Jiu Shen

Chapter 162: Escape from college


"Brother, what are you doing?" Ji Dong asked suspiciously. After casting the Sun Cone, his whole body became a little fragile. After being bumped by Zilei Yaotianlong, his whole body was in pain, and he had to take out another third-order crystal nucleus to absorb the magic power.

Lei Di Furui looked Chen Sishui, "Little brother, you have caused trouble. You shouldn't have killed that guy. I checked, and Ji Yifeng is dead and can't die anymore. I have been on guard against him killing you, but I didn't Come to think of it, he was the one who was killed."

Ji Dong smiled bitterly and said, "I didn't intend to kill him, but I couldn't control the power of that blow. Senior brother, if you confiscate your hand during the challenge, I am willing to bear the punishment of the academy. You don't have to make things difficult for me."

"Punishment? If you don't leave, you will die." Fury said angrily, "Do you know who you killed? That is the current emperor grandson of the Middle-earth Empire, the heir to the imperial throne. The current emperor of the Middle-earth Empire is only one The direct son died of illness in his early years. Just such a grandson of a direct blood relative. It can be said to be a single lineage. Like Ji Yeshang, although he is also a member of the royal family of the Middle Earth Empire, he is a side branch. If it is Ji Yeshang who died , with Tiangan Academy's status on the mainland, maybe you won't have too much of a problem. But the person who died was the heir of a country, which is a big problem. Even the dean of our Tiangan Academy, Ji Mingxuan, is also The former emperor of the Middle-Earth Empire, that is, Ji Yifeng's profound ancestor, is the grandfather of the current Emperor of the Middle-Earth Empire. Under such circumstances, how could they let you go."

Ji Dong never expected that he would cause such a catastrophe under the righteous indignation, but his heart was still full of pleasure, and he didn't regret it at all. For the sake of Lie Yan, let alone killing a grandson of the emperor, even if he killed the emperors of the five great empires today, he would not frown.

"Brother, I have caused you trouble."

Zi Leiyao Tianlong flew fast, and Fu Rui looked down at Ji Dong in surprise, "Little brother, you can still be so calm at this time, I really want to give you a new look. It seems that you have a lot of secrets yourself. However, now is not the time to talk about these things. Lei Ting's goal is too obvious. After leaving the city, I will put you down. The farther you go, the better. Don't come back again. Find a chance to return to our Southern Fire Empire. "

Ji Dong said: "Brother, will you be in trouble then?"

Fury laughed, "Don't worry. I'm the Earl of the Five Kingdoms, and I wasn't the one who killed Ji Yifeng. What can they do to me? Who can prove that I took you away? In fact, I have always disliked him , but because of his status, I didn't really do anything to him, but you did it for me. Junior brother, if it wasn't for the fact that the teacher is not in the academy, I wouldn't be so anxious to take you away. With the teacher there , at least you will be treated fairly. But not now, even the teacher can't stop them. If there are too many people hunting you, you can go to Diling Mountain to find Suzaku for a while. She should be absolutely safe Yes. Well, out of town."

Zi Leiyao Tianlong's flying speed is so fast, the two brothers and sisters have already flown out of the Central Plains City after talking for a while. Vaguely, Ji Dong has already seen that there seem to be several rays of light approaching rapidly in the air behind.

Under Fury's command, Zilei Yaotianlong retracted its wings and landed down. Fury said in a low voice, "Little brother, take care, we brothers must meet again one day. I hope that by then you will have become a The real strong. Jump."

Just when Zilei Yaotianlong was about to get close to the ground, Fu Rui slammed Ji Dong's body with one hand, and threw him out with a strong force. The force was a bit involved, and Ji Dong quickly landed on both feet. Rolling over has already dissipated the momentum. Zi Lei Yao Tianlong drew a huge arc as if it had never stayed, and flew into the air again. Ji Dong also clearly saw that Fu Rui was waving at him.

Because Zilei Yaotianlong didn't stop at all, the lightning light on his body was even more obvious. As he changed direction and accelerated, the rays of light that were chasing after him also turned at the same time, chasing him closely. He could even vaguely feel the fluctuations of various elements erupting in the air to an unimaginable degree.

Ji Dong still clearly remembers that Fury once told him that he is not the only dragon magician in Tiangan Academy, there is no doubt that there should be several others chasing him. All of them are strong in the magician world.

