Jiu Shen

Chapter 16: The first class (below)


"In our Southern Fire Empire, the attributes of Chinese people are almost all fire. Therefore, what we teach in Lihuo Academy is naturally only suitable for us. Cinghuo and Dinghuo, which is the Yin-Yang magician department you belong to now. In addition The eight lines belong to other empires."

Xia Tian drew a large rectangle on the other side of the blackboard, and then divided the rectangle into five parts according to the top, bottom, left, and right sides, and wrote the words "South Fire Empire" on the bottom part.

"Assuming our Five Elements Continent is a rectangle, then our Southern Fire Empire is naturally located in the southernmost part, and the southern part belongs to fire, which is most suitable for people with our fire attribute to live in. By analogy, I think you should also understand the origins of the other four empires." That's right, they are the Northern Water Empire in the north, the Xijin Empire in the west, the East Wood Empire in the east, and the Middle Earth Empire, which occupies the largest area in the center of the continent. Our title of Five Elements Continent comes from this .”

As he spoke, he wrote the names of the four empires on the other four parts. At the same time, he also marked the location of Lihuo City on the west side of the Southern Fire Empire, and tapped with the pen in his hand, "We are Lihuo City, right here."

"Is there anyone who doesn't understand what I just said? If you don't understand, just say it now. I won't repeat these most basic things in the future."

Ji Dong had to admit that this rough-tempered teacher Xia was very organized in his lectures, from simple to deep, simple and easy to understand. Through text, graphics, and narration, it clearly explained the division of the ten divisions of Onmyoji and the origins of the five empires of the Five Elements Continent. Students who can pass the assessment will definitely not be stupid, and no one raised any doubts.

"Okay, since no one has any questions, let's continue. Boys of the Binghuo department, you have to listen clearly. What I'm going to talk about next is our Binghuo department."

When it comes to the Bing fire system, Xia Tian is obviously invigorated, and the tone of his voice has also increased a bit, "Bing fire represents Yang fire, the fire of yang and rigidity, like the sun's sunlight, is full of heat energy radiated outward. Bing is in the sky. The meaning of yin and yang is the sun. Therefore, our Bing fire system is like the sun shining, and it is also a violent bursting fire. Among the ten series of yin and yang magicians, in terms of single-body attack ability, we are second only to the Gengjin system, but in terms of overall Outburst of aggressiveness, we are definitely the strongest. At the same time, according to the five elements, our Binghuo Department is exactly the Wanke Gengjin Department. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with saying that we are the number one Yin-Yang magician in attack. You guys You must remember the word masculine for me, not only your abilities in the future, but also your mentality. Only with a masculine body can you bring out the strength and fierceness of the Binghuo element."

Teacher Qiu walked to Xia Tian's side, smiled slightly, and said: "Teacher Xia just introduced Bing Huo to the students of the Bing Fire Department, so now I will also introduce our Ding Huo to you. It is also Fire, but because of the difference between Yin and Yang They are differentiated by difference. If Binghuo belongs to the daytime, then our Dinghuo belongs to the fire at night. Dinghuo is candlelight, dark fire, stove fire, lights of thousands of families, fireworks in the world, and fireworks blooming in the sky. It is a single spark that starts a prairie fire on the ground. Binghuo illuminates all things, and Dinghuo illuminates one side. Dinghuo is soft, and the inner nature is fused. Although we are not as fierce as Binghuo, we have the most powerful yin and yang magic power of the ten series Adhesive and corrosive, we can't compare with Binghuo in an instant burst of attack, but once the enemy is hit by our Dinghuo, then what it has to endure is continuous burning. Binghuo and Dinghuo Fire has its own characteristics, just like the ten lines of yin and yang magic power have their own characteristics. The five elements are mutually restraining, and there is no absolutely powerful one line of magic power. When you are at the level of mutual restraint, then you can become the strongest."

At this time, Teacher Xia had already stepped aside, and handed over the task of teaching to Qiu. Teacher Qiu continued: "The next thing I'm going to talk about is also the most important part of our big class today. You must listen carefully, and ask questions immediately, because it will affect whether you can successfully graduate from Lihuo Academy. Graduation and become a true Onmyoji."

Speaking of this, the smile on Qiuqiao's face has subsided, and she said in a deep voice: "I believe that most of you have heard of the Yin-Yang crown, and know that the Yin-Yang crown is the symbol of our Yin-Yang magician, and I will talk about it next." The most important thing is the true symbolic meaning of the Yin-Yang Crown, its specific classification, and its function."

While talking, Qiu came out from behind the podium, and nodded to Xia Tian next to him. The two stood side by side at a distance of five meters. They simultaneously raised their arms from both sides of their bodies slowly, palms facing upwards.

Puff, amidst the exclamation of the students, a group of crimson flames appeared on the palms of Xia Tian's hands, and a group of blue flames appeared on the palms of Qiu Qiu's hands, and the dazzling flame light immediately attracted everyone. The eyes of all students.

Strong red light and dense blue light also rose from the two teachers respectively. Ji Dong sitting in the front row could clearly feel that the red light released from Xia Tian was the same as that released by Yang Bingtian that day. With aggressive heat, the fiery red flame caused the temperature in the air to rise sharply. On the other hand, the blue light on Mr. Qiu's body and the blue flame on his hand seem to have no temperature at all. On the surface, they are far less magnificent than Mr. Xia's red flame, which is full of blazing heat, but it will give people a sense of depth. The fear, even when looking at the blue flame, it will make people feel a little chill in the bottom of their hearts. Obviously, this is Binghuo representing Yanghuo and Dinghuo representing Yinhuo. But no matter what kind of flame it is, when they release their magic power, the outer circle of the red and blue rays of light has a faint golden edge.

A transparent phantom appeared behind each of Xia Tian and Autumn. The color of the phantom was the same as the color of the magic power released by them. At this time, Ji Dong saw that they were different from Yang Bingtian. It is also of the Bing fire element, but the phantom of the fire bird that appeared behind Xia Tian is much thinner than that of Yang Bingtian. Like a light air current.

The phantom that appeared behind Mr. Qiu was not a fire bird, but a big blue snake lying on a coil, which was also very illusory and couldn't be seen clearly.