Jiu Shen

Chapter 144: Binghuo Totem, Suzaku


In the inner world of the earth, the flames of red lotuses revolved around the huge dragon egg and gradually merged into it. At this moment, the light in Lie Yan's eyes jumped slightly, and suddenly stopped his movements. She looked a little weird, "Little Jidong, why do you have such good luck every time you are teleported. It seems that this little guy doesn't need to hatch in advance."

As soon as he turned over, Ji Dong had already stood up from the ground, but at the same time he stood up, his body had lost the ability to move, even his yin-yang vortex with the ultimate flames of the two kings stopped functioning at this moment , Ji Dong had another strange feeling in his heart, as if he had become the same spar as on the stone wall in the cave, instead of a life.

At this time, he also saw everything in front of him clearly. This was already the deepest part of the cave. From the ground to the top of the cave, it was thirty meters away, and the inside of the cave was extremely wide. The most strange thing is that the stone walls in the cave are extremely bright red, as if this place was originally a huge ruby, and the cave was hollowed out from this ruby.

In the middle of the cave, a big tree that reaches to the top of the cave occupies almost half of the cave. The whole body of the big tree is dark red. From the shape, it looks like a plane tree, but Ji Dong has never seen it like this. A huge sycamore tree, and the color of the tree is still so strange. The color of the dark red tree is slowly changing, flickering, as if the big tree itself is breathing. Standing here, Ji Dong felt as if he was soaking in magma. The only difference from the geocentric lake is that in the geocentric lake, the elements of Bing and Ding fire coexist, but here there is only pure Bing fire.

The crystal red eyes were cast from that big tree, standing on the crown of the tree, it looked like a big bird, a big bird with fiery red body. The chicken head, swallow jaw, snake neck, turtle back, and fish tail are all fiery red with golden light, and the long tail spreads out on the tree to three times the length of her body, so it seems that although her body is not big , but in fact, it is also ten meters long from beginning to end. Those pair of crystal red eyes were her eyes, looking at Ji Dong, the eyes were full of majesty and anger.

This is... Two words suddenly came to Ji Dong's mind, Suzaku. In his memory, there are myths recorded in his previous life, the phoenix is an auspicious bird, and his body is colorful. And the pure red phoenix is in charge of the flames of heaven and earth. It is the fire phoenix, that is, the sacred bird Suzaku guarding the south, and she is also the clone of the phoenix. The phoenix rests on the sycamore tree, and everything in front of it seems to indicate the identity of this big red bird.

"Human, you are so courageous." Some sharp voices spit out from the mouth of the fire phoenix. Just this voice made Ji Dong's body tremble uncontrollably, and his seven orifices bleed at the same time. Even his dragon-soaked body couldn't bear it.

"Eh?" Fire Phoenix's eyes flashed red, "It's so weak. Can you come to my territory?"

Ji Dong only felt that the restraints around his body were lightened, and he had regained the ability to move and speak, and said lightly: "I don't know how I got here."

Huo Fenghuang stood on the branch and looked down at him, "I don't know? Even when I am in a good mood, no creature dares to approach my cave. No matter how you came here, you must die, even if you are Be buried with my child. You are also a body of the fire attribute, so you should be honored."

Ji Dong curled his lips in disdain. He no longer had the idea of surviving and could not return to the inner world of the earth. The talking Fire Phoenix Suzaku in front of him was undoubtedly a tenth-order divine beast. The ice and snow dragon Fengshuang I saw was probably insignificant in front of her. With my own strength, how could I escape from here. But even if he died, he would die with dignity.

"Lucky? You are just a bird. I am a human being and the spirit of all things. What kind of thing are you, and you deserve to say the word "lucky" to me?" Ji Dong said coldly. At this time, he only wanted to die quickly. He was just praying silently in his heart. If there is still a chance of rebirth, then he hopes that he can be reborn in the underground world. Even if it is just the most insignificant underground creature, he can at least know that he is not far from Lie Yan (raging flames).

