Jiu Shen

Chapter 157: social dance


The yin-yang vortex calmed down under the control of the mind, and Ji Dong slowly opened his eyes, ending the practice for this period of time. The moment he opened his eyes, the whole room seemed to light up for a moment, the two pupils shone with black and golden light respectively, and within the two-colored light, there was a layer of light white luster.

When Ji Dong stood up from the bed, the vision in his eyes had disappeared. Counting the time, it was time for dinner. It is time for him to grow his body now, and he eats a lot. If you want to say that the place that Ji Dong is most satisfied with in Yin Yang Academy, it can be regarded as the cafeteria. All kinds of high-nutrition delicacies change almost every day, never repeating.

Walking out of the room, Ji Dong came to the cafeteria. As soon as he entered, he was a little dazed. Could it be that he had misremembered the time? its not right! Your biological clock is on time. Never missed it before.

In the huge canteen, there was no one there at this time, and even for the first time, there was no food preparation, it was empty.

There is also a watch in this world. Although the principle seems to be related to the magic power, Ji Dong didn't understand it, but the time is still very accurate. It shows twelve hours. Compared with the previous life, it is easier to tell whether it is morning or evening. Ji Dong carefully looked at the magic watch hanging in the cafeteria, the time was right, it was dinner time.

Shaking his head with a wry smile, he said to himself, "Is it possible that the canteen is on strike? Are you going to be hungry? Forget it, let's go eat some barbecue. I haven't been out of the academy for a few days."

While thinking, Ji Dong turned around and walked outside. Before he could take a few steps, he met a person head-on, "Ji Dong, you are here! I have been looking for you for a long time. Why don't you hurry up."

The person who came was Ji Yeshang from the Wutu family, and as soon as he grabbed Ji Dong, he strode outside.

Ji moved his wrist, and the magic power vibrated quietly. Ji Yeshang only felt a slight heat in his hand, and subconsciously let go of his grasp.

"Brother, why are you in such a hurry. I was just about to ask someone, why is there no food in the cafeteria today?"

Ji Yeshang looked at Ji Dong as if he was looking at a monster, and patted his forehead, "Oh my god, my little ancestor. Haven't you read the announcement? Tonight is the day for the ballroom party! There is plenty of food there, so the cafeteria will naturally not provide food. Seeing that you didn't come, Brother Fury specially asked me to come to you. It turns out that you have forgotten it a long time ago. I really admire you."

Hearing what Ji Yeshang said, Ji Dong remembered that, indeed, it had been three days since he saw the original announcement, and tonight happened to be the time for the dance party. However, he really didn't have any idea about this ballroom dance, so he stopped and said, "Brother, you don't have to attend this dance, right? Besides, I'm still young, so this kind of dance is not suitable for me."

Ji Dong has been fifteen these days. In the Five Elements Continent, he became an adult at the age of sixteen, and he has not yet reached the age of adulthood. However, a series of changes in recent days have made him look much more mature than when he first arrived at Tiangan Academy. His height has reached about 1.75 meters, and his shoulders are broad. The temperament coupled with the not-so-handsome face also has an unspeakable appeal.

Ji Yeshang chuckled, "What a little boy! When I was your age, I had already experienced wind and rain. Go and have a look, Brother Fu Rui is waiting for you. This is also a rare day for our Yin Yang Academy disciples to gather together .Even if you don’t plan to find your other half, you still have to eat. It’s good to eat something. There are a lot of delicious food today. The college specially purchased a North Water Empire from the Northern Border Ice Ocean from a big chamber of commerce. Ice Snow Dragon Fish."

"Ice Snow Dragon Fish? What is that?" Ji Dong asked curiously.

Ji Yeshang chuckled, and said: "Ice and snow dragon fish is said to be a subspecies of dragon, with a body length of more than three meters. It is extremely powerful in sea water, and it likes the cold the most. It is a fifth-order monster in itself. The meat is extremely tender and delicious. , more with the atmosphere of the ocean. Its fish roe is even more delicious. This is today's main dish. Let's try it together."

Ji Dong was already a little hungry. Hearing what Ji Yeshang said, he couldn't help eating. There's nothing wrong with going to the dance. It's good to leave when you're full.

