Jiu Shen

Chapter 160: Bartending and challenges


Steadily catching the shaker with one hand, Ji Dong's eyes were completely focused on Lieyan Jiaoyan, without looking at the shaker, his right hand just shook naturally.

The him at this time is different from the bartending in the past. When he was bartending in the past, he had nothing but wine in his heart, but now he only has flames in his eyes and in his heart. Shaking the right hand of the shaker is completely based on instinct. But it was at this time that his inner emotions reached an unprecedented level.

In the transparent crystal shaker, the liquor gradually mixes into a bright red color, and the magnificent color creates dazzling curves as the shaker dances in the air. Seeing Ji Dong mixing drinks, Fu Rui couldn't help turning his gaze over. When he found that Ji Dong used only one hand to mix drinks, he couldn't help feeling a little disappointed. However, soon, his gaze became frozen, and he couldn't help blurting out: "Is this okay?"

The red wine gradually condensed into shape in mid-air. Although there was only one hand, Ji Dong's movements became faster and faster. All the people around could see was the crystal red brought by the beating mixing pot. But Ji Dong's arm could no longer be seen.

Suddenly, Ji Dong's eyes lit up, and the movements of his hands suddenly doubled. The crystal red color actually condensed into a shape in the midair, no longer in the form of the sun in the past. This time, the crystal red color unexpectedly A red heart was condensed in the air. Under the illumination of the glazed palace lantern, the red heart was constantly repeating the process of shrinking and expanding above Ji Dong's head, as if the heart was beating.

Bang bang, bang bang, bang bang. The sound of the beating heart really appeared, and with every twinkle of the red heart, every contraction and expansion, the powerful sound of the beating heart sounded at the ball. People who were dancing on the dance floor couldn't help but set their eyes on Ji Dong's head. Lan Bao'er even covered her mouth with both hands. There was only one thought in her mind, how wonderful it would be if this red heart was beating because of me.

However, only Lan Baoer and Ji Yeshang next to him could see that the sound of the beating heart was produced by Ji Dong tapping the wooden board at the bottom of the bar with his toes, but, coupled with the shining and beating red heart, But it is so harmonious.

Just like what Ji Dong himself said, this is a kind of wine that he has never mixed before, and even the way of mixing it is something he came up with on the spur of the moment. The difficulty is far inferior to that of Yi She Nine Suns and Nine Heavens Fairy Down to the Mortal World that he had used before. But its significance is far greater than skills.

Lie Yan's eyes have become curved like the moon, and her face is full of soft smiles. Her hand also subconsciously clenched Ji Dong's hand.

At this moment, suddenly, a yellow ray of light passed through quietly, piercing into the red heart above Ji Dong's head, with a crisp sound, the beating red heart broke, and the red wine poured down, bringing The ice shards condensed by Lan Baoer sprinkled Ji Dong's head and face.

Everyone in the audience was stunned, and they turned their gazes to the direction of the yellow light, and saw Ji Yifeng's raised hand slowly fall.

Ji Yifeng's handsome face was slightly distorted, and his eyes were full of jealousy, resentment and other emotions.

When Ye Xin left, he was sluggishly there, attracted by Ji Dong's bartending, seeing the flames that were many times more beautiful than Ye Xin, looking at Ji Dong with a smile, and then thinking about himself The past with Ye Xin, the fire of jealousy in his heart suddenly rose to an unbearable level. Finally, he couldn't help but destroy the perfection in front of him. That ray of yellow light was emitted by him.

"Bastard." Fury shouted angrily, and rushed towards Ji Yifeng with one stride.

At this moment, the eyes of all the disciples of Yin Yang Academy showed righteous indignation, even those who were usually on good terms with Ji Yifeng were no exception. In their eyes, Ji Dong's bartending technique was as perfect as a flame, and they watched this perfection be destroyed by external forces. How could they not be filled with righteous indignation? What's more, Ji Dong's mixing wine for Lie Yan has nothing to do with Ji Yifeng.

