Jiu Shen

Chapter 140: The Power of the Four Crowns (Part 1)


At the same time when Guishui's image was shattered, Ji Dong had already stood up from the ground. Although his face was still a little pale due to the previous magic power overdraft, and his chest was still aching, he still stood up and stood side by side with Lan Bao'er.

Seeing Ji Dong standing up, Lan Baoer was overjoyed. In her eyes, Ji Dong was almost omnipotent, even though he was facing an opponent who was as strong as four crowns. But seeing Ji Dongneng fighting side by side with her, she immediately stabilized a lot.

The man in yellow had a gloomy face, and did not continue to attack Ji Dong and Lan Baoer. He looked at Ji Dong and the two as if he was looking at two pieces of meat on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered at any time. A palm was placed on the chest of the man in black. With a wow, the man in black spat out a mouthful of blood, and the look in his eyes was completely awake.

Seeing the man in yellow, the man in black seemed to be rescued, "Brother, you are here. You want to avenge the second, third, and fourth brothers! They, they are all dead..."

The man in yellow snorted angrily, "You bastards, can't even deal with two children?"

The man in black shook his head vigorously, his expression still showing extreme panic, "No, no. Brother, that boy is a devil, he can use the power of the devil. The third brother was killed by the devil. They are all dead. ah!"

The man in yellow kicked up and sent the man in black flying, "Waste, where did the devil come from?"

Turning around, the man in yellow looked at Ji Dong and Lan Baoer coldly, "You killed my brother?"

Ji Dong said calmly: "It's not us, it's me. All three of your brothers died at my hands. The two of you are no exception. What about the attributes of the five elements? As you said, you are all a bunch of trash. "

"It's just you?" The man in yellow's eyes was as cold as a sharp sword. He couldn't believe that three of his four brothers were killed by the young man in front of him, and the only one who survived was scared out of his wits. How strong can this boy in his teens be? a crown? Or two crowns

"It's up to me. Facts will prove everything." Boom, the ultimate black gold fire rose again, and Ji Dongping stretched out his hands on both sides of his body, and in the palm of his hand, Bingwu Yuanyang Holy Fire and Ding Siming Yin Spiritual Fire rose up , the Yin-Yang crown on the top of the head also changed accordingly.

While releasing the extreme twin fires to attract the opponent's attention, Ji Dong whispered to Lan Baoer beside him: "You go quickly. Leave this to me."

Lan Baoer's heart trembled, of course she understood what Ji Dong's words meant, and he was no longer sure about dealing with the man in yellow in front of him. Yes, two crowns vs. four crowns, attributes are suppressed, what a huge gap. What's more, Ji Dong was exhausted before and was injured again. No matter which way you look at it, they will have no chance in this battle.

After saying that, Ji Dong has already walked forward step by step. Every time he takes a step forward, the ultimate twin fires rising in his hands will increase by a point. The fire element in the air has completely boiled, just like the sea is full of rivers. Frantically rushing towards Ji Dong. Although his magic power is only two crowns, at this moment, with the help of the power of the ultimate twin fires, he has already produced the ability that only a three-crown magician can possess, with the help of elements of the same attribute.

When Ji Dong was lying on the ground earlier, with another third-order Binghuo crystal nucleus, almost all of his magic power had been recovered. However, how could he not see everything Lan Baoer could see clearly? He also has no confidence in challenging an opponent with a two-level leapfrog championship. This is also the first time he has faced a four-crown-level magician. To what extent the opponent's strength has reached is completely unknown to him.

Seeing the flames rising from Ji Dong's hands, the pupils of the man in yellow shrank suddenly, and the original anger, annoyance, and disdainful emotions subsided instantly, and only Shen Ning remained. Condensation unique to earth attribute mages. Looking at Ji Dong who was slowly coming forward, he had already woken up from the initial anger at this time, and he still knew the strength of several companions very well. Even if they break through one by one, the young man who seems to have only two crowns in front of him is different from ordinary people after all.

"Fire attribute magic variation?" The man in yellow frowned slightly, and layers of yellow halo slowly spread from his body. It can be clearly seen that the soil under his feet also changes color as the magic power spreads. It was as if he had been exaggerated by the magic power of Yang Earth that he exuded.

Just as the man in yellow opened his mouth, Ji Dong's body fell slightly, and he rushed forward instantly. Both hands arced on both sides of the body, and the ultimate double fireball was released instantly.

The man in yellow snorted coldly, and the stone man who had defeated Guishui's image before opened his arms and faced Ji Dong. Every time it took a step forward, it would make a loud noise.

Boom—, the ultimate double fireball burst on the stone man's chest. The stone man who had been rushing forward stopped immediately, and the man in yellow was shocked to see that his own stone man with a very strong defense force had a large hole with a diameter of half a meter blown out in his chest. At the same time, the Wutu magic power that he was supposed to suppress his opponent was completely dissipated by this powerful explosive force. The stone man's body was instantly shattered. At this moment, Ji Dong's body had already passed by the side of the stone man, and continued to rush towards the man in yellow.

Such a powerful explosive power, the man in yellow felt a chill in his vest. The young man in front of him has only won two crowns, and his explosive attack power is already so strong. If his magic power is stronger in the future, how terrifying will it be?

However, although the man in yellow was surprised, his strength was indeed qualitatively different from those of the previous ones. Quickly step forward with his right foot, and the yellow light radiating in the air rushes towards the ground on Ji Dong's side. The ground seemed to shake vigorously, and a strong shock wave fanned out in the direction of Ji Dong.

Not only that, but at the same time as the earthquake wave erupted, there were huge rock protrusions with sharp front ends and thick ends, accompanied by mud rolling and loud rumbling noises, protruding from the ground in all directions.

Ji Dong punched Lie Yangba almost subconsciously and launched a bombardment towards the ground. The dual-attribute flame instantly transforms into the flame of the sun. The strong explosive power of Yanghuo exploded with a large amount of golden flames surging. Wutu did restrain Binghuo, but what Ji Dong used was the ultimate Binghuo, which was far beyond what ordinary Wutu could restrain. It's just that the defensive power of the earth element is amazing, and Ji Dong's magic power is far inferior to that of the opponent, so his ultimate double fire failed to bring the opponent's attribute suppression effect this time.