Thinking of this, he no longer persisted, and walked out of the Yin Yang School together under the leadership of Ji Yeshang.

The location of the ballroom dance is very close to the Yin Yang Academy, there is no need to excavate the teaching building of the Department of Earth Sciences, it is in the open-air auditorium on the top floor of the Department of Earth Sciences building.

Although it has been a while since he joined the Yin-Yang Academy, Ji Dong spent most of his time practicing in the Yin-Yang Academy except for a preliminary exam.

The soil teaching building has five floors, and the main body is dominated by thick yellow and gray buildings, representing the two departments of Wutu and Jitu. It may be because Tiangan College was established in the territory of the Middle Earth Empire, or it may be that the soil department is in the Five Elements. The status of the school is respected, and this teaching building itself is also the most magnificent of the five teaching buildings. Each floor has a height of more than five meters. The hard granite floor and the marble staircase are decorated with gilt, which looks majestic and stable as a rock.

Ji Yeshang took Ji Dong all the way to the fifth floor. At the top of the last staircase, four students around twenty years old stood guard there. These are the official students of the two crowns, and they are responsible for guarding the open-air dance. From this, it can be seen how respected the students of Yin Yang Academy are in Tiangan Academy. They are also students, but formal students have to serve these special students.

Of course, the official students will not feel dissatisfied because of this, but will feel very honored. Some of the higher ranking students in the Yin Yang Academy are even stronger than most of the teachers in the academy, so why not serve them

"Senior Ji." The four formal students obviously knew Ji Yeshang, and when they saw him coming up, they immediately bowed to him.

Ji Yeshang nodded, and walked inside with Ji Dong.

An official student hurriedly stepped forward, "Senior Ji, who is this?"

Ji Dong's appearances in public are too few times, only that one exchange day, no wonder these formal students don't know him.

Ji Yeshang chuckled, "What? You think I can't do favoritism? This is the special No. 49 student of Yin Yang Academy. Ji Dong."

Ji Dong was really hungry, so he took out his special token and handed it over. Seeing his young age, several regular students couldn't help showing envious expressions, and checked his token a little , and returned it to him immediately.

After climbing the last flight of stairs, when Ji Yeshang pushed open the door leading to the rooftop, Ji Dong suddenly felt enlightened.

The fresh and cool air at night rushed towards his face, which made him, who had practiced for a whole day, suddenly feel his brain cleared up, he breathed out, and the blood in his body rushed, giving him an indescribable joy.

Walking out the door, a huge auditorium came into view. On the roof of the earth-based teaching building, the floor was covered with black marble inlaid with gold edges. Although it was on the roof, the various layouts were no different from the real auditorium. There are neat long tables and chairs on the side, with various delicacies on them, and there are spacious and comfortable sofas in the corner. The entire roof was illuminated by more than fifty glazed palace lanterns as if it were daytime. In the center is a large circular dance floor. On the north side of the auditorium on the roof, a professional band is playing melodious music.

Looking up at the sky, what you see is a sky full of stars, and looking straight in front of you, it is full of nobility and magnificence. This feeling is really amazing and very refreshing.

The students of Yin Yang Academy, some Ji Dong knew and some didn't know, all put on gorgeous dresses today, chatting in twos and threes, or simply eating something. Leisurely, indescribably freehand.

In the auditorium, a total of 20 waiters, ten men and ten women, interspersed among them, providing all kinds of drinks and drinks. There is no doubt that these should be the ordinary students who were selected to participate in the dance. It turned out that their so-called participation was just to serve.

Ji Dong's eyes stayed on a huge semi-circular bar on the south side. Behind the bar, there were at least a thousand kinds of fine wine in two huge wine cabinets, and three bartenders were busy mixing drinks inside.

"It looks familiar. These are the people Boss Fury found from the Bartenders Guild. I'm also one of the bartenders today, so I'll get busy first. Brother Fury is over there." Ji Yeshang pointed Refers to the place where the food is placed. Fury was standing there eating big mouthfuls, and among the students chatting in twos and threes in the auditorium, no one approached him.

