Jiu Shen

Chapter 154: Suzaku changed


When the white light on Ji Dong's body first appeared, it was like a mist, but at this moment, the mist seemed to become a substance, permeating the surface of his skin like water and milk, shining with dense precious light. It was as if a layer of liquid jade had been coated on the outside of his body. This layer of milky white liquid squirmed slightly on Ji Dong's skin, as if it was a part of his body.

"Zhao Rong, do you feel it?" Zhu Rong suddenly asked his wife beside him.

Yin Zhaorong nodded, "Why can't I feel it? The fire element in the air has been evacuated. He didn't absorb it, but he seemed to be devouring it. What is this white layer on the surface of his body? I can be sure that this It is definitely not any bad magic power, but a very magical energy, as if it has been fused with Xiao Dongdong's body, and now it is attracted by his magic power that is about to break through the three crowns, and the Bingding fire element in the air is Sucked up by it."

Fury next to him pondered: "This white thing has been wriggling, and it seems to be alive. I can feel that its own fire attribute is extremely pure, but it is neither Yang fire nor Yin fire. What kind of fire is this? "

After hearing Fu Rui's words, Yin Zhaorong suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and said in surprise, "Could it be that this is the legendary fire of chaos? Old man, do you still remember the fire of chaos that my elder brother said?"

Zhu Rong nodded, the shock in his eyes was stronger than that of Yin Zhaorong, "How can I not remember. Master said that when the world was first formed, the five elements did not distinguish between yin and yang, and it was chaos. After the chaos first opened, Fang turned into Yin and Yang. The yang is above, and the yin is below. Gradually created our world. Chaos is the most original force. Could it be that Ji Dong's ultimate two fires merged with each other and turned into the fire of chaos?"

Yin Zhaorong shook his head again and again, "No, it's impossible. The fire of chaos is terrifying. Even if my elder brother and I perform super-killer combo skills, we can't release it. My elder brother said that when chaos emerges, there is nothing invincible. It is transcendence The existence of super nirvana. Xiaodongdong is only three crowns. How can he master this kind of power? However, the attribute of the white light on him is really close to chaos. There is only one possibility, that is, he When helping Suzaku to incubate the child, the two extreme fires had a certain mutation, and it was only under the influence of Suzaku that this change occurred. This is not the fire of chaos. But it is very likely to be very similar to the fire of chaos Even so, it is already very impressive. If this layer of white light can be used by Xiao Dongdong, once he cultivates my magic power in the future, he will be invincible in the world. If he really masters Chaos of fire, that is God."

Earth's core lake.

Standing on the platform of the core rock, Lie Yan looked a little absent-minded. Since Ji Dong left, she has been standing here without moving a bit. And everything about Ji Dong is always under her gaze.

"The prototype of chaos. With the help of the extreme yin energy of the solar eclipse, combined with the magic power of Suzaku's extreme yang, and through the reconciliation of his ultimate double fire source yin and yang crown, the prototype of chaos appeared? Little Jidong, is it possible that one day, you can really Do you have the power to protect me? I can’t take care of this much. Since you already have the embryonic form of chaos, how can I let it dissipate with time. Your teacher only knows that this is the original power of chaos, but doesn’t know even Even the Suzaku mutated inner armor hidden on your body is impossible to keep this rudimentary form of the chaotic fire. It will dissipate on its own in a short time. Although this rudimentary form of chaos has already benefited you greatly, the yin and yang twin fires have been destroyed since then. There will be no unbalanced state in the future, but this is not enough. This kind of opportunity may not appear once in a million years. Let me help you, keep this rudiment, and plant this seed in your body Seed."

While talking, Lie Yan's eyes suddenly lit up, centering on her body, a very special temperament suddenly bloomed. If the arrogance is the will of the two kings, then the temperament of Lie Yan is ethereal.