A huge earthen wall appeared out of thin air and suddenly separated Ji Yifeng and Fu Rui. Ji Yifeng's icy voice sounded, "Fu Rui, don't forget that the academy does not prohibit challenges, but private fighting. If you dare to touch me, not only you will not be able to eat it." Go on, even director Zhu Rong will have to deal with you. I just broke a shaker."

Boom, the one-meter-thick earth wall shattered like paper in front of Lei Di Furui, "I don't care what school rules are, Ji Yifeng, I have been displeased with you for a long time. Don't think you are a middle-earth The grandson of the current emperor of the empire, I dare not do anything to you, at worst, I will kill you and leave Tiangan Academy."

In mid-air, the terrifying thunder power frantically condensed, and the glazed palace lanterns in the entire ball began to flicker. Although they were not supported by electrical energy, they were affected by the violent magic power of the thunder element, and everyone present felt paralyzed. .

"Brother, stop." At this moment, a deep and cold voice, as if from hell, suddenly came to mind.

Fury had already released his six thunder-attributed sun crowns, but he also paused his movements amidst the sound. His and Ji Yifeng's gazes also turned towards the direction of the voice at the same time.

The bright red wine made Ji Dong look very embarrassed. He had already let go of Lie Yan's hand at this time, because he didn't want the wine on his body to flow down and contaminate Lie Yan.

If it is said that his gaze was as hot as fire in the last moment, then at this moment, his gaze is filled with endless chill like ancient black ice.

"Xiao Ji moved." Lie Yan called him softly.

Ji Dong turned his head and forced a smile to Lie Yan. Then he turned around resolutely and walked towards Ji Yifeng with big strides.

Lie Yan was a little dazed, she didn't expect what happened tonight at all, she couldn't imagine that her arrival would make Ji Dong move like that, let alone that the dance with him under the starry sky would make her heart beat faster in excitement, Unexpectedly, Ji Dong would make fine wine in such a way. When Ji Dong resolutely turned around and walked towards Ji Yifeng, Lie Yan found that he seemed to be unable to control him more and more. Since the Suzaku incident last time, Ji Dong seems to no longer be obedient like a disciple, but the more she is like this, the easier it is for her to be infected by Ji Dong's domineering masculinity.

"Junior brother, don't worry, I won't let this guy go." Lei Di's eyes sparkled, looking at his creepy gaze, Ji Yifeng had already woken up, and couldn't help feeling regretful. He never imagined that in Lei Di's eyes, his little junior was so important. However, since things have been done, regret will not have any effect.

"Brother, let me handle this matter myself." Ji Dong walked up to Fu Rui and nodded to him.

Fu Rui froze for a moment, the anger in his eyes gradually faded, because he found that the cold light in Ji Dong's eyes made even him shudder. I thought to myself, little junior brother, what exactly do you want to do

Ji Dong turned around and looked at Ji Yifeng. At this time, Ji Yifeng had already released his Yang Crown because of the tremendous pressure from Lei Di. Five crowns and four semi-crown stars demonstrate his powerful strength as a grand master of the Wutu system at level 59. Although it is still far from Fu Rui's level 69, among the students of the entire Yin-Yang Academy, his strength is still the same. The strongest one besides Fury.

Wiping off the alcohol on his face, Ji Dong said coldly: "Give me a reason."

Ji Yifeng sneered, "Do you need a reason? Seeing that you don't like me, is this a reason? Who do you think you are? How many levels do you have? Two crowns or three crowns? Do you dare to imitate Lei Di? All good girls want to be with your brothers? Yexin has refused to make out with me until now, is it because she always has Fu Rui in her heart? What are you? Hey, why? You tell me, what are you doing?"

Ji Dong didn't get angry, but just nodded to Ji Yifeng, "I'll tell you why." While speaking, he flicked his right hand, and with a clatter, the token with the characters No. 49 hit the black ground on the ground. on the marble floor. He said decisively: "Special No. 49, Ji Dong of the fire department, challenges you."

"Junior brother, no." Fu Rui was in a hurry, he never thought that Ji Dong would be so vigorous.

Ji Yifeng was also a little stunned, "You want to challenge me? Special No. 49 challenges Special No. 2?"