The bursts of weakness made Ji Dong feel that his eyelids were heavy, and his whole body seemed to be falling apart. Even the body soaked in dragon's blood was limp and weak at this moment. Even he himself didn't expect that the Flame King's nirvana, which he realized under the influence of Suzaku Bian, would be so powerful. Even if the opponent doesn't pay much attention to him, but after all, he is the opponent who ranks second in the Yin Yang Academy and has a magic power of fifty-nine levels! But he was instantly killed by his charged attack that broke through the defense in an instant. Although Ji Dong took a lot of advantages in the way of the game and other aspects, the attack power of his Flame King's nirvana is beyond doubt.

Killing the opponent, Ji Dong didn't feel any guilt in his heart. Ji Yifeng broke the fine wine he made for Lie Yan, which was an unforgivable crime in his heart.

Reminiscing about the moment when Lie Yan was astonished when he appeared at the ball, Ji Dong couldn't help showing a faint smile at the corner of his mouth. He could clearly feel the changes that Lie Yan had made to him. But why does she want to practice in closed doors? Isn't her strength even Suzaku's position timid? Compared with his current situation, Ji Dong is more worried about Lie Yan. The more Lie Yan didn't say anything, the more this worry in his heart became stronger.

The night dew filled the air, and it was somewhat tidal. Ji Dong knew that he couldn't stay here for too long, but how could the Flame King's ultimate move be so easy to use. According to the normal situation, at least until Ji Dong's cultivation reaches the five crowns, it is possible to use the two kings' nirvana. And after relying on the Suzaku Change to induce the Suzaku Inner Armor to merge with himself, coupled with the stimulation of two fourth-order crystal nuclei and his own extremely strong killing intent in an instant, he suddenly realized the Flame King's special kill technique of banning hundreds of thousands, Sun Cone. Not to mention Ji Dong himself, even if he was taught to arouse the flames of Suzaku, he never thought of it. Lie Yan's original idea was just to hope that Ji Dong could use Suzaku's inner armor to explode stronger attack power, coupled with the ultimate fire of the two kings and Ji Dong's dual-line combo skills, to inflict heavy damage on the opponent. But who would have thought that what Ji Dong had comprehended would reach the level of a nirvana, and the situation would change dramatically in one fell swoop. The nirvana of the two kings is not comparable to the nirvana that can be used after three crowns in the normal mode.

At the beginning, when Ji Dong met the fire magician in the Earth Spirit Mountain Range and attacked him with a special attack, it was because of the breath of the opponent's special attack that aroused the will of Ji Dong's two kings to erupt, and thus a dark secret appeared. The phantom of the Flame Demon King instantly destroys the opponent's ultimate move. This is still not enough for Ji Dong's cultivation. If his strength can be stronger, he can even be immune to all fire attributes.

Therefore, after using the ultimate skill of the Flame King, Ji Dong's own magic power has been completely overdrawn. If he hadn't had the protection of Suzaku's inner armor and the chance that his body was soaked in dragon blood, he might have died at the dance. Straight out of a coma due to overdraft.

Now he can't leave even if he wants to, and his physical condition doesn't allow him to leave at all. Even Fu Rui didn't know that Ji Dong had been overdrawn to such an extent.

Gritting his teeth, Ji Dong turned over and got up, surrounded by darkness, where Fury put him down was in a bush next to a forest. The dilapidated clothes on his body were cut into strips by the bushes. But it didn't hurt his skin at all. Binghuo Divine Beast Suzaku pierced his skin with its phoenix feathers stained with several kinds of natural materials and earth treasures. The so-called Suzaku inner armor is actually a part of his skin, or the energy contained in the skin. Its great effect will gradually become apparent as Ji Dong's strength gradually improves. If it weren't for the fact that Suzaku's inner armor is extremely miraculous, how could Lie Yan reciprocate and ask Ji Dong to send Suzaku a lotus seed from her natal red lotus

Pa—, a third-tier fire crystal nucleus in his hand turned into powder again, absorbing the magic power that should be full of a three-crown fire magician, but Ji Dong just felt a little better. His ultimate twin flames are different from ordinary flames. After ordinary flames are purified and filtered, only a small part becomes ultimate twin flames. Not to mention the third-order crystal core, even two fourth-order crystal cores can barely replenish his current magic power.