The entire earth core lake world has undergone tremendous changes in an instant, including the magma lake itself, and the entire space is instantly divided into two colors. The left side of Lie Yan's body is blue, and the right side is red. Such a huge Bingding double fire element was completely separated by Lie Yan in an instant. This move alone surpassed Suzaku's ability to instantly fill the world with Binghuo.

Blue and red, Ding Huo and Bing Huo changed at the same time, and turned into black and gold in an instant, but the square inch where Lie Yan stood was not affected.

There was a pious light in his eyes, and Lie Yan put his hands together on his chest, "Great Chaos, you gave me the power to defeat the two kings, and you gave me the magical power to shake the world. Let me use your power Let's shape the chaos in the world."

There was a soft chirp, and a little white flame quietly jumped on the fingertips of Lie Yan's hands. Even though that point of white flame was only an inch high, the moment it appeared, it had already become the center of all the extreme flames that filled the world of Earth's Center Lake. The gold and black flames revolved around the flames by themselves.

This little white flame is also the real secret of Lie Yan, the secret of defeating the two kings back then. Immersed in the magma of the earth's core with the body of a red lotus and practiced for countless years. Even if she has mastered the ultimate power of the flame, it is impossible for her to defeat the two kings who are at the peak of Yanghuo and Yinhuo respectively. She can unify the world in the center of the earth, destroy the two arrogant kings, and return the center of the earth to calm and peace. Relying on this point is the origin of all fires, the fire of chaos. This is also the natal fire of Lie Yan (raging flames). For her, this little bit of Bai Yan is equivalent to the effect of the original yin and yang crown on Ji Dong. As long as it is not extinguished, even if the natal red lotus is destroyed, Lie Yan can still live forever in this earth core world.

It is also white, but that ray of white flame is so pure. The white light on Ji Dong's body is magical enough, but Lie Yan, the real chaotic fire, is pure and pure, surrounding the ethereal space that belongs to Lie Yan. gas. It itself is like a huge vortex, quietly devouring the extreme twin flames in the inner earth world as its own fuel.

Before today, Lie Yan had never thought of passing on the flame of chaos to Ji Dong. Although his position in her heart became more and more important, the fire of chaos could not be taught just by teaching, even if it was Lie Yan. It is impossible to try it yourself. The strength of the two kings were all wiped out in front of this chaotic fire, and their souls did not exist. All that is left is a bit of memory and a bit of will. If it is passed to Ji Dong, what will be brought to him will only be the destruction of body and spirit.

But now it's different, Ji Dong himself has the embryonic form of chaos, and his body seems to have become a container that can carry the fire of chaos. Only when he truly possesses the flame of chaos can this container be maintained forever, and this bit of flame of chaos can be bred and nourished. She couldn't remember how many years it took Lie Yan to complete this process. I just vaguely remember that the light and dark continents were not what they are now.

Blowing lightly on the Chaos Fire, a little white spark flew up and separated from the body of the Chaos Fire. Immediately, the inch-high Chaos Fire of Lie Yan became dimmer, and she His body was also trembling slightly, and all the fire elements in the earth core lake were crazily devoured. That inch of chaotic fire gradually returned to normal.

"Go." Lie Yan waved his hand lightly, and a piece of red lotus petals wrapped the white light and disappeared quietly.

Ji Dong was completely unaware of everything that happened outside, the white light always appeared on the surface of his skin, and had no contact with the magic power in his body. At this moment, he was figuring out why he could fuse magic and thoughts so easily. As early as when facing the ice and snow dragon Fengshuang, he had already received the approval of the will of the two kings. They share a common arrogance. And the ultimate twin fires are the magical powers inherited by the two kings. This is where the original power of Ji Dong's cultivation comes from. Let me ask, would the magic power of the two kings not agree with their own will? Ji Dong's thoughts had long been fused with the thoughts of the two kings. He experienced danger when he hit the two crowns, but this hit the three crowns, it became a matter of course, and it didn't take much effort at all. It has completed a perfect combination with the extreme dual fires from Yin to Yang.

