Jiu Shen

Chapter 141: The Power of the Four Crowns (Part 2)


The Bingwu Yuanyang sacred fire condensed by Lie Yangzhu collided violently with the seismic wave, breaking the surface, Lie Yangbae forcibly broke through the seismic wave. However, it was no longer possible to break through the rock that broke out of the ground. I saw Ji Dong's body being knocked into the air abruptly. If he hadn't been wearing the Sun and Moon Shuanghui Gloves, if his body hadn't been soaked in dragon's blood, his right arm would have at least been shattered due to this impact alone.

Seeing Ji Dong's body being thrown into the sky, the light in the man in yellow's eyes relaxed a little, and he thought to himself, even if this kid's mutated flame is powerful, he is only a magician with two crowns after all, the huge gap between the magic power is impossible Passover.

In mid-air, Ji Dong only felt a sharp pain in his right arm. Although the protruding rock was blasted out of a hole more than a foot deep, but the defense of Wutu's magic power was strong, and his punch was ultimately invincible. Can break open.

The movement of the man in yellow didn't stop, he reached the level of the four crowns, the control of the external magic elements, and the strength of his own magic power are completely another level. Although the magic skills he displayed are powerful, they have no magic power at all in connection bad phenomenon. The legs were separated, and the fists smashed heavily towards the ground with a strong khaki light. A big silver bird totem appeared behind the man in yellow. It was the totem of the Wutu system—the sky.

Boom, the ground let out a strong neigh, and the huge rocks protruding from the ground flew up like that, and shot straight at Ji Dong in the midair. The punch of the man in yellow seemed to have completely detonated the earth element in the Diling Mountain Range, and the surging earth attribute magic power crazily rushed towards Ji Dong.

For a place like the Diling Mountains, there is no doubt that the soil and wood types are the most suitable for the Five Elements Mage. Seeing a large number of rocks shining with earthy yellow light flying towards him, Ji Dong lost control of the battle for the first time. He knew that this time, he might really die. The enemy is just too strong.

Ji Dong's strength is generally the best at melee combat. Although he has the two long-range attack skills of Ultimate Double Fireball and Dark Moon Yan, his strongest attack is still the dual-attribute combination skill for melee. He is also confident, even if the man in yellow is approached by him, it will never be easy if he receives a set of extreme double fire combo skills. However, the other party did not give him a chance to get close at all. Can his ultimate double fireball smash a flying rock, can it block all the rocks? Even with a body soaked in dragon's blood, it would be difficult for him to be rational under such a strong blow.

At this critical juncture, Ji Dong suddenly felt a chill in his waist, and a purple light belt wrapped around his waist silently, although the cold feeling made him very uncomfortable. But he still hastily restrained the extreme twin fires in his body that wanted to launch a counterattack. A strong pulling force came, and Ji Dong's body flew out obliquely.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom..., a series of roars exploded in the air, and countless gravel mixed with soil scattered in all directions. From the ground to the sky at a height of 30 meters and within a diameter of 100 meters, all of them were covered with magic elements of the earth system . Terrifying energy fluctuations scattered in all directions, and where the gravel passed, a large number of plants were fragmented.

The Four-Crown Magician's blow turned out to be so powerful, and it was just a high-level hit skill, not a nirvana. For the same magic skill, magicians with different magic powers have completely different powers.

The purple light came too timely. When those boulders collided together, Ji Dong's body was pulled out of the collision center.

When he was about to fall to the ground, he was blocked by a not wide but very soft embrace. It was Lan Baoer.

Lan Baoer didn't leave, and the purple light band was the magic power of Guishui released by her. In order to save Ji Dong, she did all she could to pull Ji Dong just now. The force of Ji Dong's fall was so great that although she hugged Ji Dong, she couldn't stand still. The two just fell to the ground like that, and it took several weeks before they stopped.

"Why haven't you left yet?" Ji Dong didn't care to feel the beauty of the embrace, and jumped up from the ground as soon as he turned over.

Lan Baoer also stood up quickly, her pretty face flushed slightly, but she was no longer timid, "Have you forgotten, you said that we are partners. Do you want me to abandon my partner and live alone? I want to fight side by side with you."

"You..." Ji Dong and Lan Baoer looked at each other, didn't say anything, just nodded vigorously to her.

The sky was already covered with thick earth and rock dust, and the visibility was extremely low. Ji Dong grabbed Lan Bao'er's hand and rushed towards the side quickly.

Ji Dong was pulled away before the roar of the rock, and of course the man in yellow couldn't miss it, but he also needed to make some adjustments when firing several range-type magic skills in succession. While recovering the magic power, he spread his magic power again. Feel the location of Ji Dong and Lan Baoer through the strong Wuearth element in the air. As long as they rush into the dust, the man in yellow can immediately find their exact location.

Ji Dong also understood this point, so he pulled Lan Bao'er and rushed out in the direction of the forest on the side. In a frontal battle, they are definitely not opponents. All they can do is to attack in a roundabout way.

"Bao'er, our only chance is the combination of the three elements. His magic power is too strong, and his defense is extremely strong. Only by internal disintegration can we defeat him."

Lan Baoer nodded vigorously, "Fight."

The two looked at each other, and quickly walked around along the edge of the forest.

Seeing that he was only tens of meters away from the middle-aged man, Ji Dong suddenly grabbed Lan Baoer, grabbed her thigh with the other hand, and hugged her body into his arms, Lan Baoer panicked , just when she didn't understand what Ji Dong was going to do. Ji Dong had already hugged her body and spun quickly on the spot. Lan Baoer only felt the surrounding scenery kept spinning, and the dizziness made her close her eyes subconsciously.

"Air." Ji Dong's voice sounded in her ears, only two words. The next moment, Lan Bao'er found that her body was already flying up like flying through the clouds. It was Ji Dong who threw her into the air with the help of the power of rotation.

At this time, the dust in the air had gradually dispersed, Ji Dong vaguely saw the figure of the man in yellow, and the man in yellow also found him at the same time.

Suddenly stepping forward, his left hand touched the ground, and the deep black flames flew up close to the ground, heading straight for the man in yellow. Wherever An Yueyan passed, even the soil melted.