Jiu Shen

Chapter 135: Riding a tiger is hard to get off (Part 2)


The man in Tsing Yi nodded, and said: "I just checked carefully with magic power. Although there are many battle marks here, they are all caused by the magic power of Gengjin Department of Second Brother and the magic power of Yimu Department of that giant lizard. Look Going up, the second brother did not put up too much resistance when he encountered this fire-type enemy attack. Could it be some high-level fire-type beast?"

The man in black said, "Impossible. Have you ever seen any magical beast that would eat crystal nuclei that are not of the same department? The second brother has at least dozens of crystal nuclei, and there are all kinds of crystal nuclei."

The three of them looked at each other, "That's when you meet black and eat black. Bastard, whoever attacked second brother, I will definitely smash him into pieces."

The man in black said: "Third brother, what level of fire magic power does this attacker have reached? Is it Binghuo or Dinghuo?"

The man in red frowned and said, "I've been feeling the fluctuations of the fire element in the air, and looking at the burning marks. It's neither like Binghuo nor Dinghuo. Judging from the power of the flame, this person may It is about to reach the level of five crowns. However, the explosive power of the flame is only about three crowns, and it seems that there are both yang fire and yin fire, which is really strange."

Tsing Yi said humanely: "Second brother sent us a signal when he met the giant lizard before. If only he had come earlier. With eldest brother, even if the other party has five crowns, we are not incapable of fighting."

Ji Dong quietly watched the movement below from the tree. Through the conversations and actions of these people, he had already obtained a lot of useful information. This group of people are all yang attribute mages, and the Gengjin type mage who was killed by him is ranked second among them. The Binghuo department is ranked third, the person in Tsing Yi is from the Jiamu department, and the person in black is from the Renshui department, so they should be the last two. In addition to these three people, there should be a magician of the Wutu system, and the strength may be the strongest among them.

The five yang woods form the five elements, so they are not afraid of any attribute restraining each other. Even if they are all three-crown-level magicians, as long as each of them has the magic skills of the nirvana level like the middle-aged man of the Geng Jin system, plus the combination skills of different systems, they can indeed deal with higher-level magicians. division. It is estimated that because there are few monsters outside the Diling Mountains that can threaten them, they are temporarily hunted separately in order to obtain greater benefits. It was just that the "Second Brother" of the Geng Jin Department happened to meet a fourth-order monitor lizard, as well as himself and Lan Baoer, and everything happened before.

Lan Bao'er doesn't even dare to breathe now, the more she gets in touch with Ji Dong, the more she feels how terrifying this young man who is about her age is. Strength is one aspect, and Ji Dong's calmness and thoughtfulness always surprised her. They are also disciples of Yin Yang Academy, why is there such a big gap? No wonder his magic level is not as good as his own, but his ranking is in front.

Below are three opponents of at least the triple-crown level, and there is also a Wu-earth magician who may be stronger. In this case, Ji Dong will never do it easily. Without absolute certainty, going out rashly is death.

The three people searched carefully for a long time, and the man in black said: "What should we do now? Something happened to the second brother. The eldest brother should have received the news, why hasn't he rushed over?"

The man in red said in a deep voice: "The guy who killed the second brother may not be far away. We can't separate for the time being. Let's wait for the elder brother to come here. With the strength of the elder brother, we should be able to find more clues." .Well, let's look around now, within a straight-line distance of not more than a hundred meters. See if we can find some more clues."

The other two nodded, and the three quickly separated. They were very cautious, and they all released their sun crowns, and searched carefully around.

Ji Dong's brain is running at high speed, calculating the distance between these people. These three people are below, he and Lan Baoer definitely cannot leave. I don't know what effect the ground search technique of the Wu-earth magician has, but if they are found by these people on the tree, they can only catch a turtle in a urn. Now it has reached the point where riding a tiger is difficult.

Lan Bao'er's eyes clearly showed a bit of anxiety, and Ji Dong's eyes shone brightly. It seemed that he could only fight. However, he wasn't worried at all. In terms of mentality, he and Lan Baoer are completely different. Because he would never ignore the senior brother Lei Di who sent them here. Once he and Lan Bao'er were really threatened with their lives, would the senior brother stand by and watch? It is precisely because of Fu Rui's existence that even if Ji Dong had the chance, he did not go to the center of the earth to find Lie Yan.

To put it bluntly, after all, this is just the first exam of the Yin-Yang Academy, not the real life-and-death struggle on the holy battlefield. Of course, Lei Di would never appear easily. Ji Dong vaguely guessed that if Leidi Furui appeared to rescue them, their scores in the first exam would be greatly affected. Therefore, Fury will never intervene unless it is extremely dangerous. Otherwise, how can they exercise their actual combat ability

Among the three separated middle-aged people, the man in Tsing Yi from the Jiamu family walked towards Ji Dong and the others. Every time he passed a tree, he would press his hands on the trunk, as if he was feeling something. The tree where Ji Dong and Lan Baoer are located is not far from the open space itself, and it is extraordinarily thick and dense. There is no doubt that the investigation of the man in Tsing Yi will inevitably fall on this tree.

Ji Dong winked at Lan Bao'er, and Lan Bao'er nodded knowingly, and he also slowly raised his hands with the sun and moon glove. It can be said that this pair of gloves is a sharp weapon for him to instantly kill the middle-aged people of the Gengjin family. With its existence, Ji Dong's flame power will be increased by 30%, and the mana consumption will be reduced by 30%. . Definitely a top magic weapon.

Lan Bao'er saw a strange scene, and saw that Ji Dong drew a small arc on both sides of his body with both hands, then made a fist with his right hand, and was wrapped by his left hand from the outside. A layer of black light suddenly overflowed from the palm of his left hand and enveloped his right fist.

Ji Dong will never wait until the man in Tsing Yi arrives before making a move. Facing an enemy whose magic power exceeds a crown, although he is confident in defeating his opponent head-on, it is enough to bring opportunities to the other two opponents. Against two, Ji Dong felt that he could still fight, but if there were three opponents, he and Lan Bao'er would definitely die.

The pitch-black fireball flew out without a sound, more mysterious than when it attacked the middle-aged Gengjin family before. With the previous experience, Ji Dong will naturally do a better job in restraining his breath.