The five coronal stars condensed and finally turned into a cluster of black and gold two-color flames, which quietly imprinted on the third coronal peak, leaving only a faint half coronal star in the center of Ji Dong's two-color yin-yang coronal. The triple crown breakthrough, the final imprint has been completed.

At the moment when the three-crown branding was completed, the white liquid energy that was slightly rhythmic on the surface of Ji Dong's skin suddenly became surging, and the powerful energy burst into dazzling brilliance in the blink of an eye, covering the entire room White sheen.

The white light appeared quickly, and also shrank extremely quickly. Zhu Rong, Yin Zhaorong, and Fu Rui felt that there was a piece of white in front of them. The next moment, the white light had already condensed behind Ji Dong and turned into the form of Suzaku. At this moment, What they didn't see was that behind Ji Dong, a small red lotus quietly bloomed in the air, and a faint white light quietly spit out from the petals, and disappeared into Ji Dong's vest in an instant.

The outside world can't see it, but Ji Dong's own induction is indeed extremely intense. His mind, which was immersed in the joyful combination with the magic power, instantly froze, and all that the mind could feel was white. It seems that at this moment, his thoughts have become the core of the world, and his thoughts spread instantly. Although it was only a short moment, in this moment, Ji Dong's white thoughts vaguely made him feel To infinite elemental fluctuations. At this moment, the two attributes of fire elements that could only be felt became ten elements of all attributes.

The white phoenix floating behind Ji Dong also froze in mid-air. It was just a phantom, but suddenly there were two golden lights in its eyes, as if it had come to life. Before Zhu Rong and his wife could see clearly, the white phoenix had already crashed into Ji Dong's body. In the dense white light, Ji Dong's skin changed drastically.

A thin layer of white armor emerged from under his skin, covering his whole body in an instant. Each nail leaf looked like a piece of Suzaku's feathers, pure white, without a trace of impurities, with an aura that only belonged to chaos. Covering every part of Ji Dong's body. Even his face was completely covered, as if wearing a white mask. The clothes he was wearing suddenly disappeared into nothingness, the thin white armor was completely attached to his skin, and a layer of white light about an inch high quietly emerged from the leaves of the armor.

Ji Dong's figure did not change because of the appearance of the white armor. It can be seen that the white armor itself is extremely thin. However, after the white armor covered his body, in the eyes of the three of Zhu Rong Ji Dong has become completely different.

At this time, he was like a flawless piece of jade, without any flaws, and his not yet fully developed body also showed sharp-edged muscle lines, full of strength and beauty. In the middle of the chest, one could vaguely see a bean-sized bright spot like a diamond shining, and the white light immersed in the gem made Zhu Rong and the three of them lose their minds for a moment. From that point of white light, they seemed to see the end, an indescribable feeling. Like the end of all power.

At this moment, suddenly, two sounds like tearing cloth came from behind Ji Dong, and the two huge white wings spread out suddenly. Fu Rui, who had seen Suzaku before, immediately discovered that the two wings appeared behind Ji Dong. The wings are almost exactly the same as Suzaku's, only slightly smaller, and the color is not golden red but that strange white.

Two wings spread out behind Ji Dong's back at the same time, with a wingspan of an astonishing four meters. When it was slowly shrinking, it had completely covered Ji Dong's entire back. When the erected wing peaks were closed, even his head The buttocks are also protected from behind.

Every feather on the white wings is filled with that strange white light. This is not only the change that Suzaku brought to Ji Dong, but it is not entirely from the power of Suzaku. The inner armor is attached to the body, the wings of the phoenix are stretched, and the rose bird is transformed.

At the moment when Suzaku's transformation was completed, the inch of white light rising from Suzaku's inner armor spread like an explosion, and when the white light spread out one meter from Ji Dong's body, it turned into colorless. But the pure energy still exploded, and at this moment, the white light in the center of Ji Dong's chest corresponding to the Yin-Yang vortex quietly raised a tiny flame, a white flame, a chaotic flame.