."

I smiled: "Oh? Did you choose a name?"

Wei Tan said, "Father hasn't made up his mind yet."

I looked at him and nodded slightly.

Ah Guai's birth was a delicate matter for the Wei family. I understand this, and so does Wei Tan.

He and I have been married for nearly two years. Before, we both had our own pressure for having children. Now we finally have a child, but it’s not a boy. Even if Wei Tan doesn't mind this matter, Wei? Hee neon? The bed wave Meng Guancang? Feed?br> "If..." I paused, and said softly: "If it's a man, it will be fine."

Wei Tan looked at me, pursed his lips, and stuffed a spoonful of porridge into my mouth: "Don't think too much about it."

I haven't given birth yet, so I can't go to the field. Wei Tan has been busy since the beginning of spring, and only visits me in the morning and evening every day. Fortunately, Mrs. Zhou and Mrs. Mao came here often. After I gave birth, I was troubled by things like breast augmentation and recovery. It was they who helped me and taught me a lot.

"Aguai is so pretty." Mao said while holding the child, looking at it carefully, "I will definitely look like a sister-in-law in the future."

I laughed and said, "She's still young, didn't my sister-in-law say earlier that she can only see it when she's older?"

"It looks a bit like it now." Mrs. Zhou leaned over and said, "The forehead looks like my sister-in-law's, and my chin also belongs to my sister-in-law's."

Mao said: "The eyes and nose are like the big cousin, on Ah Guai, the big cousin is equal to the elder sister-in-law."

Everyone laughed.

"It's not like Ah Zhi, who looks like a second cousin." Zhou laughed.

"Speaking of Ah Zhi, I think of something. Did Ah Guai ever have a name?" Mao asked me.

I shook my head: "No, Uncle said he would pick it up himself."

Mao nodded and sighed: "The prime minister has been having a headache recently, I'm afraid it will take some time."

I smiled and said, "I'm not in a hurry to name it." I know about this, Wei Tan told me two days ago. He wanted to find Wei Jiao, but Wei Jiao went to the mountains to search for medicine, and he was nowhere to be found.

The two of them talked with me again and went back separately.

In the evening, I was looking at the sky and wondering when Wei Tan would come back when A Yuan suddenly rushed in and said, "Ma'am, something serious has happened!"

"What is it?" I asked.

A Yuan leaned over and whispered to me: "I was passing by the front yard just now, and I heard the steward talking to someone in a hurry, the prime minister had a stroke!"