Jiu Shen

Chapter 131: Gratitude will be revenged (below)


Without the master's control, the thick vines on the middle-aged man's body finally loosened. With a violent struggle, the phantom of the white tiger loomed again behind him, throwing the vine away. Then without hesitation, he jumped forward, as if he hadn't seen Lan Bao'er, and once again condensed a white metal long sword in his right hand, slashing fiercely into the wound of the monitor lizard, hardening its body Severely cut in half.

Lan Bao'er was a little dazed, looked at the blood stains on the middle-aged man and asked, "Are you okay?"

The middle-aged man made up a few more sword strikes, and after confirming that the monitor lizard was completely dead, he picked up a dark green crystal nucleus from the corpse, and then turned to Lan Baoer, "This injury is nothing, I'm fine. The little girl looks like It's pretty! It's not easy to have two championships at such a young age."

Only now did Lan Bao'er see the appearance of the middle-aged man. This man was tall and slender, with a pair of inverted triangular eyes, and a gloomy complexion, especially in those vulture eyes, where no gratitude could be seen at all. Instead, he was looking up and down at Lan Baoer. Although she is not deeply involved in the world, Lan Bao'er can still feel the obscenity in these eyes.

Lan Baoer took half a step back, "Since you're fine, I'll go." Then, she turned around and walked towards the place where she and Ji Dong were hiding.

"Since we met, we are destined, little girl, don't rush to leave." With a flash of white light, Lan Bao'er was blocked by the middle-aged man before he even saw how he acted.

The middle-aged man looked Lan Bao'er up and down, "Although he is immature and a little bit green, but tenderness has its advantages. Little girl, what's your name? At such a young age, you came to the Diling Mountains alone. Not too small!"

Lan Bao'er's face darkened, "What's wrong with being alone? I just saved your life, don't you even say thank you?"

Ji Dong on the tree didn't come down, and he was secretly relieved when he heard Lan Baoer's answer, at least the girl wasn't stupid enough to tell herself. With myself in the dark, it will be much more calm to respond.

The middle-aged man laughed, "You saved me? Do I need your help? What do you think this is?" While talking, he raised his hand and touched his waist, and there was already a white crystal nucleus in his hand. Only then did Lan Bao'er see that there was a small leather pouch around the middle-aged man's waist. There was no doubt that this was also a magical item for storage.

A faint white light was emitted from the crystal nucleus, and the middle-aged man's hand holding the crystal nucleus could be seen turning white, obviously absorbing the magic power in the crystal nucleus. The crystal core of this seventh-gold system is only two levels at most, but it is enough to supplement the mana consumption of the middle-aged man at this time.

"Even without you, I can easily kill that giant lizard. It's just that I don't want to waste the crystal nucleus. So, you don't have any kindness to me. It's been almost a month since I came to the Earth Spirit Mountain Range Well, I've never touched a woman before. It looks like you're still a virgin, not bad, let's make fun of you today."

While talking, the middle-aged man was about to walk towards Lan Baoer.

"Wait a minute." Lan Bao'er yelled angrily, and turned her wrist, symbolizing that the token of Yin Yang Academy had appeared in her palm.

"Open your dog eyes and see what this is." On the purple token, the words "Te 51" are very clear, and the faint fluctuations of the magic power of the Guishui system flicker.

The middle-aged man was taken aback, and his face suddenly changed, "You are from the Yin-Yang School of Tiangan College? No wonder, no wonder you dare to break into the Diling Mountain Range at such a young age. My elder brother said that the students of the Yin-Yang School usually take their first exams at Here." While speaking, he quickly glanced around. There was a look of surprise and uncertainty in his eyes.

Lan Bao'er snorted coldly, "Since you know I'm a student of Yin Yang Academy, why don't you hurry up and get out."

"Get out?" The middle-aged man smiled coldly, "What if you are a student of Yin Yang Academy? There are only you and me here. No matter how talented you are, you are only at level 24, and I am at level 37."

At this time, Lan Baoer could no longer regret her recklessness. The magic power of the purple Guishui system was slowly released, and she glared at the middle-aged man, "You dare to move the disciples of the Yin-Yang School? Are you not afraid of being retaliated? Those who attack the students of the Yin-Yang School without authorization , the mainland will punish him together. Haven’t you heard of it?”

The middle-aged man nodded, "You reminded me. After a long time, there will be long nights and dreams. I will take you down first, and then find a hidden place to enjoy it."

While talking, I saw his figure flashed, and he rushed towards Lan Bao'er like an arrow.

Lan Baoer didn't feel anything when he was facing the giant lizard before, but now she was facing the attack of a thirty-seventh-level magician, and she suddenly felt that her breathing was not smooth. An extremely sharp breath came from the middle-aged man's hands. The surge of magic power instantly condensed.

what to do? Lan Baoer was very anxious, she didn't have much actual combat experience, and the opponent was so powerful, the middle-aged man was not far behind the big tree where Ji Dong was hiding, but there was no movement at this time, could it be that, Did he abandon me

His hands swept up, and the purple light belt wound towards the middle-aged man. At the same time, Lan Bao'er quickly backed away, trying to distance herself from the middle-aged man, her heart filled with sadness. The gap between the three crowns and the two crowns is huge, and the triple crown magician can already use the power of heaven and earth. Even if Ji Dong doesn't give up on himself, can he defeat his opponent with the strength of two people

The middle-aged man snorted disdainfully, the white light of his right hand was shining brightly, and the sharp white metal long sword came out of his palm, several flashes of white light flashed, Lan Baoer's Guishui magic power had been twisted to pieces.

"Yin Yang School is nothing more than that." The white light in his hand transformed into dozens of rays of light, and accurately knocked away the more than ten Guishui needles that Lan Baoer followed one after another. has been drawn closer again.

Metal and fire are recognized as the two most adept at attacking among the five elements, yang metal is known for its penetrating power, and yang fire is known for its explosive power. Among all the ten series of magic power, these two are definitely the kings in the attack.

Guishui is weak water, soft water, if Lan Baoer is strong enough, she can overcome rigidity with softness. It's a pity that her magic power itself is far from the opponent's, and she doesn't even have half the confidence. How can we stop the attack of middle-aged people

Just at this moment, a black light shot out from the big tree behind the middle-aged man without sound, without any energy fluctuation, it reached behind him in the blink of an eye.