Jiu Shen

Chapter 123: Zi Lei Yao Tianlong (Part 2)


Lan Bao'er said: "Shall we hunt monsters?"

Fury nodded and said: "That's right. You are asked to hunt monsters. You have a total of one month. Within one month, you are not allowed to leave the range of the Earth Spirit Mountain Range. Hunt and kill monsters as much as possible to obtain crystal nuclei. The requirement is that each of you needs to obtain at least ten crystal nuclei with the same attributes as your own. The crystal nuclei are also divided into ten levels like the level of monsters. Among the ten crystal nuclei with corresponding attributes that you obtain, the quality must not be low At the third level. At the same time, because the two of you are taking the preliminary exam together, you must also obtain a fourth-order crystal nucleus of any attribute. After completing these, you will be considered as passing the preliminary exam. If you can’t complete it within a month .Then, no one can keep you, you can only withdraw from the Yin-Yang School. Do you understand?"

"Understood." Ji Dong and Lan Baoer nodded at the same time.

Lan Baoer asked: "Brother Fu Rui, Ji Dong has dual attributes of yin and yang. Does he need to collect ten corresponding crystal nuclei each?"

Fu Rui said: "Exactly. So, Ji Dong, your task is heavier than Bao'er. Although I am your senior brother, I will not give you any help during the initial exam. I will accompany you this time. When you come here, you will only help when you encounter an extremely powerful and irresistible enemy. For the rest, you must rely on yourself. After entering the Earth Spirit Mountain Range, I will separate from you immediately. In fact, as long as If you do not enter the core area of the Diling Mountains, you will generally not encounter monsters above the fourth level. With your current strength, self-protection is not a big problem. Of course, I must remind you that in the wild, you may encounter monsters at any time You must be vigilant at all times for the attack of monsters. Later, we will resupply in Diling City outside the Diling Mountains. You buy the items you need. Then enter the mountains. All expenses will be borne by the academy."

Ji Dong said: "Later? Brother, five hundred miles, should we rent a carriage. It's just a walk. I'm afraid we won't be able to arrive in a day."

Fu Rui smiled lightly, "Five hundred miles is nothing. I have tried thousands of miles a day. Five hundred miles is just an hour's work." Lei Di's domineering bloomed again, and his words were full of intensity. self-confidence.

"Look." While speaking, the blue-purple light in Fury's eyes suddenly shone, and the unparalleled surging magic power exploded instantly. In a vague way, Ji Dong felt that the sun in the sky was dimmed for a while, above their heads, A large cloud of dark clouds quickly condensed.

Although the blue-purple electric light only appeared on the surface of Fury's skin, that layer of light was as breathtaking as a solid armor. Fury's special white sun crown appeared out of thin air, and the powerful strength of the six crowns and sixty-nine levels was once again demonstrated.

Seeing his sun crown, Lan Baoer couldn't help but exclaimed, although she had heard Lei Di's name before, but today Fu Rui was quite gentle in front of Ji Dong, so Lan Baoer didn't I feel too much. At this time, Fury really released his magic power, showing the powerful strength of the six crowns. It was only then that Lan Baoer realized that standing in front of her was the head of the Yin Yang Academy, a generation of Thunder Emperors whom no one had dared to challenge in the past ten years.

With the appearance of the sun crown, Fury's eyes also turned into a dazzling blue-purple. He made a strange gesture with his hands in the air, and suddenly waved his right hand in the air. It caused countless birds and beasts in this forest to fly away.

In front of Ji Dong and Lan Baoer, a miraculous scene appeared, the thunder and lightning resounding out of thin air did not disappear with the roar, but froze in midair. The blue-purple lightning seems to be embedded in the air.

Immediately afterwards, Fury spread his hands to the sides, "Come out, Thunder."

The thunder and lightning frozen in mid-air suddenly expanded, and a huge and majestic body stepped out from it.

It was an extremely huge creature. When it stepped out of the thunder and lightning, Ji Dong felt a little familiar. It has a huge head, and its sharp teeth are no different from swords, and it looks extremely ferocious. The whole body is blue-purple scales, and there is a circle of huge cone-shaped bony spurs around the head, each of which is more than two meters long.

When its whole body steps out of the lightning, it can be seen that its body is more than 20 meters long, its whole body is covered with blue-purple scales, and there are countless tiny snake lightning lingering on it. A pair of huge wings spread out, even wider than its body length, its thick and powerful hind legs supported its huge body, its two front paws protruded slightly, and there was a huge lightning symbol over three meters long on its chest. There was lightning in Gu Pan's deep purple eyes. There was a constant crackling sound in the air.

As soon as this huge creature appeared, Ji Dong couldn't help exclaiming, "Dragon?"

That's right, this huge creature is at least 60% similar to the ice and snow dragon Fengshuang he has seen, and the overall shape is not much different. It's just smaller, but the spikes around its head, and the blue-purple spikes spit out from the back and the front of the wings are also what Fengshuang doesn't have.

If we say that Fengshuang Dragon Eyes revealed insidiousness, cunning, ruthlessness and majesty. Then, the expression of the blue-purple dragon in front of him is only mighty. Just like Fury's eyes, full of domineering.

From the point of view of the senses, this blue-purple dragon should not have a high level of wind and frost, and its intelligence should be inferior. But no matter how you say it, it is also a dragon! Or the dragon released by Fury. what on earth is it

When the giant dragon just came out of the thunder and lightning, the girl's timid nature made Lan Bao'er hide behind Ji Dong, her hands were tightly clutching his clothes, and her body was trembling slightly.

There was a burning light in Fu Rui's eyes, he laughed and said: "Little brother, this is my good partner, Thunder. It is a different kind of dragon, Zilei Yaotianlong. Just like my magic power is also a mutation, I am using it When it comes to magic power, the totem brand is it. This is where my magic power is different from others after mutating. Therefore, Thunderbolt and I are indeed destined."