Hearing Ji Dong's words, Suzaku on the dark red sycamore tree suddenly spread its five-meter-wide wings, raised its head, and a passionate and high-pitched phoenix cry sounded instantly. At the moment when the phoenix cry sounded, Ji Dong only felt that he His soul seemed to be stripped from his body, and he was about to be torn into pieces by this terrifying sound wave.

At this moment, a warm feeling came from Ji Dong's left chest, and the misty red light spread quietly, and the familiar red lotus petals swept quietly, slowly wrapping Ji Dong's body. Isolate all sounds from the outside world.

flames? Ji Dong called out in surprise in his heart.

Fengming stopped abruptly, and two almost substantial golden flames suddenly spewed out from Suzaku's eyes, spread for several meters before slowly withdrawing, it was Bingwu Yuanyang holy fire among the two ultimate fires that Ji Dong was most familiar with.

"The Fire of the Red Lotus, the Empress of Flames. You sent him here?" Suzaku's voice was full of shock and anger, but also showed deep fear. Watching the red lotus flames around Ji Dong's body, he didn't attack again.

"That's right, I was the one who led him to you." Lie Yan's voice sounded from Ji Dong's chest. Hearing her flawless and extremely familiar voice, Ji Dong couldn't help being a little crazy. Lie Yan (raging flames) again, she would show up whenever she was in great danger. A sense of shame welled up in Ji Dong's heart. When will he be able to protect her by himself

Suzaku's voice became a little calmer, "Your Majesty, are you going to use this human being to locate me and deal with me? Don't forget that your existence is forbidden by gods. If you dare to come to the world rashly to use supernatural powers, Even if I die, it is absolutely impossible for you to survive."

Ji Dong found that although Suzaku was calm, there was an obvious feeling of sternness in her words, which seemed to be fear.

Lie Yan sighed leisurely, "Suzaku, you are one of the ten heavenly gods and beasts, and you are banned here, and you also know that I will not come to the world easily, so why be afraid? I brought him here to help you. We are all of the Fire Department, what good will it do me to kill you? Do you think I will need everything from you?"

Suzaku was stunned for a moment, "Help me? Can this little human being help me? Your Majesty, are you willing to bestow on me the power of the two great kings?" He flapped his fiery red wings excitedly , the golden-red light in Suzaku's eyes kept flickering, and even his tone became hasty.

Lie Yan said calmly: "You should understand that the power of the two kings is not something you can possess. Although you are a beast, you are just like me. The God Realm will not allow you to have such strength. The one who can help you is this human being in front of you , because he is the inheritor of the will of the two kings."

Suzaku's eyes fell on Ji Dong again, the golden red light kept flashing, Ji Dong's heart was awe-inspiring, he felt the danger coming from Suzaku.

"Suzaku, do you want to kill him to deprive the will of the two kings?" Lie Yan's voice suddenly became severe, "Remember, his name is Ji Dong, and he is my only friend. Also, yes For me, death is not terrible. In the depths of the earth, there is not much difference between loneliness and death. What's more, I don't necessarily need to kill you. If Ji Dong is killed by you, then , you just wait for the revenge of thousands of creatures in the underground world."

Suzaku's eyes turned cold, "You are threatening me, Your Majesty the Empress. What exactly do you want?"

Lie Yan seemed to have figured out that Suzaku would definitely compromise with him, "I just want to make a deal with you. Ji Dong can help you reconcile the yin and yang attributes, but I want you three drops of phoenix crown blood, one foot of phoenix blood sycamore tree core , and a ton of Jiyang concentrate here.”

"This is impossible." Suzaku said angrily, "Your Majesty, you are too greedy. The heart of the Fengxue sycamore tree only grows an inch in a thousand years, and three drops of the blood of the phoenix crown are almost equivalent to one-tenth of my strength. Very I can give you more yang concentrate, but the other two are impossible."

Lie Yan said calmly: "Could it be that you think these external things are comparable to that life? In your heart, is your child not even worth this little thing? These things are not what I need to use , let me remind you again, although the young man standing in front of you is still weak, but he has inherited the will and memory of the two great kings. Human beings will not be restricted by cultivation like me. I believe that you will not Dare to kill him, are you going to set up such an enemy for yourself?"