Ji Dong watched Ji Yeshang go to the bar. Looking at the gorgeous ball in front of him, he couldn't help being a little lost. He recalled his past life in his mind. At that time, wasn't he often invited to such balls? There are also higher specifications than this. I still remember that I had a rule at that time that I only made one glass of wine at any dance party, and asked the most beautiful lady in the party to taste it. Any girl who drank her own wine at the ball will become the focus of entertainment and gossip after the party, and is called Dionysus' hand-picked.

Time has passed, and now I am no longer the God of Dionysus who hand-picked beauties, but just a student of the Tiangan Academy in the Five Elements Continent. Memories are a kind of beauty, but it doesn't mean that Ji Dong doesn't like the current life. A person can have two ways of living, he is already very satisfied, not to mention, in this life, let him know Lie Yan, the perfection that makes him dream. Compared with Lie Yan, what are those girls hand-picked by Dionysus in the previous life

"Ji Dong." A tentative voice sounded from the side. Ji Dong turned his head to look, and it was Lan Baoer who called him.

Today's Lan Baoer is very beautiful, wearing a purple evening dress with the same eye color as hers. Her long silver hair is not coiled up on top of her head like other female students of Yin Yang Academy, it is just loosened behind her back, soft and coordinated. Thinly applied makeup and powder, looking at Ji Dong with surprise in his eyes. The girl's unique fresh breath was sent to Ji Dong's nose under the evening wind, and he was intoxicated by the smell.

"I thought you really weren't coming." Lan Baoer walked up to Ji Dong in a few steps and looked at him with a smile.

Ji Dong smiled bitterly and said, "I didn't intend to come, but today the cafeteria won't fire, and if I don't come, I won't have food. What do you think I should do?"

Lan Baoer chuckled, and said: "I don't know how many people want to participate in this dance, but you seem to be very reluctant. The dance has just started, if you are hungry, go eat something."

Ji Dong nodded, "I'll go back after eating something. Have fun." He said, walking straight to Fu Rui who was also eating.

Looking at Ji Dong's back and his school uniform, which was different from the one present, Lan Baoer couldn't help but lose his mind for a while, Ji Dong, Ji Dong, why do you always maintain such a sense of distance from me? Am I not beautiful enough

Ji Dong came to Fu Rui, Fu Rui laughed and said: "Little brother, come quickly, this thing is rare. Eat more."

On a huge tray in front of Fury, there is a large fish with a length of three meters. The body of the fish is cut from the middle, and the bones of the fish have been removed. . On the side of the plate, there are some fish roes the size of soybean grains that look like ice beads. There was no doubt that this was the ice and snow dragon fish that Ji Yeshang was talking about.

I can't tell that this fish looks like a dragon, but he is proficient in wine and has a certain research on food. From the color of the fish, it can be seen that this fish is extremely fresh, and it is the best raw food.

Picking up a plate from the side and putting the seasoning on it, Ji Dong stood beside Fu Rui and picked up a piece of fish with a fork, dipped it in the plate and put it in his mouth.

Immediately, the taste of the fish meat mixed with the seasoning melted in the mouth like a spring, and the cold and fresh ocean breath instantly filled the senses, and even Ji Dong's pickiness couldn't help admiring, "It's so fresh sashimi. The taste is very pure, without any miscellaneous smell, brother, you are very good at choosing a place! Others are afraid of you if they don't come here."

Fu Rui chuckled and said, "Little brother, since I met you, I have laughed more times than in the past few years combined. In their eyes, I am the cold and ruthless Lei Di. Naturally, I dare not get too close. This way Well, let’s enjoy this good thing first, brothers. It’s not that I didn’t ask them to eat it. To be honest, if I didn’t hear that there is a rare ice and snow arowana at the dance, I wouldn’t come.”

Hearing what he said, Ji Dong couldn't help laughing, "We really deserve to be brothers! I'm here for this too."

The two brothers were not polite, they ate big, and they picked good places to eat, and eating fish roe was like wind and clouds. Even Ji Dong couldn't help but feel a little greedy for the umami taste brought by the bursting of each roe in his mouth.

Even if the other students looked this way, they only dared to take a sneak peek from the corner of their eyes. Fortunately, this ice and snow dragon fish was huge, even if the brothers Ji Dong and Fu Rui could eat it, it was impossible to eat it. It's over.