Jiu Shen

Chapter 130: Kindness will be revenged (Part 1)


Sunlight penetrated through the gaps in the dense branches and vines, shining on the ground full of plants. The deeper the Earth Spirit Mountains went, the more complicated the terrain became. Ji's body was covered with jagged shadows of trees. Ji held a long stick made of broken branches to open the way. He regretted a little now, why he didn't buy a machete when he was in Diling City. In that case, moving forward will be much more convenient. It's not that I haven't thought about using fire to open the way, but, in that case, it will be troublesome if it causes a forest fire.

roar, roar—

Just walking forward, two low growls attracted the attention of Ji Dong and Lan Baoer. The two looked at each other. Ji Dong gestured in the direction of the sound, and Lan Baoer nodded. Move forward in the same direction, and during the forward process, try to reduce the sound made by the body as much as possible.

roar, roar—

The closer they got, the louder the roar became, and vaguely, they could feel the more violent fluctuations in the magic power of the line of defense from which the sound came.

When Ji Dong felt that the distance was not far away, he stopped and pointed to an exceptionally tall tree in front of him. Lan Baoer immediately understood, and Ji Dong pressed his right hand on the tree trunk, the magic power in his body was running, and his body moved lightly towards the tree trunk. Jump up and go. A few ups and downs have reached a higher branch. Looking forward through the dense canopy.

Lan Baoer also climbed up the tree following Ji Dong's appearance, but her physical flexibility was obviously not as good as Ji Dong's body soaked in dragon blood. When he came to Ji Dong's side, his body shook for a while, and Ji Dong pulled his arm, and then he grabbed a branch to stabilize his body.

The two looked in the direction of the sound, and were taken aback. At first, they thought they had encountered a battle between monsters, and they were going to take advantage of it. But when I saw it, I realized that it was not monsters and monsters, but people and monsters.

A slender middle-aged man was fighting a huge jungle monitor lizard. The jungle monitor lizard was dark green all over, and it was an Otoki monster. The whole body is covered with dark green scales, and it is more than five meters long. Every time the thick and powerful limbs hit the ground, there will be a bang. There is a row of dark green protrusions above the head, extending to the tail.

"What level of monster is this?" Lan Baoer asked Ji Dong.

Ji shook his head and said in a low voice, "I don't know him either. But it should be a monster of level four. Look at that man, he's a level three-crown monster of level 37. It's a bit difficult to deal with this monster."

Lan Bao'er looked in the direction of Ji Dong's finger, and sure enough, there was a white sun crown hanging above the magician's head. There were three crowns with sword-shaped imprints on the sun crown, and three and a half stars on the crown ring. He is a thirty-seventh level Gengjin master magician.

At this time, the Geng Jin master had a lightsaber formed by condensed white magic power in each of his hands, and his body was moving around, fighting with the giant lizard.

The jungle lizard roared angrily from time to time, and there were already several scars on its back. Under the urging of its magic power, countless vines kept entwining towards Master Na Gengjin, but they were constantly cut by the opponent's white lightsaber. Can't get close at all. The battle of one man and one beast has reached a stalemate.

Lan Baoer asked Ji Dong in a low voice: "What should we do now?"

Ji Dong said: "Wait and see what happens."


The giant lizard roared fiercely, and suddenly, it retreated three meters, the scales on its body stood up completely, and its entire abdomen swelled up like a blown air. With another roar, a cloud of dark green mist spewed out. It turned into a circle of light in the air, and went straight to cover Master Na Gengjin.

Master Gengjin's face changed drastically, and he swung the lightsaber in his hands repeatedly, cutting out several streaks of white light. However, as soon as the white light came into contact with the dark green mist, it disappeared into nothingness. The volume of the dark green halo rapidly expanded, covering the top of his head in an instant.

Facing a crisis, Master Geng Jin suddenly roared, and a huge virtual image of a white tiger appeared behind him. His hands were folded in front of him, and suddenly condensed into a three-meter-long white giant sword. He swung it from top to bottom, and immediately , a half-moon-shaped dense white light flew out with clanging metal explosions. Go straight to the jungle monitor lizard. It is what must be saved when attacking the enemy.

Lan Baoer exclaimed in a low voice: "This is a low-level nirvana. It's so powerful!"

The half-moon white light collided with the dark green halo, and the two rays of light unexpectedly crossed. Although they both weakened a little bit, they still went to their own goals.

The middle-aged man was the first to suffer. The dark green light instantly engulfed his body, turning into huge vines as thick as an arm, entangled tightly, and dark green spikes protruded from the vines, piercing him. His skin made him scream out. Reluctantly urging his Gengjin magic power to resist, the spikes in the vines rubbed against his skin, making a tooth-piercing creaking sound.

On the other side, the jungle monitor lizard was not feeling well either. A half-moon-shaped white light cut down from the sky, cut into its back abruptly, blood burst out, scales scattered, and an extremely huge wound almost cut off its body completely. You know, the jungle monitor lizard had fully demonstrated its powerful defense before, but it was still hit by this slash. It is conceivable how powerful this blow is.

However, the jungle monitor lizard did not die just like that, its eyes were full of venomous light, it was fatally injured, even if the wood type had a strong self-healing ability, it was powerless now. Before it died, it forcibly activated its own magic power, and all the surging dark green light was poured into the vines wrapped around the middle-aged man. After the middle-aged man issued the white light blade, his own magic power was greatly reduced, and he was gradually unable to resist. Blood gradually overflowed from his skin, and his face became even paler. It seemed that he was about to die.

"Let's go save him." Lan Bao'er couldn't bear it, "otherwise he will die."

Before Ji Dong could speak, she had already jumped from the tree. ran towards the middle-aged man. While running, the twenty-fourth level Yin crown of Guishui emerged, raised his right hand, and the purple light condensed on the fingertips, turning into two sharp purple Guishui needles, and turning into two purple lights in the clear chirp , shot out, and fell into the eyes of the jungle monitor lizard, which was already at the end of its strength.

Roaring, the pitiful spitting sound shook the mountain forest, and surging magic fluctuations continued to erupt from the jungle monitor lizard like a spring. Its body with huge scars turned over in place, and a large amount of blood stained the ground. In normal times, these two most practical high-level basic skills of the Guishui system are not enough to hurt it at all. But at this time, it became the last straw that overwhelmed the balance. Pierce from the most vulnerable eyeballs, and go straight into the brain. The jungle lizard could no longer control the magic power it released.