"I..." Suzaku's eyes froze for a moment, and he turned his head to look at the canopy of the sycamore tree, and finally compromised, "Okay, you won. You're right, nothing can compete with my child's life. But I'll see his King's Fire first."

Lie Yan smiled slightly, "Yes, Ji Dong, show her your ultimate twin flames."

Ji Dong remained silent, raised his hands, gold and black, Bingwu Yuanyang Holy Fire and Ding Siming Yin Spiritual Fire displayed at the same time.

Although in front of him is Suzaku, the totem of the Bing fire system, what supports him behind him is his emotional sustenance, the perfect flame. However, Ji Dong is not in a good mood now. He didn't like the feeling that his fate was not in his hands. Strength, strength, strength, he clenched his teeth, and he seemed to feel that the imprints of the two kings in the palms of his hands were bearing shame. It was their own weak strength that made them feel this way. In Ji Dong's heart, the heart of a strong man is gradually taking shape. This time, it has nothing to do with Lie Yan (raging flames).

Suzaku's eyes mainly fell on the Ding Si Ming Yin Spirit Fire in Ji Dong's left hand, and the suffocating heat radiated from her body, and the red feathers on her body seemed to tremble a little because of excitement. Nodded, "Okay. Deal."

Dazzling red light suddenly spread from Suzaku's body, Ji Dong's eyes turned completely red, and he could no longer see anything. The strong attribute did not make him feel uncomfortable, and the red lotus petals around his body were very good Completed the isolation effect.

Just a moment later, the red light sweeping the entire cave has quietly disappeared, and there are already a few things on the ground in front of Ji Dong.

The first thing that catches the eye is the largest piece of irregular ore, which is somewhat similar to the surrounding stone walls, as clear as a ruby. The difference is that there are many golden stars in this crystal red ore that is almost one cubic meter in size. Embellishment, to Ji Dong's surprise, this ore did not emit energy fluctuations, but seemed to be absorbing the fire element in the air.

Next to the ore is a piece of wood that is one foot long and about three inches in diameter in cross section. The whole body is golden and red, and the flickering halo slowly spreads, just like that huge plane tree. There is no doubt that this is the one-foot tree core. Ji Dong found that the light of the sycamore tree under Suzaku's feet was obviously dimmed, which was obviously related to the separation of the tree core.

On the core of the tree, three fiery red crystals the size of longan, in the shape of water droplets, lay there quietly. Besides these, there are nine slender golden-red feathers beside it. Exactly the same as the Suzaku's tail.

At this time, Suzaku's expression has become much gentler, "Here are all the things Her Majesty wants. I took off the nine tail feathers by myself, and it is regarded as an apology for my previous rudeness. Please accept it. Oh, yours The storage bracelet doesn’t seem to fit. Let me help you transform it.”

Opening his mouth, a golden flame spewed out from Suzaku's mouth, turned into a golden thread in the air and quietly wrapped around the storage bracelet on Ji Dong's right hand. The wonderful control of the flame made Ji Dong amazed, and he didn't even feel it. A trace of heat. You know, that is the holy fire of Bingwu Yuanyang, which is Zhiyang Zhigang!

The golden color spread, and the original fiery red storage bracelet gradually changed. The original fiery red gradually turned into a dark red, and a little golden light condensed in it, forming a golden red fire phoenix form, surrounded by a circle, connected end to end. Compared with the original simplicity, this storage bracelet at this time can only be described as extremely dazzling.

The golden fire wire was retracted, and a warm thought radiated from the bracelet by itself, condensing with Ji Dong's will. Ji Dong was surprised to find that the space in the bracelet, which was originally only one cubic meter, had expanded by a thousand times to thousands of square meters. The area is very wide. Originally, his various items had almost filled up the storage bracelet, but looking at it now, it was just a corner.

Putting away these things on the ground, Ji Dong looked at Suzaku, "How can I help you?"