Ji Dong knew that he couldn't stay here for long. What he killed was the heir to the throne of the Middle-Earth Empire. Once he was caught, his death would be the lightest thing. If you want to leave here as soon as possible, you must first recover your magic power and physical strength. Quickly drilled into the forest, walked as deep as possible, and stopped in a particularly dense forest in the forest.

The dizziness became stronger than before. Ji Dong sat down cross-legged in the bushes, holding a fourth-order fire crystal nucleus in each of his hands. Fortunately, he had gained a lot in the Diling Mountains last time, and now he is using his skills Land, regardless of luxury, he must recover as soon as possible.

The will sank into the magic power, and Ji Dong summoned the fire element outside, and at the same time began to quickly absorb the magic power in the two fourth-order crystal nuclei. Increase the recovery speed of your cultivation base as much as possible.

Central Plains City, Imperial Palace.

Pa—, the teacup rolled from his hands and fell to the ground, smashing into powder.

The body of the old man in the golden robe swayed, and his face suddenly became extremely ugly. The golden robe worn by this old man is extremely elegant, and on his chest is the earth-type totem Tianyi in the shape of a three-eyed whale. The back is embroidered with the totem of the Wutu system, the silver big bird and the sky. Wearing a purple gold crown with seven treasures on his head, he is the current emperor of the Middle Earth Empire, Ji Yunlu.

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible. In the Yin-Yang Academy, besides Lei Di Fu Rui, who else can surpass my grandson Yi Feng? Even if Fu Rui makes a move, it is impossible to kill him in one blow. The magic system that is best at defense. I don't believe it. I don't believe it." Ji Yunlu usually gives people a deep and gentle feeling, but at this moment, the emperor of the largest empire in the Bright Five Elements Continent has completely messed up his mind . Because his only direct bloodline heir died just like that. And not even the corpse was left, it had already been reduced to ashes. How can he accept it

"My condolences to Your Majesty, the dead cannot be brought back to life. The most important thing right now is to find out the truth, and to catch the murderer to avenge His Highness the Emperor Taisun. However, it is related to the Yin-Yang School of Tiangan Academy. Your Majesty must be cautious in handling this matter." Standing in the bedroom is only a middle-aged man in his fifties wearing a golden robe. Gold is the most noble symbol in the Middle-Earth Empire, and generally only members of the royal family can wear it.

Ji Yunlu's face turned pale, and a savage light flashed through his eyes, "Li Ming, you should investigate this matter. No matter what method you use, you must bring the murderer back to me. I will go to Tiangan Academy in person now. Please Grandpa and his old man make the decision for Yifeng."

"Yes, Your Majesty." When the middle-aged man called Li Ming answered, his figure had quietly disappeared, and the speed was as fast as a golden streamer.

It wasn't just the Imperial Palace of the Middle Earth Empire that was in chaos, the entire Tiangan Academy was also in chaos. I don't know how many years this has happened. If an ordinary student died unfortunately during the exchange of ideas, it would not be a big deal to Tiangan Academy. But this time the one who died was the No. 2 figure of the Yin Yang Academy, the grandson of the emperor of the Middle Earth Empire, and the next emperor. The only direct great-great-grandson of Ji Mingxuan, the dean of Tiangan Academy.

Ji Mingxuan stood in front of a piece of ashes, holding a khaki-colored fifth-order crystal crown in his hand, with an uncertain expression on his face. No one around him dared to approach him, because everyone could feel that the dean might explode at any time.

It didn't take long, and in the distance, five lights and shadows of different colors approached at a high speed, and the ones flying in the front were Lei Di Fu Rui and his Zi Lei Yao Tian Long.

It wasn't until they returned that Ji Mingxuan slowly raised his head, the light in his eyes faltering.

Amidst the deep dragon chant, Zilei Yaotianlong was the first to land, and the flying speed of this eighth-order giant dragon was not caught up by the people behind after all.

Among the four rays of light that landed next, two of them were also eighth-order giant dragons, but their attributes were different from Zilei Yaotianlong. In addition, there were two big birds of different shapes, which were seventh-order monsters. On the backs of these four powerful monsters, each sat a director of Tiangan Academy. In the entire Tiangan Academy, only the Warcraft partners of these four directors can fly. One of them is Zhu Rong, who has an eighth-level fire dragon.

"You bastard, why are you running? Where's Ji Dongren? What's going on?" Zhu Rong jumped off the fire dragon's back, and immediately dodged in front of Fu Rui, asking angrily.