Fu Rui grabbed Ji Dong, "Little brother, quickly take back your token. This is not a joke. He can't find a reason to deal with you."

Ji Dong looked back at Fu Rui, and said calmly: "Senior brother, my strength is not enough. However, if someone insults my lover in front of me, if I still don't respond, then I am just like him. Could it be a special turtle? Don't stop me, or brother won't do anything."

"You say I'm a coward?" Ji Yifeng's painful foot was stepped on, and his whole body trembled in anger. In fact, everyone present has a steelyard in their hearts. At the beginning of the dance, facing the pressure brought by Fu Rui, Ji Yifeng flinched and let Ye Xin out. At this time, Ji Dong was only in his teens, but with the rank of No. 49, he brazenly challenged him, No. 2. A simple comparison can already make people understand many things.

"Okay, okay, okay." Ji Yifeng bent down and picked up the token thrown by Ji Dong, "I accept your challenge. According to the internal challenge rules of Yin Yang Academy, the ranking difference between the two sides is more than ten places, the challenge method, time, The location is determined by the lowest ranking."

Ji Dong said coldly: "The challenge location is here, the challenge time, now, the fighting method is to attack each other, one person at a time, when attacked, you can't dodge, you can only defend, and the two sides take turns until one of them falls down."

Ji Dong fully demonstrated to many students of Yin Yang School what is simple and rude. The challenge method he proposed is undoubtedly the simplest. The challenge is even more forthcoming now. Everyone couldn't help but sweat for him. After all, there is a difference of forty-seven places between the two sides in Yin Yang Academy! Although they didn't know what level Ji Dong's strength could reach, no matter what, there was a huge gap between him and Ji Yifeng in front of him. Moreover, the challenge method he chose was undoubtedly powerful for Ji Yifeng. What the Wutu system is best at is defensive counterattack. The soil first conquers water, the second conquers fire, and it is so suppressed that Ji Dong can't have a half chance.

Ji Yifeng also took out a token, and handed it to Fu Rui together with Ji Dong's token, "Fu Rui, you are the head of Yin Yang Academy, there is no teacher here, please come and witness this challenge for us."

In the Yin Yang Academy, low-ranking disciples challenge high-ranking disciples, and even the directors of the school cannot stop them. This is a rule that has lasted for hundreds of years, and it is useless for Fury to be anxious at this time.

After receiving the token from Ji Yifeng, Fu Rui said in a low voice: "If you don't want to die, don't hurt my little junior brother. Otherwise..." The powerful oppressive force emanating from Lei Di made Ji Yifeng a little hysterical before The mood completely calmed down. Ji Dong's challenge was too much for him to win. If he really hurt Ji Dong, the Lei Di in front of him would not let him go.

"Ji Dong, come here." Lie Yan's voice sounded, Ji Dong turned to look at her, hesitated a little, but still walked over.

Coming to Lie Yan, Ji Dong's eyes flashed with determination, "Lie Yan, don't dissuade me, I know what I'm doing. No one can insult you, not even God."

Lie Yan smiled slightly, "Did I say that I want to stop you? If I really don't want you to continue this fight, I won't use words to dissuade you. Listen to me..." While talking, she bent down, Saying something in Ji Dong's ear.

Listening to her words, Ji Dong was taken aback for a moment, then nodded slowly, the chill in his eyes was filled with other things.

Soon, Lie Yan finished speaking, and before Ji Dong could react, he said softly: "You know, little Ji Dong, you are the first man to fight for me. I'll wait for you to come back and tell me the glass of wine you just made name."

The coldness in Ji Dong's eyes turned into hotness again. The difference from before is that the hotness in his eyes is now a little more wild. Turning around, he walked towards Ji Yifeng with his head held high.

Ji Yifeng was still a little hesitant at this moment, but the challenge had already been agreed, and he was about to continue. He couldn't afford to offend Fu Rui, and his life was at stake on the holy and evil battlefield. Make a gesture of invitation to Ji Dong, "You start first."

Ji Dong's eyes lit up, and his hands slowly lifted from both sides of his body...

Episode 7 Sunshine Cone